My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 422: Caring for empty nesters (2 in 1)

Ah Qing narrowed her eyes, thinking that it was a good thing that Yun Qian didn't know her identity.

Suddenly want to know, if she is really familiar with Yun Qian, and suddenly let her know her true identity...

Will Yun Qian show a completely different expression from the peaceful expression now?

Ah Qing instinctively felt that it might be difficult.

Then she can set the target lower.

It won't make this girl Yun's jaw drop in shock, just... as long as she is a little bit surprised, she will win.

Ah Qing: "…"

When she turned around, she couldn't help but sigh softly.


The self who is determined to pursue the way of heaven before Shi Qingjun, and now all he thinks about is showing off in front of the girl in this capacity?

As long as Yun Qian is surprised, is it a success?

How did you become such a hopeless girl.

Ah Qing didn't know, in fact, this idea was more promising than the pursuit of heaven's knowledge - if she could really surprise Yun Qian.

But she knew that she liked this girl Yun very much now.

If Yun Qian can really change her calm appearance, then... she will be very happy.


In the window spirit, a little light came from the deck outside the window. This light divided the dimly lit corridor, like a galaxy separating Yun Qian from her face.

The world is quiet, just like time, and people always enjoy the quiet atmosphere.

The fire was rippling, and the sound of the pattering rain and the laughter of the girl outside was in her ears. In the corridor, Ah Qing looked seriously at the girl who was breathing in front of her, and couldn't take her eyes away for a moment.

It seems that the most correct thing she has done over the years is to leave Yuanhai and come to Huayuelou to be an ordinary girl.

"...?" Yun Qian looked at her strangely when Ah Qing looked at her like that.

"Miss Yun."


"My concubine has lived at such an age and has never had any friends."


Ah Qing: "…"

Looking at Yun Qian's appearance that she knew, Ah Qing's remaining words were blocked in her throat.

Under normal circumstances, Yun Qian should not say...

At least, it's not an attitude of knowing.


This girl has such a temperament. Ah Qing knows that she can't go around when talking to Yun Qian. It is better to go straight, otherwise the only one who will be shriveled in the end is herself.

I have to say, talking to a woman with such a personality is really a very comfortable thing.

"Miss Yun, if the concubine told you that the concubine is actually a girl with some skills, what would you think?" A Qing asked gently.

Yun Qian glanced at her, and the eyes that seemed to be unclear had already given Ah Qing an answer.

What would you think?

I don't want to, I'm tired.

Seeing this, Ah Qing smiled wryly on the surface, but her eyes were filled with water.


It's such a girl, I really like it, I really like it.

Sure enough, even if Yun Qian knew about it, she probably wouldn't be surprised because it had nothing to do with Yun Qian.

Maybe it's because of the approaching world, once Dao Yun added her body, the feeling of being too oblivious to her feelings and turning her body into a frosty sky is too cold, making Ah Qing eager to get rid of the once lonely state after she left.

She really wants a friend now.

But Ah Qing always thought it was impossible. After all, Shi Qingjun, the only one who was qualified to be her friend, did not agree with her philosophy.

If there is no opportunity and intermediary, even if she once looked up at Shi Qingjun's back when she was young, even if she once looked forward to her... but there will never be any chance to sit down and have a good conversation, let alone be friends and girlfriends.


As the leader, why did you come to Beisang City?

Some of them were flustered after seeing the Baiyu Jie Lei and the blazing sun. They came to see if Shi Qingjun really walked in front of her again, if he was about to complete the feat of Chang'an in the world, and he was about to soar.

But she may not want to go out and talk to people when her emotions are gradually lost.

Just like Zhu Pingniang's departure, so did Ah Qing.

However, unlike Zhu Pingniang who pleases Li Zhibai, the only person Ah Qing recognized at that time was Shi Qingjun, so she would come here.

But who would have thought that Ah Qing would meet the "chaos and evil", and the woman who could pick people up the most today. - Zhu Pingniang.

But this is fine.

Now she sees the hope of someone who speaks - Yun Qian.

Strange to say, Ah Qing has been in Huayuelou for a long time, and she has deliberately observed the relationship between women.

The two girls' families can become close best friends, sometimes because of the accumulation of time, childhood sweethearts, and sharing weal and woe.

Sometimes it's because the two girls have similar temperaments and are friends.

But these girls, A Qing, have never met. First, she is lonely, and second, she does not understand the six arts of women.

But there is another kind of emotion between women that suits her and Yun Qian.

The two girls don't need to have much in common, nor have they experienced the ups and downs of life together, but in front of her you can put down all your pretense and be strong, and you can reveal the secrets that have been hard to tell for a long time.

Just because the other person is kind, gentle, or rational and smart, you are willing to share a secret with her.

At the same time of sharing, we gain understanding, wisdom, courage, and sometimes even treat the other party as a mirror. While speaking, we have seen ourselves clearly.

But now, Yun Qian is such a girl in her heart.

This cloud girl is indeed like a mirror.

At this moment, unlike women such as Shi Qingjun, Zhu Pingniang, Wen Li, Li Zhibai, who thought Xu Changan was a mirror, Ah Qing thought Yun Qian was more like a mirror.

At this time, Ah Qing was very serious about Yun Qian.

Just looking at Yun Qian can give her a feeling of smoothness and smoothness as if clear water is flowing through her heart.

Ah Qing thought to herself that she had stayed under the deep sea for a long time, and she actually had the temperament of a deep boudoir and resentful woman. This was clearly lonely.

There is no way.

The most she saw in Huayuelou was the scene where the female companions in twos and threes were holding hands on the rattan chairs in the teahouse and in the garden in the afternoon, whispering, shredding, and euphemistically speaking private words.

These couples of close friends in Huayuelou seem to have endless things to say, like women's hair, **** and down, endless.

Tangled, tired and crooked.

But after having a good impression of Yun Qian, she now envies this kind of crookedness.

Ah Qing took a deep breath.

"Miss Yun, can my concubine get a chance to get closer to you?" Ah Qing asked something shameless, but it takes courage to say such words.

"...Well." Yun Qian looked at the not-so-smart girl in front of her and nodded without hesitation.

Naturally there is.

Yun Qian didn't know what kind of girlfriend she was. For Miss Yun, she knew that there was a very simple shortcut between women.

No need to understand, no need to share adversity. No need to talk or even reason.

If the husbands of two women are the same person, they will naturally be labeled as "sisters", and they are naturally close in relationship.

Therefore, Ah Qing certainly has the opportunity to get close to her.


Yun Qian's logic is always so impeccable.

"It's good to have a chance." Ah Qing smiled lightly.

She would ask, but she didn't necessarily have the idea of ​​really pestering Yun Qian, and sometimes she would be very happy just to know such an answer.

At this time, Ah Qing didn't know that Shi Qingjun, whom she regarded as her "old enemy"... was also an empty-nest leader.

Like Ah Qing, she wanted someone who could talk after learning to appreciate flowers.

So Ah Qing was the first to find Li Zhibai, but what Ah Qing saw in Li Zhibai's eyes was heat, respect, and longing...

Shi Qingjun knew that it was too difficult to find a girl who could look at her, so Shi Qingjun also cared about Xu Gongzi's wife who was a little wrong.

But she didn't even make a move, and was preempted by A Qing.

So far, Yun Qian's affection for A Qing is higher than that of Shi Qingjun, so at least at this moment, A Qing has won Shi Qingjun once.

Just thinking about it, Ah Qing came back to her senses, covering her face and exclaiming.

I saw Yun Qian suddenly stretched out her hand while she was in a trance and wanted to touch her.

"Yun, Miss Yun, what are you doing?"

"Ribbon." Yun Qian looked at the same cyan ribbon behind Ah Qing's head.

"Huh?" Ah Qing blinked.

Yun Qian wanted to touch her ribbon?


Doesn't Yun Qian have it too?

"It's nothing." Yun Qian shook her head, she didn't think too much, she just thought that it should be Ah Qing like her now.

And based on Yun Qian's understanding of Xu Changan, Xu Changan didn't like Ah Qing's well-organized hairdo, maybe he would like it even more if it was a little messy.

But Ah Qing didn't let her touch it, that's fine.

"Cough." Ah Qing cleared her throat and gently supported Yun Qian.

"The girl has almost rested, concubine... I will send you to see the son."


Caring for empty nesters.

To be precise, it is caring for empty-nest old women.

Shi Qingjun, who hadn't left, didn't know when she changed into a long red dress. She was sitting in the pavilion at this moment, with the snacks she bought in front of her, looking at the bustling lake from a distance.

She looked at the women walking together and slowly swallowed the dessert in her mouth. Her gaze stayed on those female companions for a while, and she looked at the reflection of her beautiful face by the water.

She remembered Li Zhibai's attitude towards her.

"Am I really that… terrifying?"

She clearly just wanted to find someone to talk to, but even Li Zhibai, whose cultivation base was closest to her, had a thick barrier between her.

Sure enough, the impression she left in the past was too indifferent and utilitarian. If it weren't for her only caring about her own practice, Chao Yunzong would not have been separated like this.

Shi Qingjun remembered the "Senior Sister Shi" who was slightly alienated but not disgusting when he was talking to Xu Changan in this capacity, and slowly lowered his eyes.

Sure enough, it was time for her to change.

To become a little gentler, I didn't care about Wen Li in the past, but now after seeing her soul separated, the flaws in her soul can no longer be ignored.

She picked up a piece of pastry again and chewed it slowly.

Let's go to the banquet in a while to repair the blood defect.

She would go to see Tong Jun's banquet, and take a look at Xu Changan and Yun Qian.

Thinking of Yun Qian, Ah Qing lowered her head and looked at the frosting on her fingertips.

She felt that her temperament was quite compatible with that of Miss Yun.

Not very talkative, but like to eat snacks?

So if you want to find someone to talk to, Miss Yun is a good candidate.

Ah Qing blinked.

I wonder if she can talk to Yun Qian today?

It should be difficult, after all, it didn't take long before there was another Wenli in Beisang City, and in a blink of an eye, she saw Li Zhibai again.

These two have a good relationship with Yun Qian, so there should be no chance for her to speak.

Pick up another snack.

"The's really good." Shi Qingjun tilted his head.

In fact, the first 'mirror' in Ah Qing's heart is Xu Changan, but Xu Changan is a man, not a woman, otherwise she will definitely like Xu Changan very much.

Now, it's the only option left.

This time, it was Yun Qian.

Speaking of which, her idea of ​​being friends with Yun Qian because Xu Changan was the reincarnation of an immortal is still as utilitarian as ever.

But there is no way to do it, after all, if it wasn't for Xu Changan's existence, how could a "mere" Yun Qian catch Shi Qingjun's eyes.

Well, Yun Qian would like her idea very much.


next best.

Of course, being a wife can't cover up the radiance of your husband, even if... Xu Changan's radiance has converged cleanly.

He was indeed restrained, dressed in a simple way.

In front of the kitchen, Xu Changan stood there, looking at this tired, calm face, but her eyes were full of coquettish girls.

The wind was blowing, and the girl in front of her swept over and brought a little fragrance.

Yun Qian raised her body, only the people she likes who can enjoy such a beautiful scene up close.

"Tired?" Xu Changan was very helpless.

"I'm a little sleepy, just come and have a look." Yun Qian yawned and watched Xu Changan push open the kitchen door.

Xu Changan looked at Ah Qing who was like a maid waiting quietly at the corner of the alley in the distance, and smiled: "Did she send the young lady here? Thank you."

"Yeah." Yun Qian replied.

Xu Changan was even more helpless.

Can't help sighing.

He never thought that a good banquet, Senior Zhu would be so unreliable?

Isn't it a banquet?

Why was he preparing dinner here when Miss Yun came knocking on the door?

The big boat was rocking, if it wasn't for the kind-hearted girl A Qing who helped Yun Qian walk all the way, Xu Changan would have reason to suspect that the girl in front of her was looking tired... if she didn't know enough, she could throw herself.

If this falls, it is a lie to say that it is not distressed.

Yun Qian: "…"

Yun Qian watched as Xu Changan blocked the door of the kitchen, preventing her from looking in.

"Cough, what about Senior Zhu?" Xu Changan deliberately avoided the topic.

Yes, Senior Zhu is sometimes unreliable, but isn't there still Miss Lu?

Is Miss Lu busy too?

"Miss Wen is here, and they all went to see it." Yun Qian said.

"Sister Wen?"

Xu Changan was startled, so why did Yun Qian come to him? Does it have something to do with pears?

Yun Qian thought that this was not important, she looked at Xu Changan.

She would not let Xu Changan guess her thoughts, so she directly said what she wanted.

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