My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 142: Inadvertently deceived

  Chapter 142 Inadvertently deceived

  The thigh and calf are the same for Xu Qing.


  Hey hey.

For Jiang He, the difference is big. Hearing his words, Jiang He tensed up, pinching the corners of his clothes tightly, turning his eyes around, looking at Xu Qing, moving away, and looking again. .

  "Confucius said: Food and sex, sex, this is not a nasty thing, we two are boy and girl friends, if there is no impulse, then it is better to worship the handle and have a relationship?"

  Xu Qing touched Jiang He’s hand to teach, and at this point, the conversation turned around: “Should we find a Guan Gong, go to Zhuxiang, kneel and knelt nine siblings to become brothers and sisters of different surnames...”

   "No." Jiang He shook his head nervously, "We can't bow down."

  "Why can't you form a worship?" Xu Qing was taken aback by her reaction.

   "You have eaten my tongue." Jiang He lowered his head and grabbed his fingers.

  How can brothers and sisters do this kind of thing...

  Neither will the master or apprentice.

  Only boy and girl friends will do it, because boy and girl friends have to get married.

   "Then... let's touch your calf." She tangled for a moment, pulling her calf out of the cross-sitting position worriedly.

  Even kisses very often, touching the calf is nothing, but Jiang He always feels that if he agrees, something terrible will happen.

  Sure enough, Xu Qing did not simply touch her. This guy pulled her legs across, and put her calves together in front of him, and said with satisfaction: "This is a normal relationship."

It’s not easy for this Kaiyuan heroine to assume a pose that is common among couples. This little thing made Xu Qing feel full of accomplishment in her heart. She didn’t get too much in her hands. She just embraced Jiang He’s calf and let her experience it. The feeling of being in love.

  Innocent gluttony is just lust, not liking. Like it is the feeling of being greedy with this person and being with her.

   Just like a kiss or a hug, the small intimate movements of sitting together can also make people full of joy.

Jiang He turned her head and looked out the window. The night was vast and her heart was beating very fast. After waiting for a moment, she didn't notice Xu Qing's next move, and then she was slightly relieved, her stiff body relaxed, and she sat sideways and moved her upper body to let her Change to a more comfortable action, staring at the movie and peeking at Xu Qing.

   "Ask me before you do anything, are you afraid of me hitting you?"


"really not?"

"I just take care of your emotions. After all, you are an ancient person. If I suddenly reach out and pull you over, whether you kick me or retract my legs, or obey me nervously, it is better to say hello in advance, lest you secretly be there. Entangled there."

  Xu Qing stroked her shapely calf with her left hand and said, "I'm teaching you to fall in love."

   "Are you tired to fall in love with me?"

   "Not tired, I like you like this."

  Jiang He's legs were brought together, and he felt Xu Qing grasp his ankle from his ankle and trousers, and he shrank subconsciously, but he didn't use too much force. He pursed his lips and warned in a low voice, "Don't touch my feet."

Life is really amazing. At the end of summer and early autumn last year, when she first came, she pointed at this man with a sword, pretending to be illiterate, and then secretly picked up the plan he had thrown in the trash in the middle of the night and argued loudly with him about becoming an apprentice. Isn't it going to be inferior...

  It is about to enter the summer, but he is already lying on the sofa, put his legs in his arms, watch movies together, and watch him work.

  Over a thousand years of time, she has experienced what she has never experienced before, appreciates what she has never seen before, economy, culture, people’s life... and love.

I don’t know if it takes too much energy to carry two bags of books during the day. Jiang He feels tired. Seeing that the time is already past nine o’clock in the evening, he doesn’t want to get up when it’s time to take a shower. He lazily lies on the sofa. Feeling the slight itching of Xu Qing's hand on her calf, she didn't want to move.

   half-squinted at the warm light above her head, listening to the sound of the movie coming from the computer, she couldn't help saying: "You have watched this paragraph three times."

   "I'm thinking." Xu Qing pressed the keyboard to rewind the progress bar for half a minute.

   "Thinking about?"

   "It doesn't matter what I think about. The important thing is that you also learn to think, otherwise you will be stupid and be tricked into being a wife and having children."

  Xu Qing pointed to the computer screen: "Just like them."

  Jiang He was too lazy to pay attention to him, obviously not stupid at all, last time he saw through his conspiracy in time when he wanted to have a baby with him, and then rejected him severely.

   "Kill it!"

   "Isn't it dead?"

   "Then kill it again!"

  Three villagers on the computer, three sentences, were read several times by Xu Qing, and finally they were willing to release their hands from Jiang He's legs and press the keyboard with both hands to type.

"This is called ignorance. They have little knowledge and don't have so many things to think about. The brain is single-threaded and has only one goal:'avenge'. The task of accomplishing the goal is to'kill it'. Now that the fish is dead, they still Without the pleasure of getting revenge, I didn't know what to do, so I thought about'killing it again'."

   "I ate it." Jiang He felt that he was very smart.

   "Well, as expected, it is you, always thinking about eating."

  Xu Qing smiled, staring at the screen crackling and typing on the computer.

  "Are you thinking about this?" Jiang He felt that Xu Qing was much stupid than himself. He would have to think about such a simple thing for so long, and his legs swayed triumphantly.

"There are many more. I'm writing a film review. Just now, the phrase "Have you ever died of your husband?" has been scribbled with thousands of words of analysis and summary. It is not appropriate for me to focus on it again. No, so I looked elsewhere."

Although Jiang He didn't understand her well, Xu Qing didn't perfuse her. For Jiang He, it is more useful to learn this matter from all angles than to give pointers. She herself is a blank piece of paper, passively learning. The growth rate is not slow.

"Ignorance is the original sin. This is analyzed from the point of view of the film. From the perspective of the film, these three lines not only highlight the ignorance of the villagers, but also their deep-seated hatred and the naive comic effect. , Black humor... so many things, only three shots and three lines were used, so awesome."

  Xu Qing blew a rainbow fart, and his typing speed was not much slower than what he said. Jiang He was envious of this one-finger Zen.

Seeing his typing more and more, and spitting out a large chapter, Jiang He became more and more surprised. When Xu Qing finally stopped and then pulled the progress bar to look elsewhere, she said: "Will you think too much? Up?"

  "Maybe...but this is nothing. Thinking more is a good thing. It is better than a single-threaded brain. This is to exercise the depth of thinking. After you develop this habit, you will understand why people think."

  Xu Qing touched her calf again and continued to think.

  There is never any over-interpretation. In a work of art, what you can see is what it is.

   "Why?" Jiang He made a stupid voice again inadvertently.

  "Improve understanding. For example, I always know where you like me and why you like me, but you don’t know why I like you or what I like."

   "You like my shoes and hands."

   "That's just what you think." Xu Qing retaliated and squeezed her calf forcefully, "This is the gap.

And I know your receptive ability and bottom line, but you don’t know my receptive ability and preferences. You can only try a little bit and find that I like to kiss, and you happen to like it, so you kiss frequently, but refuse to go further. , Isn't it simple? "

   Jiang He stopped talking. She stared at Xu Qing's profile and found that she didn't seem to know.

   is very inexplicable, just like it.

   Very inexplicable, I am willing to be deceived by him.

  Could she be really not smart?

  (End of this chapter)

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