My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 403: They are all calculating girls (2 in 1)

"I treat Sister Yun with sincerity, will I not feel guilty when I see her in a while?" Zhu Pingniang asked.


Xu Changan was stunned when he heard Zhu Pingniang's serious words.

Zhu Pingniang looked at him staring at him and smiled.

"I just... looked at your girl Yun's face, and I felt unsure for a while."

After speaking, Zhu Pingniang saw that Xu Changan's face seemed to turn green, and she smiled even more happily.

She didn't mean to bully people, but she did think so.

Is it wrong that Xu Changan treats people with sincerity?

If she dared to say something wrong, Li Zhibai would be the first to blame her for bringing bad students.

So Qingluo couldn't say that he was wrong no matter what. But people's hearts are all fleshy. As Qingluo's "mother", her heart doesn't grow in the middle, so what's wrong with being biased towards Qingluo.

Zhu Pingniang is also a person who will not lie to herself.

So the thought that she would not be able to raise her head in the face of Yun Qian was the same as if she had no face to see Miss Lu now.

But Xu Changan didn't know what Zhu Pingniang was thinking.

He was stunned for a while.



I wish the seniors?

No matter how Xu Changan used his brain, he couldn't understand why Zhu Pingniang felt guilty and lacked confidence when facing Yun Qian.

In his opinion, if he really had no confidence, it was because Yun Qian had no confidence when he faced Zhu Pingniang... Well, everything about Miss Yun was handled by him, so it should not be Miss Yun, but him who was guilty.

He and Yun Qian had so much love for Zhu Pingniang, and in a short period of time, he couldn't see where he could repay others.

Although Xu Changan doesn't like the saying that great favors are like great hatreds, but he is always taken care of, but he also wants to do something.

Therefore, the person with a guilty conscience should be the young couple he and Yun Qian, how could it be Zhu Pingniang's turn to be kind?

"...Don't look at me like that." Zhu Pingniang pouted, she didn't lie.

Her so-called kindness to Xu Changan, in Xu Changan's opinion, may be a help in the snow, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the kindness is as heavy as a mountain.

But now that Zhu Pingniang found out that he might have a great background, how could she still feel that she was helping him?

Not to mention, Zhu Pingniang got the reassuring words from Xu Changan that the world doesn't need to be too oblivious. Compared with such an extremely important thing, how could the things she did for Xu Changan be on the table? ?

Therefore, Zhu Pingniang felt that she owed him, and she could not pay it for the time being.

Both of them think they owe each other, but they are really close, so there is nothing they can't say.

"Forget it...Look at your silly appearance." Zhu Pingniang tutted, stretched her waist and said, "Sister just listen to you."

Treat people with sincerity.


There is no other way than to tell the truth to the girls at home and explain the doll thing well.

These four words Xu Changan said hit the softest part of her heart.

Xu Changan realized that Zhu Pingniang didn't want to continue this topic, so he answered and said no more.

"That's it, I'll continue to accompany your girl Yun." Zhu Pingniang pouted: "Over the years, I've been flustered by seeing my sister, she's the first."

"I wish my sister..." Xu Changan smiled bitterly.

"If you call me sister, I can still bully her." Zhu Pingniang coughed, walked to Xu Changan, and asked in a low voice, "Sister Yun, what do you like, do you have any hobbies?"

Knowing this, you should be able to have a good relationship with Yun Qian.

What does Yun Qian like? Of course there is.

Xu Changan's eyes twitched.

Miss Yun likes him.

As long as she likes everything related to him, she doesn't care about the rest at all, but can he say this to Zhu Pingniang?

Seeing Xu Changan's embarrassed look, Zhu Pingniang was a little puzzled at first, and then suddenly realized something, and spit with a blushing face.

"Bah, bah bah..." She stepped on her shoes angrily and glared at Xu Changan: "I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup you poured into Sister Yun."

Don't ask, the more you ask, the more angry you are.

I haven't eaten yet, but I've been fed up by the young couple for Xiu Enai.

"I'm back, you can continue cooking your dishes." Zhu Pingniang said, and remembered something: "Chang'an, don't forget the beauty fruit I asked you to prepare earlier."

She stared at Xu Changan suspiciously: "If you forget, my sister will be sad."

"I can't forget it." Xu Changan shook the storage bag at his waist and said, "I was about to ask my sister for advice, what should I do with this beauty fruit?"

"Like Bing Lingguo, you know how to make it." Zhu Pingniang said expectantly: "Make tonight's dessert, I'll wait."


After speaking, Zhu Pingniang left the kitchen, but when she crossed the threshold, she threw an object towards Xu Changan.

As Zhu Pingniang closed the door and left, Xu Changan looked at a beautiful spiritual stone in front of him, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Silently put away the spirit stone.

He now knows who Qin Ling's Hua Lingshi learned from his habit of chatting with her.

After Zhu Pingniang left the kitchen, the jewel pendant on her ear swayed, reflecting a tinge of red on her neck.

Speaking of which, Changan is greedy for money.

I pestered him to say so many things, just a piece of spiritual stone, he won't feel stingy...

Shouldn't it be?

She stopped in the corridor and looked out the window at the rain. The drizzle melted on her shoulders, bringing a little coolness.

Thinking of the words of Fang Cai and Xu Changan, Zhu Pingniang realized that she did not seem to have any guilty conscience.

Speaking of which, she is still very attentive to Xu Changan.

And that Miss Yun will like things related to him, so naturally she will like people who are kind to her husband?

Looking at it this way, Yun Qian should have a good opinion of himself.

Not that she boasted.

Yun Qian looks indifferent, but according to reason, she should still have a good impression of herself, can be generous without being so petty?

At this time, Zhu Pingniang discovered this matter, and the more she thought about it, the more reasonable it became.

Maybe Yun Qian likes her very much because of Xu Changan?

It's just that Yun Qian is similar to the previous Zhu Tongjun, and he doesn't know how to express his feelings.

This is not aimless, Fang Caiyun's eyes looking at her are gentle, very heart-warming.

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingniang suddenly felt less nervous.

"I can be more generous." Zhu Pingniang patted her cheek and closed the window in the corridor, thinking of that girl Liu Qingluo.


The fly in the ointment is not enough to believe in the present, and it is difficult to make peace in the end.

But it was too late to think so much, because in front of her, a group of girls from Huayuelou were walking towards her aggressively.

Zhu Pingniang was stunned for a while, and she was a little stunned when she saw her own girl surrounded her with a look of guilt.

After coming back to his senses, he glared at them.

"If you don't play well at the banquet, do you want to rebel?"

But at this time, no one was afraid of Zhu Pingniang, and the girls began to question her word by word.

"Pingniang, what did you do to Director Lu?"

"I wish sister, sister Lu is a bit fierce on weekdays, but it's still for our good... Don't, don't bully her."

"That's right, sister, you can't bully Director Lu just because it's Xianmen. The sisters were the first to refuse."

"Today's rare feast, when Sister Lu comes back like that, who is in the mood to continue playing..."

Sentences of grievances.

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

Zhu Pingniang finally recovered as a group of women ranted about her faults.

This is to fight for Miss Lu.

But why?

Zhu Pingniang touched the side of her face.

It was clear that she was hugged by Miss Lu and nibbled at her. Why was she criticized here, but she became a sinner?

But these girls are also interesting. Usually, they are afraid of Miss Lu, but now Miss Lu is just a little wronged, and they are even more angry than they are wronged.

"Stop, stop arguing..." Zhu Pingniang covered her ears and shook her head, until she calmed down and said in a puzzled way: "What are you talking about, what did I do to Lu girl, why I have no clue, if you dare to wrong me... Watch your skin carefully."


Listening to Zhu Pingniang's threatening words, the girls blinked and looked at each other.

They nodded to each other.

"It can't be someone else, it must be your problem, Ping Niang."

"That's right, here, there is another person besides you who can make Director Lu feel wronged."

Zhu Pingniang: "?"

She felt that a pot had fallen on her body inexplicably, no... what does it have to do with herself.

"What did you say? Explain." Zhu Pingniang was a little annoyed.

Seeing that Zhu Pingniang was serious, the girls began to explain.

"Just now, Director Lu came in with red eyes, and all the sisters saw it. How do you explain it?"

"I see that she just walked unsteadily, Ping Niang, why did you bully her."

Zhu Pingniang: "…"


Forgot about this one.

Speaking of which, she thought that according to Lu girl's thoughts, she would definitely cover her makeup before going. Who would have thought that she would go to the banquet hall staring at her red and swollen eyes?

That girl does everything flawlessly on weekdays, so Zhu Pingniang is almost certain that she must have done it on purpose.

Is this revenge for using a puppet?

soy Mujer.

"It's not my fault that she cried." Zhu Pingniang said subconsciously.

"It's not you, who is that?"


Zhu Pingniang's words stuck in his throat.

In the final analysis, it was Xu Changan who broke her doll, and Lu girl cried because she was worried...

But let her say what?

Did Xu Changan make Lu girl cry?

If the words are spoken, is Lu girl still a human being?

Zhu Pingniang covered her face and said silently: "It's my fault, it's me who bullied her, but... I bully her less? It's not that her eyes are red, but you are asking for guilt one by one."

Zhu Pingniang became more confident the more she spoke, and snorted: "She is my maid after all, how I want to teach you a lesson is none of your business. Be careful, I will teach you a lesson together."


Seeing Zhu Pingniang's smug look, the girls were silent for a while, hiding their faces.

"I wish my sister, if it's just red eyes, how busy I am to come here to find you."

"That's it."

"...What do you mean?" Zhu Pingniang had a faint feeling.

It was only then that she remembered that Miss Lu had always held her to her death. In a sense, her methods were much better than that girl from Qinling.

"What else did she do?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"...Sister Lu she..." The girl said with a strange look on her face, but she still said.

"When we came, Sister Lu was crying with Miss Yun in her arms."

"Ah?" Zhu Pingniang was stunned, and Yingkou opened his mouth unconsciously.

"Sister Lu is crying softly, but you can still hear it if you are close. Come and have a look."

"Yes, it's sad when you hug and cry."

"Speaking of which, how on earth did you bully people? Also... It turns out that the relationship between Director Lu and Miss Yun is so good. This is the first time we know about it."

Zhu Pingniang: "…"

? ? ?

Miss Lu was crying with Yun Qian in her arms?

Just thinking about this scene, Zhu Pingniang frowned twice and hurried over.

Not far away, Ah Qing had a panoramic view of the situation here, and she looked up at the sky with an expressionless face.

Is this what Shi Qingjun's successor looks like?

Why did she feel so useless, being chased away by a group of girls.

Judging from Zhu Tongjun, the woman Shi Qingjun... is not very good.

I have been angry with her for so long...

A Qing rubbed his brows.

Suddenly I felt useless.

It was raining on the street, and Shi Qingjun was walking on the bustling streets of Beisang City with a small umbrella.

She did not leave, but did not continue to stay in Huayuelou, but came to the most prosperous street in Beisang City.

Even the light rain could not hinder the prosperity here. All kinds of young masters and young ladies paraded together. The surrounding restaurants were lively and lively. On the corner of the street, there were people who set up a shed to sing a show. The lights were bright and colorful.

It is worth mentioning that although she is wearing a veil, her temperament is so dazzling.

In just a quarter of an hour, many people came to chat with her, wanting to travel with her—both men and women.

Although he refused, this kind of thing was very new to Shi Qingjun.

Stopping and going, she visited most of Beisang City, holding in her arms many of the things she bought when she was on the rise.

For example, Shi Qingjun was very interested in the candied petals sold in the dessert shop before, and the shop girl said that she could go back and eat it with sesame... I don't know which one she likes more than the pollen she grinds herself?

At this time, no one would think that this gluttonous girl with a pile of snacks would be the immortal above the clouds and frost.

Dao Yun?

She is more interested in what to eat now. UU Reading

Thinking of this, Shi Qingjun suddenly stopped and looked in one direction.

I saw a small boat swaying in the direction of Huayuelou in the southern inland river.

The stubborn girl punted the boat earnestly at the stern.

At the bow of the boat stood a girl with a white pear flower umbrella, looking into the distance.

The girl had short shoulder-length hair and tied a short ponytail with red rope at the back of her head, and a black long skirt loomed behind her shoulder-length shawl.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Wen Li.


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