My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 712 :Low-altitude bombing [Chapter 9]

The three captains that were beaten back soon returned, uniting the other captain and continuing to attack Ximen Qin.

The flying dragon's aerial assistance, the ground-to-air bombardment of the wolf, the tiger, and the gorilla, the four formed a tight firepower covering net and once again approached the apocalyptic Thor.

The body of Thor of the last days, which itself carries 200 million volts, is the best defense. When the attack comes, it can release part of the thunder and lightning to resist it.

The flying dragon hovered continuously in the air, and when it shook its wings, it produced a strong wind. This wind is like a sharp blade, which can easily cut a person's skin and cause serious injuries.

The gang wind hit first, that ubiquitous strong wind blew the body of the last days Thor, making the thunder and lightning on his body dimmed, and most of the thunder and lightning were blown by the gang wind and disappeared.

*Feilong's physical condition is very strong, and now it's not easy to fight with each other, and headache. Ximen Qin was depressed, and immediately the Thunder Knife broke the dragon out of its sheath again, slashed down with a slash, then turned around and chopped a few 217 consecutive times.

Four dark purple sword beams whizzed out, and the sword beam in the sky tore through the wind, causing the flying dragon to come to an abrupt stop, thumping and quickly dodge to one side.

The speed of the three blade lights that went down was also very fast, and the three captains who swooped in did not dare to lightly skimp on the edges, and rolled their bodies to avoid the heavy murderous intent.

If you can't force it, then you can only use human tactics, and delay the enemy's power until it is completely consumed. This is the strategy of the four of them.

Suddenly, the battle between these five turned into an apocalyptic Thor attack, and the sight of the four captains constantly evading it was really amazing.

Breton's battle was a little easier. The captain-level powerhouse he chose was a hippo fruit capable person. The hippo fruit ability pays attention to the explosive power and the powerful jaw attack, and the short-term running speed is beyond the range that ordinary people can bear.

However, for Breton, who can fly freely in the air with mechanical wings, it seems a bit sad. (cbdj)

"Ahaha~ hurry up, hurry up, just hide it like this, yes, that's it."

Fighting lunatic Breton laughed frantically, the laser cannon in his hand continuously bombarded the huge hippopotamus below, mocking the opponent fiercely.

The captain of the seventh division below is full of grief and indignation. This guy is too wretched. He always stays in the sky, he can't attack at all.

"Hippo fangs!"

The captain of the seventh division roared and opened his mouth that seemed to be able to swallow mountains and rivers with anger. Many illusory fangs shot out from his mouth, and the huge fangs flickered with cold light. However, the speed seems a bit too slow.

Breton in the air easily avoided the attack of these fangs, and the laser cannon in his hand slammed down at the opponent again.

The captain can only continue to defend passively. The combat effectiveness of the two is actually the same, but Breton uses the advantage of the air, so it is difficult for the enemy to attack him, and the attack speed of the hippo is relatively slow, which is his very lethal one. weakness.

"Rough-skinned and thick-skinned horse, where is the weakness?" Breton thought silently, his eyes constantly swept across the hippopotamus, and finally fixed on the opponent's big mouth that released its fangs attack.

Locking on the target, Breton's body quickly lowered a bit, only 20 meters high from the hippopotamus.

"come on!!!"

Laughing wildly again, the Sixth Gate guns in Breton's abdomen were activated at the same time.

The captain of the seventh division snorted coldly, this point of guns wants to hurt him? Don't be stupid, even if you can't attack you, you don't want to hurt me!

Fleeing is not necessary, he has no evasion ability in continuous bombing at such close range. No need to dodge, just use your body to resist such an attack.

At the moment, the captain of the seventh division tensed his muscles, and at the same time Armament Haki was attached to his body and his whole body hardened.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The firepower coverage of the Sixth Gate guns is still relatively wide under Breton's deliberate control. Not only the captain, but also the nearby pirates are also within his attack range.

"Ah~ what's the matter?" "Damn it, attacked us."

The surrounding pirates suddenly screamed when they were bombarded by guns. This is completely unscientific. The strong should go to the strong to trouble them.

However, their voices were quickly covered up by successive explosions. Energy cannonballs continued to explode beside them, and the hot air waves and shock waves produced by the explosion continued to burn and tear their bodies.

When Breton saw this, he laughed, and turned to control the mechanical wings to fly around Ruohema.The guns in the abdomen continued to bombard the pirates and hippos, and within a few minutes, the area was actually illuminated by fire. Covered.

Captain Hippo was also helpless. Now that the enemy's bombing has not stopped, he can't relax anymore. For those pirates who are constantly being killed by Breton, he can only say one thing: deserve it, who makes you powerless!

Under such continuous low-altitude bombing, the surrounding pirates were quickly wiped out.Even if some pirates use firearms to counterattack, it has no effect. Dodge the past flexibly.

"Attack, hurry up! Ahaha~"

Breton was still laughing wildly, as long as he started fighting, he was like a different person, and a certain aspect of his heart seemed to be triggered.

The captain of the seventh division does not have any ability to resist, as long as the enemy's attack does not stop, he will not give up the possibility of defense.

It seemed that God heard the call from his heart, and Breton's guns suddenly stopped staying, which made him look up with joy and quickly raised his head.

"hippo "

Before he finished speaking, a green missile suddenly passed through the space, and suddenly entered his mouth. .

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