My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 766 :War!!! [Chapter 5 Seeking Subscription Collection]


The bodies of the black-clothed men who had rushed past stopped and looked towards the sky, and the white slashes that fell from each other made them unable to figure out what is true or not.

"Earth Style- Earth Flow Wall!"

Two of them are fast printing, and the branch is in different directions. I saw two soil walls quickly rise under the ground and slanted and collided to form a triangular defensive wall.


The white slash in the sky fell, and the sharp slash was like a white lotus blooming, and it was very gorgeous.

Blocked, Ximen Qin's white lotus was resisted by the two men in black together. The debris kept flying up, and the whole triangle trembled constantly, but it never collapsed and shattered.

"What a strong defense, these two Earth Style ninjas are very good."

"Three Six Zero" Ximen Qin narrowed his eyes and began to accumulate energy to prevent the next attack.

Sure enough, when he finished his slashing attack and just finished his charge, a few men in black emerged from the triangular defensive wall, and it seemed like a never-ending sonic attack shot into the air.


The figure flickered, and Ximen Qin Moonwalk continuously kicked and changed direction in the air, avoiding the invisible sound wave attacks.

Sonic attack can only be distinguished from the continuous ripples of sound and space. It is very similar to shock waves. When attacking, it is mainly to disperse the internal structure of the enemy's body and disturb the enemy's Chakra.

"Finger Pistol-Hundred Turns and Thousands!"

With a low drink, Ximen Qin's body, who avoided the sonic attack, spun at a high speed, and his fingers continued to point out in the state of a pistol. Shock waves flew out from his fingertips, each of which was aimed at the head of the enemy below.

I don't want to, when his attack just started, the men in black had already interrogated into the triangular wall to avoid Ximen Qin's attack.

"Simple and pragmatic."

Ximen Qin's evaluation of these people is relatively simple and straightforward. The best way in battle is to avoid the enemy's attack and then counterattack. It seems that there is no courage to face resistance, but it is the most practical method. Knowing that the enemy's strength surpassed his own, he rushed forward, and that was purely a brain problem.

The shock wave of hundreds of times and thousands of times fell on the earth wall and the ground.The dense Finger Pistol attack caused the land around the triangular defensive wall to be continuously blasted out of thumb-sized pits, and the surrounding land suddenly sank, which can be seen just now. The proficiency of the attack is huge.

"This Konoha's person is too strong. Such a intensive attack is like rain. No, you must make a decision.

A man in black inside the defensive wall said coldly, the harshness in his eyes made people shudder.

The moment the Finger Pistol attack was completed, the man in black rushed out, pulled out a steel wire from the weapon drilled with small holes in his wrist, and violently pulled and released it in the direction of Ximen Qin.


Ximen Qin brows, what does this guy mean?

Soon, there was a sharp whistling sound from the steel wire, and a sound wave appeared again. However, this sonic attack was not as simple as a shock wave, but turned into a sharp blade.

Ximen Qin's body, who sensed the opponent's attack, leaned back, and the sharp sound wave brushed past his body, almost avoiding the opponent's blow.

"Using steel wire to form a sharp sonic attack, thereby enhancing the attack power? Good guy, have an idea.

Ximen Qin smiled, and adjusted his body like a cannonball flying downward.

"What does he want to do?"

A few people in black don't understand.If you don't use your advantage to attack in the air, why do you rush down like this?

Yakushi Kabuto also kept his eyes on Ximen Qin. He did not participate in the battle at the first time, but was observing and observing the enemy's ability before joining the battle. This was in line with his usual practice.

Afterimages appeared in the sky, Ximen Qin's body had fallen to the ground, right now in the middle of the black-clothed men.

"This kind of long-range attack is boring, let's try close combat!"

After speaking quickly, he rushed towards the man in black who used the steel wire, and slammed it down with a fist.

"Humph, looking for death!

The black-clothed man's eyes flashed sharply, since he rushed to the ground, then wait for it to be bombarded into meat sauce.

Immediately, raising his hands, the hard sonic weapon slammed into Ximen Qin's fist. Several other people in black also gathered for the first time, and all kinds of sound waves fell on Ximen Qin's body.


The fist collided with the sonic weapon, and the man in black's originally confident expression suddenly became ugly.


The crisp sound seemed to challenge his ability to withstand his heart. A crack appeared in the weapon, which quickly split to the left and right.

Withdrawing away, the man in black dared not wait for anything, and immediately withdrew and wanted to retreat from Ximen Qin's attack range.

However, how can Ximen Qin's attack be so easy to disintegrate?

The fist suddenly burst out a strong shock wave when the opponent was about to retreat, and this shock wave spread from the black-clothed man's arm to the inside of the body.


The man in black screamed and flew upside down, his arm had completely burst, and there was a shock wave in his body that was destroying his body wantonly, causing him to spit out blood repeatedly and his eyes turned white.

"It's you guys!"

Ximen Qin, who killed a man in black, jumped to avoid those sonic attacks, and Tempest Kick dispatched again.

3.9 Countless white crescent-shaped slashes landed from the sky, making the remaining black-clothed men dodge repeatedly and dare not try their sharpness.

The fierce slashing made the desert continue to raise the yellow sand to block people's sight, and the black-clothed men could only retreat as far as possible.

However, Ximen Qin who was in the yellow sand suddenly used shave and began to shock, appearing next to the two men in black almost in the blink of an eye.


The arm passed through the heart of the two men in black, directly crushing the heart inside.


The two men in black fell on the ground without making a scream, their bodies were covered by wind and sand.

"Finger Pistol bursts a thousand times!".

Important things [free chapters]

Brothers, today is a special day. It has been 60 days since the sun was discharged from the hospital, 60 days and 600 chapters. Thank you for your support.

The results of this book have been bumpy, from more than 800 subscribers to the current 400 subscribers. This is really unexpected. There are not many subscriptions. Now this decline is really sad.

I remember that I was on the top list for a few days last month, and that time was the best time for this book. Immediately after the cheating came, the piracy went viral after only two days, and Sunshine's subscriptions also declined all the way, basically in the rhythm of death.

Sunshine is a person who already has a family and needs to fight for the family. It doesn't sound good. It's a lot of pressure to work hard for the milk powder money.

The VIP collection of this book has now been 4,200, but the number of subscribers is only 400, and there are more than 3,000 brothers? Where are these brothers? Have you given up the sun?

Sunshine is clumsy, so I can only call on everyone to subscribe here, so I don't dare to ask for rewards or anything. I ask you brothers to put up this book! This book needs everyone's support and your brothers' hard work.

Thanks for the sunshine!!!.

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