My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago

Chapter 171: Ward off evil swords

  Chapter 171 Evil Sword Technique

  Looking at the changes of the times, it will always make people feel a little touched.

  Big Brother turned into a smart phone, rural roads connected to the high-speed rail, the video room disappeared, was replaced by a TV, from the beginning to the end, a whole movie down, Xu Qing watched very carefully.

   Jiang He leaned in his arms and fell asleep, and Xu Qing occasionally touched his hair, but there was no movement, as if he had completely let go of his defenses.

Although she is still a little bit resistant to certain behaviors, she is still tacitly agreeing. Even when she is watching movies, she has to take a shower and then close together very intimately, which is only resistance. If she has to continue to touch her feet, she will not. Too resistant.

  Maybe the jade pendant was given.

  Xu Qing touched the jade on her neck and made a perfect interpretation of Jiang He's behavior.

  After the ending subtitles are played, the video window automatically shrinks, and the light from the computer is a little brighter. He looked down at Jiang He's sleeping side face, hugged him quietly for a while, and then leaned over to kiss her, but still did not wake up.

  I dreamed of walking around the world with a sword and seeing the prosperity of the world...

  Now there is a warm girl in her arms, just wanting to hold her and stay at home.

Seeing that it was already ten o'clock in the evening, Xu Qing thought for a while, tried to move Jiang He into the house, and took her into the house when she fell asleep at night, and she would be moved to tears when she woke up tomorrow, and then begged. Will he move back to the master bedroom and sleep together?

  Gently move, Xu Qing hugged Jiang He, who was neither snoring nor saliva.

Of course, you can’t hug a girl like Jiang He is about to carry the piglet, throwing it in with one arm and one leg. Instead, you have to hug it horizontally, which is commonly known as a princess hug. Jiang He is only about 100 kilograms, so it doesn’t take much effort to hug a girl. Among them, there are reasons why Xu Qing exercises and Jiang He is a girl.

As we all know, holding a hundred catties of rice is completely different from a girl holding a hundred catties. You may not be able to carry a hundred catties of rice, but if you are a girl, you can not only hold it, but also turn around twice. Take a few steps.

   Jiang He's eyelids quivered twice, and he woke up when Xu Qing moved, and he didn't make any movement.

  Xu Qing put Jiang He on the bed and shook her head looking at the white arms and legs exposed under her pajamas.

  "Do you know what you call fishing law enforcement?"

   "...what is phishing law enforcement?"

   "You made me think you weren't awake, and then I took the opportunity to do something, and then you suddenly caught me."

Seeing Jiang He opened his eyes, Xu Qing put his hand on her knee and slid down her calf. Finally, he squeezed her foot, and at the same time dodged and ran to the door, closed the door to protect herself and let Jiang He kicked and kicked.

   "This is not taking advantage of others, good night!"

  Being fair and honest is different from doing something while she is asleep, Xu Qing is very witty.

  Help Jiang He close the door, go back to the utility room to take the clothes and wash himself up, he goes back to the computer, thinking about the movie he just watched.

"Binbin is a group of gangsters, leading these gangsters. They took loyalty as the common value recognized in the oath of drinking wine instead of blood in front of the statue of Guan Erye. However, the so-called loyalty is just a poke. Broken illusion.

They have a large number of people, but they do not have a well-formed organization, strict discipline, and no industrialized interest chain. They only rely on the personal prestige of the leader and the vague "loyalty" from the old society. , They are just a mass of loose sand..."

  Stop writing and writing, then reopen the movie, and drag the progress bar to watch repeatedly.

  A five-thousand-word article eloquently wrote to the end, it was already midnight.

  "Are you still not sleeping?" A gap was opened at the door of the master bedroom, and Jiang He poked his head out to look at Xu Qing who was still sitting in the living room.

  He is wearing the same blue pajamas, and there is a can of Coke by the table with a straw inserted on it.

  Huh, man.

   asked him if he wanted it last time, and he also said that men are too damned to use straws.

   "Preparing to go to bed."

  Xu Qing stretched out and stood up with a yawn, "You just fell asleep, now you can't sleep?"

   "No... go to bed early."

"you too."

   will care about when she goes to bed...Xu Qing sighed, turned off the computer, drank the remaining little coke, and turned back to her utility room.

If Jiang He’s arrival had any impact on his life, it would probably be a good habit. Xu Qing used to feel that according to his biological clock, which was born during the day and night, he would age very quickly. He had a hairline at the age of 30. The line may go back a lot, and it’s almost enough to live to fifty or sixty...

  Now he feels that he can live to be eighty and still be very energetic.

  As for the others, the impact is not very obvious. If you like a girl, probably most people will work hard and try to earn more to make their lives better. It doesn't have much to do with whether or not Jiang He is.

   Lying back on the bed, Xu Qing didn't have much sleepiness. It was a long time since she slept so late. Instead, she got more and more energetic. He simply took out the phone and turned down the sound, and turned on Xiaopo Station to look like.

Recently, the most popular is the drama of traditional martial arts being abused by fighters. I don’t know if it’s a hype or a real fight. Although generally speaking, as long as a master with a brain knows how many catties he is, he will not be embarrassed easily in the battle. Maybe even pretending to believe it for a long time, maybe this kind of thing.

  Now if there is a Chuanwu standing up and launching a wave of Jedi counterattacks, it will definitely receive countless attention. This is a wealth code... but Xu Qing does not intend to do it.

People are predestined. If you think about it carefully, it is a question of suitability. If someone who is dedicated to money and aims at financial freedom has been taught by Jiang He for so long, then he must not help but challenge. Those martial artists, who are enthusiastic, make a lot of money while promoting martial arts...

This is really good, but when you put yourself in the spotlight, the masses of magical netizens will pick up a few moles on people’s buttocks, especially when most people don’t believe in martial arts, suddenly a guy pops up to fight. The expert stepped on his feet, no need to think that he would be suspected of performing a show, and then he was looking for evidence, and his past experience was not enough to support the personality of a traditional martial arts master. Even if he could not find Jiang He, he would have a lot of trouble. problem.

  Practicing martial arts is to strengthen the body, not to fight bravely.

  In the dark and moonless night, the stars were so dazzling, Xu Qing raised his hand to his eyes, slowly clenched it in the dark environment, and then closed his eyes.

After a nap, it was already bright, and there was a fine noise from the living room outside. Jiang He was practicing swords when he opened the door. The space in the master bedroom is much larger than in the utility room and has more room for display, so she moves more. For a few minutes, the three-foot long sword danced vigorously in his hands.

  "Do you know how to fart diagonal swordsmanship?"

  Xu Qingying took the slippers to put some water in the bathroom, came out and sat on the sofa for a while, then suddenly asked curiously.

  Since the practice pile was put in the evening, he stopped moving in the morning.

  "Evil-shielding swordsmanship?" Jiang He held the long sword behind his arm, shook his head and said, "No."

   "I teach you, that's it."

  Xu Qing certainly doesn’t know how to use swordsmanship. He opened a mobile game with his mobile phone and manipulated the master engraver to show Jiang He a set of swordsmanship.

   "This is a game." Jiang He despised him with idiotic eyes, "I don't know how to smash the land."

  Mountain Crashing and Slashing is the ultimate trick of the ghost swordsman in her live game. When she shoots on the ground with a sword, it rushes with lava, which looks very gorgeous.

   "Just this action, you demonstrate it."



  Jiang He frowned and saw Xu Qing's swordsmanship on the mobile game, and suddenly understood what he meant.

  Fart diagonal swordsmanship.

   "I won't." She refused without expression.

   "It's that simple, let's try it... I'll make breakfast later."

   "No, I will do it."

  "I wash clothes, I wash the dishes, I help you move bricks..."

  Looking at Xu Qing’s longing eyes, Jiang He was shaken. Anyway, he just looked at...

   "Then I'll do it, just practice."

"it is good!"

  Xu Qing turned on the video and aimed her at her, but was robbed by Jiang He, put it in his pocket, and prepared to return it to him after the practice.

   "Is that so?"

   Jiang He held the long sword as serious as possible, returned to his room far away from Xu Qing, and then used the master carving technique.

  Xu Qing's nose was hot.

   "What's wrong with you?" Jiang He was surprised.

   "Nothing...a small problem." Xu Qing took a paper ball and stuffed it into his nose. It was not true that he got up awkwardly, nor was he sitting.

  How could anyone develop such a charming sword technique?

   "I think... today I am embarrassed. You should cook."

  Xu Qing thought about it for a moment, then shook his hand, "I will do it tomorrow."

  Jiang He didn't say anything, he put his long sword into its sheath, and Xu Qing's funny appearance with a ball of paper stuffed in his nose was unrealistic for cooking.

Xu Qing leaned on the sofa to reflect on herself. Until the breakfast was over, she sat in front of the computer to help Jiang He move the bricks. This verbal promise could not be avoided. Jiang He held the book and sat in the place where he usually sits. to study, and also tick the pen from time to time.

The brief history of time is too obscure. After reading it for a few days, she threw it aside. Now she is holding the two books "How to Learn to Speak High Emotional Intelligence" and "Humor and Communication". Some places are not bad. She felt an eye-opener.

  In addition, the WeChat also followed a bunch of emotional public accounts. After Xu Qing found out, she had to help her to screen, so as not to have any Mimi in it, which would ruin a great heroine.

Although those who can be taught bad are inherently stupid, ghosts like Jiang He are hard to be influenced by strangers, but they can be avoided or avoided as much as possible. At most one or two are left as negative textbooks and viewed in a critical light. .

Moving bricks is very boring. Xu Qing just moved a few accounts and couldn’t stick to it. He always had the urge to open a plug-in for one-click customs clearance, thinking that if he destroyed the account, Jiang He would stare at him, maybe. He would still be so angry that he gnashes his teeth and refuses to hold him, so he dismisses his thoughts, thinking and meditation for a long time to find out what is right to do.

Leaving Jiang He at home, he walked outside. The electronic access control at the gate of the community has been installed. Uncle Zhao has not changed. He still sits leisurely under the big umbrella, but the chair is a little closer to the door. There is a small yellow dress. Brother or something, you have to register before you can come in.

   "I'm going to take the electronic card to bet in May, right?"

   "Yes, there is still half a month, have you done it? If you haven't done it, go ahead and do it."

   "Okay, then I will check it out."

  Xu Qing held a pocket and chatted with Uncle Zhao, and went to the neighborhood committee leisurely.

  The neighborhood committee is on the other side of the street. It’s not far or near. I don’t usually come here, but I know where I go. I just walk around and I saw Cheng Yulan holding a form and waiting for someone to fill it out.

  Cheng Yulan surprised Xu Qing by taking care of this, saving a lot of things, and chatting with her while filling out the form.

  I wanted to do one first, and then replenish one for Jiang He in two days. No matter what electronic access control or something, there is always a way for people to live, let alone Jiang He has his help, but now he doesn’t need it anymore.

   "There is someone else, my aunt will give me another form and I will fill it out for her."

   "Why didn't she come?"

   "I wandered outside and came here. By the way, I don't need to go again." Xu Qing wrote with a brush.

  Name Jiang He.

  Age nineteen.

  Professional freelancer...

  It was eighteen last year and nineteen this year. There is no problem at all. Those tenants have to bring copies of their ID cards to get them and file them. The house like Xu Qing’s is much simpler, with two electronic cards in hand.

   "Oh, I'm only nineteen years old." Cheng Yulan looked at it and said with some regret: "I can't get married this year."

  "Who said we got married this year?" Xu Qing was surprised.

   "I thought about it myself."


  You can think so far.

Xu Qing was unable to make complaints, and paused for a while and pondered: "We haven't talked enough, we won't get married until we have enough talks, and there is no one in her hometown, and there is no way to make up for it if I lose my identity. She went to her hometown to play tricks."

   "Is there anything else?"

   "Yeah, I haven't been back in a long time, wait to see if I can get an Jiangcheng Hukou directly and move her over."

   "You kid... Come on." Cheng Yulan smiled, "Add to your household registration book, this girl is pretty good, she can live a life."

"It will definitely happen. I followed you to collect the eggs last time." Xu Qing felt that the lecture should not last long. He had been dissuaded for several waves before, and it was the old lady's ethos. , Leave if you want to buy something.

   "Who won't take it for nothing?"

Cheng Yulan was a little proud, and immediately shook her head, "My daughter is too lazy to go, saying that it is a waste of time, eating sunflower seeds every day and watching TV is not a waste of time, it is a waste of time to get something, alas..."

   "Okay, are you busy."

  Xu Qing saw that someone came in again outside, did not continue chatting, got up and carried his pocket to go back... I don’t know if Jiang He moved the bricks soon.

  He returned home with two electronic cards, Jiang He was still struggling, his long hair was draped behind him, and he looked focused.

  Industrious and thrifty, he manages the small Hemiao.

   "Someone praised you today and will live." Xu Qing hung the electronic card on the key, and put the other in front of Jiang He.

  A thin blue plastic sheet with a small hole on it.

   "Who praised me? What is this?"

  "This is a key. Isn't there a new door outside? You will use this to get out from next month. Hang it on your key."


  Jiang He finished a game, go get his keychain, hang the flat plastic piece on it, lift it up and have a look.

  Stay here for a long time, these little bits and pieces are getting more and more.

   "Aunt Cheng praised you and said that we got married this year. I asked her who said that, and she said she thought of it herself."

  Xu Qing smiled, thought for a while and continued: "You are only nineteen years old, and you cannot get married by law."

   Although it is strictly considered an old grandma, the bone age test will be as fresh as her straw sandals.

   "Can you still be nineteen?"

   "Yeah, they have all become old girls..."

   "I am not an old girl!"

   Jiang He is very sensitive to old girls, she is not old.

  (End of this chapter)

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