My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 121: Workers from the Tang Dynasty

  Chapter 121 Workers from the Tang Dynasty

   ran a long way, Xu Qing carried the small red bucket and did not spill the water, which surprised him by his improvement over the past few months.

  Thinking that when he took Jiang He for two steps, he was panting.

   "I have seen it, there is no surveillance nearby." Jiang He reminded him.

  She is not flushed or panting. She is holding three cans of Coke between them in her arms in her right hand, holding a small Mazha in her left hand, and slowly slowing down.

  "Do you still know that you should watch the surveillance before doing bad things?"

   "I knew it a long time ago."


  Xu Qing couldn't complain about her straight and confident appearance.

  Do you want to raise a teddy bear?

  That's too exhausting.

"Give you."

Jiang He handed him the Coke in his hand, took a can of it, and carefully pulled the tab to prevent the bubbles from splashing out, then drank a sip, feeling the feeling of the Coke exploding on the tip of his tongue, and squinted slightly. Got an eye.

  This thing is so delicious.

   is really a great invention.

   "I like it here." she said.

   "I am different, I like you." Xu Qing said casually.

   "I'm already your girlfriend, do I still want to do this?"

   "Otherwise? I don't like it anymore? Then I am not a scumbag?"


   Jiang He was speechless, so he had to seriously enjoy his Coke and walked home with him in the afternoon sun.

  More than a thousand years...

   "I don't know what the next thousand years will look like."

   "Maybe interstellar colonization."

"what is that?"

  "It means to live on the moon.

  You came too early. If you come five thousand years later, maybe there are not a few people left on the earth. A bunch of robots walk around, and then you fight the robots with your sword, and finally exhaust yourself. "

   Jiang He's thinking jumps quickly, but Xu Qing can always keep up and surpass her.

  This makes Jiang He once again realize his shortcomings every time he feels that he has a preliminary understanding of modern times.

  The concept of science fiction, she has not yet understood.

  Xu Qing also had a Coke, but she didn't enjoy it as much as she did. Instead, he was struggling with the delicious one he chose, but Pepsi came out of the machine.

  Don’t know if this is a fraud?

   "Wait for you to settle down completely in the future, we can take a buzzing plane, or a big ship... Have you seen the sea?"

   "I have seen it on the computer."

  "I have also seen it on the computer. It is much larger than Lanjiang." Xu Qing gestured with the small red bucket, "There are super big fishes inside, much bigger than this, the size of a house..."

   "The house is that big? Can eat for a long time."

   "...that is not for you to catch, and you can't catch it, just talk about it."

  Xu Qing expressed his disgust for her inseparable from eating. She has gained ten pounds in the past winter and is still thinking about eating.

  However, Jiang He's body is good, he weighs ten pounds and he doesn't see much change, but he is more moisturized, and there is some meat on his calf... Strange, why do you pay attention to the calf?

  Reflecting on himself for a moment, Xu Qingcai took the topic elsewhere, but couldn't help thinking about summer in his head.

  Walking slowly to the door of the house, he suddenly said, "There is no air conditioning in your house. Are you afraid of heat?"

  "I'm still covering a thick quilt, how can it get hot." Jiang He didn't realize it at all, thinking he was worried that he was hot.

   "Winter is deep and spring is shallow, and summer is soon."

   Xu Qing sighed, opened the door and went in together, put the small red bucket in the kitchen, and helped pick up the fish and clean it.

  Two fish, you can stew a pot of fresh soup.

  "Leave two for uncles and aunts to send them there?" Jiang He looked at the fish in the bucket but thought a lot.

  I often go there for dinner, and I haven’t delivered anything seriously.

  "Such a big fish, it’s better not to give it away. Next time you go by, buy a big one, and you carry it to them. Save these two pieces for winter melon."

"it is good."

   Jiang He responded, watching winter melon staring at the two of them outside the kitchen, and he couldn't help but feel a warm feeling.


  After eating and opening the game, Jiang He looked at the gold coins in a backpack and thought for a long time, and finally said: "How do I sell this money?"

  After the Spring Festival, the price of gold coins finally picked up, and the materials she had collected for several months were also put on the auction house by her, all of which were converted into figures in the backpack.

  Xu Qing said that if you can sell money, then it must be. She has never questioned this, so she always saves it as real money.

  "Sell money?"

  Xu Qing, who was about to turn on her own computer, came over and glanced at the gold coins on her account. She was immediately dazzled by a string of zeros.

  At first, I just found something for her to do. I was idle and idle. I also thought that she would work very hard, but the results of persisting for a few months were beyond his expectations.

  Considering the issue of identity every day, Xu Qing is only joking about her work.

   "There will be an upper limit, so there are several other roles to share."

   Jiang He is more than that. He raised his hand and took the notebook beside him to show Xu Qing all the results of the past few months.

  With the increase and proficiency of the game, her role has also risen to create several rows. At first glance, there are all kinds of colorful and green, but most of the latter are the same character-the creator.

  From here, Xu Qing can also see that Jiang He has been promoted from a little white to a mature brick-moving fighter based on his understanding of the game.

"Now the price of gold coins is much more expensive than before. Three hundred and fifty thousand yuan is one dollar. I'll figure it out. If we sell them all..." Jiang He held a pen in his hand, his eyes shining, and he waited for Xu Qing to help her. The fruits of these months’ labor were exchanged for money.

  I can finally pay back the money.


  Xu Qing exclaimed, if he had this perseverance when he was playing...

   "...Wait for me to find a channel. It is not easy to get such a large amount. Don't worry, it will be sold to you."

  A man from the Tang Dynasty made his first huge sum of money by moving bricks with a computer in modern times...

  Think about it and be inspirational.

  I didn’t even cut today’s video. Xu Qing spent an afternoon studying how to take action to maximize her benefits.

Some are linked to third-party websites, some call speakers to find buyers, and at the same time pay attention to several anchors and compare prices with merchants-the difference in the ratio of ten to twenty thousand gold coins is not large, but in the face of Jiang He's inventory, the difference is only a little bit. It can be magnified to the point where people have to care.

   "Can I pay off your money?"

  Seeing Xu Qing operating on the sidelines, Jiang He couldn't help feeling a little excited.

  There is nothing to promise with her body...nothing exists. If you have any kindness, you have to repay, so she didn't put Erniang's words on deaf ears.

"After paying off, you can still have a lot left, and then buy yourself new clothes and new shoes... Oh, I will buy shoes for you. You can find something you like to buy, or treat me to a big meal." Xu Qing and her squeeze in the same chair while looking for rules such as gold coin trading limits.

  Have not played for a long time, he has forgotten this part of the matter, in case the price is limited, it will be troublesome.

  "Do you want to kiss me?" Jiang He asked in a low voice.


  (End of this chapter)

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