My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 425: It doesn't matter whether the talent is good or bad (2 in 1)

After Xu Changan experienced the feeling of a night where his soul was clear and the heaven and earth opened his heart to him, he felt that his previous practice was like falling into purgatory.

Looking at Yun Qian, he was very worried, and this concern was brought to the greatest moment just before he could use the Yin-Yang method to lead Yun Qian into the path of immortality.

No matter how bad his dantian was back then, he was able to keep some spiritual energy in the end, not like Yun Qianyi leaking out completely.

Such a girl Yun, even if she can really enter the way of cultivation through Hehuan Sect's exercises, but what about her talent?

I'm afraid it's no different from when he was in purgatory.

Thinking of this, Xu Changan couldn't help but feel flustered.

Of course, he hopes that his own girl Yun can be like those geniuses, and can embrace the Dao without any effort.

But the world is full of ordinary people after all.

Xu Changan knew that he could not help Yun Qian in this matter.

I still remember that when he just got Qionghua's vitality, his first thought was whether he could give it to Yun Qian.

As a result, Qionghua's vitality swelled violently after approaching Yun Qian, and even the rune of Dao Yun was torn apart.

So the answer is naturally no, and the system product can only be used by him.

Xu Changan felt powerless at this moment.

"Talent..." He hugged Yun Qian and muttered to himself.

Innate talent is really too important, and in Xu Changan's heart, it is much higher than any other treasure.

As mediocre as he is, didn't he also rely on the heavy and rock-steady spiritual platform of the two generations to enter the eyes of Zhu Pingniang?

When Zhu Pingniang praised him, Xu Changan knew very well that he was praising his talent.

But his talent comes from the system, which is cheating.

Regarding talent, he also knew a lot in the Mu Yufeng Deacon Hall.

Many people's talents are fixed from birth, and the acquired treasures may be slightly improved, but in any case, it is impossible to reach the threshold of genius.


With more resources, can you feed a second warm pear?

It can't be done.

That's why Xu Changan was so powerless and frightened, because Yun Qian's talent was good or bad, he could only choose to passively accept it, but couldn't change it.

This feeling of powerlessness that makes Xu Changan so uneasy is the source of his unease.

At this time, Xu Changan hugged Yun Qian.

He is like a scholar on the eve of the imperial examinations.

Whether Miss Yun's talent is good or bad... It will only be revealed when she starts to practice.

Yun Qian: "…"

Feeling Xu Changan's hand on her waist, Miss Yun blinked.

Slightly relieved.

It's fine if it's none of the girl's business.

Xu Changan wasn't feeling inferior because of his poor talent, so it's hard to say that Miss Yun made a mistake.

Yun Qian felt Xu Changan burying her head in her neck, tilted her head and rubbed against him, and said calmly, "If I'm uneasy because I want to learn how to cook... I won't mention it in the future."

Hearing this, Xu Changan reluctantly let go of Yun Qian's black line.

This girl is really...

Well, it's hard to say that Yun Qian was heartless, but she was not nervous at all.

She is here because of her cultivation and talent, but she is good, and she is still thinking about her kitchen knife.

Xu Changan was silenced by Yun Qian's attitude for a while, and he couldn't say a word for a while.

"?" Yun Qian held his hand: "Am I right?"

"Miss is not wrong..." Xu Changan shook his head: "It has nothing to do with learning to cook, it's my own problem."

He was uneasy because he thought about Yun Qian's cooking and the idea that "Yun Qian's talent is not good, so he can only cook".

"Miss, you told me earlier that you changed your mind. It is no longer for me to practice, but you really want to practice yourself, right." Xu Changan remembered something.

"Yeah." Yun Qian said seriously: "Cultivation can make me persist longer."

"...Cough." Xu Changan coughed a few times while listening to Yun Qian's serious words.

what to say.


It's his cloud girl.

"Forget it, no matter what your reasons are, it's a good thing to be interested." Xu Changan nodded, and then became more serious: "Since you are interested in cultivation... I have thought about what my talent will be like."

"Talent?" Yun Qian blinked: "My?"


"I didn't think about it." Yun Qian shook her head.

She said that she didn't know how to practice.

Talent, is Liu Qingluo's talent good?

It should be, I really don't know much about it.

"I knew that Miss didn't think about this, but it's because you haven't thought about it that I'm going to think about it." Xu Changan said gently, his fingers gently passing over Yun Qian's brows.

He didn't ask for Yun Qian's talent to be on a par with Senior Sister Wen who couldn't produce a Heavenly Dao Scroll for tens of thousands of years, nor did he ask Yun Qian's talent to be similar to himself who had been strengthened by the system and cheated.

As long as you don't have the kind of ignorant talent you used to have.

He can't be considered a pessimist, but when it comes to issues related to Yun Qian, he will never let himself have too high expectations, otherwise... even a little bit of disappointment will be a serious blow to him.

Xu Changan is always a calm person, but the premise is not to have anything to do with Yun Qian.

You must know that Yun Qian's headache and fever are enough to make him feel helpless for a while, not to mention that it can determine Yun Qian's future cultivation talent in the future?

If he can really watch calmly, then he's in hell.

"I don't quite understand." Yun Qian looked at Xu Changan's swaying eyes and tilted her head: "Do you want my talent to be better?"

"It's hard to say such things now." Xu Changan said solemnly.

He wouldn't put a flag on Miss Yun at such a time to say that her talent would definitely be good.

It was enough to see how nervous he was, and he even took out the metaphysics in the metaphysics that he looked down on in his previous life.

Xu Changan looked at the girl in front of him who wanted to practice, but was ignorant.

"Sure enough, I still hope that you, Miss, will have the mercy of heaven, don't be like me."



Heaven has mercy?

She glanced out the window suspiciously. Through the window in front of the kitchen, she could see the sky full of dark clouds in the distance.

To show mercy, does it mean to show mercy, to give love, to see love?

Most of them are used by the elders for the younger generation.

Heaven takes pity on her... that sounds strange.

"Okay." Xu Changan expressed the depression in his heart: "Eat and eat, hug and hug, it's early, miss, go back quickly."

Yun Qian nodded.

She didn't know what Xu Changan was worried about, but she could see that he felt much more relaxed after expressing it for a while.

That's enough.

She shook her head again and asked, "Do you really want me to leave this time?"

"...This time it's true." Xu Changan couldn't hold back.

"Buddha." Yun Qian responded and let go of Xu Changan's hand.

"By the way, I saw Senior Sister Wen in a while, remember to get close to her and feel happy." Xu Changan suddenly remembered something.

"Is she happy?" Yun Qian asked.

"Bah, what are you talking about..." Xu Changan said helplessly, with a smile: "Senior Sister Wen's talent is so good. If you stay closer to her, you can get lucky."


Yun Qian kept this matter in her heart, and then said goodbye to Xu Changan. Seeing Xu Changan returning to the kitchen and closing the door to continue working, she took a step towards not far away and quietly waited for Ah Qing to walk over.

Ah Qing: "…"

She watched Yun Qian come over, her eyes wandering.

She really didn't eavesdrop on purpose, but she did hear something.

She likes the calm and gentle gentleman very much. After all, if a young man of this character has the mysterious blessing of the reincarnation of a's hard not to be charming.


A boy who would be uneasy, would embrace his wife and seek security in her, which made her even more excited.


Especially knowing that this young man who would be disturbed by a trivial matter might be the reincarnation of an immortal, her heartbeat was even more uncontrollable.

As for Xu Changan's worries...

Ah Qing didn't take it to heart at all, she only thought that the mysterious Young Master Xu would be uneasy and frightened by such trivial matters, which further showed that he knew nothing about his identity.

Yun Qian's talent is even less important. If one person has the right to return to the sky, let alone his wife.

Therefore, Ah Qing couldn't feel Xu Chang'an's panic, she just thought that this young master who was completely different from the previous calm... was very endearing.

If the women in Huayuelou knew about this, I'm afraid they all have the heart to eat people.

Sure enough, as an old woman, she really has no resistance to such a young man.

But Ah Qing knew that she was still in love with Yun Qian not long ago, but after a while, she changed her mind again...

So looking at Yun Qian walking towards her again, Ah Qing was inexplicably a little unsure, even if she knew that Yun Qian couldn't know her thoughts, she still couldn't help feeling guilty.

"Yun, Miss Yun."

As Yun Qian came over, Ah Qing tried her best to make herself look calmer. She said, "My concubine will send you back to the banquet."

"Well." Yun Qian looked at her, "Thank you."

"...?" Ah Qing was stunned for a moment.

What does it mean when you meet a girl you like and suddenly thank yourself.

Then she immediately realized that it was Xu Changan who asked Yun Qian to thank him for sending her here.

A bit helpless, but she still quietly raised the corners of her lips.

To actually thank a half-demon maid in Huayuelou?

Isn't this what I should do as my identity?

Young Master Xu didn't know what he was thinking.

He really is a strange person who cares so much about such little things.

Ah Qing knew that in Xu Changan's eyes, she was no different from passers-by, but even if she was a passer-by, he would consider it comprehensively.

Thinking of Xu Changan like this would make him panic, and Ah Qing liked it even more for a while.

It can only be said that Xu Changan in front of Yun Qian and he are two completely different people in peacetime, but Ah Qing, who discovered this, has a strange idea.

If Yun Qian was not there, even if other girls married the son, they could only see his calm and gentle side.

Xu Changan was raised by Yun Qian and lost Yuan Yang...

With this kind of causal blessing, Ah Qing doesn't think anyone can replace Yun Qian's position today.

So doesn't it mean that if you want to get a complete Xu Gongzi, you have to win it together with Miss Yun?

But then, who was taken by whom?

Isn't this just running over to be a concubine for others?

Ah Qing's eyes twitched, and she stopped thinking about such strange things.

She walked back with Yun Qian, and felt that Yun Qian was also very strange. She really listened to Xu Chang'an's words, and it didn't matter if she suffered some grievances.

Ah Qing herself knew that all her special treatment of Xu Changan and Yun Qian came from their unexplainable mysteries.

But if this layer of mystery is removed, she vaguely feels that this is the most ordinary and loving couple in the world.

In the past, she should not even look at it.

"Miss Yun." Ah Qing suddenly said.

"Yeah." Yun Qian looked at her.

"The girl came here on purpose, is it because she wants the young master to hug you for a while."

Ah Qing asked, remembering the coquettish act of letting her hug her Huang girl before she went to bed.

She also dared to ask.

She asked, and Yun Qian answered.

"Yes." Yun Qian nodded.

Without any hesitation, she told Ah Qing that she really came to let her husband hold her for a while.


Ah Qing looked shy and not Yun Qian at all, and it was boring to ask herself.

My understanding of Yun Qian deepened.

"Not all." Yun Qian suddenly said, she knew why she wanted to see her husband, it was because he was in a state of unease.

"Huh?" A Qing was startled: "Isn't it?"

"Not only do I want to be hugged for a while, but I also want to hug him." Yun Qian said calmly.

"Then... no, it's alright."

Ah Qing bit her lip lightly, she led Yun Qian through the window, feeling the cold wind outside falling on her face.



have no choice.

It's really superfluous to ask this sentence after being shown a face.

Just thinking about it, Ah Qing paused in her footsteps and turned her head in confusion.

Yun Qian suddenly stopped, what happened?

"The girl is tired again, so let's rest here." Ah Qing said.

Yun Qian shook her head: "You asked me, and I have something to ask you."

"Ask the concubine?" A Qing blinked: "What can you ask the concubine here if the girl has anything... Even if you say it, the concubine knows everything."

"How can we make heaven pity." Yun Qian asked seriously.

Ah Qing: "...?"

The breeze fell into Beisang City from above the Nine Heavens, and the mixed wind and rain fell through the window spirit between Ah Qing's hair, making her raise her head silently.

"Miss Yun, what did you say?"

"How can we make heaven pity."

Yun Qian repeated it.

Miss Yun, who is not good at pity or something, knows about hanging curtains. The latter is simpler, just one sentence is enough.

Fortunately, there was a girl in front of her who was considered a pity, so Yun Qian felt that she was asking the right person.

In fact, she really asked the right person.

If it weren't for the mercy of heaven, how could Ah Qing, a half-demon, get to this point.

The way of heaven is pity, the way of heaven is green, nothing is more than this.

"How can you ask the concubine here." A Qing's face was weird: "Concubine... How can the concubine know how to make the heaven pity."

Also God has mercy.

If it weren't for Xu Gongzi, she would have been crushed by Daoyun's cage now. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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