My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 352: Righteousness and Evil are meaningless to Qiankun Realm (2 in 1)

In the unknown land, the sky is dark, and the thick clouds cover the sky, so that the sun can't get in, and the secret can be blocked.

The woman in Tsing Yi leaned over the window sill, and there was a pink cloud on her face, as if she had snatched away all the red clouds in the sky, rendering a beautiful and moving appearance.

It was clear that she was thinking about business, but she lost her mind and couldn't come back.

Are young people who have not yet grown up so beautiful?

The woman in Tsing Yi held a fine needle in her hand, and the tip of the pen swayed gently counterclockwise in the ink tray.

She used to hear Xu Chang'an's name often in Huayuelou, and met several times, but her impression of him was just an ordinary person whom Zhu Pingniang liked.

Still married.

It doesn't stop there.

But after we actually meet...

The woman in Tsing Yi tilted her head and pressed her fingers slightly. As she was thinking about things, the ink tray was continuously pulled closer to her heart.

The little boy was wearing a light long gown, and his complexion was a little immature, but his expression was very mature, especially when he was just looking sideways, a little broken hair covered half of his eyes, that gave her the feeling...

Is it gentle or arrogant?

The woman in Tsing Yi trembled lightly while holding the thin hand.

Maybe noble?

She would actually think that there is someone in the world who is noble.

How strange.

But the occasional arrogance in Xu Gongzi's eyes did make her dare not look directly at him at a certain moment.

How could this happen? You must know that even Shi Qingjun only lived a little longer than herself in her heart.

"If I'm not mistaken..."

The speed of the Tsing Yi woman's brush strokes in the ink tray is getting faster and faster.

She actually knew something about Xu Changan.

After all, I once wondered if I could find Zhu Pingniang's weakness from this young man.

He should just be an open source realm, and the open source realm... In her eyes, it should not even be an ant, but now she truly feels that he is noble.

"I've lost my head." The woman in Tsing Yi thought, thinking that she might not have lost her head.

That little son is not an ordinary person, and he dispelled the strange rain that could not be covered by the cultivation of the universe.

Moreover, whether her sudden calamity was related to her desire to probe him, this matter still requires careful consideration.

But the woman in Tsing Yi felt that this matter was not important, because compared to the reason, she was saved by the other party... This is the real thing.


The woman remembered the pear flower umbrella that Xu Changan gave her.

It's a pity that you can't bring an umbrella back by yourself.


Why should she feel pity.

The woman's eyes widened.

Suddenly realized something.

Is it...

Is she excited?

To a married man?

The fingers unconsciously exerted force, and the ink in the ink tray was finally spilled, dyeing the clothes on her chest completely black, and the ink dripped down along the perforations of the clothes, because she was sitting, so the lower abdomen , The legs are all stained with ink.

The woman in Tsing Yi didn't feel uncomfortable, but just sat there blankly, feeling her heartbeat gradually speeding up.

Maybe, she is really better at strategy than she thought?

Heroes save beauty?

The woman in Tsing Yi sighed softly, wondering if this heartbeat was her last extravagant hope when her emotions gradually subsided.

As a half-demon, maybe when I was young and suffered so much, I did think that there would be a hero of my own, but that was a long time ago, and just thinking about it would be ridiculous and would not be moved.

Heroes, humans will have them, and there will be monsters, but half-demon won't have them.

Such an old-fashioned thing wouldn't really make her feel moved.

The woman in Tsing Yi began to wonder if she was really such a cheap woman.


But she forgot that she is by no means a cheap woman, just talking about the hero saving beauty, who is she... Just that she is stronger than her, and only the woman Shi Qingjun is known in Qingzhou.

Not to mention, she was rescued from such a calamity.

A seemingly simple condition, in fact, is almost impossible to complete.

Holding her face, the woman in Tsing Yi was full of doubts.

"He... who is he?"

That rain and Shi Qingjun's jade pendant around his waist showed that he was definitely not an ordinary person.

But the cultivation base is indeed not high.

The recent investigation did not find anyone mentioning anything about "Xu Chang'an", on the contrary... a name called Sikongjing appeared very frequently.

"Is it the reincarnation of an immortal?"

The woman frowned.

Is there really an immortal in the world?

If this is the case, then he will encounter backlash and feel that he is noble, so maybe there is a reason to explain it.

"The information is poor." The woman sighed helplessly, feeling that the problem was still here.

Lifting the pen, the woman in Tsing Yi wrote two words on the paper.

[Tongtian Zi Lei. 】

[The big sun is in the sky. 】

So far, the two have shocked the world of immortal cultivation, and the discussion has never dropped.

The first is the sky-high white jade purple thunder, which effectively sealed the full strength of all cultivators, including her, for a period of time.

The place where it happened is still in Chaoyunzong.

As a result, the rumors that Shi Qingjun suppressed the current world spread like wildfire.

But as the saying goes, the people who know you best are your friends.

Although Shi Qingjun is strong, he is definitely not strong to that level. Some things can only be seen after entering the universe.

such as "life".

In the eyes of the woman in Tsing Yi, after the appearance of Baiyu Zilei, Shi Qingjun's "life" did not increase in any way, but seemed to have weakened a bit?

This is what puzzled her the most.

Then, it was followed by the natural vision of the great sun.

Everyone thought that it was Shi Qingjun who showed his power by welcoming guests from all directions, but she didn't feel a little bit of aura belonging to Shi Qingjun from the sky.

She didn't know what was going on at all, so to be cautious, she still responded to the request of the majority of the people in the church and stepped back thousands of miles to show weakness.

This is to let Shi Qingjun relax his vigilance. In fact, one of her "clones" is in Beisang City. As a girl under Zhu Pingniang, she is secretly investigating something.

It's a pity that Zhu Pingniang's brain circuit is different from that of ordinary people. It is normal to do meticulous work around her and find nothing.

She thought she would gain nothing, but suddenly she encountered a rain that could not be covered at all, and then she saw that there was actually a carriage supporting the spiritual barrier and swaggering on the official road...

He can't stop the rain that he can't stop himself?

This bizarre scene broke into the face, it should be called stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, it took no effort to get it.

So she went up to talk, and then something happened later.

[Xu Changan].

Picking up the pen and writing the name on the paper, the woman in Tsing Yi frowned.

Has there ever been an immortal with the surname Xu?


She shook her head.

As a Qiankun Realm, in order to explore the way to go up, she can be said to be reciting the deeds of immortals in ancient history and even rumored deeds, so whether it is Xu's surname, or his wife, the Yun girl...

Couldn't find the slightest trace of it.

Thinking of Yun Qian, the blinking speed of the woman in Tsing Yi gradually accelerated. She hadn't thought about it in the past, but now, after seeing the strangeness of Xu Chang'an, and looking at this marriage, she doesn't know how it feels.

"That's it." The woman in Tsing Yi picked up the pen and drew a circle with the last ink, and circled the three words "Xu Chang'an".

A completely incomprehensible teenager suddenly appeared, disrupting her thoughts, but it also gave her a new thought.

That is……

Can all the secrets point to——

this man.

She used to not think of herself as a woman, but now a woman's intuition works.

Since they are all unexplainable and illogical, it does not seem surprising to put them all on the only clue.

Whether it's a sky-piercing purple thunder, a big sun, or a torrential rain, it can be said that he did it.

There is no evidence to ask.

"Purple Biao saint." The woman in green clothes lowered her eyes, thinking that saints should be noble?

The woman in Tsing Yi raised her head again and held her forehead with one hand.

I always felt that it was because I was moved that I imposed all the powerful things on that young master?

But he smells really good.

Recalling that smelling the faint, pleasant aroma, the woman in Tsing Yi showed a slightly jealous look.

It's Shi Qingjun again.

Why is Shi Qingjun again?

First, he picked up a kendo girl like Wen Li, and now he has discovered Xu Changan's specialness in advance, and gave him the Liuli Jade...

How could all the good things in the world be taken up by her?

not understand.

Her thoughts came to an abrupt end, a green flame flashed on the woman's hands, and she burned the paper with ink written on it in front of her.

She has never been so easily distracted now, and feels that it doesn't matter if she is cheap.

Although the doppelganger is a doppelganger, it is also a part of her.

Therefore, according to the rules of Huayuelou, if Zhu Pingniang becomes Xu Changan's concubine, can she be her dowry?

Do concubines.

This sounds really funny.

You should be a rational person.

Why does he clearly have so many secrets, but his priority is not to dig out his secrets, but to always think about other things.

"Isn't it that...the emotion is slowly disappearing?"

The woman in Tsing Yi closed her eyes.

After the universe, you will find that your feelings slowly dissipate, and you will become indifferent or what kind of temperament should you say.

This was the case with Shi Qingjun.

She also felt the powerlessness of that emotion gradually dissipating. From her and Shi Qingjun's point of view, the so-called righteousness and evil have long lost their meaning, and the struggle is purely for the resources of cultivation.

Only the people below will think that there is a difference between the famous and the sect.

However, the nature of the matter changed when the woman in Tsing Yi found that not only did her feelings not subside, but instead began to want a pear flower umbrella.

"Is it my chance or karma?"

A beautiful smile appeared on the beautiful face of the woman in Tsing Yi, and she thought that she still had a chance to contact him tonight.


Do you really want to show a man a good show?


This is investigating his mystery, not approaching.

She is definitely not such a cheap woman, unless Shi Qingjun also gets married as a concubine.

The Tsing Yi woman laughed.

Her biggest wish in this life is to crush Shi Qingjun, and then not to kill her, but to marry her.

Is this bad fun?

In short, she is called the biggest villain in the world, a witch, and she can do anything bad.

Thinking of this, the woman in Tsing Yi held a rune in her hand, and as the rune spread to the distance, someone knocked on the door respectfully shortly after.

A maid with cyan scales on her face walked in, bent down and saluted and knelt on the ground, waiting for the order.

"How is the situation recently?" The woman in Tsing Yi asked casually.

This is her maid, and she doesn't need to call the leader when she sees her. It can be said that she is the person with the highest status in the Holy Religion, apart from her in the true sense.

The maid respectfully took out some of the files, raised her head and was about to hand them over, but was suddenly stunned.

Because of the most powerful elder sister and the most powerful **** in her mind, the state at this time is...weird?

The leader's body was in a mess, and the ink dripped down the skirt to the ankle, leaving a dark mark on the fair skin.

The maid was shocked.

The woman in Tsing Yi didn't care, and then looked at the evil things that the people of the Holy Sect had done in these days, clicked twice, put down the book, and smiled.

"Just let them do it."

After the woman in Tsing Yi finished speaking, she saw the maid raised her head.

"What do you want to ask, ask."

The maid nodded obediently, "Since you don't like the reputation of the Holy Religion, don't control it?"

"Silly girl." The woman in Tsing Yi got up and shook her head: "Chao Yunzong is so big, can Shi Qingjun control it?"

"Is not interfering."

"That's it." The woman in Tsing Yi touched the maid's little face, and her fingers ran across the snake scales on her side face. Seeing the blush on the girl's face, she released her hand.

how to say.

The following things have nothing to do with her. It doesn't matter whether it is a demon or a holy religion. All she wants is the upward path.

The rest is the choice of the people below.

She only grants asylum.

It can only be said that Shi Qingjun was the first to enter the universe and integrated the most valuable sects in advance. Then he didn't want to face Shi Qingjun, so he could only pick up the many demons she didn't want and digest the remaining Dao rhyme.

Righteousness and evil are meaningless to the universe.

Only, these were all before.

Now, a singularity emerges.

"Is there any rouge for women? Bring some to me." The woman in Tsing Yi suddenly said.

"..." The maid heard the words, her eyes widened, and she stared blankly at the woman in front of her.

"did not hear it?"

"Listen... I heard." The maid panicked.

Did you hear it wrong?

Is it rouge?

Others don't know, but she still knows that the leader of her family is not like a girl's family at all, and she lives in the women's boudoir just to remind something, so that the emotions will not fade away.

It's just now that it seems...

"Well, there is one more thing." The woman in Tsing Yi tilted her head and remembered something: "The first seat is vacant, how is it now?"

When the maid heard this, she became more serious: "You have spared more words in the teaching, and the second elder has a lot of criticism about it."

"How about the Ling Gong he should give?" the woman in Tsing Yi asked.

"As um."

If you pay tribute as usual, then don't kill him.

"I have a candidate for the first seat, so let's pass it on like this," said the woman in Tsing Yi.

The maid listened carefully.

The woman in Tsing Yi smiled and said, "The first seat belongs to [Young Master], um, this is the Taoist number."

I don't know if the little boy will like this position.


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