My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 397: Serious wish girl (2 in 1)

Miss Lu and Yun Qian had a good chat.

Looking at Yun Qian's calm face, she thought that it was really easy to communicate with this girl.

Yun Qian didn't have the slightest bit of scheming, so it was easy to find out her preferences.

It didn't take long for Miss Lu to discover that Yun Qian likes sweet snacks and that she seems to be indifferent, but as long as it is about Xu Changan, she will reply seriously no matter what it is.

"Miss Yun, you also went to Xianmen with your son... Your son is cultivating there, but is it okay?" Miss Lu asked softly.

After she finished speaking, she felt a little regretful, because this kind of remark was very rude, and it was not something she should have asked. Mother's family", was very curious.

Yun Qian glanced at her, and said, "It's okay."

"That's good, it seems that Xianmen is not bad." Miss Lu breathed a sigh of relief, but said jokingly: "No, you can't say that, after all, the son is so good, he will naturally feel comfortable wherever he is."

"Yeah." Yun Qian nodded.

Miss Lu: "..."

After a moment of silence, she covered her face.

She is shameless to say such words, but Miss Yun still reacts like this.

Sure enough, she wouldn't be jealous at all, would she?

Yes, it was her fault.

Will an ordinary girl come to the brothel with her husband to attend the girls' banquet?

Would an ordinary girl be left alone in the hall while attending such a banquet without complaining?

You really are a jerk.

Still thinking... If Yun Qian is not like the rumors and actually has a jealous temperament, she will persuade Zhu Pingniang to be more polite to Xu Changan.

"Compared to the girl, the concubine body... is really despicable." Miss Lu was ashamed for her words of temptation, stood up and bowed to Yun Qian, and immediately poured a glass of juice with her own hands and brought it to Yun Qian's side.


Seeing that Yun Qian was a little puzzled, Miss Lu's face was flushed to the point of her neck, and even her ears were full of blood.

"Miss Yun, don't look at the concubine like this... You should eat this cup, otherwise... the concubine has no face to sit down here."

Miss Lu covered her face, looking like she wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"...Understood." Yun Qian took the cup, took a sip, and then glanced over Miss Lu's delicate face.

The girl beside her husband, even if the fate line is linked to Zhu Pingniang, it can make her take a second look.

Here, seeing Yun Qian taking the cup, Miss Lu breathed a sigh of relief, as if she was by Zhu Pingniang's side, she let go of all her careful thoughts and treated others with sincerity.

"Miss Yun, is Xianmen very interesting?" At this time, Miss Lu's eyes were shining and she was very curious.

"Interesting." Yun Qian nodded.

Compared with Beisang City, it is naturally interesting to be with Xu Changan often.

"Hiss..." Miss Lu swallowed her saliva, a little yearning in her eyes.


Even a cold woman like Yunqian would find Chaoyun Sect interesting, what kind of fairyland on earth is above Chaoyun?

She really wants to know what Xianmen looks like now.

So Miss Lu asks whatever comes to her mind, and she begins to speak out of her head. She is completely different from the previous girl who said one sentence and thought ten sentences.

She subconsciously found that speaking directly with Yun Qian would give her a refreshing feeling.

"Then... Is Xu Gongzi considered a powerful person in Xianmen?" Miss Lu asked.

Sister Zhu of her family said that the son was nothing in Xianmen, and boasted that she was very powerful, but from Miss Lu's short-sighted perspective, he still respected the son more.

Yun Qian heard the words, looked at the light and shadow reflected in the juice in the glass, and blinked.

How could anyone ask themselves such a thing.

Is your husband a great person?

"Yes." Yun Qian said without hesitation.

"How powerful? Can you be as omnipotent as Mr. Storyteller said?" Miss Lu was very excited.

"Well." Yun Qian glanced at the direction where Xu Changan was, and said softly:

"As long as he wants to, there is nothing he can't do."

"That's it." Miss Lu squinted her eyes and smiled.

She is not a child... but after hearing Yun Qian's "compliment" of Xu Changan, she felt that this should be a wife's opinion of her husband.

No matter what the truth is, a woman's husband should be the most powerful person in the world.


Looking at the serious expression on Yun Qian's face, Miss Lu realized after a while, and she was shown another face in a calm manner.

Sweet, but sour.

Some understand how Sister Zhu feels.

Thinking of this, Miss Lu became dissatisfied.

How about my sister?

Why didn't you come back after going out for so long?

Miss Lu showed a slightly suspicious look.

Speaking of which... just now I found an excuse for the cook to help Sister Zhu, she won't really run to find the son.


Zhu Pingniang, who was completely unaware that she had been figured out by the girl, still had a look of interest on her face.

Zhu Pingniang was wondering what kind of talent Xu Changan had?

A moment of contemplation was fruitless.

Suddenly, Zhu Pingniang raised her head.

In the air, some raindrops fell quietly.


The long sword around his waist was half unsheathed, and Xu Changan's body was filled with water vapor.

"Huh?" She stretched out her hand to catch the rain, and Zhu Pingniang fell silent.

Although the space at this time was created by her own spiritual power and the method of interior scenery, it was still in a small kitchen in essence, and in this created space, it was... raining.

There are also water droplets floating around Xu Changan.

Seeing the huge amount of water-type spiritual power escaping around him, Zhu Pingniang closed the pupil technique, and couldn't help but look surprised.

Yes, it is indeed an open source environment.

But this stock of spiritual power... how much spiritual power can be used in his dantian?

But when I think of what Li Zhibai described, Xu Changan was on the scale of the spiritual power vortex when he was cultivating, and he felt that it was expected.

The stinky boy, who usually pretends not to show off the mountains and waters, doesn't this shot reveal everything? When he goes up to fight with others, who can't see that he is not an ordinary open source environment?

Forget it, let her personally verify that it can make the head look at the strangeness of young people.

"Huh..." Xu Changan let out a breath of fresh air.

He was also testing the limit of sword qi that his body could withstand. It was clear that there was a little tingling in the skin, but he instead increased the speed of saving sword qi.

The rain fell on his body again, but this time it was slowly absorbed by him, and this was just the beginning. I saw that the water vapor that had filled the room was centered on the long sword, and was quickly sucked back by Xu Changan.

Soon, the wet room became dry, and even Zhu Pingniang felt uncomfortable.

"Tsk." Zhu Pingniang looked at him.

Emit it and absorb it back.

As a savvy boy, he realized that these escaping spiritual powers were wasted.

What is rare is that he learned how to control every bit of spiritual power almost in an instant.

"As expected of a student taught by A Bai." Zhu Pingniang looked at him with a smile: "Also, I know why you want to find a good sword."

I saw that as the frequency of Xu Changan's breathing became slower and slower, a blue sword light also rose on the long sword.


At the white blade, the slightest cracks appeared.

The power it can withstand has reached its limit.

Xu Changan opened his eyes regretfully.

In fact, he could hold on for a while, but the sword could no longer hold on.

"Let my sister see what you are capable of." Zhu Pingniang crossed her arms around her chest and looked at Xu Changan with interest.

It's not that she is a big one, it's actually in Zhu Pingniang's eyes, the scene at this time is no different from a child's play, she has just tried it, the water spirit power condensed by Xu Changan is very different from the rain in the sky.

At least, the water that Xu Changan condensed out could not pass through the barrier on her body.

For a while, Zhu Pingniang would inevitably begin to wonder if the rain in the sky had something to do with him, or... was he keeping a low profile?

I don't quite understand.

I wish Pingniang didn't have time to think any more.

Because Xu Chang'an came out with a sword.

A sword was swung out, and with a crisp cracking sound, the standard long sword was completely turned into powder.

Sword ringing ears.

Jianmang soars to the sky.

The sword light is light blue, with a little rhythmic water vapor in the middle, just a cursory glance, you can feel the huge spiritual power contained in it.

After Xu Changan swung this sword, he panted violently, lowered his head to regain his energy, and was not looking at others.

"Okay, it's amazing to be able to do this."

Zhu Pingniang sighed, and a wave of black and white waves escaped from her body, as if the entire time had stopped, and even the sword light swung by Xu Changan hovered in the air.

Zhu Pingniang approached gently, stretched out her finger and poked the hovering sword light.


Is it great?

It has probably been able to open the stele and crack the stone, even the white jade of Chao Yunzong can be cut in two with a single sword.

For Xu Changan's realm, there is no doubt that it is very powerful.

But when Zhu Pingniang faced it by herself, she felt a little strange, because Xu Changan's sword glow and Wen Li's were too similar, but they didn't have the breathtaking sharpness and heavy breath of Wen Li.

Even because it is full of water vapor, not only does it not have the aura of destruction, but there is also a strange sense of polish, which is completely invisible.

Warm as jade?

Zhu Pingniang thinks this word is very suitable.


have no choice.

Gentleman sword?

Zhu Pingniang lost most of her original interest.

The gap is too big is one of them.

Not seeing the strange charm in Xu Changan's hands is the second.

Not feeling the similarity between his spiritual power and rain is the third.

Of course, the most important thing is the fourth - this kid has no idea of ​​"taking her as an enemy" at all.

As a result, this sword qi seems to have spent a lot of energy, but it is not so much to fight the enemy, but to show her what he has learned.

The tepid sword energy made Zhu Pingniang deeply aware of her "elder" status in Xu Changan's eyes.

Thinking about how unreliable her elder is... I can't help but feel guilty and ashamed.

What is she doing.

That's it.

Since she's an elder, if she doesn't give good advice to the younger generation, she won't be able to sleep tonight.

Zhu Pingniang's embroidered shoes lightly stepped on the ground, a flash of light flashed on his body for a moment, the violent aura pressed down on Xu Changan like a tide, and the terrifying aura added to his body, causing Xu Changan to swell with blood.

The originally moist Jianguang was also swallowed up by Zhu Pingniang's momentum and disappeared into the air, as if it had appeared from the very beginning.

Naturally, she would not hurt her younger generation. After those auras enveloped Xu Changan, it turned into a shower of spring rain, instantly replenishing his consumption to a peak state, and even the originally sore meridians were restored to their original state.

"It's a good job, but... I'm a little less hostile." Zhu Pingniang thought for a while, but she still didn't praise Xu Changan. Although there are many things to be praised, other people will naturally say those words. It's better to say something serious.

"With you... where is the hostility coming from?" Xu Changan was helpless, he had no intention of doing anything.

"Don't talk nonsense, you don't understand the truth that when the moon is full, it is a loss, and when the water is full, it overflows? You are pressing your body to the extreme, but you are losing three points."

Zhu Pingniang glanced at Xu Changan angrily, and patiently told him some of the inadequacies that he had just obtained by swinging his sword. Seeing Xu Changan's thoughtful appearance, Zhu Pingniang shook her head, not impatient.

After half an hour.

Xu Changan came back to his senses, digested the problem pointed out by Zhu Pingniang, and bowed.

Zhu Pingniang's advice was very useful to him, and almost all of them were to the point.

"Look at your seriousness." Zhu Pingniang smiled and stretched her waist, her eyes re-stained with a little coquettishness: "Changan... Is it rare for my sister to look like an elder?"

Xu Changan: "..."

I want to nod.

He is really a pity, because the serious senior Zhu is also a very good teacher.

"What a pity." Zhu Pingniang's mouth twitched slightly.


"Forget it, elder sister, I'm still a senior. I still have to teach you something. You can't always fool around... Then I'll give you some more pointers and play a few sword moves to see."

Xu Changan's eyes lit up when he heard the words, and he took out an ordinary long sword.

The silver sword light flashed, and his every move was neat, and Zhu Pingniang nodded slightly.

Compared with the 'long-range attack' of accumulating sword energy, Xu Changan is obviously better at comprehending sword moves. He is calm and steady, upright, and steady. It looks like he has worked hard.

The problem is still that.

"Why is your sword move so reminiscent of the girl's breath? It's not just the move, the control of spiritual power and the way of exerting force are the same." Zhu Pingniang stared at him.

"I have learned a lot from my senior sister." Xu Changan stood up with his sword retracted. He didn't mean to argue at all. He was just a little nervous: "Is this... not good?"

For beginners, groping blindly on their own is comparable to the teachings of senior sisters.

Li Zhibai taught him how to get and Wen Li gave instructions for the rest.

But Zhu Pingniang said that, he was really nervous.

Could it be... just like the novels I read in my previous life, if I want to get out of my "kendo", I can't follow my sister to learn step by step?

"It's good of course, it's just... I'm jealous." Zhu Pingniang spat.

"Following Ah Bai to learn swordsmanship, it turns out that the breath has nothing to do with Ah Bai, right? You should just take Wen Li as your teacher. Anyway, she likes you very much."

Xu Changan: "..."

I wish sister, this is unreasonable.


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