My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 409: Zhu Pingniang suddenly wants to play and develop (2 in 1)

"Abai will definitely like you very much."

Based on what Zhu Pingniang knew about Li Zhibai, she would definitely like a girl like Yun Qian.

Yun Qianwen blinked.

However, Zhu Pingniang smiled, shook her head and said, "It's really strange, I'm clearly a bad woman who likes to be jealous, but if Bai would like you, Sister Yun... but I don't feel anything in my heart."


Yun Qian thought about what Xu Changan told her, and thought that Zhu Pingniang was duplicating again.

"Cough." Zhu Pingniang cleared her throat, thinking that Li Zhibai must already know about Yun Qian's existence. After all, Yun Qian is Xu Changan's wife. As Xu Changan's husband, Li Zhibai naturally needs to know about Yun Qian.

But Zhu Pingniang never thought that Li Zhibai had already met Yun Qian.

First, Li Zhibai's letter to her didn't mention anything about Yun Qian.

Second, Li Zhibai was reluctant to go out on weekdays, and Yun Qian was also taken by Wen Li to practice at Tianming Peak, and the two had no chance to meet.

Li Zhibai's appearance flashed in his mind.

If it was Zhu Pingniang in the past, she would be absent-minded for a long time, obsessed with Miss Li in her memory.

But today, she didn't think about A Bai for too long. Instead... subconsciously, she made a comparison between Yun Qian and Li Zhibai.

After all, Li Zhibai and Yun Qian are somewhat similar.

Take a breath.

Zhu Pingniang could smell the faint fragrance on Yun Qian's body, and she couldn't tell if it was saponin, candied fruit, or the faint scent...all of which made women like it.

What about Li Zhibai?

Mixing in the pile of medicinal herbs all day, the body is either the dregs or the bitter taste of various herbs and traditional Chinese medicines, even if I take a good bath, I can't get rid of it.

"...I lost."

Zhu Pingniang grimaced a little.

The so-called woman has fragrance and color, and above incense, her Bai can be said to lose a mess.

"People rely on clothes." Zhu Pingniang raised her head.

Yun Qian was wearing a blue and white mixed-color long skirt, and her waist was tightly restrained. She showed off her figure just by sitting there. The long hair was pulled up by Xu Changan himself with a blue ribbon, which was mature and feminine.

Where's her white.

Zhu Pingniang remembered Li Zhibai's washed white Taoist robe, and couldn't help but twitch her eyebrows several times.

Li Zhibai's clothes... have been lost.

Although she remembered that Li Zhibai still had a pure white, soft long dress in her closet... But she hadn't seen Li Zhibai wearing it for a long time, even when she was resting, she was wearing simple pajamas.

Change another one.

"Looks like..."

Zhu Pingniang's eyes passed over Yun Qian's delicate facial features earnestly, and she silently stopped talking.


There is a Yuxiu color in her Bai's eyes, how can this kind of charming woman be able to compare?

At this time, although Zhu Pingniang had already begun to force Li Zhibai to find reasons, she still laughed in the end.

Because Li Zhibai is not at all inferior to Sister Yun in front of him.

after all…

Zhu Pingniang's eyes swept across the scenery in Yun Qian's heart, with a bit of jealousy and a bit of relief in her eyes.

She herself is called "Ping Niang" by the girls in Huayuelou all day long, but her Bai has a very good figure, no worse than Yun Qian...

No, it's even more impactful than Yun Qian.

The main thing is that Li Zhibai's figure is really good. He is usually sealed by a Taoist robe, and no one can see it, so it is amazing to see it once in a while.

"Win." Zhu Pingniang clenched her fists.

"..." Yun Qian looked at Zhu Pingniang's self-conscious actions, and didn't say anything, but glanced out the window.

That girl Wen is also getting better and better.

Oh... In front of my husband, I can't be called Miss Wen, but "Senior Sister Wen".

It's like calling Li Zhibai not Miss Li, but "Sister Li".

This matter cannot be forgotten, it needs to be remembered well.

Yun Qian nodded.

Zhu Pingniang finished the comparison by herself, looked up to see Yun Qian's distracted appearance, stunned for a moment, and then smiled helplessly.

Although it is said that a woman's value cannot be represented by her appearance, for women like them who are about to reach their limit, they really don't care much about their cultivation.

Instead, Zhu Pingniang paid more and more attention to these superficial things.

Sigh lightly.

She deceived Li Zhibai to Mu Yufeng. Besides Mu Yufeng was relatively close to her, she also wanted Wen Li to learn how to be an attractive girl from the girls in Mu Yufeng.

Even if it doesn't have to be gorgeous, it can at least be influenced by the head office.

She once wanted to train Li Zhibai to become the next "Sister Gu" and the next suzerain of the Hehuan Sect.

Right now, it really doesn't work at all.

Zhu Pingniang was silent for a while, her fingers gently touching her eyebrows.

She lost her mind... Why did she start to think that some of these things are gone?

After thinking about it carefully, Zhu Pingniang knew that she was stimulated.

It was "stimulated" by Yun Qian.

Yun Qian is so likable, she can't help but hate Li Zhibai - why can't Ah Bai be so good-looking.

Then the thing that made her ashamed was that Zhu Pingniang once again confirmed one thing from Yun Qian, that "Zhu Tongjun" is not only a lascivious woman, but also a philandering woman.

It was so simple to make her heart beat.

She has always been moved by Li Zhibai.

Not long ago, I was also moved by Xu Changan.

Now it's cloudy again...

Zhu Pingniang covered her forehead.

What kind of frivolous and cheap woman I am...

Is her heart so worthless?

That's it.

Zhu Pingniang understood that her heart was not serious, but purely lustful.

"I'm helpless."

Zhu Pingniang clenched her teeth tightly, looking at the girls in Huayuelou below, her teeth itch with hatred.

It's all the girls in the brothel who ruined themselves.


Her expression softened.

Admit it, she is a lecherous bad woman.


As a lascivious woman... Zhu Pingniang's eyes were filled with uncontrollable ripples.

She admits that she is lecherous, so as a lecherous girl, she is gentle, careful, and instantly parted...

Touch Sister Yun's beautiful hand—

It shouldn't be a problem, it's understandable.

Zhu Pingniang put her eyes on Yun Qian's hand holding the teacup in a dazed way... Her fingers clenched the corner of her clothes slightly.

Still suppressed the idea of ​​​​playing hooligans.

But Yun Qian is really good-looking in every way, including a pair of hands.

Xiu narrow and slender, but plump and white temporarily, the nails are azure, soft and pearly.

Zhu Pingniang narrowed her eyes, wanting to know whether such fingers are flexible, and if the beautiful nails are soft or hard when pressed...

It's a pity not to use such beautiful hands to play the piano.

I want to see Yun Qian play the piano.

I want to see how the hands play the piano like this.

At this time, Zhu Pingniang was so full of this idea that she didn't realize how hot her eyes were now.

But there is no other way. She admitted very early that she is a piano player. The reason why she likes Liu Qingluo is because she has a good piano skill.

When playing the piano, the hand is very important.

Therefore, Zhu Pingniang's good color is not a traditional color, what she likes is not a slender catkin, but a beautiful tune on the strings with these hands, and she uses these hands to write beautiful lines on the paper The word is to draw a piece of birds and flowers on paper.


Zhu Pingniang's eyes were complicated.

She really wanted to hold Yun Qian's hand, feel her hand bones, and then customize a lyre for her to fit her knuckles.

Then teach her to play the piano.

This kind of hobby Zhu Pingniang feels ashamed to say it out, after all, this kind of hobby...

It's not as good as lust.

However, Zhu Pingniang can also understand, who made Yun Qian's appearance perfect now, so if you want to improve, you can only start from the connotation.

Speaking of which, the last time she cared so much about a girl's family was Wen Li.

Wen Li's hand shape can't be said to be pretty, but since he was a child, he has been dancing with knives and guns for many years, with a little hard calluses on his phalanx, which feels rough, but makes people feel very safe.

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingniang felt a little proud.

What happened to Wenli?

Isn't it now that Mu Yufeng has been nurtured into a woman who is proficient in all six arts?

It's a pity that Wen Li is proficient in the six arts of women, but she doesn't dress like a woman on weekdays. She never wears a skirt, no makeup, no jewelry, and no long hair embellishment.

Gee, forget it.

As a woman, Wen Li's appearance is more handsome than Xu Chang'an, and she is a graceful gentleman wherever she goes.

With that one-handed swordsmanship, there are not many men in the world who can say that the girl's family likes her more than her.

So Zhu Pingniang was very disappointed with Wen Li. After all, she had high hopes for Wen Li and wanted to cultivate her into a... perfect woman.

She wanted to train Li Zhibai, but Li Zhibai let her down.

I want to develop Wen Pear, but Wen Pear is not promising.

But now, she sees hope in Yun Qian again!

Zhu Pingniang's eyes lit up, as if she saw that Mu Yufeng was about to give birth to a woman who truly inherited the core of the Acacia sect, was proficient in all the piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, dance, and tea, and had an excellent appearance.

This is why Zhu Pingniang cares about Yun Qian so much.

She has always had one regret.

Today's Hehuan Sect can no longer find a girl like Sister Gu in the past.

She has self-knowledge and knows that she can't be like Sister Gu. Although Zhu Tongjun is good-looking, there are still many women on Mu Yufeng who think they can compete with her.

As for the old sister Gu, just relying on the six skills and temperament of women can make the women of the Hehuan Sect feel ashamed.

But now the Hehuan Sect has been divided and can't see what it used to be. Most people have abandoned the women's six arts and concentrated on the pursuit of heaven and earth.

The "remainders" of the previous era, who came out of the family, lived together in Mu Yufeng and waited to die, and never went out to become famous.

The Hehuan Sect has long existed in name only, and there is no longer a girl like Sister Gu who can represent the facade of the Hehuan Sect.

But now, Zhu Pingniang saw the possibility from Yun Qian's hands.

Moreover, Yun Qian has an advantage that is even more powerful than Sister Gu... that is, she is really good-looking.


If Yun Qian could really grow into a perfect woman in Mu Yufeng, Zhu Pingniang felt that even if she died, she would have the face to tell her that the present Hehuan Sect was still what she was when she went down to see Sister Gu.


Zhu Pingniang's eyes were full of heartbeats.

there's one more thing…

Doesn't Gu Qiancheng like Yun Qian very much?

Didn't she want Yun Qian to be her mother?

what is this…

This is fate, which means that this younger sister Yun is destined to become a person like Sister Gu, and to revitalize the six arts and exercises she left behind.

"..." Zhu Pingniang took a deep look at Yun Qian, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt it made sense.

You know, in the future, if I want to have a woman who will make her feel amazing when she sees it, and make the girls in Mu Yufeng feel overwhelmed by her beauty... I'm afraid it's impossible.

As for Yun Qian already married?

that's OK.

Xu Changan is also very good-looking, and his mystery is also worthy of a perfect woman.

Besides, the fairies of the Acacia sect only mentioned the charm of women to the extreme, not to please any man, and there has always been no need to maintain purity.


After all, Yun Qian is not from Mu Yufeng, and even if she is, she is just an ordinary disciple.

There is no reason for me to force the matter of "revitalizing" the core concept of the Acacia sect on Yun Qian. It makes no sense.

She shouldn't agree.

What about Xu Changan?

Zhu Pingniang fell into thinking.

In the final analysis, her so-called "revitalization" of the Acacia Sect is just a personal desire.

She was only disappointed because the most popular and attractive girl in the Xiuxian world was no longer a girl from the Hehuan Sect, and felt sorry for the entrustment of the previous Sect Master.

And carrying the name of "Hehuan Sect" seems to be only bad for Yun Qian.

There are benefits too.

It can make Yun Qian more feminine and more attractive to men or women.

But how could Yun Qian and Xu Changan agree to this kind of benefit.

After all, Yun Qian was already good-looking enough, but Xu Changan had a low-key temperament to let his wife show off, of course he couldn't agree.

That's it.

Let's talk about this later.

Women's Six Arts can be learned even when she goes to Mu Yufeng, so she doesn't need to worry now.

Cloud girl tilted her head.

She wants to look good.

Otherwise, Li Zhibai would not have taught her to make up.

So Zhu Pingniang doesn't know at all now, it's really easy to convince her.

You must know that the practice she has been doing is how to make herself look better and be more liked by him.

"I just... lost my mind." Zhu Pingniang calmed down and gave Yun Qian an apologetic smile.

The idea of ​​cultivating Yun Qian to become the facade of the Hehuan Sect is too hasty now, so Yun Qian has to be successfully cultivated first.

"Sister, you are so weak." Zhu Pingniang asked earnestly, "Guishui, but haven't you been here?"

After seeing Yun Qian nod, Zhu Pingniang sighed softly.

"Sure enough, I haven't been to Guishui, where did the child come from?" Zhu Pingniang looked at Yun Qian with some pity.

No wonder...she said it was difficult to have children.

That is, now that Yun Qian has met himself, UU reading www. entered the fairy gate.

Otherwise, it seems that such a girl who can't have children will not have such a good life in this world.

There are three kinds of unfilial piety, no descendant is the greatest.

Even if Xu Changan didn't care, the neighbors would gossip.

"Cough." Zhu Pingniang suddenly coughed dryly and asked with erratic eyes.

"Sister Yun, do you like children very much?"

There is no need to worry about the women's Liuyi, but you can give Gu Qiancheng to Yun Qian as her daughter first.

Tie Yunqian up first.

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