My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 602 :Take him to death [Chapter 6]

"You guys are not going out yet?"

Suddenly, Ximen Qin rushed out, making everyone stunned, especially the people on the pirate boats, who had to kneel on the spot.

The current Sea Emperor, the former Admiral of Headquarters, Celestial Dragons patriarch, and the peerless power Ximen Qin spoke in person. How can this be good? People are a generation of fierce gods, and the result of disobedience will definitely cause evil.

All of a sudden, the six pirate boats that formed the encirclement slid five of them, like a mouse seeing a cat, and fled.

One sentence scared off five pirate regiments. This is Ximen Qin's ability. It doesn't even need to fight, and the pirate regiments with poor strength will automatically withdraw.

Now there are three pirate groups left, the Straw Hat Boy, Luo, and Weibull. These three pirate boats seem to be "August 13" and are not ready to leave, especially the Straw Hat Boy and Weibull.

Rumor has it that Ace was killed by Ximen Qin, so Luffy will definitely not let it go. And Whitebeard was killed by Ximen Qin's corpses. Weibull, who claims to be Whitebeard II and is the biological son of Whitebeard, has no possibility of retreating at this time.

"Ximen Qin, I want to kill you!!!" Weibull yelled at Ximen Qin's warship, his ferocious expression seemed to testify to his determination.

The miss-Bajin on his boat, Weibull's mother, grabbed the opponent's arm, his eyes full of caution.

"Son, this man is not easy, and he can't fight him temporarily." Ba Jin whispered.

But Weibull obviously didn't believe it anymore and said loudly: "It's okay, I will cut off his head and pay homage to his father!"

Not many people appreciate this majestic remark, but Ba Jin jumped up and gave him a slap in the head. "You idiot, the enemy is too strong and will retreat temporarily, do you understand?"

"Yes, mother!" Weibull didn't have the aura of a strong man in front of his mother.

In this scene, the chins of both the straw hat boy and Luo almost fell. The guy who was still awe-inspiring just now escaped like this? This, is this too unscientific?

Ximen Qin wanted to laugh when he saw Weibull driving around. This stupid guy had a brain problem, and he was a very disgusting guy. And his mother Ba Jin, who is also a disgusting fighter, definitely ranked one of the top ten disgusting people in the Shanghai Pirate World. If such a disgusting person does not kill, then I will be a little sorry to the common people, and a little sorry.

I'm almost blinded by the flashing eyes.

"Brayton, kill those two guys as a trick." Ximen Qin didn't bother to take the action personally, and directly ordered his men to start the fight.

"Yes, Captain!" Breton chuckled, his abdomen opened, and a green missile was taken out of it and aimed directly at the pirate ship that was escaping quickly.

"Giant. Nuclear bomb!!!"

When the voice fell, a flame ignited from the bottom of the green missile in his hand, and it flew out of his hand instantly and flew straight to the pirate ship.

Breton is a mad scientist, and his fighting method is these guns and other weapons. After his transformation, he has a very strong combat effectiveness.

The missile quickly approached, and Weibull who was fleeing seemed to feel something. When he turned around, the missile had already reached their heads.

"Mother, what is this?" Weibull looked at the fast-landing nuclear bomb tangled. He had never seen these things before. What's the matter?

Ba Jin glanced, and the crutches in his hand slammed the opponent's calf, "This is a bomb,


Before I finished speaking, the nuclear bomb of Breton had a glimmer of light, and the energy contained in it and the highly concentrated explosive exploded in an instant. With a loud noise, a ball of flame turned the entire sea surface into fire. In red, a shock wave quickly spread to the surroundings.


When the shock wave approached, Luffy yelled all of a sudden. The shock wave pushed his Pirate Ship back and forth, as well as Luo's Pirate Ship. That tyrannical shock wave kept passing through the body, that kind of tyrannical one. The power made his face change drastically, Ximen Qin's subordinates, it was terrifying!

The people in the Ximen Qin fleet calmed down a lot, and the fleet stayed on the sea steadily, unaffected by the shock wave. If someone examines it carefully, then you can find that under the fleet, a large black shadow covers the entire sea surface. It is the Sea Kings summoned by Shirahoshi. With Sea Kings pulling the battleship, it is impossible to be rushed by this wave

Knock back.

When the firelight and shock wave dissipated, the pirate boats of Weibull and Barking that had fled before had been turned into ashes and scattered on the sea. The bodies of Weibull and Barking were floating on the sea, one after another with the waves.


Two loud noises came from Ximen Qin's side, and two black bullets whizzed past him, and instantly entered Weibull and Ba Jin's heads.

It was Colombia's sniper rifle, and two bullets covering Armament Haki exploded on their heads, instantly ending the two unidentified guys.

The big pirate with a bounty of 480 million Bailey actually kneeled under a nuclear bomb in Breton, and was finally killed by a sniper with a gun. This news spread, no one would believe it at 3.8.

"Captain, I have to develop a nuclear bomb again." Breton, who had completed the nuclear bomb attack, shrugged his shoulders. The nuclear bombs ran out, and now I have to start desperately building them again.

Ximen Qin nodded. Breton’s nuclear bombs cannot be mass-produced. One is too dangerous to store, and the other is too troublesome to manufacture. The production process of a nuclear bomb takes more than a month, which is a terrifying time. However, this is more reasonable.

After killing the Whitebeard II, Ximen Qin turned his gaze to the straw hat boy again, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, and a touch of evil in his eyes.

"Boy with straw hat, didn't you say you want to kill me before? Now? Are you here to kill me?"

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