My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 259 :Preparation for mandatory call [Chapter 4]

Akainu left, Ximen Qin has also begun to wonder how to make him pay for his so-called absolute justice.

"Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, things are very serious now, you need to think carefully."

Sengoku can be said to be polite. Facing the Whitebeard Pirates, now every additional Marine with Admiral power can bring a chance for victory, and his plan will be more certain.

Execution Ace, this is declaring war on the Whitebeard Pirates, and also declaring war on all the pirates in the world. The execution of the last bloodline of Roger, the pirate king, can make many pirate groups fear and suppress the arrogance of the pirates to the greatest extent.

At the same time, it can also be very helpful for Marine's weak strength in New World.

-If the number of Four Emperors of Kun is in New World is reduced by one, then the pattern of the entire New World will be changed instantly. Even if the Whitebeard Pirates finally return to New World, they will be in a difficult situation without a strong captain. In addition, more than forty pirate groups under the Whitebeard pirate group will also be attacked by other pirate groups.

To completely end the power of the Whitebeard Pirates in New World, let alone the redhead, the other two would be happy to see such a situation.

So, this is an opportunity for Marine to grow in New World, an excellent opportunity.

This is Sengoku's plan, and it is also the plan of the World government.The battle with Whitebeard can only be won but not defeated!

"Marshal Sengoku, I still know which one is more important. When this war is over, when Akainu and I have settled our grievances, only one person and I can live."

His words are firm and can't be refuted.

Sengoku sighed deeply, must one die? It's really a crime, and it seems that it's time for him to make a choice.

Ximen Qin stopped talking nonsense with Sengoku, and went straight back to his villa. Now he needs to prepare, prepare a big show, and completely settle this grievance.

"Captain, what happened just now々[?" As soon as he returned to the villa, Nami and others surrounded him. The thundercloud covering the entire Naval Headquarters is very familiar to them. Isn't that the power of Ximen Qin? What, such a powerful force has burst out, is there any enemy in this Naval Headquarters?

"Mr. Captain, what you just said..." There was a touch of worry and care in Robin's eyes.

Ximen Qin shook his head, knowing that what he said in the harbor might have been heard here. The voice was conveyed by thunder, and everyone in the entire headquarters should have heard it.

"It's okay, it's just a bit contradictory with Akainu Admiral. Now, continue training, whether you want to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily, and increase your strength as quickly as possible."

I don't want to talk about these things too much. Ximen Qin went back to his room and wandered around on the chuang to think about what kind of method he should use to kill Akainu in one shot.

Lava-Lava Fruit has several weaknesses in the ability of Logia, that is, the same as Logia's attack, Haki, and the sea.

It would be unrealistic to rely on Haki to destroy Akainu with a single blow, and it would expose oneself in an instant. Although Sengoku had already said in front of them that Akainu would be killed, some things were tacitly understood.

Marine's majesty still needs to be maintained. Let the world know that he killed Akainu with his own hands and Sengoku has not made any movement, it will be a huge pressure for Sengoku and others.

Therefore, Akainu must be destroyed with one blow and not known to the world.

It is possible to use the power of thunder and lightning to complete a one-hit kill, but that kind of movement will be very big, perhaps, it needs to be assisted by another one, sea water!

Sea water is the weakness of all capable people. As long as they enter the sea, the fruit ability of the capable person will be sealed, and the body will also be weak. When the time comes to show the body, it is easy to slaughter him.

Thinking about it this way, combining thunder and lightning capabilities with seawater is the best choice.

Ximen Qin's eyes flashed with brilliance, and a plan gradually appeared in his mind, but it still needed to be continuously improved, and all the possibilities were counted in it to ensure that one hit would kill and never miss.

In his constant thinking, the mandatory convening of Shichibukai was also circulated.

Shichibukai is the seven great pirates recognized by the World government. This concept was first proposed by the Marine hero Garp Vice Admiral, and it has received attention. Seven powerful pirates were found among the pirates in the world to become Shichibukai, and they were given certain privileges, and they were doing some things for the World government, and the two sides had a mutually beneficial relationship.

Under the circumstances that the World government has ordered, Shichibukai accepts a mandatory call to help the World government complete everything, which is within the agreement.

The Shichibukai was forced to call and dispatch, and Shichibukai from all over the country moved quickly. With their own goals, they began to go to Naval Headquarters.

The arrival of Shichibukai is destined to cause a sensation in the world. The execution of Ace has plunged the people of the world into fear. They have been able to predict that something will happen.

Now Shichibukai descended on Naval Headquarters, which further confirmed their thoughts, and for a while, the world began to panic a little.

In the Naval Headquarters, several Shichibukai have arrived, and were directed by Marine soldiers to the conference room where Sengoku is located.

(The money is good)

At the same time, the senior management of Naval Headquarters was quickly called up, and Garp Vice Admiral and Aokiji Admiral rushed to it.

Ximen Qin also received a notice. Four days have passed. Three days later, Ace will be executed. The atmosphere in the headquarters is getting more and more tense. Elite Marines from all over the world have also been gathered in the Naval Headquarters.

One hundred thousand elite Marine, this news quickly spread to the world. This is a prestige, a powerful prestige, which proves the power of Naval Headquarters and also put pressure on the Whitebeard Pirate Group.

Ximen Qin, who was notified, came out of the villa. He had already thought very clearly in the past few days, and then it was time to implement his plan.

w., squeak!"

The door of the Sengoku meeting room was gradually opened, and several people inside were caught in his eyes. .

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