My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 417 : News from Shock Fruit [Chapter 8 Seeking Automatic Subscription Collection]

The cooperation between Auntie and Celestial Dragons brought some unstable factors to the world again, and then a more shocking news came out, Shock Fruit, Devil Fruit once owned by Whitebeard appeared.

The power that Whitebeard once used made the whole world tremble, and the power of destroying the world is still unforgettable. And now, this fruit has appeared in the aunt's sphere of influence, making countless pirates feel desperate, don't God give them a chance? In the aunt's territory, who dares to provoke? Who dares to go and seize ?

But some people dared to do this. Ximen Qin, who originally planned to start the Whitebeard Pirates group, decided to change the route after the news of Shock Fruit. This fruit is too strong. If it is obtained by the aunt, I am afraid her men will soon It will cultivate a super strong, which is absolutely detrimental to him.

Now regardless of whether the red hair will come out to stop it on the grounds of 21 New World order, Ximen Qin resolutely goes, as for whether it is a trap or something, this is completely ignored.

Waves after wave of events, New World people feel that their brains are no longer enough, why are there so many things in this period of time, so many that they can't react at all.

On the islands near Cake Island, Ximen Qin’s fleet has appeared here. According to the information from the intelligence, Shock Fruit should appear on this island. As for where it will be on this island, then you need to look for it carefully. one time.

"Everyone, get ready to start searching. If you have something to call, please call me. If you meet someone from the Aunt Pirates, be sure to notify me."

Ximen Qin is also cautious. If it weren't for Shock Fruit, I'm afraid he wouldn't be here now. Fighting with the aunt too early is definitely not a good thing.

"Understood!" Hundreds of people responded loudly, and then everyone disembarked and entered the island that seemed to have never been set foot.

The entire island remains pristine, densely forested, and even the roads are very small. You can see at a glance that this is an ancient island, and few people set foot here.

Ximen Qin is a group with Hancock and Robin. He is absolutely uneasy to act alone here.

"Qin, is this a conspiracy?" Hancock looked worried. If it was a conspiracy, it would be terrifying.

Ximen Qin thought for a while, shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be, who would be so boring to distribute Shock Fruit news? It should be true."

He has a lot of enemies, but now there shouldn't be many enemies who will spread the news. After all, if there is Shock Fruit, just check it out.

The female emperor sighed faintly, the matter was still too bewildering, her instinct told her there must be something strange, but she didn't figure out the key.

It is very sad to find a Devil Fruit on the pristine island. There is no road, and you can only cultivate by yourself. When encountering obstacles, you can only force a breakthrough.

The search this time is destined to be regrettable. After searching for two days and three nights, the existence of Shock Fruit was not found, which made Ximen Qin a little discouraged. Could this Shock Fruit have been obtained?

"Go back, since you can't find it, then you can only forget it. Now this fruit is very likely to have fallen into the hands of the aunt.

Ximen Qin sighed up to the sky at a 45-degree angle, and it was almost messed up in the wind.

Things were very sad, and everyone who had not found Devil Fruit went to the beach.

"Qin, maybe this is really a conspiracy, will it be the conspiracy of the aunt?" Empress Hancock insisted on what she thought in her heart. This insistence also made Ximen Qin's heart a little shaken, could it really be like that? Some powerful people do not want to engage in these small tricks? Generally speaking, the powerful who have reached the realm of Four Emperors rarely use these fraudulent methods, unless they are wrong.

Very special things. And how special this matter is, it is very difficult to say.

"Perhaps it is really a bit weird!" Ximen Qin's face changed, and the power of the heart network instantly unfolded. This unfolding made his face change more drastically.

"Go!" With a soft drink, Ximen Qin instantly speeded up and went up to the beach. Hancock and others instinctively sensed that something must have happened, and they speeded up their pace.

On the beach, hundreds of Marine soldiers and daughter country fighters confronted the pirates and samurai in front of them. The two sides were at war, and no one attacked first.

"Charlotte, I didn't expect you to actually use this kind of heart method." Ximen Qin's face is black, fucking, and it's really a trap spread by the aunt. It seems that he was wrong before. Revenge or something is also unscrupulous.

The aunt was standing on her pirate ship. Beside her pirate ship were several warships that had been firmly controlled by iron chains. Those were the warships of Ximen Qin and others.

"Ximen Qin, as long as you can get rid of your shame, it's nothing 290 with a little method. My old lady has already cooperated with these few, and you can't run today."

The aunt's words were very clever, this time she found both the Dandan Baron and the Lion Man, as well as the few cooperating guys, in order to eliminate the enemy in front of her.

Ximen Qin's gaze swept across the bodies of those people, and there was a flash of light in his eyes. The strong, these few are definitely strong, and they are Celestial Dragons, but why haven't they heard of it before?

"It turned out to be Celestial Dragons, Charlotte, have you fallen to the point where you need to work with Celestial Dragons? Well, I will kill you today."

With a sarcasm, Ximen Qin resolutely drew out the thunder knife to break the dragon, regardless of the pirates whose complexion changed suddenly, and rushed towards the aunt with one foot, and a deep purple sword light burst out in an instant.

Others immediately attacked when they saw it. This time it was a trap, a trap set by one of the Four Emperors. If you don't take it seriously, everything may be sad.

"Slave Arrow!

Hancock shot a large-scale group attack, and the pink arrows passed through the enemy's body, instantly petrifying them.

"Tempest Kick, Bailian!"

Unwilling to be left behind, Nami jumped up, and countless crescent-shaped white slashes fell!.

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