My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 279 :Battle on the Top (15) [Chapter 5]

After a long time of fighting, Ximen Qin's heart is also a little anxious. The best battle of the top battle must be accomplished.

"All directions are moving!"

The broken dragon in his hand raised his head high, and quickly rotated under the traction of lightning power. The surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone, and several blades flew out from the blade, spreading towards the surroundings.

The circular attack, the true form of the group skill, all directions, this is the power that this skill should have.

The three captain-level powerhouses who surrounded him suddenly dispersed, head-on head-on is not the main theme of their battle, plus the purpose of their coming here, it is even more needless to say.

The sword glow continued to spread, the three captains kept retreating, and the dark purple sword glow approached their bodies.

However, their reaction speed is also very fast.When a retreat does not seem to be very successful, it directly changes the method, passing through the middle of a few swords, and it turns out to be against the trend, using counterattack to resist when the opponent attacks. .

Unexpectedly, in the turbulent place of New World experienced countless 953 battles, everyone has honed the level and experience they should have. A counterattack is interspersed in the gap of the eight directions of clouds, which can minimize the damage, only being injured by some excess air pressure, but this point of damage is negligible.

Such clever avoidance and placement made Ximen Qin's eyes bright, and also secretly said that the shortcomings of all directions still need to be improved. This is a move created by himself, and it should be improved by thinking of a method.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The knife light from his side was almost sticking to the skin and slid into the area hundreds of meters behind and suddenly exploded.The tens of millions of volts contained in it caused the surrounding Marine and soldiers to be affected, and the room was knocked over by dozens of people. .

"Your movements are too slow!" Foza appeared next to Ximen Qin, and the fire knife slashed down. The hot breath and pressing air pressure reminded people of the accuracy and power of this knife.

Ximen Qin quickly turned to his feet and leaned back once to avoid the opponent's attack. The fire knife could be swiped from the tip of his nose, and he could clearly touch the hot breath and sharp blade. (cbdh)

It's so risky, I was almost hit by the opponent with a knife. At this time, the attacks of Izang and Rakyo also arrived at the same time. Izang's melee flintlock pistol is very powerful, with the power to break a sword with a single shot. A dozen bullets flew out of the pistol's barrel, each bullet All go to the point.

The other meteor hammers of Lacyo opened their mouths wide and closed, and there was something hidden in their swarthy mouths.

Ximen Qin's heart jumped quickly to avoid it with a backflip, and the Vice Admiral Thunder Knife Dragon was thrown out in the air. At the same time, his body was elementalized and turned into a dark purple horse to chase the Thunder Knife Dragon.


Rakyol's face changed. The target of the Thunder Knife Broken Dragon turned out to be the iron chain holding the meteor hammer in his hand. At this time, fine sparks splashed in and out, and huge power was transmitted from the iron chain to make his arm numb.

A small gap appeared in the iron chain, and the iron ring that was continuously connected had broken one side, and it might fly out if it attacked vigorously.

The Thunder Knife Broken Dragon bounced up, and Ximen Qin who was beside him grasped the handle of the knife, turned his body and threw his foot into the opponent's abdomen.


There was a heavy blow in the abdomen, Rakyol's complexion changed drastically and he flew out. The encirclement of the three people was opened by a gap, and Ximen Qin took this opportunity to jump over.

However, his breakthrough this time was still doomed to fail. Ruck, who was knocked into the air, was immediately dissatisfied when he saw that the opponent wanted to leave the battle. He gritted his teeth and threw the meteor hammer out of his hand.

This throw, the force is very heavy, like a powerful force, it has the potential to shake the mountains and rivers.

The route that Ximen Qin forcibly broke through was blocked by the Meteor Hammer, and the Thunder Knife Broken Dragon was erected in front of him, and the Meteor Hammer also slammed on it.


The collision of the two weapons caused Ximen Qin's body to retreat quickly, and behind it was Foza holding a fire knife. "Hey, give up!"

Foza had already slashed by his side, and there was a lightning strike under the knife, as if a dazzling lightning in the sky hit instantly.

"That's too late!"

When this thought flashed in Ximen Qin's mind, his back had already been severely chopped, the wound penetrated the entire back, and countless dense lightning appeared in the wound.

ーThe sword flew, Ximen Qin's body fell forward, and Foza and Izang were chasing after him.

"It's not that easy!"

Ximen Qin yelled, resisting the pain in his body, jumped up and swung the knife again.

"Lightning Strikes the Moon Slash!"

The thunder and lightning covered the purple-black knife and swiped it down.The dark purple blade of the sword flew out from the blade.The blade of the blade was accompanied by the power of thunder and lightning. In front of people.

This knife has the power to severely wound Admiral Akainu!

The two who had seen the power of Ximen Qin's swordmanship did not dare to fight hard. Fossa blocked the fire knife in his hand and gave Yizang a chance to retreat successfully.

"Bang! Ding!"

With two loud noises, the waning moon-shaped blade light hit Foza's fire knife and immediately the flame flew, decisively destroying the flame on its fire knife. With a crisp sound, the knife that had lost the flame broke.

Ximen Qin also took this opportunity to escape from the encirclement of the three people. The fiery pain on his back was still instinctively elemental when he was hit, but the speed was still a little slow after all. Fortunately, he was treated by lightning power. The wound underneath healed slowly, and the blood stopped instantly.

And that Fossa was not so lucky. In order to give Izang a chance to retreat, his sword was directly destroyed. The residual power of the lightning strike and the remnant of the moon also hit his body at this time, and the front was on his shoulders to his abdomen. The location caused a terrifying scar.

In the same way, Ximen Qin reported that he had hit him before, and it was barely even.

The encirclement has been broken, Foza has been seriously injured, Ximen Qin knows that the opportunity is rare, and forgets the pain on the back to attack.

PS: The five chapters are sent, the rest of the time is the same, let's get up~.

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