My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 395: Xu Changan does not believe in the task of eradicating evil (2 in 1)

Even Li Zhibai finds it difficult to associate the Yinxian Zhu Tongjun with Lai Zi, the now-confused demon queen.

But I really want to say that the former Zhu Tongjun and Zhu Pingniang have some characteristics that can be recognized at a glance... It is not the cultivation base, not the appearance, not the cultivation method, but a pair of white, slender, and extremely beautiful hands.

Whether it is practice or piano skills, it is not too much to say that 30% of Tongjun's fate is in his hands.

Therefore, Zhu Pingniang will like girls with beautiful fingers, which is her personal unique hobby?

After all, if Li Zhibai didn't have a pair of skillful hands, how would he subdivide those mixed herbal spiritual powers, and how would he refine fine medicinal pills?

In the past, Zhu Pingniang never thought how good a man's hand would look, after all, the skeleton was there.

She really hadn't cared about Xu Changan's hand. If she hadn't just watched him carefully to remove the eggshell, she really wouldn't have noticed the wonderful charm.

The young man just held the knife, and the trajectory of the fingertips really made her stunned for a long time, as if there was something in it.

When you reach the realm of Zhu Pingniang's cultivation, she won't be inexplicably throbbing... But if you say that the chance for her epiphany lies in Xu Chang'an's hands... If she wants to learn something from the hands of the younger generation, then Zhu Pingniang feels that she deserves to be ashamed to death. In the cracks of the ground, don't want to be outside.

But if you like it, you like it, and if you want to take a second look... that's what she really thinks in her heart.

Zhu Pingniang would not be the one who wronged herself.

Changan is sensible and is willing to listen to her unreasonable request to play a piece of music, but she cannot be ignorant, so it is absolutely impossible for Xu Changan to come on stage to perform for the girls in the brothel. She drowned.

So it is absolutely impossible to go on stage.

But she was really interested in Xu Changan's hands. After all, heart palpitations are unpleasant, especially the ones that come out of her heart. It seems that if you take a step forward, you can realize something. The feeling of scratching gently in Zhu Pingniang's heart was very uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, Xu Changan's current identity is hazy, and he was called "the reincarnation of an immortal" by the head.

Otherwise, even if Zhu Pingniang felt that she was throbbing, it was just the old cow eating the tender grass looking at her boy's hand faint.

But once the words "immortal" are tainted, Zhu Pingniang can't help but be not interested.

Anyway, it's not that she is lustful, definitely not.

According to Zhu Pingniang's path, Xu Changan can play a song just fine, if not, then other methods will do.

"Chang'an, sister, don't want you to sing." Zhu Pingniang's pair of autumn pupils shone brightly, she said eagerly:

"Come on, give my sister a punch, let me try what it feels like."


? ? ?

Xu Changan was really dumbfounded.

No matter how unpredictable Zhu Pingniang's thinking is, there must be traces to follow. The front foot said that he wanted him to perform on stage, and then he would give her a punch later? ?

what happened.

Xu Changan was stunned.

It's no big deal for him to come on stage. After all, Xu Changan knows that he owes his seniors too much, and now he can't get it no matter what, and he doesn't care about his reputation. What is it to play a song for girls, he will hesitate for a while when Miss Yun is not there , Yun Qian was on the spot, and he could say that there were no taboos.

Hmm... After returning to Mu Yufeng, Xu Changan felt that it would be more exaggerated to leave the girl to play chess with the senior sisters.

But it is absolutely impossible to "do it" with Senior Zhu.

"What are you stunned for, I don't understand what my sister said?" Zhu Pingniang said very excitedly: "Chang'an, a punch or a palm can be used. Let me try and see if I can see something?"

"..." Xu Changan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, so he could only say helplessly, "I wish you sister, junior...let's go on stage and perform."

"No, let Abai know that he can eat me alive, even if Abai doesn't trouble me, the women in Baicaoyuan who know how to seduce other people's disciples have no face or skin." Zhu Pingniang shook her head vigorously: "Sister just said that. It's nonsense, and the decision is not to make you lose face... No, this is not important, hurry, hit me."


Sister wish, do you really know what you are talking about now?

Xu Changan used to be quite comfortable in this small kitchen by himself, but now it's really like sitting on pins and needles. Without him, he vaguely felt that Zhu Pingniang was serious.

This senior who has been so kind to him seems to really want him to punch her.

Xu Changan: "..."

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

After being silent for a while, a question mark appeared on Zhu Pingniang's head, and then her face turned red.


She patronized and grabbed the palpitations in her heart, but she forgot about such mindless words, where did Xu Changan understand it?

So Zhu Pingniang thought about it and said, "Chang'an, sister, I'm staying here in Huayuelou, what do other people think of me? Are you willing to fall?"

"Of course not." Xu Changan was so excited to see Zhu Pingniang go, and he was finally relieved that he could communicate well.

He thought about it for a while and said, "Refining the heart."

Everyone in the world thinks that Fairy Zhu is refining her heart in the world.

"Well, that's it." Zhu Pingniang nodded solemnly: "The world is ten feet tall, and the sea of ​​people is thousands of miles away. No one knows where the opportunity for enlightenment is shrunk, must seize the moment of your heart."

"So..." Xu Changan was puzzled.

"So, I don't need a reason for what I want to do, can you understand?" Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "Most of the time, as long as I have an open mind, I don't need a reason to do things, and I can't give a reason. Maybe understand?"

As she has adopted so many girls, she doesn't need to think too much about a girl like Ah Qing who wants to bring her back when she meets her.

Let the thoughts spread in all directions, this is the confidence from Zhu Tongjun standing on the top floor of the pavilion.

There are really few people in the world who can hold her down and ask her to give a reason.

Just let him fight, don't ask why.

"Probably... I can understand a little bit." Xu Changan thought deeply.

The word comprehension may be about a whim, so the mind of the senior Zhu who refines the heart of the world always escapes, he understands.

No wonder Senior Zhu is sometimes so unreliable.

"It's good if you understand, so." Zhu Pingniang pointed at her face: "Now, I want you to punch me, don't ask why, just say it."

Xu Changan: "..."

Ah this.

It turned out to be waiting here.

As expected, as Senior Zhu said, she really didn't need to give any reason.

Xu Changan couldn't understand what Zhu Pingniang suddenly meant. He could accept that he was on stage, but he couldn't collide with the elders.

"I wish sister, you are an elder, how can you..."

"Sure enough, it's not a lie for the girls to say that you are mother-in-law sometimes." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help laughing: "The girls under me don't respect your sister like this, believe it or not, I'm calling girl Lu over now. Hit me, and she will come up to bully me with her fists clenched."

Xu Changan: "...?"


Are you not cooking?

I wish the seniors were not beating eggs?

Why did he not pay attention, and the style of painting became like this?

Zhu Pingniang was not in a hurry, anyway, Xu Changan couldn't run away, she blinked, thinking that she really liked this child very much.

After all, he really respects himself, but why is he not happy at all.

And, Zhu Pingniang really had some thoughts.

Her full-strength Tianyuan formation had nothing to do with Xu Changan. It seemed that Xu Changan's defense was almost full.

So I wanted to try Xu Changan's level... I can't say, her heart palpitations fell on Xu Changan's hands?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the daughter's family always pays attention to what comes and goes.

She rashly shot at Xu Changan.

Xu Changan should return.

Otherwise, the elders can use the reason of temptation to attack Xu Changan?

Even if this elder is Zhu Pingniang herself, Zhu Pingniang feels even more guilty after discovering that Xu Changan really wanted to listen to her to go on stage.

Therefore, in order to be open-minded, Xu Changan had to fight this punch, and he would have to fight if he didn't.

Just can't let him play, he has to be serious.

It's better to give yourself a hard time?

Well... there is another important truth.

In this case, the guilt she felt when facing Yun Qian... Couldn't it be lighter?

"You are in the sword hall, Abai should have taught you the truth of watching the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court, and the sky is full of clouds and clouds. Why are you doing things now?" Zhu Pingniang said slowly.

Xu Changan was speechless when he heard the words.

Does it matter?

That is, Zhu Pingniang, if Li Zhibai suddenly said that he should beat her, Xu Changan would doubt whether he had gone crazy and encountered a demon in his heart.

"Well..." Zhu Pingniang patted Xu Changan's shoulder with a smile: "I remember that when you were looking for those thieves' dens, you were not so timid, but you don't know that after Lu girl knew that you had also killed thieves, she was also scared. It jumped, it was a child, afraid of blood."

Xu Changan smiled wryly.

Zhu Pingniang stretched and continued: "In the past, I didn't take it seriously after seeing your injury and blood for the first time, and my sister didn't go to enlighten you. Now I'm a little curious... Chang'an, it was the first time you broke into that stockade, why didn't you? Fear?"

According to reason, such a young man who respects his elders, has calm eyes, and has a good heart... Even those who would rather be on stage and suffer humiliation do not want to collide with their elders, but they are also ruthless.

Could it be that it was the influence of the immortal's will?

Zhu Pingniang is very interested.

When Xu Changan heard Zhu Pingniang's words, he couldn't help but think of what happened when he first started.

The blood slowly overflowed from the thief's neck, his eyes were round and stunned, and then his strong figure fell to the ground, blood gushing out.


"Afraid?" Xu Changan shook his head: "Of course not."

"Don't you feel uneasy?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"The thieves are dead, why are you worried?" Xu Changan was puzzled.

"Sure enough, you don't need elder sister's guidance." Zhu Pingniang glanced at Xu Changan with satisfaction.

She never thought that a young man who was just starting out would be able to cut down the roots of a half-shanzhai village and all the horse thieves around him would be a cowardly person.

How many people did Xu Changan kill for the first time?

I'm afraid he can't remember.

At that time, Zhu Pingniang immediately thought that Xu Changan was mad and lost his head.

But only when he was invited to see him did he realize that it was precious, that he was bloodied but not blinded, that his inner demons were not born at all, and his anger was not stained at all.

It was also from that time that the decisive but clear-minded young man officially entered her eyes.

Zhu Pingniang deliberately asked Xu Changan to recall the state at that time, without hiding it, and said:

"The life and death of the first palm, there is no difference between the secular and the immortal, it seems that you are a ranger who eliminates evil, the first feeling... is nothing more than the two thoughts of 'killing for the sake of goodness' and 'deprivation of life is always a sin'. People fight."

Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "Ordinary people will tell themselves in their hearts that as long as they kill wicked people, they shouldn't have any burdens in their hearts."

Xu Changan thought that Senior Zhu deserved to be Senior Zhu, and what she said was absolutely right.

In fact, he is not really a ruthless person. He was indeed a bit psychologically shocked at the beginning, and the moment when the long sword was stained with blood, he couldn't help but tremble.

But after really wanting to understand some things, there is no hesitation.

"So sister, I thought very clearly at that time. If you are not open-minded in suppressing the thief village, my sister will tell you... Do everything you need to do to get rid of evil. Killing murderers is not killing, or killing bad people. It's right." Zhu Pingniang smiled: Those people are damned, the words are white, but it's always the truth."

Xu Changan didn't quite understand what Zhu Pingniang's sudden mention of this matter meant.

Most of the time, I actually intend to avoid these things, and I don't really want to let Yun Qian know, so I don't take the initiative to mention it.

Now, after Beisang City was clean, he rarely took on such tasks again.

"Changan, elder sister, I have always believed that the importance of a practitioner's character is more important than talent, and the more talented a person is, the more so." Zhu Pingniang looked into Xu Changan's eyes: "So, you were... What are you thinking?"

Xu Changan sighed softly upon hearing this.

"Don't sigh, tell me, how did you get over that hurdle?" Zhu Pingniang asked with great interest.

Xu Changan was helpless.

Over the hurdle?

do you need?

"Wait." Zhu Pingniang looked at Xu Changan's eyes, suddenly stunned, and couldn't help but say, "Is it Miss Yun?"


The room was suddenly quiet.

"...That's fine." Zhu Pingniang's eyes twitched.


Yun Qian lives in Beisang City, so Xu Changan will keep his hands on the surrounding thieves who may threaten Yun Qian?

Even if this may be trivial, being uneasy is not being at ease.

Zhu Pingniang covered her face with one hand.

Shown again.

Co-authored because of the need to protect Yun Qian.

Where does Xu Changan like this need psychological enlightenment?

Do you need a reason to protect Miss Yun?

The reason for his actions is not righteous at all, and naturally he will not be distracted by some pedantic and false big truths.

The mind is firm, how can it be shaken, and there is no need for others to solve it.

"Trouble." Zhu Pingniang murmured: "Sister, I originally wanted to bring up these old things, arouse your fierceness at that time, and then give my sister a cruel..."

In the end, he was trying to protect Yun Qian, so how could he be so ruthless?

Xu Changan: "???"

What is she talking about?

"Forget it, there are other ways... Sure enough, to deal with you, you still have to start with Miss Yun." Zhu Pingniang smiled: "It's not worth asking."

Today's fight, Zhu Tongjun is set.

She made a light circle with her fingers, and a barrier appeared in front of her.

Xu Changan was not injured because of her spell, so he couldn't really be punched in the face by the younger generation. Isn't that a loss?

She wants to see hands and hands, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is not sick...although it is similar to being sick.

"In order to better choose exercises for you and Sister Yun, you need to know your cultivation base and... um, ability." Zhu Pingniang was about to write the words "find the reason" on her face, she said with a serious face:

"I have to try it myself, Chang'an... with all my strength, sister, try your cultivation."

------off topic-----

A few minutes late.

Good night and love you! (′▽`???)


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