My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 274 :Battle on the top (ten)【chapter ten】

The eighth division leader Murloc Namuel, judging from his shark-like teeth, he should be a shark murloc. The teeth of the lower jaw protrude outward like Jinbei, but are smaller than Jinbei's and have three in each row. The figure is short and round, and his hair is quite similar to Moria's garlic head. On the left side of the neck is a number that symbolizes the eighth division. Wearing a white shirt with blue sleeves, the fins on the back look up

It is very eye-catching.

His fighting style is a tyrannical body and a powerful jaw. Born on land, it is twenty times stronger than a human. Coupled with the jaw that can easily crush steel, his combat effectiveness can be expressed in the words sturdy. describe.

Without Devil Fruit's ability, it is still unknown whether there is Haki.

However, this kind of power has made him the captain of the eighth division. If you have Haki again, I am afraid that many people will have to kneel.

Ximen Qin locked the target and quickly attacked and eliminated so many pirate captains. Now it is time to find these captains. As for the more powerful senior captains and Whitebeard, then leave it to the back. The delicious 933 Desserts are always reserved for the last to be interesting.

ーThe sword slashed down, and Na Muir who was struggling with the Marine officer reacted instantly, and his webbed feet stepped hard and got out of the attack range.

Ximen Qin's knife lost its target and slashed towards the Marine officer below. It was so scared that the Marine officers trembled/trembling. Judging from the battle just now, Ximen Qin Vice Admiral's knife is not small. Ruined.

Things weren't as bad as they thought. When Ximen Qin's knife reached them, Ximen Qin changed its direction and used it directly upwards, and then another shave appeared in Thunder Knife. By the side of Long, he took it down properly.

"Yes, I'm saved." Several officers swallowed fiercely and cheered for joy. Anyone who can survive will be very excited.

Ximen Qin fell back to the ground and glanced at him, "Be careful when fighting and always observe the surrounding situation." After that, he rushed towards Na Muir.

"Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, looks like a very good person to say." "Yes, the character is pretty good." "Well, it's a world with Akainu Admiral.

Several officers tweeted a few words and began to attack the pirates again. They should not be allowed to stay and wait on the battlefield.

Ximen Qin had already come to Na Muir's side, and the Thunder Knife Broken the Dragon continued to chop down. Na Muir didn't have any weapons to attack. If you want to talk about weapons, it would be his jaw and his hands.

With a quick wave, the palm of the palm can squeeze the air, drive the air velocity to change and form a shock wave, which can play a strong role in close combat.

If it is an ordinary human, it is difficult to use such a move to carry out a shock wave attack, because the change of the air velocity will change from the gap between the fingers, so that it cannot achieve the effect of the murloc.

The shock wave collided with Ximen Qin's knives one after another, and there would always be a space for the strong to make room for the confrontation. They all knew that when the strong did not get too close when fighting, they would be killed by accidental injury at any time.

A piece of space has been let out. Ximen Qin has already planned it. This task must remove a few captain-level characters. At least those captains who play soy sauce must be removed, leaving a few more sturdy characters. Create a platform for yourself in New World, a platform to fight New World.

The plan has been well planned, and the fifteen captains have been killed two, which attracted a lot of captains to pay attention to this guy.

Vice Admiral, who has been widely promoted all over the world (cbdh), what kind of power does he have?

"Ding Ding Ding!

The shock wave and the knife collided extremely fiercely, Zhou Guowei continued to produce gas explosions, manic air pressure swept everything around, and ice chips kept flying up.

"It's another human head!"

Ximen Qin's eyes flashed, but he seized a loophole in the opponent and attacked decisively, and slashed it down from below.

It is true that murlocs are very powerful on land, and mermaids are generally much taller than humans. This also leads to weak defenses on the bottom plate when fighting with humans, and it is easy to expose flaws.

When Na Muir made continuous shock waves and lifted his feet forward, Ximen Qin sprinted in a short stance, brushed shoulders with the opponent's raised feet, and the Thunder Knife cut the dragon crosswise.

With blood splashing, Ximen Qin made a cut on one of Na Muir's leg, and the advancing body was about to fall down.

It was precisely this opportunity that Ximen Qin grasped accurately. The Thunder Knife Broken Dragon was covered with purple electric lights and jumped up, dived directly from the air, and plunged into Muir's head from the top of his head.


Namuel's pupils shrank for a while, blood spurted from his mouth, and he fell directly to the ground, his vitality fading quickly.

"Three captains, seven captains, a good record."

Ximen Qin exhaled. Since the start of the war, the lives of ten strong men have been harvested. This is a very good result in this battlefield, or it can be said to be the most dazzling result.

The opponents of Akainu and others are not so easy to deal with, either they are besieged by several captains at the same time, or they are the ultimate powerhouse in the captain. For example, Kizaru's opponent is the first team captain Marco.

Marco's power can compete with Admiral's level. The Phoenix's power is the best defense. Just launch a ruthless attack to give up the defense, bear part of the attack and directly rush to the other side to give a few powerful attacks. I am afraid that few people can withstand it. Come on. However, Admiral is not so easy to deal with, especially for people like Kizaru who have the speed of light.

If the fruit is not activated, it is still very difficult for Marco to attack him.

Therefore, the two of them are in a stalemate now. Whether you come and I play is so lively.

After finishing the third captain, Ximen Qin set his sights on the other captain, the captain of the fourteenth division Spydo-Kiel.

However, this time it was destined to not be so easy. When he was preparing to act, a few people suddenly appeared beside him and directly surrounded him.

"Oh, it's really the rhythm of hospitality." Ximen Qin rubbed his nose and said with a smile. .

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