My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 420: The girl's intuition is very accurate (2 in 1)

A Qing stared at Yun Qian blankly.

Yun Qian first told her that Xu Changan didn't care about the Demon Sect, and then asked her if she was at ease.

Listening to Yun Qian's words, she always had an illusion that she had been exposed.

Is it because Yun Qian knew her identity and knew that she was a little worried that the young master would dislike her identity as a demon sect, so she said this?

Is this really... an illusion?


Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian who was quietly waiting for her response, her knuckles turning white.

It's fine to say that she has a ghost in her heart, but at this time she felt that Yun Qian was simply putting things on the table.

But Ah Qing couldn't find the possibility of his exposure.

Even if Yun Qian was special in her heart, she was still under the shadow of Xu Changan. It was Xu Changan who was special that made this girl Yun beside him different... As for this girl Yun, if she left Xu Changan, she would be nothing more than a better-looking girl, nothing special.

But even Xu Changan, based on Ah Qing's understanding, didn't know that there were so many strange things in him.

Therefore, as long as Xu Changan has not awakened the memory of immortals, his strength should be far less than that of Zhu Pingniang, let alone Shi Qingjun.

Not even the son, let alone Miss Yun.

Then, Ah Qing couldn't find any reason why she could be exposed in front of Yun Qian.

Take a step back.

Even if someone told Yun Qian that he was actually the leader of the Demon Sect, would Yun Qian believe it?

Look at what A Qing has done, what he thinks, how can he look like a universe.

Not to mention Qiankun Realm, she doesn't look like a cultivator when she is so hopeless.

Ah Qing can confirm that, let alone Yun Qian, even if Shi Qingjun really came in person and saw her appearance, he would definitely not be sure that he was her nemesis.

So, I have no reason to expose myself.

It should be like this.

How could Yun Qian say such a thing...?



Yun Qian looked at the girl in front of her whose pupils were shaking and blinked.

what happened.

She told Ah Qing that Xu Changan would not dislike the Demon Sect because she wanted this girl to relieve her anxiety, but now, seeing how it had the opposite effect, she seemed to be even more nervous.

Yun Qian naturally couldn't understand Ah Qing's thoughts.

As long as Xu Changan doesn't hate girls from the Demon Cult, it's fine.

Yun Qian didn't know what was wrong with her.

She looked at Ah Qing's unrepentant look and tilted her head.

Should not be ah.


'how so. ’

Two women are caught up in this problem at the same time.

The difference is that Yun Qian doesn't want to think too much now, so he just forgets about it for a moment and doesn't care.

Until Ah Qing came back to her senses, she looked at Yun Qian with a complicated expression.

"Miss Yun."


"You..." Ah Qing's eyes became more serious. She wasn't shy when she encountered something, so she asked directly, "Why did the girl tell me this?"

"Because you're not at ease."

"Uneasy...heart?" Ah Qing was stunned.

What is the cloud girl talking about?

She was really concerned about how Xu Changan viewed the Demon Sect, could Yun Qian know about such a thing?

Or is it that the anxiety in Yun Qian's mouth doesn't actually refer to this matter, but to his nervousness about having to dance at night?

It is possible, after all, she deliberately put on clothes to cover her body when she chased out.

Seeing A Qing's doubts, Yun Qian shook her head and said calmly, "He still likes you very much, and I like it too, so I'll tell you."



Xu Changan has a good impression of Ah Qing because Zhu Pingniang loves Wu and Wu, but if he likes it, he likes it, and Yun Qian doesn't care about those complicated things.

Yun Qian said that he liked Ah Qing for many reasons.

for example.

Ah Qing felt that 'Yun Qian' was an ordinary girl, that she was inferior to Xu Changan, and that all the light in "Yun Qian" came from Xu Changan.

This kind of "look down" makes Yun Qian very useful.

So she likes this girl.


"...Hi, like?" Yun Qian's sudden words made Ah Qing's serious eyes instantly shattered, and a little blush climbed to her cheeks in an instant.


What is this cloud girl talking about?

How could he not know the logic of her words at all?

For a while, I said that I was uneasy because of the Demon Sect, and then I said...I like myself?

I also brought my son...

A Qing's heart was chaotic.

She didn't expect Yun Qian to actually say that she likes her.

Xin Xiyu was accompanied by complicated tension, and for a while...A Qing was caught in a thinking storm, and it took her some effort to get out of it.

Not too... not too happy, that would be a real shame.

Moreover, even if Yun Qian said that she liked her, it could be the girl's temperament. This kind of liking is probably no different from liking cats and dogs.

And Xu Changan likes?

Do not make jokes.

Ah Qing remembered that Xu Changan saw the green snake she raised at that time longer than it stayed with her. Obviously Xu Changan liked the green snake even more than she liked her.

If you really want to believe Yun Qian's words and be shy, that would be a shame.

Xu Changan's temperament is more attentive to raccoon flowers and green snakes than to women...

She once thought that Xu Changan was a big man and a straight man in the mouth of the Huayuelou sisters.

But when he saw Xu Changan helping Yun Qian out, he could vaguely feel Xu Changan's resistance to women other than Yun Qian.

'Dedicated man. ’

It may not sound like much, but in this world, dedicated men who are capable, have normal orientation, and are not short of very attractive women... are actually very rare.

Especially, his wife is still such a personality.

Neither will be jealous.

Not only is he not jealous, but from the previous conversation, Ah Qing even felt that if the young master had the ability to take a concubine, Yun Qian would be the one who would agree first.

Cloud girl has a problem.

This girl has a big problem.

A Qing suddenly had a very strange thought in his mind.

She looked at Yun Qian, who tilted her head and looked calm.

Suddenly a chill went down my spine.

Ah Qing is an extremely sensitive woman, just like when she didn't have any evidence, she felt that the sky-high white jade purple thunder and the huge cross-sky blazing sun that could ban practitioners from all over the world were all related to Xu Changan.

She trusted her instincts immensely.

And at this moment, the strange little personalities on Yun Qian's body, which were supposed to be just her personal feelings, made Ah Qing... suddenly shuddered.

A Qing got goose bumps slowly on her arm, and the coolness climbed up her back to her arm, and half of her body went numb for a while.

She remembered that she was in the magic gate, and Shi Qingjun was in Chaoyun.

I understand, thinking that she and Shi Qingjun are people who play chess on the Qingzhou chessboard.

But in fact, they don't care about the game, the board, or the pieces.

This indifference is not indifference, nor arrogance, it is just something that is naturally due to being in that position.

Ah Qing didn't care about Demon Gate, and Shi Qingjun didn't care about Chaoyun.

Those who sit above the frosty sky cannot understand the thoughts of the people below, and they do not need to understand.

And now.

A Qing still didn't understand Yun Qian's thoughts, but Yun Qian didn't seem to understand what she was thinking.

So, who is stepping on the frost now?


If Xu Gongzi is a reincarnated immortal, what role does this girl Yun who raised him and acquired his body play in it?

Ah Qing subconsciously looked at Yun Qian.

Lei Guangqi started, and the white light reflected Yun Qian's somewhat embarrassed side face.

At this time, Yun Qian stood there calmly.

The gentle wind swayed slightly, and the blue silk in Yun Qian's ears fluctuated slightly, like the ripples under the deep sea. It was quiet, but it was also full of a huge sense of mystery.

Ah Qing stared at Yun Qian and couldn't help but wonder.

When did she think... the girl is prettier than the son?

Yun Qian's body was pure, cold and beautiful, and the movement of raising her hand to lift her side hair inadvertently seemed to touch her heart.

Apparently so pretty...

But Ah Qing trembled slightly without realizing it for a moment.

She was suddenly a little scared, or fearful.

This kind of emotion is... a little too far away for her.

A bit of cold numbness stretched from Ah Qing's arm to her fingertips until she couldn't help shivering.


At this moment, Ah Qing's rationality gained the upper hand again.

Are you crazy.

Yun Qian's personality is flawed, she's not jealous, she's good-looking and can express her heart directly... Why does she think that Yun Qian has a "conspiracy", and that she is the "mastermind behind the scenes" of the reincarnation of an immortal?

Could it be that the reason for making up those words in these days made her think so divergent that she no longer needed logic.


Ah Qing took a deep look at Yun Qian.

She really trusts her intuition, even if it's just a momentary, bizarre thought that makes people laugh, she will think carefully.

Now, the idea of ​​Yun Qian has risen, and it can no longer be pressed.

Ah Qing was silent for a long time, and she observed the girl in front of her with calm and beautiful eyes.

Naturally, she couldn't see anything from Yun Qian's face.

Even Ah Qing was wondering if it was because Xu Changan was too special that he had cast a halo on Yun Qian?

What do you think, this girl... doesn't have the same characteristics as Xu Changan.

Hmm... Her so-called intuition, of course, can't guess the details of Yun Qian, so Ah Qing's real thought for a moment was actually wondering if Yun Qian might be the same "immortal reincarnation" as Xu Changan.

Although Yun Qian is not as special as Xu Changan, being able to become husband and wife with Xu Changan is the biggest special.

Because of this thought, Ah Qing calmed down after the inexplicable chill down her spine at first.

At most, Young Lady Yun and Young Master have the same origin, as long as you treat them well.

Thinking of this, Ah Qing looked at Yun Qian's eyes more and more like it.

She will not abandon this love, but instead... emotions burst out even more enthusiastically at this moment, completely suppressing the unreasonable fear.


Ah Qing felt that if this girl Yun also had a great background, then she would not be cheap if she liked Yun Qian, but she had good eyesight.

After all, she may be the first woman in the world who finds Yun Qian special.

Ah Qing gave herself a reason not to hide the fact that she liked Yun Qian, so she was suddenly very happy, and her emotions became more and more hot.

"One Sword"

As long as it's not cheap, it's fine, right?

At this moment, A Qing didn't even know whether she deliberately "arranged" Yun Qian's identity, whether it was because she really thought Yun Qian was incredible, or just to find a legitimate reason for her to like Yun Qian.

Leave her alone.

Like is like.

"Miss Yun, concubine... I really like you." Ah Qing smiled.

Yun Qian: "...?"

There was a rare question mark on Miss Yun's head.

Is this husband's karma a clever one, or a not-so-smart one...

Yun Qian didn't know.

When Ah Qing's fate is connected with Xu Chang'an, her future is not something Yun Qian would like to peep.

As long as it was related to Xu Changan, it was shrouded in mist in her eyes.

But Ah Qing was only nervous one second before, and the next second, his eyes were hot as if he was going to eat people... It was really confusing.

As expected of this girl A-Qing, Xu Changan said she would like it, even if it was just the same name, she was much more powerful than her.

As for Ah Qing being able to guess something, Yun Qian didn't care.

In the eyes of her husband, there are too many secrets on her body, and those things will be known to him sooner or later.


No matter what time, no matter which Yun Qian, she never deliberately concealed these things. Not only would she not conceal it, but she would also slightly allow external things to understand her existence.

If she really wanted to hide it, with Xu Changan's system, what ability could she have to detect her terrifying, and what ability would she have to fear her existence?

There is no reason.

Being afraid of her is a symbol of great strength in So, Yun Qian really didn't hide it.

As long as Xu Changan didn't know about it in the early days, as for how the secret will go when it is discovered later, it depends on how the husband wants to treat her this time, and how he wants to think about her existence.


Xu Changan was not very tough every time he asked.

He always tested the girl's willingness to speak first, as long as she hesitated a little, Xu Changan would not ask.

As Yun Qian told him, if he really had a commanding attitude, he would have known everything by now.

Yun Qian yawned and looked at Ah Qing.

Being smart is a good thing.

she thought so.


"Girl, you are actually a very powerful person, right?" Ah Qing suddenly asked.

"Me?" Yun Qian shook her head, "No."

Only when she is "Yun Qian" can she be called "human".

Is Yun Qian a great person?

Taking a walk and breathing for two steps is naturally not that powerful at all, so Yun Qian is telling the truth.

Ah Qing, who could also feel that Yun Qian was telling the truth, was still smiling.

"It turns out that the girl is not a powerful person. I don't know if the girl has no memory like the young master, or... it's really because the concubine's thoughts are wrong." Ah Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Yes, she doesn't need to think so much. Is it okay to ask Yun Qian directly if you have any questions?

The cloud girl will respond to herself.

Ah Qing has confidence that Yun Qian will take her own problems seriously.

So Ah Qing asked the biggest doubt in his heart.

"Miss Yun, do you think...the concubine is a person from the Demon Sect?"

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