My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 741 : Beat Fei Decision [Chapter Ten Seeking Subscription Collection]

"Boy, dare you!"

Several other members of the Hyuga clan were angry and seriously injured their partner. They couldn't forgive this guy.

"Eight Trigrams"

"Wait a moment!"

Hinata, who was in shock, came back to his senses and hurriedly stopped the movements of those tribesmen. If you fight here, you really won't be able to see Brother Qin in the future. Moreover, these people may not be able to beat Brother Qin.

Those tribesmen were so angry that they wanted to make a move because of Hinata's identity. After all, she is the eldest lady of the Hyuga family after all. In any case, she still has to show her face in the end.

"Miss Hinata, this man made an unruly behavior and shot our person again. Now we are going to take him to meet the patriarch.

The things Hyuga Hiashi once explained to them are still in mind, and now it is just an opportunity to take this bastard back to tidy up.

Hinata is a little embarrassed. The so-called non-compliance is holding her hand and touching her head. This is indeed a non-compliance thing in the eyes of many people. She also knows about her father's account of the tribe, and it's embarrassing now.

It is not a good thing to make a cute girl be so embarrassed. Ximen Qin pulled her behind, stared at the ninjas coldly, and snorted coldly.

"I really made this young master a soft persimmon, so let you knead it, right? Go back, huh, let Hiashi come to see me by himself. I really treat myself-what the hell."

The tyrannical murderous aura poured out from the body, and a rush of brains pressed on these people. The endless murderous intent caused several Chūnin to sweat coldly, and their eyes couldn't hide the shock.

A young man, how could he have such a strong murderous aura? Such a murderous aura is definitely something that can be possessed only after it has been contaminated with countless blood. Moreover, the aura on this man is too weird, and it makes them feel like worshipping. This is a feeling that has never appeared in front of the patriarch.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Several Chūnin were horrified and shocked here, but Ximen Qin had already taken a shot, kicked these ninjas out with a kick, and with a single wave of his hand, the gate of the villa was quickly closed.

"Little Hinata, let's go. Tell me about what you have encountered during this time, don't worry, it's okay.

Outside, a few Chūnin looked at each other, how could this be good?

"Go back and report this to the patriarch."

"Yes, things are out of control now."

Several Chūnin discussed with each other, and then quickly rushed to the residence of the Hyuga family.

And Ximen Qin has already brought Hinata to the pavilion by the lake. After some persuasion, he finally made him understand the events of this period of time. It made him a little righteous and indignant. .

"Hiashi, this old guy, is too wretched, you must fuck him hard someday."

Hinata was banned by Hiashi for a full month after the last swimming incident. Even if he was able to leave the house occasionally, he was also forbidden to come close to Ximen Qin in any way.

For more than a month, Hinata could only travel back and forth between the ninja school and home, and a dedicated person followed her every day, which greatly restricted her personal freedom.

Moreover, Hiashi has already confessed to protecting the people of Hinata, as long as she has too much close contact with Ximen Qin, then Ximen Qin will be brought back to the Hyuga family for processing.

After a full month of ban, it was not until today that she was announced that she had regained her freedom. You can go wherever you want. Hiashi won't take care of it.

However, there were still a few clansmen who followed behind her, and the prestigious day to protect her personal safety was actually for the Hyuga family's reputation.

These things are enough to make Ximen Qin angry.This Hyuga Hiashi even started with his daughter for the reputation of his family. Moreover, this is still after giving up the other party. Why is this so cruel?

"Little Hinata, don't blame Brother Qin for speaking directly. The reason why Hiashi treats you like this is because you are not strong enough, so it will cause such consequences. As long as your strength rises, Hiashi will surely be impressed. "

Hinata's face darkened, and she knew these things too, but no matter how hard she worked, she still maintained this strength at this level, and there was not much improvement at all.

…Please ask for flowers………

"Brother Qin, I am not talented enough to be a ninja."

"Don't talk nonsense, Little Hinata's talent is very good, but there is no way to find the right way. So, come here when you have time in the future, Brother Qin will teach you how to practice. Anyway, your Hyuga family also has physical skills, the same. "

Hinata's eyes shook, he wants to teach himself to practice?

Judging from the situation that Ximen Qin solved the ninjas just now, he is definitely a master of physical skills. So, what way will he teach?

"Well, Marine Six Styles is a good choice, hehe, if combined with Chakra, I don't know how effective it will be."


Crazy, Ximen Qin has already begun to do crazy research. Chakra is a very powerful force, and Marine Six Styles is a martial art that surpasses the limits of the human body. If these two powers can be combined to create a brand new Marine Six Styles, what effect will it have? This power is bound to be very powerful.

"Come on, let's take a look at Brother Qin's physical skills first.

After speaking, Ximen Qin rushed to the center of the lake with a shaver, and his body quickly rotated.

"Finger Pistol has turned a thousand times!"

"Shoo hoo!!!"

A sharp blast sounded, and Finger Pistol was continuously used as Ximen Qin was spinning. Dense small holes appeared on the targets around the lake, and tiny holes appeared on the ground.

"Okay, so awesome."

Hinata looked at her and covered her wide open Sakura/Peachy/Mouth. This, isn't this power too strong? Moreover, I have never seen such a physique before.

"Finger Pistol bursts a thousand times!"

When the voice fell, Ximen Qin's fingertips flew out a shock wave again, and this shock wave suddenly exploded when it touched the targets, blasting these targets into flight.

PS: Where is the reward? If you want to push Hinata, please come and reward~ If it is strong, push it soon~ mouth.

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