My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 277 :Battle on the Top (13)【Chapter Three】

The two teamed up to block Akainu's attack, and all relying on Armament Haki's use, really showed the strength that a captain-level power should possess.

Akainu's power can be said to be the strongest among the three Admiral. Although the right arm is now abolished by Ximen Qin, the combat power is greatly reduced, but when fighting with these captain-level powerhouses, they can still protect themselves safely, and even force two. A leader-level powerhouse.

Seeing those pirates constantly marching towards the execution platform under the cover of the two captains, Akainu, who insisted on absolute justice, suddenly furious and shouted, "Stop them now!"

The voice fell on, and several Vice Admiral-level powerhouses were quickly reviewed from other corners of the Inner Bay to block the pirate army. The blades and various peculiar fruit forces stopped the pirate army in an instant, and the battle ignited quickly. .

Seeing Akainu, who was assisted by Vice Admiral, was relieved, and his attention returned to the two captains.

"You block him!" Culiair said calmly, and then quickly rushed towards the Marine Vice Admiral. These guys must be killed to create conditions for the rescue of Ace.

Spydo-Kiel rushed directly to Akainu when he heard the words, and rapid impact was his strong point. The swift knight's gun would be full of power during the impact, and it could easily penetrate the body of a giant.

However, Akainu obviously didn't mean to fight him. When he saw that Kuliair rushed towards Vice Admiral, he directly turned around and quickly noticed thick black smoke and magma coming out of his hands in midair.

"Great Eruption!"

It was another punch. This time the target was not the two captains, but the pirate army below. This punch of his can evaporate even a large iceberg in an instant, not to mention these pirate army, one lap can completely destroy most of the pirate army.

It is a good thing for power to gather together, but it also has a disadvantage, that is, it attracts too much firepower and is difficult to dodge when under attack.

Kuliair, who was rushing towards Vice Admiral, felt the hot breath coming from behind him and was shocked. When he quickly turned around, he saw Akainu's magma fist bombarding downwards. The same is true for Nasby Dokiel. I don’t want to speed up and rush to the bottom of the magma fist.

Pick the past.

Kuliair also rushed to him at this time. The two rocket launchers behind him were removed and the trigger was quickly pulled. There were two loud noises, and the two shells with flame tails blasted towards the magma fist.


The magma fist, the knight's gun and the artillery shell collided and exploded, and a powerful shock wave instantly swelled and spread in all directions. At the same time, the magma fist shattered at this time, and there was magma splashing everywhere in the sky, and the pirates below quickly avoided. Fortunately, this power was weakened by the two people a lot, and it did not cause much damage.

Finished and Akainu's determined face sneered, "It's not a good habit to leave without permission while fighting!"

Looking at those Marine Vice Admiral, Akainu's blockage made them not have to directly face those captain-level powerhouses, they could concentrate on cleaning up these pirate army, and the battle continued to escalate.

Spidor Gere snorted coldly. He didn't expect to be stopped by this guy. Now the pirate army is not optimistic. If this continues, it will be easily disintegrated by the opponent.

Surrounding Wei and saving Zhao, Akainu's attack just now turned out to be surrounding Wei and saving Zhao, directly dissolving the pressure that several Marine Vice Admiral is about to face, so that they have time to clean up the Marine army. Akainu, also a character with super intelligence, is very capable of responding to battles.

Don't talk nonsense, now that you know Akainu's purpose, you can only continue to fight.

"Disperse, disperse the attack!" Kuliair yelled. The pirate army, who was a little flustered, immediately found the backbone and quickly spread the battlefield, using a scattered form to weaken the enemy's attack range and minimize casualties.

Afterwards, the three continued to fight together. Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit and the two's Armament Haki were very eye-catching on this battlefield.

On the other side, the pirate regiments under the Whitebeard's banner also formed a powerful assault team, and under the leadership of the captains, they marched towards the execution platform.

Forty-three pirate regiments have been killed by Ximen Qin and seven captains have been killed. The remaining captains deeply understand the strength of unity, and the forty-three pirate regiments are almost twisted into a twine.

However, it was said that the straw hat boy Luffy who had just arrived on the battlefield, after Jinbei and others helped him resolve the crisis, continued on the execution platform, but was blocked when the impact was halfway through, and he was still a very familiar person.

"Luffy, the straw hat boy, it's been a long time." On the ground in front of him, countless sands suddenly condensed into a human shape. The familiar cigar and the familiar golden hook-shaped arm are Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Luffy stared at the person who blocked him in 953 and said, "Get out of the way, don't block me.

"Oh, it's still so awkward, I have to teach you a little more lesson." Crocodile laughed. He had cleaned up the straw hat boy Luffy once in Alabasta before, so now I don't mind to clean him up again, so that he knows that he is in front of you. You can talk to someone, and you can’t talk to someone. Not every time there will be

People help him resolve the crisis!

"Desert Knife!"

The sand crocodile's arms quickly deserted to form a huge desert knife. The desert knife approached Luffy straight, and the ice surface was instantly scratched where it passed, showing its sharpness.

Luffy and Crocodile have fought, and he is naturally familiar with his moves. Knowing the power of this sword, he does not dare to blindly resist. Now he has not fully Master Armament Haki, how can he fight it?

Moreover, his fruit ability is destined to be afraid of flames and sharp objects, and he will not be blind.

"Second gear!

A puff of white smoke came out of Luffy's body, and what he used to avoid the desert sword facing him was to avoid it decisively.

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