My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 434: Inferiority is what it should be (2 in 1)


Miss Lu was a little confused by Yun Qian's abrupt words.

What's the meaning?

Yun Qian looked at her.

Miss Lu said what purpose she had, and Yun Qian naturally would not favor one over another, she would always give these girls a chance to make a wish.

"If you want anything, you can tell me."


When Miss Lu heard the words, she blinked, and then smiled softly: "You... are somewhat similar to Sister Zhu."

Zhu Pingniang also likes to ask the little girls what wishes they have, so as to peep into the hearts of the girls or use their wishes as inspiration.

She smiled with emotion: "It's just that, Miss Yun, your thoughts and elder sister... must be different."

Yun Qian didn't understand the meaning of Miss Lu's words, she just looked at the other party and said softly, "Is there nothing you want?"

"The concubine is very satisfied with the current life, and of course I don't want anything." Miss Lu wondered: "Miss Yun, you look like a person with a wish?"

"You are a greedy person, so you should have a wish." Yun Qian said.

"...Ah this."

Miss Lu was startled and covered her face helplessly.

There is no way to refute it.

Who told her to say she was greedy?

Wish, of course she has it.

But it's impossible to make a wish to Yun Qian if you really have a wish. What is this girl thinking about?

Looking at Yun Qian strangely, Miss Lu bit her lip, as if remembering the unbearable dark history. She leaned over the table and tilted her head to look at Yun Qian.

"The girl reminded the concubine of the wish I once said to Sister Zhu, and now it's embarrassing to think about it..."

"Wish, what is it." Yun Qian looked at her.

"At that time, I wanted to find a suitable man, so I went to pray to my sister."

Miss Lu blushed: "Little girl, she always wants to have a perfect man to rely on. Which girl doesn't want to have a husband who can be depended on and coquettish... At least the concubine does."

She said with emotion.

"At that time, I wanted someone to rely on, but now...the concubine actually supported the Huayuelou and became the support of those girls..."

But deep down, she was still a little woman, not the iron lady that the girls called her.

Really frustrating.

She pouted, with a bit of resentment in her tone: "Miss Yun, now that I think about it... The concubine really did a stupid thing back then, and asked Sister Zhu to help me pick a man... How could she have such a skill?"

It would be more realistic to expect Zhu Pingniang to find a man for her.

"You want a man?" Yun Qian was thoughtful.

"Just say it casually, Miss Yun, what are you doing so seriously?" Miss Lu looked at her strangely.

She really just chatted with Yun Qian at will. After all, being a good friend or something, recalling the past together in childhood is also a good way to get closer.

"Nothing..." Yun Qian looked at Xu Changan's direction, lowered her head and said softly, "I just know, there is really something I can't do."

Just like she can't eat spicy food and can't give birth to a child, now there is one more thing she can't do—

She couldn't fulfill Miss Lu's wish.

Find her a man?

Yun Qian knew that she could not convince Xu Changan to ask for another girl anyway, so she could not fulfill this wish.

Miss Lu didn't quite understand, she looked weird.


Why are you listening... Yun Qian is seriously thinking about finding a man for her?

No way…

This girl doesn't look very smart, does she still have the talent to be a matchmaker?

how is this possible.

Miss Lu didn't believe it at all. To be a matchmaker, you have to be very popular, and it's just like Yun Qian, who doesn't even know a few women.

She had reason to believe that Yun Qian had never spoken to the second man so far, so what would Yun Qian do for her as a matchmaker? He also made an appearance that he had thought about it carefully.

and many more.

Think seriously?

Miss Lu suddenly froze.

Yun Qian is naturally not a pretentious temperament, so since she has been thinking seriously just now, it means that... she is really thinking about the possibility of finding a man for herself.

But the only man Yunqian knows is Xu Gongzi...


Miss Lu's heart began to beat vigorously, echoing in her mind like Hong Zhong.

Could it be that Yun Qian was trying to introduce her to the son...

After all, Yun Qian had previously said that she liked herself, and also said that she wanted to take a concubine for the son.

At this moment, Miss Lu discovered the truth of the matter through clues.

are you happy?

To be honest... not at all!

Rather, Miss Lu felt very frightened for a while, and the rapid heartbeat was not shy, but fear.

It's true that she likes the son, but she really never thought about being a concubine.

At most, I thought about being a housemaid or something...

Therefore, if Yun Qian really has the idea of ​​bridging her and the son, she will run away.

There is absolutely nothing she can do to destroy the relationship between Xu Changan and Yun Qian.

Watching from the side, it is enough to be friends with Yun Qian.

At this moment, Miss Lu suddenly understood why Liu Qingluo was always running away. She used to laugh at Qingluo's worthlessness, but now when it happened to her, she realized that she was not much stronger than Qingluo.

to ask why...

Probably because of unequal status.

No matter how high Xu Changan's achievements are today, there will never be a situation where Yun Qian is not worthy of him, because everyone knows that Xu Changan was "raised" by Yun Qian, and Yun Qian already has the temperament of a lady, and everyone is a good match. , a match made in heaven.

As for herself, she is nothing more than a woman in a brothel.

Miss Lu thought she was not qualified.

It's easier to just follow Zhu Pingniang as a dowry. As for my sister Zhu, I count on her...

Forget it, she had absolutely no hope.

Miss Lu couldn't help sighing.

Qingluo is not easy...

He is the steward of Huayuelou and was raised by Zhu Pingniang himself, so it can be said that he has never suffered.

She looked at the girl from the brothel, but a guest didn't pick it up, and men couldn't get close to her.

Miss Lu is also superior in a sense, but even she felt a strong inferiority complex in an instant...

What about Liu Qingluo?

Qingluo has truly been a Qing shepherd and climbed to the position of the oiran.

After Qingluo entered Xianmen, she didn't even bring the lyre that she depended on to survive, which was enough to show her extreme disgust and strong inferiority for her own identity.

In this case, it took a lot of courage for Liu Qingluo to like Xu Changan.

Miss Lu had reason to believe that the fact that Liu Qingluo liked Xu Changan made her feel tormented, that she was blaspheming the person she liked, let alone approaching her...

Shaking his head.

She took a deep look at Yun Qian and smiled softly: "It seems that Miss Yun married the young master early, which is really a good thing."

Because Xu Changan has a perfect wife, these women can let go, and they won't have any unrealistic fantasies.

For example, there is hope, but there is no hope that it is easier.

She didn't want to be considered by Ping Niang as a woman who didn't know what to do.

So, now the eyes... as long as it is on Miss Yun.

She is so pretty.

"...I don't understand." Yun Qian held the empty porcelain cup and looked at her strangely.

Yun Qian noticed that Miss Lu's eyes were getting hotter when she looked at her.

"Although you are gentle, girl, you are Miss Qianjin. How can you understand that little nine-nine in our hearts?"

Miss Lu got up and refilled Yun Qian with a glass of juice, then smiled like a big sister and waited for Yun Qian to taste it.

"Miss... In fact, sometimes I want him to be closer." Yun Qian held the teacup and spoke calmly with a cold face.

Miss Lu's eyes lit up.



The conversation between the ordinary friend and the ordinary best friend she dreamed of.


Miss Lu coughed lightly, "Miss Yun, don't worry, the son called you 'Miss', probably because he was used to calling you since he was a child. After all, he used to be your housekeeper... It's not so easy to change it at this time."

Miss Lu narrowed her eyes.

As a lascivious girl, she felt that if she was on the couch, such a small address between husband and wife... quite a feeling.

The story of the housekeeper and the young lady.


This kind of bad woman's idea should not be known to Yun Qian, otherwise it would be really embarrassing.

After a pause, Miss Lu continued: "Young Master is just calling out to you, and he definitely didn't take the girl as a 'eldest miss', so... If Miss Yun is afraid that Young Master calling you like this will be alienating, then there is no need."

She saw it very clearly.

Xu Changan's "Miss" is definitely not his inferiority complex, it is purely a habit over the years.

"Well, I know." Yun Qian nodded, then looked at Miss Lu, her eyes calm: "You are sometimes very smart, so why do you feel inferior and feel that you have no weight?"

Miss Lu: "..."


She didn't expect Yun Qian to suddenly say these words.


"Yun, Miss Yun, don't talk nonsense, concubine...concubine is proud of being a girl from Huayuelou." Miss Lu explained quickly: "I don't have any inferiority complex."

Yun Qian responded without refuting, just looked at her quietly.

Until Miss Lu couldn't hold it anymore, she smiled bitterly.

"Okay, pride is one aspect, but because you were born in a brothel, you feel humbled... This is not a conflict." Miss Lu covered her face: "Miss Yun, you really deserve to have a pair of good-looking eyes, concubine just now After thinking about something, you can see it?"

Was she so obvious about her identity just now?

"I saw some."

Yun Qian didn't peep at Miss Lu's thoughts, but simply found that her eyes were very similar to Liu Qingluo's.

"There is nothing to feel inferior." Yun Qian looked at Miss Lu seriously: "You are a very powerful person, no worse than anyone else."

In Yun Qian's eyes, when Miss Lu confirmed that she had a relationship with Xu Changan, she herself had nothing to do with lowliness and lowliness.

Even the most noble existence in the world in this conventional sense is not worth a hair of Miss Lu, so she has absolutely no reason to feel inferior.

"Concubine is not unconfident." Miss Lu was comforted by Yun Qian inexplicably, and she couldn't help laughing for a while.

She looked at Yun Qian's eyes even more indulgently.

Such a gentle, understanding girl.

This kind of gentleness is different from Xu Changan's gentleness. Compared with Xu Changan's almost cold gentleness, Yun Qian's gentleness can really be heard and touched, and it is more intoxicating.

"Miss Yun, the concubine's lack of self-confidence depends on who she compares with. With a sister Zhu on her head, naturally the concubine can't be confident."

Miss Lu spread her hands:

"Compared to Sister Zhu, the concubine is always humble. She is the 'mother' of the concubine, and she is also a girl from Xianmen."

"Comparing with Miss Zhu..." Yun Qian thought for a while, then she didn't know.

Although Miss Lu was no worse than anyone else, Yun Qian couldn't compare her with other people with the same fate.

It is Xu Changan who is qualified to say who is better than the other, not her.

Seeing that Yun Qian didn't speak, Miss Lu smiled and gently held Yun Qian's hand.

Sometimes I really don't know what the girl in front of me is thinking... But she can really feel Yun Qian's tenderness.

"Miss Yun, you just asked your concubine what you wish... right?"


"Actually there are."

"What is it?"

"The concubine also wants to practice."

Miss Lu stretched her waist and told others what she was thinking for the first time.

Her eyes blurred to look up at the sky.

"Xianmen... what is it like?"

Going to Xianmen should make oneself more confident...

"The concubine is Pingniang's daughter, so she can't lose face."

"Is it difficult to cultivate?" Yun Qian asked.

"Of course it's not difficult. As long as the concubine wants to... go and ask my sister, she will agree. UU reading" Miss Lu shook her head: "It's just that it's not time yet."

She doesn't want to go to Xianmen alone, at least with Zhu Pingniang.

She also wanted to see the "eldest daughter" of Zhu Pingniang, her "sister" - Qin Ling.

If Zhu Pingniang mentioned it, she would have a headache and avoid it. Miss Lu felt that she and Qinling would have a lot in common.

"Oh." Yun Qian sipped the juice.

This wish does not need her to fulfill, so it has nothing to do with her.

Let's keep this wish for Miss Lu.

"Girl, you still don't know the name of your concubine." Miss Lu said suddenly.

"Well." Yun Qian looked at her: "Everyone has a name, what's yours?"

"Now it's the flower name given by Sister Zhu. It's stingy, and it doesn't sound good. It's embarrassing to say it. I'll choose a nice name for myself when I go to Xianmen in the future." Miss Lu sighed.

Zhu Pingniang's taste is indescribable.

From Tong Jun to Pingniang, no one can understand Zhu Pingniang's taste.

Qinling's name was also chosen later, and Miss Lu will pick another one for herself at that time.

Yun Qian remembered something and asked, "Do you still want to name yourself Lu in the future?"


Miss Lu was stunned.

"If you don't have a surname Lu or something, even if she is abandoned by her family, the concubine has no plans to change her surname."

"The last name is Xu." Yun Qian said naturally, "The last name is Xu."


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