My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 763 :It's late [Chapter Two]

Dozens of shock waves shot out from Ximen Qin's fingertips, hitting their bodies in the fearful eyes of the people in black, and taking their lives in an instant.

Having terminated the lives of several people so quickly, Ximen Qin fell from the sky with Moonwalk, and looked at the leader in black with an inexplicable smile on his mouth.

The people in black who were killed were all of Chūnin level, and this one, it is Jōnin that is not qualified, but it is much stronger than Chūnin, it is a special Jōnin, and the combat effectiveness is also considered good.

The leader in black fell to the ground, glaring.

"Kill me, I won't say anything!"

The icy voice did not fluctuate emotionally. Since I came here, I was mentally prepared for death in the morning.

Ximen Qin raised his eyebrows and pulled off the opponent's mask. A very ordinary middle-aged man, the forehead protector was drawn with a horizontal line on his forehead, which means that he is a traitorous identity. That forehead protector is exactly the forehead protector of Otonin Village.

"Are you not going to say it?"

"Hmph, we collect money to do things, do you think you will tell me this? Kill me, just go ahead."

The black-clothed leader's eyes condensed, wanting him to say something? That is absolutely impossible.

Ximen Qin ripped off the opponent’s forehead protector and threw it on the ground. He stepped on his foot and said coldly, “Don’t fool people with such boring tricks. Would a traitor be dressed like this? Since it’s a traitor, then again Why do you wear black clothes and a face mask? I want to cover it up.

The actions of rebellion are difficult to determine, and organized actions of rebellion seem to be impossible. The other thing is the dressing of these people.Since they are rebellious, how can they be afraid of other people's pursuit?

It seems that basically all the rebels were very blatant when they acted, and there has never been such a concealed identity.

From this point, it can be concluded that this guy wants to conceal his identity.

The leader in black grinned and said contemptuously: "Hmph, now that you have seen it, what are you still thinking about? Why don't you do it? You are waiting, waiting for me to give you information 々 ||.

As if grasping something, the leader of the man in black didn't mean to be afraid at all.

"A dead pig is not afraid of boiling water? Huh? No, you are delaying time."

Ximen Qin clearly saw another taste in the other person's eyes.Since this guy has the determination to die, why would he waste his tongue here?

The leader of the man in black suddenly laughed, and the pain on his body was completely forgotten, "Are you just reacting now? It's too late, it's too late!"

Ximen Qin's face changed, and a punch hit the opponent's head directly, smashing his entire body into pieces.

"It's cheaper for you."

Focusing on the direction of the Sealed Land, Moonwalk and Shaved were used in conjunction with each other in the air, constantly rushing towards there.

And in that sealed land, more than 20 people in black surrounded Fourth Kazekage Luosha, Ebizō, and Qiandai Granny. Jinsha built a defensive wall around Fourth Kazekage, and Ebizō burst out sturdy. On the other side, the people in black who rushed to the side kept repelling them, and fisted directly at each other.

There are already ten puppets by the mother-in-law of the thousand generations, which she summoned from the seal scroll. The ten puppets use different weapons, and there are many hidden weapons and poisonous fog in the bodies of these puppets. Don't dare to get close at all.

"Damn, these guys are so hard to deal with.

Luo Sha's face was gloomy, and these people in black that suddenly appeared made him feel a lot of pressure. Each of them was a strong one. In particular, there were a few Jōnin, and there were several Jōnin grades, and they were all elites.

Such a strong lineup appeared in Sand Shinobi Village, and they did not get any news. This is a huge oversight.

"That Ximen Qin didn't intercept these people? It seems that the so-called strong man sent by Konoha is not good.

Chiyo was still thinking about Konoha, Ximen Qin, and he was extremely upset in his heart.

"elder sister.."

Ebizō is a little helpless, this sister's resentment towards Konoha has remained unabated.

"Don't be arguing, this should be me asking you? Do you people in Sand Shinobi Village eat dry food? You can kill people from behind."

Ximen Qin's voice suddenly came from a distance, causing the eyes of the people present to turn away, and the look was immediately shocked.

What kind of ninjutsu is this? How can you fly in the sky? No, it should be said that it is running in the sky. Is it blood inheritance?

Ximen Qin had seen the battle here from a distance, the huge body of One Tail Shouhe had disappeared, and Gaara fell to the ground, which was very abnormal.

It is very abnormal that Shouzuru did not show up while Gaara was unconscious. From this point, it can be seen that there is definitely something wrong with Shouhe.

Moreover, with so many powerful men in black, these guys must have attacked from behind the Sealed Land. Moreover, they also avoided the defense line of Sand Shinobi Village.

Ximen Qin who came from the air fell to the ground and directly intervened in the battle.

The sudden appearance of Ximen Qin made the people in black a little jealous. This Konoha powerhouse has arrived. What should I do next? Continue?

There is a strong man on the battlefield to make things more subtle. No one knows how powerful Ximen Qin is at the end of (Good Li Zhao). It can only be found from the decision Konoha made that this is definitely a strong one.

"…,What's happening here?"

Ximen Qin who fell by Luosha's side asked in a deep voice, it's about the system task now, so you can't be sloppy.

"These people suddenly appeared during the fight to liberate Shouhe, and now Shouhe has been led away by other people in black, and he is breaking through the village from that direction.

Luo Sha briefly said, but these words made Ximen Qin's eyes lit up, and Shouhe was drawn away? That means it has not been sealed yet. Meow, this is a great opportunity.

"Hold it up, I'll get Shouhe back."

Ximen Qin, who was anxious to guard the crane affairs, left these three people alone and rushed out in the direction where Shouhe had left. Those people in black had no choice but to intercept them. .

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