My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 313: I wish the girl will also be wronged (2 in 1)

"Chang'an, do you know that there is a saying in Buddhism that you feed a tiger with your body?" After Zhu Pingniang finished speaking, she thought about it.

According to the rules of the general direction of the cultivation world, Liu Qingluo is only open source, and can already foresee the existence of an extremely bright future... Even if there is a lack of xinxing, as long as there is a solution, it is nothing.

Xu Changan: "...?"


Feeding tigers with your body?

What is my sister saying?

But when it comes to Buddhism, Xu Changan remembered the great monk he saw when he went down the mountain.

Zhu Pingniang: "..."

From the perspective of the entire Chaoyun Sect, if it is to strive for the greatest interests for the sect... Let Xu Changan "feed the tiger with his body" and stabilize Liu Qingluo's mentality should be the most correct choice.

But that is the general case.

The point is that Liu Qingluo is not an ordinary girl, even if Xu Changan really wants to approach her, she has to be willing to do so.

Where in the world is there a dodder that does not cause trouble to the parasites?

Liu Qingluo is.

She clearly relies on him to exist, but she hopes to stay far away... She doesn't know what's in that girl's head.

After thinking for a while, Zhu Pingniang sighed slightly.

So troublesome girls are always troublesome.

Raising her head, seeing Xu Changan looking at herself in confusion, Zhu Pingniang waved her hand: "Let's not talk about Buddhism, I'm angry when I mention my sister. Do you still remember that there was a broken temple in our city?"

Xu Changan was startled and nodded.

What I'm talking about is that Zhu Pingniang deliberately stayed near Huayuelou to give the girls a spiritual sustenance.

"Qingluo often goes there to worship Buddha on weekdays." Zhu Pingniang said and clicked: "That old guy also went to worship the mountain today... He didn't think very highly of your talent back then. When I was young, someone told me about that old man. How accurate things are and how accurate fortune-telling is, now it's mostly exaggerated, and now...

Zhu Pingniang said, humming twice.

The old monk's evaluation of Xu Changan was very general at the beginning, and even the slightest positive evaluation may have been given because of the relationship between Xu Changan and her.

But it turned out that the boy in front of her was an out-and-out monster.

That old thing is blind.

"..." Xu Changan didn't know what to say after listening to the dissatisfaction in Zhu Pingniang's words.

The "old guy" in Zhu Pingniang's mouth was in his eyes... It was a giant, Xu Changan still remembered the glow of the sky he saw when he went down the mountain.

That is the senior in the true sense, and as a practitioner, I always keep a distance from such mysterious things as Buddhism.

Xu Changan still remembered that the old monk said to him that he had a relationship with Buddhism, and it was strange to panic.

As for the slap in the face that Zhu Pingniang said... Xu Changan felt a little strange.

The order the old monk gave him was very ordinary, which was in line with his temperament, so he was slapped in the face.

"Don't look at me like this, they say that women have long hair and short knowledge." Zhu Pingniang put her hands around her heart: "The old guy doesn't have half a hair on his head, so he doesn't have knowledge? You're strange, he can't see it. Specially, it can be said that it is your problem..."

What about Liu Qingluo?

Liu Qingluo ran under the eyes of the old monk to pray for Xu Changan every three days. Didn't the old man see that Liu Qingluo had immortal talent?

Xu Changan blinked slightly when he heard the words.

What is Zhu Pingniang saying?

Why is he so strange that the old monk can't see... It's his own problem?

Do you mean that your spiritual platform is stable?

Xu Changan tilted his head and looked at Zhu Pingniang, who was scolding in front of him.

Obviously, after mentioning Liu Qingluo, Zhu Pingniang's good mood has deteriorated to the naked eye.

"Hmph, I'll see how the old guy will act in front of me in the future, meet each other... Later, I'll arrange a stall for him, hang a flag and go to the south of the city for fortune-telling." Zhu Pingniang muttered, then looked up at Xu Changan.

She originally thought that she could rely on some secret methods of Buddhism to have a positive effect on Liu Qingluo.

But it turned out that Liu Qingluo went to pay homage to the Buddha every day, but she didn't see her look down on Xu Changan.

The old monk has no ability at all, so he can only think about this idea.

"Anyway, when you bring the qin up the mountain to Qingluo, remember to tell her about going down the mountain to listen to my performance." Zhu Pingniang clasped her hands together: "Tell her more about the qin, as long as you can Let her pick up the abandoned qin art again... my sister will definitely benefit from you."

Zhu Pingniang said, and then changed her words: "No, this is also a commission... Qingluo will live in Mu Yufeng in the future, it is your responsibility to take care of it, please take care of me."

Xu Changan didn't think much about Zhu Pingniang wanting Liu Qingluo to practice the piano, which is also normal.

After all, no one can guess that Zhu Pingniang wants to replace it with a qin... Or to create the second "spiritual pillar" in Liu Qingluo's heart.

Xu Changan was a little surprised.

"I wish sister, you said... Miss Liu will also enter Mu Yufeng?"

"Nonsense, or I'll ask you to follow me?" Zhu Pingniang gave Xu Changan a roll of eyes, and said angrily, "Just help me stare when you have time on weekdays, and don't let my daughter be bullied by those unruly women."


I don't know how she said it when she was a prostitute in a brothel.

But Xu Changan just nodded, indicating that he knew.

Liu Qingluo went up the mountain as soon as she went up the mountain. After all, she was Zhu Pingniang's younger generation, and this matter was not worth his much thought...

However, Xu Changan still raised his eyebrows.

Speaking of which, he always wanted Yun Qian to have a friend.

I once thought that Wen Li had a chance, but in the end, Wen Li taught her to practice just to teach, and did not mean to develop towards friends at all.

Later, I felt that Li Zhibai liked Yun Qian very much, but I heard Miss Yun say that they were just a relationship between a makeup artist and a makeup puppet...

Now this Liu girl...

Miss Yun said that she liked her very much, and also liked her wine.

Is this the best chance for Yun Qian to successfully make a girlfriend?

Xu Changan pondered, and always felt that there should be a chance, but this kind of thing can't be forced, so the matter of making Yun Qian and Liu Qingluo friends just floated in his mind for a while, and then sank to the bottom.

"Chang'an, what are you thinking?" Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan, who was rarely distracted, and blinked a little strangely: "...Oh, you think she's all on Mu Yufeng, there's no way a woman could bully her, right?"

Xu Changan nodded when he heard the words.

Zhu Pingniang said the same.

Ding Xinfeng, he doesn't understand it, forget it.

Mu Yufeng's senior sisters seem to love to tease people, but that is definitely not bullying. He was only made trouble because of his identity as a man...

Moreover, Mu Yufeng was also the home base of Zhu Pingniang, how could her "daughter" be bullied.

Therefore, Xu Changan did not take it to heart.

"You don't need to worry about it. I told you to remember it. Anyway, it's a matter of hand." Zhu Pingniang waved her hand: "When you pass the news of Ah Bai to me, take advantage of the situation to mention her recent status. It's not normal, is it the same as before... It's good to be normal, if there is a slight difference from what you've seen, you should report it to me."


The group of old women on Mu Yufeng knew that there was an unprecedented immortal talent in front of them, and even a "daughter of heaven" who was even more exaggerated than immortal talent. Could it be something wrong?

In order to test Xu Changan, they were able to put the projection of their youth into the Blackrock Tower, and as a result, the entire Blackrock Tower could not bear it and collapsed.

In the future, I still don't know how to test Liu Qingluo.

It's not wrong to let Xu Changan stare, but it's not that she has any selfishness.

"I wish you sister." Xu Changan shook his head, a little puzzled, and with the mentality of being the person in charge when he took over the task, he asked: "You said that Miss Liu is the same as before...but she is now in After Xianmen, there will always be changes."

If there is a little trouble, I will report back... Xu Changan always felt that it was not suitable.

"Xianmen?" Zhu Pingniang heard the words and waved her hand: "Of course ordinary people will change when they enter Xianmen, but this is also divided."

For a girl like Liu Qingluo, it doesn't sound good...

Xianmen and the rich and powerful are the same in her eyes.

It is almost impossible to expect Liu Qingluo to change her mind in a short period of time because of her exposure to extraordinary powers, based on her understanding of the girl.

Therefore, once Liu Qingluo has a particularly obvious change, don't think about it, it is 100% because of Xu Changan.

Zhu Pingniang can see clearly on this point. She gently picked up a sunspot, pressed it on the Tianyuan position in the center again, and said slowly: "Changan, don't take it for granted... The easiest thing is, you enter. In front of Xianmen, after entering Xianmen, can there be a big change in the heart?"

"..." Xu Changan was stunned when he heard the words, thoughtful.

Seeing this, Zhu Pingniang raised the corners of her mouth.

According to his understanding, there should be changes after he went up the mountain, but in fact, apart from the improvement of his vision and practice, Xu Changan's personality did not differ from that of him before he went up the mountain.

For a creature like a human, the shape created by the soul in its infancy will be difficult to change after it is finalized if it does not experience major changes.

"You just understand." Zhu Pingniang looked at Tian Yuanzi on the chessboard, then pinched a black chess piece and dropped it on the other star positions on the chessboard.

Xu Changan played chess with herself before, but now it is her turn.

"One son, Tian Yuan."

When Zhu Pingniang played chess with herself, she was much more casual.

Tian Yuan is the center of the chessboard, so there is a saying of "golden horns and silver-edged grass belly". Her actions are the most stupid... But the girl's family just likes this kind of spirit of determining Tian Yuan.

The sky and the earth are big, but I like it, but you like it.

But...I like you.

Zhu Pingniang looked up at Xu Changan, thinking that fat water would not flow to outsiders, so instead of letting the girls like wild men who don't know where they came from, it is better to like him.

At least, he is always clean, always in line with the girls' expectations for their sweethearts.

She didn't say that Liu Qingluo meant fat water, but after meeting Xu Changan, Liu Qingluo did pick up her clothes again, and let go of her figure that had been hidden all the year round. She redeemed herself.

Zhu Pingniang held the chess pieces, thinking about what to do next.

Tian Yuan Yizi is very unrestrained, but... I will suffer a lot in the future.

Just like she likes Li Zhibai and Liu Qingluo cares about Xu Changan.

This is the price of love and willfulness, and it is destined to be a bad road.

She thought clearly, so should Liu Qingluo.

Liu Qingluo couldn't figure it out clearly, so let her, the elder sister, figure it out for her - it should be like this.

Zhu Pingniang pondered on the chessboard, and immediately looked at Xu Changan with a bit of distress and even a bit of grievance: "Changan, I don't know what to do."

Liu Qingluo was completely beyond her control at this time, so she didn't know what to do now.


Question, what kind of experience is it to be looked at with slightly red eyes by the seniors of the alarm bell?

Even though Xu Changan knew that she was doing it on purpose, he still felt chills down his spine, and half of his body was slightly numb.

He said cautiously: "Sister Zhu, I don't understand what you are saying, but if you are playing chess, then... let it be, just see the tricks."

"Let it be..." Zhu Pingniang nodded and curled her lips: "Is Dao Fa natural...? It's what A Bai, a fake Taoist girl, would say. You are indeed her student... But in fact, sister, I just listened to her knowledge. Bai Shou Hei, Dao Fa natural nonsense just missed the best time to say that you like her."

Now she doesn't believe in Taoism and nature, she believes that things are man-made, and if you can't get it, you can try to force it to get it.

Xu Changan looked at Zhu Pingniang and closed his eyes.

I have to say that when Zhu Pingniang said that he wanted to confess to Li Zhibai so calmly, he always felt as if he had passed away.

This world is really strange, and it is not at all different from what he knows.

"However, not everyone in the world is as happy as your girl Yun, and meeting the right person at the right time... I am very envious." Zhu Pingniang clicked.

Trouble is trouble, Liu Qingluo's matter can't be explained clearly in a sentence or two.

Anyway, she is holding such a big killer Xu Changan in her hand, and she is not afraid of Liu Qingluo's disobedience for the time being.

She pointed one finger at Xu Changan's face.

"You are a big trouble."

"Liu Qingluo is also a big trouble."

Then, in Xu Changan's stunned eyes, Zhu Pingniang pointed at herself again, and said aggrievedly: "So, sister, I am not only good at picking people up, but also very good at making trouble... No wonder Abai always says that to me, give me everything I'm know, I haven't eaten yet, and when I heard you were coming, I was preparing the music."

Xu Changan: "..."

At this time pretending to be dead is too useful.

Zhu Pingniang thought about Liu Qingluo's affairs, so she stopped here.

Unless Xu Changan really changed his temper and put the willow tree Qingluo in the empty yard and planted it as a decoration, the problem would not be solved.

So, instead of continuing to struggle, it's better to think about her original thoughts.

She wanted to taste Xu Changan's craftsmanship.

Start a topic.

"Changan, do you have anything to eat? Sister, I'm hungry."

Zhu Pingniang raised her head as she spoke, and then the whole person was stunned.

I saw Xu Changan silently take out a bag of candied fruit, open it and put it in front of her.

The sweet scent permeates.


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