My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 548 :Strong Swordsman Team [Chapter 2]

The coalition forces of the seven pirate regiments have gone over a thousand, and are now besieged in this canyon. Ximen Qin and others can only enter, not retreat!

Looking over the noisy pirates, Ximen Qin sighed in his heart. They are all powerful pirates, especially these pirate captains. They seem to have such an impression. Is a big pirate with a bounty of over 100 million.

In the New World bounty of over 100 million, even a small well-known pirate, now there are seven at once, which shows the strength of this coalition. The pirates who can be led by these pirate captains are generally not weak.

Human heads, the rhythm of brushing human heads!

"Go!" The seven pirate captains shouted at the same time. The original members of the pirates who were still noisy suddenly rushed out with howling ghosts and howling, and their actions turned out to be like beasts, full of wildness.

"Damn it, fuck!" Ximen Qin also shouted, and the people behind him rushed out. The 800th soldier rushed out in an instant to fight the pirates.

Zephyr and others also attacked in an instant, countless seastone bullets flew out of his smasher, whizzed to them, penetrated the bodies of the pirates, and instantly lost their combat effectiveness.

"Hast has turned a thousand times!" Columbia has turned into a giant eagle and flew into the air, and countless white slashes flew out between the vibrations of the two wings, each with a black feather attached to each slash.

The slash fell from the air, and the pirates below were cursing, raising the weapon in their hands and slashing towards the slashing.

"Ding Ding Ding!!!"

After the falling slash collided with the pirate's weapon, it did not shatter, but was bounced away and slashed towards the other pirates. This caused some unsuspecting pirates to suffer a sudden loss, and were severely pierced through the body by the slash.

Within the slash coverage area, countless slashes bounced back after hitting the enemy, and continued to attack other enemies. It seemed that the slashes were controlled by people, very strange.

This scene caused some powerful pirates to tremble severely, oh, what is this guy's ability? Is Zoan's ability?

Thousand turns, this is one of Colombia's abilities. It uses the feathers of the giant eagle as a carrier to control the slash. As long as the position of the feathers is turned, the direction of the slash can be controlled.

This seems very simple to say, but it is very difficult when it is really operated. Can a slash be precisely controlled?

It is Ximen Qin who praised this move, which is in line with the sniper's ability. He can find the enemy's trace very accurately. Under the power of the giant eagle, his vision has been improved a lot, and he can control it. These countless slashes. If you let him control these slashes, it is really a bit difficult, unless you use the power of thunder and lightning.

Or the power of the heart network.

In the swordsmen team, swordsmen rarely used joint attacks in their battles, so these swordsmen moved separately after the impact, and the swords in their hands were severely slashed at the enemy.

Barbury, the brother of General Wanokuni, has very good strength. The power of the swordsman level is already in the ranks of the top swordsmen in this world. What's more, Wanokuni has a sturdy folk style, and when it comes to fighting, it basically resorts to desperate offenses and pays less attention to defense.

"Three Thousand Angry Tigers"! "

Barbery roared, his legs bent slightly and squatted, holding the handle of the knife in both hands and looking forward, there seemed to be a group of tigers roaring behind him, and the ferocious aura condensed on him.

"Drink!" Barbury yelled, one foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person rushed out, like a tiger descending a mountain, a puff of vigor appeared around his body, vigorous, even like a road Like the blade, the pirates wherever they went were hurt by this vigor, and there were large and small wounds on their bodies, which was very pitiful.

After Barbury impacted for hundreds of meters, the knife in his hand began to wave, and the blades flew out from the blade, passing the body of the surrounding pirates and falling on the cliff, rippling waves.

Cruel, too cruel, Barbury's swordsmanship level is very high, the power of these three thousand angry tigers is not even a pirate can resist.

Seeing that Barbury continued to wreak havoc with his swordsman, the surrounding pirates quickly evacuated, this is simply impossible to fight, let's find other guys who are more rudimentary to fight. Well, those swordsmen are good.

These pirates took aim at the swordsmen who rushed over, howling and rushing over.

However, the swordsman who rushed over soon had a dozen people gathered together, and without a word, the pirate who rushed forward chopped it down.


In one word, dozens of huge sword beams flew horizontally or vertically, and the sharp blade beams instantly flew over the bodies of the pirates, causing the pirates behind to stop suddenly and directly lie on the ground.

Damn, it's scary, these swordsmen are scared to death.

Two hundred swordsmen, this number is not too much, but this is the swordsman from Wanokuni that advocating samurai culture. They have deep research in kendo, and they can easily slash powerful slashes.

After dealing with the pirates in front, the swordsmen separated again, and continued to rush towards the pirates beside them, starting their bloody and crazy battle.

The sword (king?) warrior's fighting is fierce, and the completely desperate style of play makes most of the pirates feel guilty. It is impossible to fight well. Each of these bastards is desperate to be chopped by them. The danger of a single knife will kill them all alone, how can they be hit?

Such a fierce battle naturally attracted the attention of some cadres, and soon a dozen cadres rushed to the swordsmen who jumped the most, trying to stop them from raging.

However, did Zephyr and the others intercept the swordsman so easily? Obviously it is impossible to roar!

Zephyr and others rushed out, intercepted those cadres halfway, and fought directly.

Ximen Qin looked at the battle, and it seemed that he had to move around too.

At this time, one of the seven pirate captains in front of him shouted: "Ximen Qin, dare you come to fight us?".

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