My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 443 :A different kind of radical method [Chapter 4 for subscription and collection]

Shanks refuses to fight? This makes Ximen Qin feel uncomfortable at once. It is a rare good opportunity to see the opponent's power. By the way, I can see if I can get a little progress in the task. How can I let him go so easily?

As one of the strong men of the Four Emperors, he used to be a crew member of Roger, the one-piece king, so there is no doubt about his combat effectiveness. Judging from the power he can directly contend with Whitebeard, he is definitely not weak.

Whitebeard's bounty is as high as 1.2 billion Baileys, and the red-haired Shanks's bounty may not be as high as his, but it is definitely a shocking level. Visually, it is definitely over 700 million Baileys, and it may even be as high as one billion Baileys. This is all possible. Fighting against such a strong man is the coolest thing.

"Red hair, refusal to fight is not a man's behavior. Unless you prove that you are not a man, then you don't need to fight. Well, let's have a super friendship kiss with Hawkeye, that can definitely prove it.

Ximen Qin laughed slyly, the different kind of agitation has a different taste, such a bad and interesting words make countless people unconsciously associate, the body trembled fiercely, this is really disgusting, nauseating.

Beckman looked at Ximen Qin with a serious face, his eyes gleaming with wisdom. He is the red-haired Shanks’s think tank and the super-powerful who assists the red-haired. His IQ has reached a level of horror.

"Ximen Qin Admiral is this for what must fight? Seeing the power of the captain? Impossible, it should not be, it definitely has other purposes.,

Beckman thought of various possibilities in his heart, but he rejected them one by one.If Ximen Qin knew what he thought, then he could only say that the person's IQ had been heaven-defying, but he couldn't think of it. There is actually a system in a person's body, and challenging Shanks to turn red hair is one of the tasks of the system.

With infinite entanglement in his heart, Beckman simply stopped talking, his eyes were always on Ximen Qin's body, thinking quickly, observing from the other's various expression changes.

The red-haired Shanks returned, his head full of black lines, this Admiral of Headquarters is really Tai Chi, and the top quality makes him have the urge to beat each other violently.

"Ximen Qin, you don't have to irritate me anymore." The red-haired Shanks has a low voice, but why does it sound like a resentment?

Ximen Qin nodded and said, "I see, I wish you and Yingyan a happy life. I believe everyone will bless you."

Hawkeye was speechless, and he was already a little regretful. Was it right or wrong to fight this guy just now? The throne of the world's largest swordsman was taken away by such a nervous person. God, we are all sorry for the support of the people.

Shanks is petrified, happy? And Eagle Eye? Well, he doesn't want to kill him. He also wants to marry a beautiful and charming woman, and will give birth to a little Shanks in the future.

Unbearable, can't stand Ximen Qin's words anymore, Shanks directly yelled, "Stop talking, I'll just fight you, I'm really upset."

Ximen Qin grinned, "That's right, what did you do just now? Is it interesting to refuse?"

"Retreat, all of you, retreat to the other side of the island."

Shanks was no longer able to complain, and he started to drive people. The distance to drive people is a bit far. They were asked to go to the other side of the island. It was obvious that he was also going to do it.

Everyone began to retreat, and left here without saying a word, looking for the commanding heights on the other side of the island, and continued to observe.

"Ximen Qin, come on!" After everyone had left, the lazy temperament of Shanks red-haired suddenly changed. He became serious and drew the Western sword from his waist. This is a weapon that has been with him for many years, and I am afraid it is also a high-level sword.

Western swords are softer, they tend to be used with diversified skills, they can change the trajectory of attacks anytime and anywhere, and they can have a hard hardness under Armament Haki. In other words, his Western sword can be changed anytime and anywhere, which is very convenient.

...For flowers............

Ximen Qin laughed and drew out the thunder knife to break the dragon, and slashed it down.

With the shot, the deep purple sword light blooms. This time, the pure sword light used in the battle with Hawkeye is no longer used, but the attributes of the sword itself and his lightning power are used. Such an attack is more penetrating and powerful.

"Armed Color-Hardened!"

The sword mang attacked very fast, and he arrived in front of Shanks in the blink of an eye. Faced with the sword mang that could almost cover his entire body, he decisively used the power of Armament Haki, and saw that the Western sword turned black in an instant. Yijian pierced the center of the sword light.


With a weird sound, the sword of the red-haired Shanks directly pierced into the blade light, the blade light split into two and flew out from his side to the distance.


The sword beam that was divided into two blasted on a rock that was 30 meters high, and the lightning force that exploded in an instant directly smashed the rock and continued to fall downward.

"Very strong armed color." Ximen Qin judged in his heart that the red-haired Armament Haki was very tough, and he was able to crack his bitter mansions so easily with a single sword, which shows how strong his strength is. At the same time, we can see that his decisiveness and fighting skills are indeed very sturdy.

"Come again! Lightning Strike Canyue Slash!"

Ximen Qin yelled, and another deep purple sword light swiftly swung out, but this time it increased the amount of lightning power more, and the energy contained in it could easily destroy several battleships.

The red-haired Shanks smiled confidently. Once he fought, he seemed to have a special charm, always attracting people's eyes.

The Western Sword trembled again and again, and I saw countless white sword lights flying out of the Western Sword, slamming into the Lightning Moon Slash one after another.

"Puff puff!!! "

The white sword light hit the lightning waning moon cut, and directly penetrated into it, the lightning wanyuexin's attack speed immediately slowed down, it turned out to be stopped by those white sword lights. small.

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