Chapter 193 Try It, Try It

  The living room is quiet, only the people in the movie are talking, the light and shadow of the screen flicker, mixed with the lines of the movie, and nothing else seems to happen.

  Black is not long, nothing really happened.

  After the film was played for a short time, Xu Qing suddenly sighed heavily.

   Jiang He paused, staring at the movie intently.

  When she heard Xu Qingsi leave the sofa, she secretly turned her head, looked at Xu Qing's back, blinked her big eyes, and felt a little panic afterwards.

  What did she do...

  Not long after, Xu Qing sat back and embraced Jiang He's legs again, gently pressing her calf.

   Silent and speechless.

  At the end of the movie, Xu Qing went over to turn on the light and turned to look at Jiang He.

  Jiang He has a calm expression, with his fingers on his chin, reminiscing about the movie.


"you shut up."

  Okay, Xu Qing stopped talking, sat back slowly, shrunk the movie window, took a look at the way Jiang He was lying on the sofa, and opened the word in his thoughts.

  Don’t just’s no big deal, yes, it’s no big deal.

  Xu Qing tried to convince herself.

  He swears that at first he wanted to refuse...

  It shouldn’t be, really shouldn’t be for a female hero to do this kind of thing.

   "Why don't you write?"

  Jiang He couldn't help but make a sound as he watched his hands resting on the keyboard for a long time.

  She knows that Xu Qing is going to write a film review, and she also likes to see Xu Qing crackling a lot of words. This is already a habit. Every time two people watch a movie together, Xu Qing will write an article, and then Jiang He will go to his mobile phone to read the article he posted on the platform at night before going to bed, reminisce about the movie, and go to bed.

   "Can't write it." Xu Qing said.

   "You didn't watch it at all?"

   "No, I've seen it several times."

  Even though I watched it several times, I still read the second half with gusto. If I just want to write a film review, there is nothing to write about.

  Accurately, it’s not that there is nothing to write, but there is too much to write. Everywhere you can pull out a paragraph to capitalize the close-up, it makes it difficult to sort out.

  Thinking about it, Xu Qing simply turned off the word and stopped writing.

   "This doesn't seem to make any money." Jiang He used his toes to play with the corner of his clothes. Now Xu Qing has changed into a set of pajamas, which he changed halfway through the movie.

   "It's not that I can't make any money, but I haven't made any money from here."

  "Didn't you write it for a long time?"

"Writing for a long time does not necessarily make money. If nothing is done, it will be successful. If it is so easy, wouldn't anyone know how to do it?" Xu Qing pinched Jiang He's toe and turned to grab the iron ring and pliers. , Make a small iron basket for Jiang He.

  The bottom of the basket is ready, just surround it and make a handle.

   Jiang Hewo looked at him on the sofa, a kind of drunken comfort in the quiet night.

  The clock was ticking, passing by every second, winter melon leaned in her arms lazily.

   "What you said before, that...what does human beings solve...what needs." Jiang He finally found an excuse for the matter just now, lowered his head and said, rubbing the head of winter melon.

"Well, human beings will have needs. This is determined by the physiological structure. The one between boy and girl friends... is normal." Xu Qing nodded hurriedly. He didn't want Jiang He to have any misunderstandings. Now there is a perverted label on his head. Enough.

   After a pause, he added: "Innocent."


   Jiang He was speechless.


  How do you think Xu Qing is mocking her? Jiang He held the winter melon and twisted his waist with his toes.


  Xu Qing took a breath and pulled her leg over and embraced her, "It's getting more and more like a modern person."


   "Should I help you..." Xu Qing asked with a twitch of her head, holding her foot.

Turning his head, Jiang He's eyebrows stood up.

   "I don't need it!"

   "Actually, this is normal, don't feel shy..."

   Xu Qing felt a murderous aura, and suddenly shut up.

  I've decided, and later, I will make up the swords and punches I haven't practiced today.

   "Reflect on why you can make money?" he asked.

"A little bit, the feelings you mentioned, I checked. This game was two games many years ago and now. It's just the characters and the like, and everything else has changed. Then you teach me to knock that, it's easy to make Human resonance, and ugly wings as well..."

   "Are you so good?"

   "Uh... actually asked someone else." Jiang He lowered his head in shame.

  "Who did you ask?" Xu Qing was even more surprised. There is another teacher?

   "That beautiful yogurt girl, she added my WeChat message, she is a girl with very long and beautiful hair..."

   Jiang He gestured with his hands, his hair is indeed very long, "I saw it from her circle of friends."

   "Oh." Xu Qing thought for a while, didn't ask much, staying here for a long time, it is normal to try to make friends.

"It makes sense, but it's better to think more on your own." He held the hoop in his hand and said casually: "Now is an era of highly developed commerce. Almost all problems can be solved by others, just like before. What I said to you, work is to help others solve problems.

Whether it’s eating, going out in the car, or wanting to buy something, as long as you pay, someone will help you take care of everything. This makes it easy for you to think that the world is simple-but in fact, the world is very complicated. of. "

"is it?"

"Yeah, it's like you play a game. Actually, the current result is achieved through a comprehensive combination of many aspects. Without any one, such as standing stubborn, such as Zhong Kui, such as technology, it may not accumulate popularity in the early stage, and analyze them one by one. In fact, it is a coincidence inevitable...Said these are more complicated, I just want you to use your brain more."

Xu Qing shook the pliers in his hand and continued: "Why didn't you let me do it for me? It's because mechanical repetition without experience. You must sum up and improve in everything you do, so that you can become better, instead of earning money now. When I get some money, I just go to the duel field every day according to the current set of templates. That's stupid."

   "Okay, Teacher Xu."

   Jiang He bulged his mouth, this guy just wanted her to do the problem.

   "I will do the questions well."

  "The meaning of doing the questions is to increase your information integration ability and to make your mind more open." Xu Qing laughed.

"Reading books and not reading books, the spiritual life is not the same, other people listen to'blue sky is waiting for mist and rain, and I am waiting for you', you listen to'thunder, this world collapsed with purple hammer, knife, anger cut snow Wing Sculpture'..."

  In order to prevent this Kaiyuan wife from going crooked, Xu Qingxu babbled and made up for the regret of not being a teacher.

As the night got darker, the clock slowly pointed to eleven, and the two were lying on the sofa and talking quietly. Jiang He slowly became a little sleepy. He yawned and slapped Xu Qing on the face, getting up and preparing to go back to the house. go to bed.

   "Your house is hot, don't forget to move the fan in." She stood at the door and said.

  "I really can’t have the blessing and share it, can I blow the air-conditioning together? I can hit the floor."

   "You..." Jiang He hesitated, thinking of the terrible place of two people living together, shook his head vigorously, "What's the difference between that and the bridal chamber?"

  "The bridal chamber will do what I like to do. I move in and do nothing."

  I can't do it if I want to, and I can't hold it if I can't beat it.

  Jiang He is like the little calf, full of energy.

   "Have you premeditated?" Jiang He suddenly got to know why Xu Qing had to change rooms in the first place.

   "I have no premeditated, I'm just a kind boyfriend, what can I be wicked?"

   "Then let's change it back."

   "Forget it, I will continue to sleep in the utility room and blow the fan."

  Xu Qing refused the offer to change back, and he took a few more baths.

When Jiang He went back to the room to sleep in his pajamas, he stood up, stretched his waist, turned his arms around and kicked his legs, and made up for today’s boxing and sword exercises. He was so sweaty that he went to the bathroom and took another shower. Go to bed before two o'clock.

  Release the vitality that has been accumulated for a long time, and sleep soundly.



   Jiang He, who was originally sleepy, was lying on the bed but couldn't sleep. It seemed that he could still feel the heat in his legs and feet, as if he was still in Xu Qing's arms.

  The first time you can say it was unintentional, the second time there is no explanation.

  What kind of messy things have I learned...

  Looking back on the countless countless people in the past year, Jiang He stared at the ceiling in the dark in a daze.

  After a long time, she suddenly got up from the bed, dressed up, and sneaked into the living room, followed the door of the utility room to eavesdrop for a while, making sure that Xu Qing was asleep, and gently turned the doorknob to walk in.

  The electric fan was placed on the chair, blowing directly at Xu Qing.

   Before the middle of the night, the room was a bit sultry. Jiang He sat on the side of the bed, thinking about it, and reaching out to touch his forehead, a little sweaty.

  The air conditioner is really a great invention...

  She sighed, and looked at Xu Qing against the weak light. She was curled up on the side, lying on the bed leaning on all sides.

  Xu Qing suddenly stretched out his hand and scratched his face, and then fell down just to bump into Jiang He. He seemed to be taken aback, and he woke up directly, swept his hand around the bed again, and didn't touch anything. Standing up and taking a look, there was nothing in the secret utility room, so he lay down again, pulled the thin cover over his stomach, and continued to sleep.

   Jiang He, lying on the floor beside the bed, stood up again like a ghost, gave him a faint look, and slipped out the door.

  The next day.

Xu Qing didn't even remember waking up once in the middle of the night. He got up full of energy to practice boxing. After a complete set of fights, Jiang He slowly got up. He didn't even practice the sword, so he just washed his face and brushed his teeth to do it. breakfast.

   "Did you sleep well last night?" Xu Qing looked left and right, without realizing it at all.

"sleep good."

   "Then why are you not so full of energy like me?"

  "Please go out, don't disturb me cooking porridge!" Jiang He waved the lid of the pressure cooker to expel him.

   "You are really strong with this punch. I am full of energy every day. I feel like I can kill a cow with one punch. I suggest you stop practicing swords and practice boxing together."

  Xu Qing went out to the living room and swung his sword twice. Suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and changed his words: "Don't practice anything at all. You are already top-notch. It doesn't matter whether you practice or not."

   "No, people can't be lazy, what if I go back someday?"

   "..." Xu Qing looked sideways at her saggy pajamas, "Can I take your pajamas before going back?"

"you try?"

   "Then... I try?"

  Xu Qing put away the sword, bumped it to the door of the kitchen, and stretched out his finger to tentatively poke her shoulder.

   Jiang He looked at him blankly, and suddenly yawned, which surprised Xu Qing.

   "Forget it, my mental development is not enough now. I won't be joking in the morning, and try again in the evening."


In the morning, the millet porridge is said to nourish the stomach and squeak with pickles. After drinking two large bowls, Jiang He ate and drank enough to return to the bedroom to make up for a sleep. Think about Xu Qing's sleep until noon when she first came as a waste. , Forget it.

  She didn’t want to be a waste, she ate and slept like winter melon.

"I'm going out."

   Jiang He changed his clothes, shook his key, carried his bear bag on his back, and prepared to go out.

   "I will go out later. If WeChat didn't tell you to come back, I probably won't come back for dinner." Xu Qing said.

"it is good!"

   Jiang He responded, touched the phone already in his bag, and turned around. The morning sun was not scorching. When he reached the gate, he took an electronic card, smiled at Uncle Zhao, and walked to the bus stop sign.

  Uncle Zhao is an elder, not a simple security guard. She had already noticed that when she went to Xu Qing's parents' house, let alone the security guard in the community greeted him. Xu Qing rarely even looked at him. He was a stranger.


   Approaching noon, Xu Qing also dressed up and went out, drove to the hospital, packed an extra porridge, plus a few vegetarian buns, and carried it all the way to the fifth floor of the hospital.

  Although Qin Maocai is not too old, it is not so convenient to come and go when he is old. Xu Qing brought food to Qin Hao.

   "Eating again?" Qin Hao saw a few buns with no appetite at all.

   "What is it? You don't have to eat after a meal?"

   "No... the prince got up very late in the morning, and it was almost ten o'clock when he brought a meal."

   "Then put it aside and eat later."

   Xu Qing opened his quilt again, and the gauze on his stomach had been changed. It was not **** as it was last time, and he seemed to be recovering well.

   "Shall we go to the newspaper? You run into a gangster during get off work hours and rushed to stop it with enthusiasm. Then you almost died. Fortunately, you met enthusiastic citizens, what a good positive theme, and promote positive energy."

   "I don't know, my colleague came to see me in the morning and let me take care of me." Qin Hao looked happy. Although he was injured, he realized a dream.

  I encountered an unexpected incident while shopping, and then rushed to promote justice. This is what he has thought of since he was a child, and it can now be crossed off from the dream list.

  Small mediation, quarreling, catching cats and dogs...Ten pieces are not as good as this one, but it’s just a small injury. It’s good that the person protecting it is not injured.

  "This orange is very sweet. The girl brought it yesterday."

   "Oh, can you eat oranges?"

   "It's okay to taste it."

   "Don't be foolish and silly? What did the girl do yesterday? Why do I think you have flowers on your face."

   "What flowers to bring, don't talk nonsense, just the convenience store salesperson near the Internet cafe, passing by after get off work, was spotted..."

  Qin Hao is in good spirits, lie down in a different posture, tugging at the wound, oh, oh, yell, and continue to flirt with Xu Qingxian.

  Xu Qing wondered.

   "If you say that the hero saves the United States, why did I save it? I saved you both."


  Qin Hao frowned.

  (End of this chapter)

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