My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 413: Zhu Pingniang, break the defense (2 in 1)

The weather outside was very bad, with overcast clouds and no stars and moon. Only the colorful boats on the lake were glowing with lights, reflecting this desolate world.

Zhu Pingniang's eyelashes trembled, and she looked at the banquet hall below, which was lively but no one was there.

Her clear eyes were like a rippling spring... and gradually became stained with the bleak outside.

A dream, a very real dream.

"I must be dreaming..."

If it wasn't a dream, why was it clearly a lively banquet, and all the girls disappeared without knowing it?

If it wasn't a dream, how could she have the opportunity to gently stroke Yun Qian's hand?

If it wasn't a dream, how could she have been knocked out by Xu Changan's punch, and she needed to be here with her real body?

If it wasn't for a dream, how could the Sect Master give up the rhyme she pursued?

"If it wasn't for a dream..."

Then how could she hear "Sister Li" from Yun Qian's mouth, as if the sky was falling.

You must know that even she has never called Bai by such a close name before.

Don't say it's just a title, why didn't Yun Qian call her Big Sister Zhu?


Fortunately, it was a dream.

In this dream, the relationship between Yun Qian and Li Zhibai was actually very good. It was a strange thing.


It was her business that Zhu Pingniang was in a daze, but Yun Qian didn't stop talking.

Yun Qian began to talk about the process of her communication with Li Zhibai—in front of Zhu Pingniang, tell her little by little.

This is what Xu Changan requested, so Yun Qian will make it clearer.

So, from how they met, to the first time they spoke in the courtyard, to being asked to call Sister Li, to Li Zhibai's willingness to teach her makeup...

Everything came out of Yun Qian's mouth slowly, like a slowly unfolding picture scroll.


Zhu Pingniang was forced to listen to this, her dark eyes trembled slightly, and there was confusion in her eyes.

For Miss Zhu, when her avatar was destroyed and her glazed body was broken, she didn't feel that she was dreaming.

The head gave up Daoyun, but she didn't feel like she was dreaming.

But Yun Qian said "Sister Li", but she was reluctant to accept it.


Yun Qian said that Li Zhibai personally took care of her hair and taught her how to put on makeup. She was meticulous and gentle, unlike the Ah Bai she knew.

Isn't Bai's hand only used for alchemy?

Zhu Pingniang was silent and looked at the sky.

The hazy sky... She seemed to smell the smell of heavy rain, the wind blowing over her body plundered the heat, and the slightest coolness infiltrated her body.

Such a real dream is really interesting.

Zhu Pingniang looked at Yun Qian's turquoise clothes and thought... She just thought that Yun Qian's head would be bright.

... It turns out that you are the most suitable girl to wear green.

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

All the unreasonable things in the dream will gradually recede like a tide when she wakes up, and there will be no residual memory.

Zhu Pingniang slumped on the seat with eyes blank, waiting quietly to wake up from the dream.

'It was a dream. ’

"It should be a dream..."

'As long as you wake up from the dream, it's fine. ’

Then the "dream" woke up.

She realized that Zhu Tongjun couldn't dream.

She knows better than anyone else that what is happening now is not a dream.

What Yun Qian was talking about became the last straw that overwhelmed Zhu Tongjun's delusions——

She was talking about her and Li Zhibai having tea and chatting in the boudoir.

That day, Li Zhibai took a special shower, lit some good sandalwood, and took off his Taoist robe and put on a soft long dress.

No longer like a serious Taoist nun, but like a big sister next door.

Zhu Pingniang, break the defense.


"No...don't say any more..."

Zhu Pingniang's eyes widened, her bitterness revealed disbelief, her voice trembled, and she even stared at Yun Qian pitifully.

"Sister Yun, you...don't say it anymore..."

At this time, Zhu Pingniang turned into a discarded raccoon flower, and leaned gently on the table, her voice trembling like a colorful dress that was leaking from the wind.

She knew she wasn't dreaming, so don't say it anymore.

Abai's little dress, she had thought countless times what it would look like if Abai wore it.

But even Zhu Pingniang didn't let Li Zhibai wear it once to show her. After all, Li Zhibai kept this dress only because it was given to her by Zhu Tongjun, and she had already lost her girlish heart, so of course she wouldn't wear it. .

But in order to entertain Yun Qian...but...but...wear.

for what?

In order to dress up better?

That's the little dress she gave to Ah Bai.

"do not talk."

Zhu Pingniang covered her ears, more like a miserable raccoon flower. If she had just been abandoned when she heard the sentence "Sister Li", now she is abandoned again, with a heavy rain - green rain.

Zhu Tong-jun is already dying.


Yun Qian tilted her head and blinked.

Did you say something too exaggerated?

Probably not.

These are the things that happened, but Li Zhibai didn't tell Zhu Pingniang. Besides, she just repeated what her husband said, and didn't add fuel to it.

So, the girl in front of me with red eyes... should have nothing to do with me.


Finally, Yun Qian stopped talking, and Zhu Pingniang didn't need to hear the three words of Sister Li from her mouth.

[There is no love in life. 】

These four words can only explain one-tenth of the complicated emotions in Zhu Pingniang's heart at this time.

Zhu Pingniang closed her eyes in despair.

Why don't you sleep for a while.

Although Zhu Tongjun doesn't dream, she is Zhu Pingniang.

What if Zhu Pingniang had a dream?

But she didn't go to sleep in the end, she hugged her legs and curled herself up on the seat.

Her black silk, which was originally as soft as satin, was messily pressed under her long black dress, which could be said to have no image at all.

But now her heart is full of Zhu Pingniang, who had abandoned her ideas by Li Zhibai, and what is the image of an expert.

She didn't have that kind of thing.

Because of her curly relationship, Zhu Pingniang's figure became particularly conspicuous.

I have to say that Zhu Tongjun is actually a rare beauty.

And such a beauty, even if she is doing sloppy behavior, still has a different kind of beauty.

With no love in life, Zhu Pingniang suddenly felt that there might be something wrong with flying up.



A mysterious Dao rhyme faintly appeared in front of Zhu Pingniang, so mysterious that even if Zhu Pingniang was completely wrapped, she did not notice it at all.

[Flying. 】

With the appearance of one or two Dao Yun, soon... Zhu Pingniang was wrapped up.

If it is said that the ordinary Dao rhyme collected by Shi Qingjun, then surrounding Zhu Pingniang now is the real principle of heaven and earth.

There is a qualitative difference between the two.

The former has weak energy.

The latter, it is a treasure for the immortals who have already ascended.

And such treasures... have been affixed to Zhu Pingniang's face in groups.


She was stimulated a bit, and she lost her mind for a short time to the point where she had no nostalgia - she was about to soar.

After all, if a big trouble like her wants to soar, Tiandao is happy to give her a ride.

Guarantee, direct guarantee.

Don't even look at what the girl is doing now.

Eat Yun Qian's vinegar?

You are still flying.

Even though the Immortal Realm has been crushed, it has been partially repaired, which is enough to wish Pingniang a life.


Yun Qian just watched quietly, this time she didn't mean to interrupt.

Because this time, Wen Li's enlightenment was different from the previous time when Wen Li was influenced by Xu Chang'an's handwriting, so she had no reason to intervene.

And then there is...

Yun Qian tilted her head and felt that her husband's system was still not very smart, so he actually wanted to take her away.

Miss Zhu said that it was also her husband's fate, unless her husband ascended first, otherwise... how did she escape?


How did that happen.

Zhu Pingniang's eyes gradually became brighter. At this time, she withdrew from the state of wanting nothing.

Her so-called life without love was just panicked by the shock of the information for a short period of time, but it wasn't that she was really stupid and could recover.

So sadly, the rhythm around her gradually dissipated, as if she was disappointed that she didn't take this opportunity to take away a big trouble.

Ascension failed.

Dao Yun disappeared, revealing Zhu Pingniang's original appearance.

Yun Qian held the teacup and took a sip, as she had long expected.

And Zhu Pingniang felt bitter in her heart.

After breaking the defense, she finally got out of her mood swings, and the first thought that came up was sourness.

Are you jealous?

This is nonsense.

It felt like a vat of old vinegar that had been in it for thousands of years, all of which had been creamed or even petrified to the point of cracking. Then she went up and licked it.

Sour, bitter... the five flavors are mixed.

To sum it up in two words - I want to die.

I would rather die than eat this thing.

"Sister Yun..." Zhu Pingniang looked at Yun Qian with complicated eyes.

"Yeah." Yun Qian answered while holding the teacup.

"'s fine." Zhu Pingniang lowered her head blushing.

She knew that she shouldn't be jealous because the girl in front of her was none other than Yun Qian.

Fortunately, it was Yun Qian. Fortunately, it was Yun Qian.

If other women, such as those who like Li Zhibai, her rival in love...

That Zhu Pingniang felt that she was really going crazy now.

But Yun Qian won't. She is really reassuring.

At this moment, Zhu Pingniang grabbed a straw like a drowning person, and her heart for Yun Qian instantly broke through the sky...

It felt as if the husband found out that his wife was spending the night with a strange man. After despair, he suddenly realized that it was not a man, but a woman dressed like a man.

In the afterlife, there is nothing more than this.

You can tell from the character of this younger sister Yun, she has no reason to eat Yun Qian's vinegar.

No matter what she thought, Li Zhibai rushed to get along with her, she was just the one who passively accepted.

But it is also true that Zhu Pingniang broke the defense.

But she knew that she couldn't blame Yunqian.

Then to blame Li Zhibai?

Now, like an earthbound spirit, he can only stay in Beisang City, and Li Zhibai can't come to see her. How can he complain, write a letter to scold her?

She knew that Li Zhibai would like Yun Qian, but she didn't expect to like it so much.

What made Zhu Pingniang the most angry was that she was actually a little happy for Li Zhibai.

Yun Qian may not understand it, but Zhu Pingniang knows Li Zhibai best. At this time, Li Zhibai clearly got rid of the influence he was about to enter the universe with Yun Qian's help.

In fact, Li Zhibai's feelings gradually receded as he got closer to the universe.

But now, the head has changed, and Li Zhibai has also found a girl's heart and is even willing to experience it. No matter how you think about it, it's a happy thing.

But how could she be so happy! ! ! !

That was her sweetheart!

Why was it Yun Qian who was beside her when Ah Bai regained the girl's heart, not himself?

She also wanted to see Bai wearing a small skirt, and wanted to have a glass of Yulu wine with her after she left the bath.

She also wanted to be put on makeup by Li Zhibai...

But these...

They were all given by Sister Yun...

At this time, Zhu Pingniang was angry.

Shengyun shallow gas.

Why is it Younger Sister Yun?

Didn't this make her Bai wink at the blind?

Zhu Pingniang suddenly felt that she was somewhat contradictory. On the one hand, she felt at ease because she was Yun Qian, on the other hand, she felt pity.

Bai looks like that... If he sees it, he will definitely draw it and admire it day and night.

But Yun Qian, she now asks Li Zhibai about the style of her skirt, she probably forgot.

This... it's better to let the rival see it.

Even if Li Zhibai's specialness was shown to her rival at the time, even though she would be jealous, at least there was one person to vent on, and her rival could appreciate the beauty of Ah Bai's transformation.

But it is Yun Qian.

Yun Qian obviously wouldn't be moved by Li Zhibai, so there was a lot of jealousy in Zhu Pingniang's heart...


Even panting has to be harder, for fear of not being able to catch a breath and sending it.


Zhu Pingniang couldn't escape from the rhythm after breaking the defense, she curled up on the seat with a calm expression, thinking about how she could accept this.

It's one thing to know that you shouldn't be jealous.

But if it wasn't for Yun Qian, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened, which is also a fact.

If it wasn't for Yun Qian, then her Bai was still a 'girl of yellow flowers' who didn't wear a small skirt for others to see and was waiting for her to attack.

Now, it's not "pure" anymore.

Zhu Pingniang looked at Yun Qian, her mood gradually became It's all... It's all this sister Yun...

In Zhu Pingniang's eyes, some bad things spread out like smoke, and they continued to increase at a terrifying speed.

Silently, Zhu Pingniang opened the pupil technique silently, and the light of yin and yang flowed in her eyes.

At this time, she stared at Yun Qian, not only her hands, but also every detail of Yun Qian's clothes.

The sound of the outside world was gradually eliminated, leaving only Yun Qian's slight breathing and the sound of her heartbeat roaring in her ears.

A dreadful sense of danger rose from Zhu Pingniang.

She slowly got rid of the crouching posture, got off the seat, and slowly approached Yun Qian. In Yun Qian's calm eyes...

Raised his hand.


Zhu Pingniang hugged Yun Qian, feeling the aroma coming to her face, and said resentfully.

"It's all your fault, sister. You... why are you so beautiful?"

"It's all your fault, you look so good-looking, don't say that Bai likes it, I like my sister too..."

"But I'm really sour."

"Abai, why didn't she tell me in the letter about her acquaintance with you, is she afraid? Is she guilty? Otherwise, why didn't she tell me... She clearly knew that I would care about these things the most. "

"Does she think I'm troublesome?"

Zhu Pingniang fell into the second rank of defense.


Yun Qian: "..."

This is different from what my husband said, that she has no intention of bullying herself anymore...

This girl I wished became more aggressive and was touching her hand.

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