My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 653 : Conquer this family [Chapter 7 for subscription and collection]

The lightning that landed landed on the bodies of the powerhouses in the blink of an eye, just like the situation in the laboratory, allowing them to directly destroy their bodies without any time for a counterattack.

Sad, the strong inside the Boller family is a sad, if you can at least fight Ximen Qin in other places, show their strength. But the current Ximen Qin is ready to destroy them instantly, and the power they use is beyond their tolerance, which makes them directly destroyed.

Those other people did not suffer any harm, which is also the result of Ximen Qin's deliberate control.

"Where is your patriarch?" Grabbing one of them, he immediately began to interrogate. The others were silent and did not dare to answer or escape "Nine-Eight-Seven". No one of them would think that their speed can exceed the speed of thunder and lightning. If they irritate the other party, they will have to kneel when a thunder and lightning come down.

The guard who was caught was full of sadness, so how could he catch him undeadly, how good was it to catch other people? Trembling and not daring to speak, once the patriarch was told, then he would be furious. The patriarch killed.

Don't speak? Ximen Qin frowned, and the thundercloud in the sky suddenly rolled up, and the rumbling thunder made everyone's spirits full of excitement.

"Don't, I said, I said!" The guard knelt, and he must have been killed by the patriarch, but he should explain it honestly so as not to be killed by this guy.

Soon, the position of the patriarch exploded. Ximen Qin didn't bother to care about these people. Elementalization rushed towards that position, and in the blink of an eye, he reached the door of the patriarch's room. This is the benefit of the speed of light. It couldn't be easier.

He kicked the door directly, and a luxurious room appeared in front of him, causing Ximen Qin's brows to frown. This guy's life was very chic.

In that room, a fat middle-aged man was holding a gun in his hand. He trembled and looked at the direction of the door. The hand holding the gun was also trembling, completely unable to aim at the target.

"Boehler? Very good, this young master told you directly that what detonating device has been destroyed by this young master. Now, if you don't want to die, just eat this stuff, otherwise this young master won't mind letting you try the penalty. Die happily again!"

Speaking of throwing a small pill, it is the heart-biting pill!

The heart-biting pill fell under Boller's feet, Ximen Qin's movements made the guy fart/sit down to the ground, and looked dumbfounded at the small pill in front of him. What is this thing? Poison? Or something else? What is the penalty?

God, why did you provoke this guy in a good manner? What a crime.

Seeing that the other party didn't say a word, Ximen Qin directly listed the top ten tortures in the Qing Dynasty, and was so scared that Nabole almost peeed his pants and kept flipping Byakugan.

"I eat, I eat!" After listening to the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty, the stripped psychological defense line was completely destroyed, grabbed the heart-biting pill on the ground and swallowed it. Even if it was poison, he recognized it. It's better to be killed by poison than to be tortured to death by the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty.

There was a smile on Ximen Qin's face, just eat it, so he didn't have to make it by himself.

Bole, who had eaten the Heartbite Pill, quickly changed. He looked at the ground blankly and stood up for a while. The fear before him completely disappeared, and he was replaced by deep awe and respect.

This is the function of the Heart-Biting Pill, allowing a person to completely surrender from the heart and being able to change a person's memory at will, but the exchange of the Heart-Biting Pill is more expensive, which wastes a lot of points.


In one sentence, it means that Bole has completely become the servant of Ximen Qin, and the power of the Heart-Biting Pill is fully revealed.

Ximen Qin, who has long been accustomed to this kind of scene, nodded calmly and said: "Immediately merge the Bole family into the Jasmine Green Yard family!"


Boller responded respectfully, then turned and walked outside. This made Ximen Qin sigh again and again that the Heart-Defying Pill exchanged by the system was really heaven-defying. It was an enemy at the first moment, and a loyal servant at the next moment.

After subduing this family, then there are nine families left. In other words, it is now completely possible to incorporate other families. As long as their strong ones are killed first, everything in the Holy Land will come to an end...

Controlling ten Celestial Dragons families, I think the current Five Elders will know how to choose. It's time to talk to them. It will be much easier to conquer other families.

Leaving this manor, I ran into Colombia, a sniper, outside.

"Dear Mr. Captain, the intelligence has been collected." Columbia bowed, and then handed over a map in his hand to Ximen Qin, his eyes full of worry.

Ximen Qin took a look at the map and frowned again. This is a detailed map of the place where the explosives are placed, and it is also a detailed map of the entire Holy Land Marikia. There are densely drawn red circles on this map. Each circle represents a place of installation. From the rough point of view on this map, there must be at least thousands of places on the ground. Light

There are already dozens of placement grounds around the castle, as well as the residence of Five Elders.

It seems that these Celestial Dragons families are going to put everyone in the Holy Land to death. There is nothing wrong with thinking about it carefully.

Now that they have decided to kill everyone in Ximen Qin, they must do a bit more thoroughly. It is the best 3.8 option to kill everyone. As for how they will rebuild a power center to rule the world, it is still an unsolved mystery.

Putting the map away, Ximen Qin shook his head and said: "Go back to the castle, now the Bole family has begun to merge into the Molly Tiard family, and it has officially become one of our forces.

"Oh? Dear Mr. Captain, it has been resolved." Columbia still looked like that gentleman, bowed slightly and followed Ximen Qin away.

After they left, Bohler began to gather the family members, and a rapid merger began.

PS: Sunshine relies on your brothers and sisters to eat. If you don't subscribe, Sunshine can only starve to death o(~へン)o alas, please, subscribe~.

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