My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 716 :The power of the Demon Fruit [Chapter Three]

The power of the Demon King's explosive fist made it difficult for the imperial sword to resist. The shock wave suddenly exploded when it fell on the blade of the Thunder Blade and Broken Dragon. That explosive force continued to impact the Thunder Blade and Broken Dragon, and the strong power made the body of Thor in the last days impossible. Keep your balance in the air and keep flying upside down.

"What a sturdy force, this force is too strong."

Ximen Qin couldn't hide the surprise in his heart. The power of the Devil King is really that powerful? How far is the power limit of this heaven-defying Devil Fruit?

Beast Kaido’s Devil Fruit has always been a mystery. This guy who is known as the strongest creature in the world, how powerful is his Devil Fruit?

Now that Ximen Qin's body flies upside down with just one move, it is hard to imagine how crazy he will be when the attack arrives behind him.

Soon, Kaido of Beasts proved to the world how powerful his Devil Fruit is, it is not weaker than any Devil Fruit at the moment.

"Magic Horn!"

Both feet slammed on the ground, and the body flew into the air like a cannonball. In a flash, he came to Ximen Qin's body. The sharp feet slammed into Thor's chest in the last days.

"It's meowing, is it really a bully for the young master?"

Ximen Qin is extremely angry, and there are three captains waiting for the opportunity below, and there is another captain in the sky ready to push down at any time, and now there is another fierce collision like Kaido in front of him. This is the rhythm of heaven-defying.

"Paper Arts!"

The seldom-used Marine Six Styles power was used, and his body was fluttering like nothing. When Kaido was about to hit his body, he suddenly moved to one side, weirdly avoiding the violent impact of the opponent.

Kaido, the beast who lost his goal, rushed forward 100 meters and fell to the ground. The moment he landed, the ground couldn't bear his pressure and continued to sink. The strong breath leaked from him, and the debris rose from the ground.

"Go 々|!"

Kaido yelled and waved his arms out, and the rising thunder god who was casually driven by his fist wind flew towards the air in the air.

"Come again?" Ximen Qin's heart jumped, such a continuous attack is really tiring to deal with, it is possible to kneel at any time.

"Wing Slash!"

At the same time, another voice came from his side, accompanied by a swift gust of wind, which made him retreat quickly, and at the same time the backhand was a stab.

Beside him was the captain of the team, I saw him flying over quickly, and the wings were shining with coldness, and they were like sharp blades.There is no doubt that if they are hit by that one, they will definitely have to kneel. .

The dark purple blade light flew out of the blade, and the captain of the team quickly changed and lifted into the air.If it was slower, it may not be hit by the blade light, but hit by the metal fragments flying by Kaido. Pitted.

However, this change of tricks also caused him a little trouble.The dark purple blade light passed by his wings, and the 200 million volts of lightning paralyzed one of his wings in the blink of an eye, causing his body. A brewing ran, constantly falling towards the ground.

"Good opportunity, thanks for the care of the system. The black hole swallows!"

Ximen Qin saw this opportunity, and immediately changed the power of the dark fruit, and pointed his hands in the direction of the flying dragon and gave a soft drink.The energy of the dark fruit poured out of his body, and a cloud of black mist appeared under the flying dragon. The black mist turned into a black hole in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying attraction from the black hole continued to pull the flying dragon's body.

This weird scene caused fear in the flying dragon's heart, constantly fluttering with the unconscious wings trying to avoid the enemy's attack, but the gravity in the black hole was too terrifying, and he could not avoid it at all.

"Ximen Qin, dare you!" Kaido understood what was about to happen when he saw it. He suddenly yelled, and his fist blasted out again, another blast.

However, Ximen Qin did not have the mind to pay attention to his punch now, but increased the power of the dark fruit and quickly swallowed the body of the flying dragon.


The dragon's body was sucked into the black hole with a stern dragon roar, and then there was no sound, but the body was directly torn apart by the power of the space turbulence in the black hole, which completely ended his life.

This change came so quickly that the other three captains hadn't reacted yet. How could they not believe that they would be terminated by the enemy so soon as a partner, and they were still the most powerful partner of the four of them.

Ximen Qin, who ended the first team captain, exhaled, and the power of the explosive punch came.

There are gains and losses. The power of this explosive punch is unavoidable. You can only resist the power of this punch.


The power of the explosive fist exploded in an instant, and it blasted on his chest with a hot breath like a raging wind, and one after another force continued to impact his body.


Ximen Qin couldn't help groaning, and his body was knocked into the air again. All the bones of the body seemed to be shattered, which was unbearable.

The power of the Demon King's fruit, how can this punch hit his body easily?

After flying hundreds of meters in succession, Thor stopped in the last days, the deep electric light on his body has dimmed, one hand was covering his chest, and the blood in his body surged.

"It is relatively worthwhile to trade such damage for the life of a leader-level powerhouse."

Ximen Qin laughed at himself, and took the power of the Demon King's fruit seriously. The introductions in the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book are all dead, which introduces the moves and abilities that have appeared in these fruits. Those developed later, Devil Fruit illustration book does not have a complete record. Therefore, it is very likely that a person can open Devil Fruit after getting Devil Fruit.

Send out many unexpected moves and abilities.

"Ximen Qin, I will kill you!"

Kaido, who succeeded in one blow, was not overjoyed, on the contrary, he was even more angry. His first battle will be killed by Ximen Qin, how can this prevent him from screaming?

Ximen Qin responded with a cold snort, put aside the pain of his body and continued to lift the Thunder Knife to break the dragon. .

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