My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 124: Can this be called together?

  Chapter 124 Can this be called together?

  There are two people in the living room talking quietly, and two people in the kitchen talking quietly.

   "The hand cream my mother bought is definitely the kind that works well. Don't be reluctant to use it."

  Xu Qingji looked outside and smiled at Jiang He: "I guess I saw the cocoon on your hand. I feel distressed. Let me take care of it."

  Jiang He was stunned. If Xu Qing didn’t say anything, she would have never noticed that Zhou Suzhi’s gift was chosen carefully.


  Need foreign object maintenance?

   Make it as delicate and smooth as the official lady, and then play with this guy...

  She blushed suddenly.

   "Only swords need careful maintenance."

   "No, the sword is not needed, you need it." Xu Qing shook his head, "Your sword should be put away. If you want to practice, I will buy you a new one another day."

  He just remembered that a lot of things could be detected on that sword, human DNA or something...

   Frequent wiping can not clean those things.

  "Sword, don’t use it to shake it."

"it is good."

  Jiang He was still looking down at his hands. Xu Qing didn’t let her wash the dishes because the detergent would hurt her hands. This guy is too...too...

  Too much to be a disciple.


  In the living room, winter melon is lying on Zhou Suzhi's legs, and the tip of his tail swings gently.

  Many cats like to wiggle their tail tips. They don’t know if they are expressing comfort, pure idleness, or thinking about something, just like many people like to tap their fingers and shake their legs while thinking.

   "I thought they had a normal life before, but now it looks pretty good. Look at the housekeeping..."

Zhou Suzhi did not talk about the house with the old man anymore, caressed the winter melon and turned to look at the small objects in the living room. Everywhere shows that this is a two-person home. There is a woman living together, which is very different from living alone. Up.

But she is so organized, she always feels a bit offensive. It is really hard to imagine that it is the place where the two young people live. As she talked, she suddenly moved in her heart: "...You said it was because we came over that they cleaned up well. ?"

  Xu Wenbin shook his head and said that it was the same when he came by accident before. Zhou Suzhi was relieved when he heard this, and then was happy.

   "Should we have a cat too?"

   "Why do you raise this stuff? It's not troublesome enough."

   "It looks good."

   Zhou Suzhi was holding the winter melon and was reluctant to let it go. This fat cat was pretty good, not afraid of birth at all. Xu Wenbin looked upset, and gave way to the side, saying: "It will shed hair, if you touch it, you can see how you wash it."

   "Where did you take it off?"

   "This is not yet time."

  The two were talking quietly, but their eyes were always looking in the living room. They didn't know what they were thinking. When Xu Qing came out to pour tea for them, Zhou Suzhi released the winter melon and let it play by itself.

   "Are you going fishing if you are okay?"

  Xu Wenbin saw the fishing rod in the corner and opened the topic.

   "If you have nothing to do, just go and play, otherwise we have nothing to do every day, why are you?"

   Xu Qing raised Xu Wenbin's blood pressure by a few minutes when he spoke.

  You kid also knows that he has nothing to do every day? !

  I would rather go fishing than plan for the future.

   Zhou Suzhi stopped talking, glanced at Jiang He, and boasted: "Fishing is very good, cultivates sentiment, can decompress, and slowly has a calm personality.

  You young people are good to catch a fish. "

  If you have nothing to do, consider getting married and having children, and catch a fish!

   "That is, do you feel that I have been different recently?" Xu Qing was a little proud, raised his hand and waved, subconsciously not leaving his fist, this time was simply neat and energetic, and both Xu Wenbin looked a little surprised.

  I can see that it is different, but I really can’t tell where it is different.

   Temperament is very mysterious, just like Xu Qing's first glance when he saw Jiang He, the intuitive feeling is different, and this difference will be more obvious in the eyes of familiar people.

  Xu Qing is like that.

An otaku who stayed up at night and woke up until noon, in order to strengthen the kidneys and not be pushed back, he changed his life habits in just a few months. Xiwu stood up and went to bed early and got up early. He didn't feel much about the changes. But in Xu Wenbin's eyes, there was a sense of strangeness in a daze.

  "You..." Xu Wenbin opened his mouth, then closed it again, took a sip from the teacup, looked at the reflection in the cup and wondered what went wrong.

  Obviously this kid was still wondering what Liu Bei’s straw sandals were last fall, so let’s not do something serious...

  "Drinking tea and tea, you are quite ready here, there is nothing short of it." Zhou Suzhi held the cup and looked at it, and smiled: "You talk about anything else, and you can't treat yourself badly..."

  Xu Wenbin listened to them, drank a cup of tea in silence, stood up and said to Xu Qing: "Let me see what you are..."

   "What?" Zhou Suzhi asked.

  Xu Wenbin ignored her, Xu Qing naturally understood what he meant, and smiled and stood up and said: "Just the one I said last time... Jiang He, sit with my mother first."

  Two people went into the room, leaving only Jiang He and Zhou Suzhi in the living room, each holding a cup of hot tea to chat.

   "What does he do every day?"

   "To make that video... is to cut the movie apart and then splice it together." Jiang He raised his hand and compared it to a cutting motion.

She actually doesn't quite understand how to do it, but she has studied the principles for a long time, and tried to learn it-but she doesn't understand the popular elements nowadays, and she doesn't know which ones will be liked to watch, let alone Xu Qing. If you read more, you can only think about it.

  "In addition to making videos, it is fishing?"

   "No, there are many others. We will go fishing if we are free after breakfast together in the morning. Usually... just play with the computer."

  Jiang He did not say about Xu Qing’s practice, this was what Xu Qing had instructed, otherwise he would be regarded as having a mental illness by the old couple.

  An otaku suddenly punches every day, it must be abnormal.

   "In the afternoon he will watch that casino..."

  "Casino?" Zhou Suzhi was shocked.

   "Ah no, that's called... the stock market, yes, the stock market."


   Zhou Suzhi was relieved, and was amused, saying that the casino was also right.

   "You have to stare at him, don't let him throw too much money in it, that thing is cheating..."

   "No, he has made money in it."

  "It’s normal to have a loss and earn a profit. Just don’t invest too much. Now...cough, just take care of him. It’s all the same, right."

   Jiang He blinked and did not understand, he hesitated and asked, "What is it?"


What is   ?

  Wake up together every day, what else? !

  Zhou Suzhi waved her hand: "Just take care of him anyway, just stare at him and don't be too reckless."

   "Well, I will urge him."

   "It's OK to supervise..."

  I felt a little weird inexplicably, Zhou Suzhi didn't think much about it, anyway, a woman is better than a man.

  The two of them got crooked as they talked. They didn't think the same thing, but they could still continue the topic.


  Here Xu Qing and the two entered the house, Xu Wenbin glanced at the room furnishings, and said in amazement: "You didn't live together?"

   "She lives there, didn't she tell you earlier?"

  "The utility room?"


  Xu Wenbin asked a question mark on his forehead, "Why?"

  "What and why?" Xu Qing took it for granted. "We two are not married. Is it weird to have two rooms?"

"…in argument?"


  Xu Wenbin was silent for a moment, and said: "This is different from what your mother said."

   "What did my mother say?" Xu Qing wondered, he still didn't know why he wanted to give him balloons on New Year's Day.

   "She said you two go together every day...get up."

   "Yes, she's in her room, I'm in my room, get up together to wash and eat breakfast."

  ? ?

  Are you kidding me?

  Xu Wenbin pushed his glasses, staring at him without speaking.

  (End of this chapter)

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