My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 269 :Battle on the Top (5) [Chapter 5]

The swift blow directly solved a captain-level character. Although the Whitebeard pirate group has a very strong reputation, there are many captains on the pirate ship. In the past, these captains are very powerful characters.

But, after all, there are too many, and it is inevitable that the quality is a bit uneven.

"Ding!" A knife blocked the falling weapon next to him, and Ximen Qin slashed horizontally, directly splitting the pirate into two.

"Old smoker, you can't take good care of your lovely subordinate." Ximen Qin smiled and said to Smoker behind him, but he was a good friend who had been away for a few years.

Smoker was holding two cigars, his face was obviously uncomfortable. "Ximen Qin, take care of yourself. Tashigi, although these people are not captains, each of them is a good player against ten. Be careful."

He still cared about his subordinates, Ximen Qin laughed blankly, this guy is still a duck with a hard mouth, he is really not cute.

"Foil Bista gave it to me, great swordsman, what a good head." Ximen Qin took aim at that guy, and rushed towards 913 without saying a word.

Three Admiral's Kizaru Admiral's wretched eyes always looked at the people who were at war, and finally locked Whitebeard, directly used the shave to get out, and taking off Whitebeard's head seems to be able to end the war, right?

"Bachiqiong Gouyu!"

Kizaru's body in mid-air quickly became elemental, a dazzling yellow light shining in the air, and countless light bullets flew from the yellow light towards Whitebeard.

Whitebeard didn't pay attention to Kizaru's attack. His gaze stayed on Garp. That was the guy he wanted to fight. From the perspective of other people, they didn't have that qualification.

The light flare quickly approached. At this time, Whitebeard's first captain, the Phoenix Marco, suddenly rushed down from the Mobile, his half-closed eyes gleaming with a terrifying light.

The cyan flame burning on his body turned into wings and rushed directly towards Kizaru's position. The light bullet passed through his body and did not cause much damage to him. A cyan flame ignited directly on the wound, and the wound quickly recovered.

With one kick, Marco, who flew to the side of Kizaru's body (cbdh), kicked Kizaru and gave Kizaru to Ruifei. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Kizaru's body was elementalized, and he slammed into the fort of the headquarters, but he also Did not suffer much harm.

At the same time, Shichibukai in the rear has never taken a shot. They are waiting. It is not the time for them to take all shots.

Moria looked at the fallen corpses below and swallowed fiercely. These are all materials. Obtaining these materials can increase the power of his zombie army. The last time the collaborator was killed by Ximen Qin, the actual strength of his zombie army was greatly reduced. This time, he had to collect a little body of the strong man and go back to strengthen his strength.

Suddenly, he seemed to have discovered something, and turned his head, "Hawkeye, can't you help it?"

Hawkeye did not look at him, his sharp eyes stared at Whitebeard on the Mobile, the black knife with his hand already on his back. Yak on the handle.

"No, I just want to know how far we are from that man." The black knife was also drawn out after the sentence, and the backhand was swung out by a green blade.


The green blade mang glides across the ice in the inner bay with a dazzling glare. A crack in the field continues to expand behind the blade mang. Wherever the blade mang has passed, the pirates and Marine flee, the world's largest swordsman. Slash, that's no joke.

Whitebeard watched the fast approaching slash and didn't shrink back a bit, standing straight with a naginata in his hand. Now, there is no one worthy of him to take action.

The blade light was getting closer and closer, and when it was about to approach the Moby Dick, a person suddenly jumped out. I saw this person's body condensed with a layer of crystals and directly blocked the blade light in front of him.

"Diamond Joz, it's the third captain Diamond Joz!"

The appearance of this person caused a group of people to exclaim.

However, something that made everyone dumbfounded happened next. I saw Diamond Joz steadily catching the blade. The hard diamond body is his best defense, simply and rudely intercepting the blade. Suddenly, when he raised his hands, he pushed the green slash to the sky, and a puff of air pressure instantly hit everything around him.

Blocked, Diamond Joz blocked the slash of the world's largest swordsman. Ximen Qin naturally noticed this situation, and exclaimed, this guy's defensive power is really not covered.

The slash was blocked, Hawkeye's sharp eyes trembled lightly, and the black knife was placed directly behind him, as if he didn't intend to make another move.

Diamond Joz, who blocked the slash, smiled, how the diamond body looks like a nouveau riche, people can't wait to pick it down and sell some Bailey.

"I want to challenge the old man, I will talk about it after I pass this level." Diamond Joz said so, and then he hit the ice with a punch, and the ice was hit by his powerful punch so that a round shape appeared. Crack, Joz directly grasped the edge of the crack, the power of his whole body erupted, and even directly lifted the ice surface, and the huge ice block was thrown toward the headquarters.

"Cut, one of them is gone, who is here to protect?" Akainu, who has been sitting with his legs knocking until now, said fiercely. The huge ice cube pressed towards this side, and he couldn't help but stop.

"Great Eruption!"

A huge lava fist attack composed of lava is powerful enough to instantly smash and evaporate a large iceberg. The hot magma fist penetrated the huge ice block, almost in an instant, the huge ice block was evaporated by the high temperature and turned into nothingness.

With swift assault, Akainu's fists are so sturdy and shocking.

The Akainu national character who had smashed the ice showed obvious impatience. There were too many pirates below, so let's smash them.

Thinking of this, Akainu's whole body was elementalized, and his arms ignited burning lava and billowing smoke.

"Meteor Volcano!"

With both fists thrown out, countless huge magma fists fell like a meteor shower, directly evaporating the nearby ice.

"Red Dog, you are going to be against me!",

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