Chapter 134 Jiang He, the nemesis of the beggars

  Xu Wenbin has studied history for half a lifetime, digging holes and digging dead people in Yangai, Xu Qing is not interested in that stuff.

  It’s okay to like a living, with soft lips...


  Qin Maocai almost laughed out loud. He likes antiques or something... It's better to say that he likes money. "Old Xu likes antiques because he likes research. You like that because..."

   "I also like to research." Xu Qing rubbed Jiang He's small hand twice, and said confidently.

   "Ahem... OK, you also like to research."

  Able to work out a wool.

   Jiang He reacted for a while before remembering what an antique was, feeling the temperature in Xu Qing's hand under the table, realizing that he was the one being studied, and quietly squeezing his hand firmly.


"what's happenin?"

"it's okay no problem."

  Sitting at the Qin’s house for more than half an hour, after a cup of tea, the two stood up and said goodbye. Qin Mao just sat in the living room and rested for a while, using the remote control to search for unsatisfactory programs on the TV, turned it off again, and went to the balcony to lie on the rocking chair.

  The sun slanted in the afternoon, and two people walking out of the corridor could be seen from the balcony. Xu Qing stood downstairs and looked up. Qin Mao only waved with a fan, and Xiongba lay quietly in the cage, accompanied the old man.

   "I am not an antique."

  Jiang He thinks that antiques are all very old bottles and cans. She is not old, and she is very young, much younger than Xu Qing, but she came to the modern age by accident.

   "Then what are you?"

   "I am...I am the current Dong." Jiang He coined a new word.

   "You just learned to joke." Xu Qing skipped the topic of antique Xiandong. Anyway, Jiang He is Jiang He. Except for the pace of the tiger, the rest of the girls are no different from ordinary girls.

  He put his fingers through Jiang He’s fingers, clasped her fingers, and shook his arm, "I have made a lot of progress. You can give me a reward for giving me a kiss here."

"Is it here?"

  Jiang He turned her head and looked around. They hadn't walked out of the gate of the community yet, and the day was bright, so she wouldn't do such a move like this in the public.

   "I don't want it, you want to lie to me."

   "I didn't lie to you, I just stated this matter."

  The afternoon is very long. Since two people came out, they didn’t go back immediately. They walked slowly around Xu Wenbin and the others, that is, shopping.

The term   shopping was difficult for Jiang He to understand at first. It seemed to be of no use other than to familiarize her with the outside environment, but Xu Qing enjoyed it very much, saying it was a couple activity.

Turn right when you leave the community, and walk for more than ten minutes to be a traffic light intersection. It is called the "big turntable" by the people of Jiangcheng. Because it crosses several intersections, there is a large circular green in the middle, and the traffic has to go around the disc. Row.

  At such a big intersection, the road is much wider than the side where they live. Jiang He followed Xu Qing, raised his left hand on his forehead to cover the sun, and slightly squinted his eyes to look up at the traffic lights and monitoring probes above.

   "It has a blind spot, right?"

   "What?" Xu Qing didn't respond to her sudden question.

   "Surveillance, there should be blind spots, right? It's like taking pictures on a mobile phone."

   "Yes... it must be, but very few. The blind spot of this monitoring may be covered by another monitoring, so it is difficult for you to judge whether it is a real blind spot or a false blind spot."

  Xu Qing moved her gaze away from the traffic light, and fell on Jiang He’s face next to him: “Why are you asking this?”

   "I think it's amazing." Jiang He said.

  She stared at the surveillance probe above for a moment, then looked around, "Sometimes it’s like dreaming."

   "Dreaming can you dream of these?"

   "I can't dream."

  Of course, dreaming is impossible, if you can dream...Xu Qing doesn't know what will happen, just think about it briefly, and he feels that he cannot accept it.

  Time travel is very appalling, but the world is so vast. There is such a case that he can barely adapt. If there are more strange things, he has to wonder if the world is going to end.

  Or a third-rate story written by a certain painter...just like Hirata in "Fun Anime Day and".

After crossing the road, Jiang He held his hand tightly, as if she had something to say, but there were other pedestrians beside her, so she had to endure it and waited until the others were far away before moving closer to Xu Qing and lowering her voice. Said: "Is that a beggar?"

Xu Qing followed her gaze. There was a thick dirty quilt under an advertising board by the side of the road. There was a dirty person sitting on it. His upper body was lying on the ground, his head was deeply buried, and a plastic sheet was placed in front of him. Box with some scattered cash in it.

   " should be."

  "What is supposed to be?" Jiang He was puzzled.

  According to her long-term observations and what Xu Qing said, this should be a place where you can eat and wear warmth as long as you work hard, and such things as beggars shouldn’t exist.


  She couldn't help but glance back, feeling a little nervous inexplicably.

   "Did you have a gang of beggars at that time?" Xu Qing was suddenly curious, the legendary Qiao gang leader Hong Qigong or something...Oh, that was not an era.

  But the beggar gang always has a special emotion for people who like martial arts novels.

  "A beggar is a beggar, there are no gangs."

  Jiang He shook his head, frowned slightly and recalled: “But there are some places that are more affluent, and beggars will grab the site and be xenophobic together...”

  She was also not sure about what she had heard in her ears. She only briefly said a few words, then turned her head, and continued to ask: “That’s the beggar gang just now...there are gangs?"

   "I don't know, there will always be beggars, because of natural and man-made disasters." Xu Qing shrugged, "It's just that the living standard is higher, so there will be more fake beggars."

   "Fake beggar?"

"There is a saying that the poor are blackmailing the rich and long conscience. When there are more people with long consciences, there will be those kind of lazy people who are easy and evil to pretend to be beggars and use other people’s love for profit. You and I have money, delicious and spicy..."

  Xu Qing slowly explained to her, looked back in that direction, and said, “So I just said it should be, or maybe it’s not, who knows.”

  "It's a bit complicated." Jiang He thought for a while before he understood Xu Qing's words, and he was slightly relieved, "I thought I would..."

   "You will be picked up as your wife."


Regarding beggars, Jiang He does not have much extra love. Although she knows that life is not easy, she herself is still under the fence, thinking hard to do something to support herself every day. If she wants to help, she can at most extract it from her breakfast. A steamed bun helped those who were hungry and cold-the one just now was obviously not included. The money in the plastic box was worth the bricks she moved for several days.

"If you think she is pitiful, we can buy some steamed buns for her. Money can't be given." Xu Qing didn't know what he thought, with a smile on his face: "But you don't have to stare at the person after eating, maybe just Maybe someone sent it."

   "No, she has so much money in her bowl, so she bought it herself when she was hungry."

   "You see so clearly?"

   "People who practice martial arts, of course, have good eyesight. I can stand here and smash her box with a dart." Jiang He measured the distance visually and was quite sure of his skill.

   "Why are you hitting other people's boxes?"

   "I didn't fight, just give an example."

  (End of this chapter)

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