My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 780 :Continue to Flicker 【Chapter 9】

"Panda-eyed gourd baby, don't you know that the Shouhe in your body was taken down by the young master? So, please call me my benefactor. Understand?"


Was this man in front of him shot down? How old is he? Is this possible? By the way, Konoha Shinobi, could it really be him?

Gaara was in a coma after being seriously injured, because Shouzuru returned to his injury and he recovered quickly. He woke up last night, and naturally he knew what happened.

After learning that it was Konoha who brought back Shouzuru, he was silent, and finally became silent when he learned that he was a young man.

The first idea is impossible, unless the world is crazy. But Feng Ying's words made him have to believe that it was his "three nines and sevens" father, although he was a very incompetent father in his opinion. But at least he didn't deceive him on these things, but told him these things very seriously, and some precautions were also explained in detail.

"Oh it's you.."

Gaara hesitated to speak again, already struggling inside. According to Ximen Qin, it really has to be called a kindness to the other person, but another idea is to kill the other person to satisfy yourself.

These two thoughts made him extremely painful, and he really didn't know what to do.

Murderous aura appeared from time to time, and the violent and dark Chakra of Shouhe appeared again, which made Temari and Kankuro startled. This has just been sealed and returned, is it possible that Shouhe is starting to be dishonest again?

Indeed, Shouzuru moved again inside Gaara's body, rushing towards the seal.

"Hmph, ugly boy, Laozi makes you stunned and makes you schizophrenic."

Shouhe was infinitely interested/fascinated, and then slammed the seal more quickly, making Gaara even more painful. Bastard, this kind of thing has started since he woke up yesterday, but another kind of thing happened, that is, after he fell asleep, Shouhe became quiet again and didn't take the opportunity to run out, which is really weird.

Ximen Qin's actions towards Shouhe are also a bit strange. Does this idiot already know that we are fooling him? No? How can I know so quickly?

He landed on the ground holding Temari and let go of the opponent, walked to Gaara who was kneeling on the ground holding his head and squatted down.

Gaara raised her head suddenly, her eyes were filled with endless murderous intent, facing Jinghuo.

"It's meowing to scare my master."

Ximen Qin got angry, and slapped the opponent's head with a slap. This slap also slapped the Shouhe inside, bastard, who dare to shoot the ugly kid? I don't know if this is Laozi's Jinchūriki ?

Gaara was stimulated by this slap and released countless yellow sand all over her body, which immediately covered this area, causing the two of Temari and Kankuro to quickly jump to the next house.

Ximen Qin didn't care about that much anymore. He directly opened the other party's clothes and put one hand on the other party's abdomen. The speed was so fast that the other party couldn't resist.

"Be careful!"" Gaara!"

Temari and Kankuro both yelled at the same time, what does this guy want to do to Gaara?

When they were worried, the next thing made the two dumbfounded.What kind of power does this man have to do this?

I saw Ximen Qin put a hand on Gaara's abdomen, and said in doubt: "Weird, there is no problem with the seal, what's the problem? Is it because Shouhe is nervous again?"

Thinking of this, Ximen Qin slapped it again, shouting loudly, "Cable cat, don't give this young master quieter, be careful to stew you."


The countless sand instantly returned to the gourd, and even the plug was directly covered.


The two of Temari were shocked, this, what's the situation? How could such a situation happen? Shouhe, Shouhe was scared by the other party.

Indeed, after hearing Ximen Qin's voice, Shouhe inside Gaara no longer collided with Fengying, but entangled with a sentence, Laozi is not a civet cat. Also, don't stew me

Shouhe calmed down, and Gaara's condition naturally improved quickly, which made him feel unbelievable.

When did Shouhe be so obedient? Who is this man? Why does Shouhe listen to him so much?

Worship, anger, fear, resentment, admiration?

Various emotions surfaced in the eyes of the problem child Gaara, which made Ximen Qin admire again and again, and at the same time an idea in his heart was ready to be implemented.

"Hey, panda-eyed gourd baby, should you believe it now? Come on, stand up."

Ximen Qin stood up as he spoke, and Gaara hesitated for a while, and stood up after confirming that there was not much condition in his body.

"Good obedient Gaara, I really like it."

Temari was stunned for a while, and this thought appeared in his mind, which was really embarrassing.

Kankuro is not calm at all. Gaara, who has never listened to them but often frightens them, is so obedient now. Is this Konoha person so capable? Admire, admire it.

After all, this is just a teenager, and it's very simple if you want to fool around.

"What power did you use to calm Shouhe? 3.9"

Gaara desperately wants to know the answer, which is very important to him.

When Ximen Qin heard this, he stood up straight, and looked like an expert, "Naturally, if you beat him down, he will be obedient. Well, the civet cat is not bad, it just likes to fight. .You can consider letting it come out on some occasions, so that it won’t play with you often.

"Of course, the most critical issue is that there must be a young master, otherwise this guy will not be honest."

"Huh? Do you mean to follow him?

Such doubts appeared in Gaara's heart, but she quickly became firm.

"As long as Shouhe can be dealt with, everything is fine!"

The key, this is the key. .

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