My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 771 :Unlimited training empty bombs [Chapter 10 for subscription and collection]

The collision of the training bullet and the waning moon cut the fine sand from the sky, blocking Ximen Qin's sight.

After completing a round of attacks, Shouhe’s attack continued to land, and another air training bomb was ejected. The air training bomb carrying fine sand can not only use the wind attribute Chakra to cut the enemy's body when attacking the enemy. The fine sand inside will also invade the enemy's body.

Such an attack is almost an instinctive existence for Shou He, and its combat effectiveness in this desert can be said to be broken. Coupled with its own particularity, Chakra is very large, which is almost unmatched by humans.

With such a huge Chakra, it is very simple to use these ninjutsu, and it can even be used easily and continuously to achieve indiscriminate attacks.

Ximen Qin is relatively weak. Now many abilities have been sealed. Although the achievements in ninjutsu are advancing by leaps and bounds, they are still very weak for ninjas in this world.

Now his ninjutsu training is the most that can be compared with the special 21 ninja, the amount of Chakra in his body is not a lot, this is because his starting point is very high, otherwise I am afraid that he may not have the current achievements.

Under these two huge gaps, if you want to defeat a creature like Shouhe, you can only use swordsmanship and Marine Six Styles, which are his strongest moves right now.

The fast approaching air training round made Ximen Qin cautious, and no one knew how many air training shots Shouhe would have in the next second.

"Tornado Fury!"

He clenched the phantom Chakra knife with both hands, and then the body rotated 360 degrees. The Chakra knife slashed down, and a peculiar blue blade flew out of his Chakra knife.

This blue sword beam continuously revolves in the air, which is completely different from the other attacks.

Shouhe couldn't find the difference hidden in the sword's light, and he kept spitting out the air training bullets to attack.

However, Shouhe was stunned when a few air training bullets came into contact with the sword light.

I saw the high-speed spinning blade pierced like a tornado on the air training bullet, and in the blink of an eye, it penetrated the air training bullet, leaving only a pile of fine sand falling from the air.

The blade light that penetrated the first air training round attacked again, smashing all Shou He's air training rounds and then rushed towards it.

This situation was too weird, and Shouhe jumped up all at once. This jump was tens of meters high and also avoided the attack of the blue sword light, and finally landed steadily on the desert.

After losing its target, the blade light landed on the desert. The high-speed rotating blade light caused the surrounding yellow sand to rise quickly, forming a sandstorm under the action of the rotating force, and went straight into the sky at a height of 100 meters, as if the end of the world.

Such a powerful sword light is really surprising, Ximen Qin has not used such an attack before, it seems that after coming to this world, specializing in swordsmanship and physical skills, it has greatly improved.

"Okay, such a powerful attack. Why have you never seen this guy's moves? Other samurai attacks do not seem to be like this. There is Chakra, but it seems that Chakra is not the most critical thing, but there is another kind of attack. strength."

Shouhe felt that his brain was not enough. It could almost be said to be the best battle among the tail beasts. There were more strange abilities he had seen before, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen such moves.

"No matter what, continue."

Unable to figure it out, Shouhe acted swiftly, slapped his abdomen and spouted one after another. In terms of the amount of Chakra, he would never admit defeat.

"The power of Tornado's Fury is good. I really look forward to what kind of power it will be like to use the Thunder Knife to break the dragon after regaining the power of the lightning in the future."

The blow just now was his test. As the swordsmanship gets stronger and stronger, his attacking moves will become more and more. He doesn't know how far the swordsmanship can reach in the end.


There was a sharp whistling sound, and Shouhe first practiced with ten air training bullets and quickly approached, and these air training bullets blocked his retreat, and there was no way to escape.

"All directions are moving!"

Raising the Chakra knife in his hand over his head, the Chakra knife quickly spun, and the surrounding air gradually formed a cyclone. Several blades flew out from the blade and flew forward in a diffuse form.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

Several sword beams passed directly through these air-training bullets and approached Shouhe. Under the power of all directions, the tyrannical air-training bullets were so fragile, it was incredible.

The sky was filled with yellow sand, and Na Shouhe was also taken aback by the light of the sword, slapped his palms on the desert, and suddenly saw a tremor in the desert below, and a wall made of sand appeared to form a circle and wrapped its body. , The high-density sand walls have extremely high defensive power.

The blade light fell directly on this wall, and the blade light that could directly pass through the air drill was intercepted at this time, and it was unable to break through such a defense.

Absolute defense, this is Shouhe's absolute defense, the normal force of 363 can't break through such a defense at all.

The blade light was contending with the absolute defense, continuously cutting the absolute defense. After a stalemate for about a minute, the blade light disappeared, and thin cracks appeared on the absolute defense, which finally turned into sand and crashed down.

"Huh, it's dangerous!"

Shouhe exhaled fiercely. It knows how strong the absolute defense is, but now such power is directly broken by the opponent, although it eventually blocked the opponent's attack, how can it be? Is it that unpleasant?

"Boy, Laozi is going to kill you!"

Shouhe roared, his palms slapped his abdomen fiercely, his head adjusted from time to time, and air training bullets spurted out of his mouth.


Ximen Qin gave a chuckle, then raised the Chakra knife to continue the battle with the air drill, and tried to get close to the opponent.

It's just that Shouhe's air training ammunition is too much, so that he can't break through for a time, and can only get a little closer.

PS: It broke out on the sixtieth day, and it has been six hundred chapters in two months~ Remember this day~ This kind of update volume should be the only one~.

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