My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 747 :Sneak Attack on the Peacock [Chapter 6]

"Shave! Finger Pistol Rush!"

The figure flickered again, this time, taking the head of Hyuga Neji. The fierce air pressure was transmitted instantly, and it came to Hyuga Neji in the blink of an eye.

Might Guy's heart trembled. This guy's speed was too fast, and his previous attack speed was also so fast that he was attacked only when he had time to open the wound door. If it weren't for good physical conditions, coupled with the vigorous Chakra, I'm afraid the attack just now won't be able to withstand it.


Acting again, the green figure flashed past and appeared in front of Neji, and slammed his fist.


The fist and the fingertips collided, the shock wave shot out from Ximen Qin's fingertips, and the fingertips blasted on the opponent's fist.


"Three One Zero" Might Guy screamed back, his eyes sharpened, and at the same time he kicked Hyuga Neji behind him to one side. Later, he saw his body retreat and forcibly rotated half a circle to change the trajectory of the retreat.

The shock wave did not disappear quickly after falling on his fist, but kept pushing the opponent back. Now that he changed his trajectory like this, the shock wave passed by, and finally fell on the ground.


The rubble was flying, and the smoke was agitated. The villagers around who had been watching the show had quickly evacuated. They couldn't believe that there would be such a battle in this village. This is really incredible.

"What a strong aftermath, eh? Looks like there is a helper."

Might Guy's sharp eyes have locked on those figures that are constantly being interrogated in the distance, and his expression is somewhat relaxed.

As his opponent Ximen Qin naturally observed this, his eyes changed a few times. No matter what, I must teach that Hyuga Neji a lesson today, at least to wash away Hinata's shame.

"Take me one more trick! Tempest Kick. Bailian!"

When the voice fell, Ximen Qin's body entered the air again, and his feet kept kicking downwards. Countless white crescent-shaped slashes flew out from under his feet, and continued to fall towards the Might Guy. People realized what a dazzling battle is.

When the slash fell, Might Guy had clearly felt the fierce aura from it, which was definitely not an attack that could be easily resisted.

All retreats are blocked, and all attack gaps are filled. Then, can you only resist?

"Jingmen-open! Toward the peacock!"

The blue veins on Might Guy's forehead were exposed, and the Chakra on his body was directly mobilized, and the vigorous Chakra kept pouring out.

Continuous fore fists kept blasting, Might Guy locked his eyes on the slashes that fell from the sky, and the fore fists kept blasting, the surrounding air seemed to be distorted by his fists, and the flames were like peacocks. The screen usually flew towards Ximen Qin. The flame carries a shock wave again, which is very powerful.

This is the advanced physical skill he used after the Eight Inner Gates opened to the Sixth Gate, and it was naturally extraordinary.

Chao Peacock relies on high-speed punches and air friction to produce flames, and uses the shock waves and flames formed by hitting the air to cause continuous blows to opponents. It is named because the flames produced by high-speed attacks form a peacock-like scene in the air. It is a beautiful and extremely dangerous attack technique.

The shock wave carried the flame and hit the slashes that fell from the sky. Under this strong shock wave, those fierce slashes were continuously shattered, and the divided energy was scattered in the air.

Ximen Qin in the sky stared at the opponent, and continued to release slashes under his feet.

"Might Guy's Eight Gate armor is indeed amazing. It can burst out with powerful power, but it can also cause great damage to the body. When it opens to the Seventh Gate, it is basically a rhythm of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred. Of course, if you have a strong body, you can completely ignore such damage."

Thinking of this, Ximen Qin's heart is ignited/heated up. If he can obtain such physical skills, and cooperate with his other various abilities, then he is super god in every minute, and the rhythm of heaven-defying every minute?

The more I think about it, the more energy I get, my eyes are once again sweeping those ninjas who are fast approaching, and I must fight quickly.

At the moment, Ximen Qin's attack speed increased, causing the pressure of Might Guy who resisted below to suddenly increase.

Neji, who was kicked by him, stood up and looked at Ximen Qin carefully. The murderous intent in his eyes was intense and unusual.

"Brother Qin, come on, don't be wrong."

Hinata's voice reached his ears, and his inner anger suddenly rose. How could this bastard beat his own teacher and want to defeat Konoha's blue beast? It was a idiot dream.

In this extremely uncomfortable situation, coupled with Hinata's worried and anxious appearance, Neji's inner murderous intention changed its direction.

"Miss Hinata, let you recognize your destiny now and accept your destiny."

The anger and resentment have made him lose his reason, and his body rushed towards Hinata's position like a cannonball.

The guard and Hinata are watching the battle between Ximen Qin and Ximen Qin, so there is no time to pay attention to this guy. When he rushed to Hinata's side and took a picture, several guards woke up.

"you dare!"

The captain rushed in angrily, but the distance between the two of them was too close. Neji's was too close.

Hinata was also shocked by this, Neji3.9 brother wanted to attack himself? He wanted to kill himself? Why is that?

Every head of Ximen Qin in the sky jumped fiercely, and from the corner of his eyes he saw the action of the other party. This scene made him look bleak, this guy is despicable and shameless!


The attack in the sky stopped suddenly, and the body turned into an afterimage and disappeared.

The Might Guy below is weird. Why did it stop the attack when it was so good? If you continue to persist, the person who fails in the end may be him. Although I don't want to admit it, this is an indisputable fact and can only be admitted.

When he turned his head to look around, the scene in front of him made his heart beat fiercely.

Neji, you have made a big taboo!

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