My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 441: Sin (2 in 1)

For Zhu Pingniang, there are only so many emotions in the world.

Attachment, nostalgia, infatuation, love.

Zhu Tongjun used to be a simple person. Most of her feelings belonged to Li Zhibai, and she had never experienced any complex emotions.

Wen Li... Not as good as her.

So if there is a level of feelings, Zhu Pingniang thinks that Wenli's level is lower than her.

From the beginning, Zhu Pingniang didn't think that Wen Li's emotions would be complicated.

After all, Wen Li and Xu Changan didn't know each other for a long time, and they were just pure brothers and sisters. They didn't experience the feelings of sharing weal and woe. They were nothing but the beauty of a girl's first love.

Even...she asked Wen Li what the beginning of a woman's affection for a man was, and what she wanted to hear was not "curiosity", but something more superficial.

For example... lustful?

Because Xu Changan is good-looking, Wen Li likes him or something.

Well, Zhu Pingniang really thinks so.

This is not to say that she believes that Wenli is a superficial person, but because of the environment in which Wenli grew up.

In the **** darkness she was in, the beauty of a flower was so desirable, let alone a gentle and handsome young man?

So Zhu Pingniang didn't care too much about Wen Li's liking at first. After all, this girl is no longer a half-demon, she has completely turned into a human.

Loving Xu Changan is just the pursuit of a better human being.

People pursue beauty and abandon ugliness. It's such a simple truth.

Then he followed up on what he said before. When Wen Li focused on Xu Changan because he was good-looking, he fell into an incomprehensible inescapable.

Self-righteous 'like'.

[I think so. 】

Zhu Pingniang thinks so.

But at this moment, she realized that Wen Li's feelings for Xu Changan were not superficial, but rather complicated, so complicated that even a smart girl like Wen Li could not see clearly.

"Why?" Zhu Pingniang didn't understand.

"?" Wen Li was a little puzzled by what Zhu Pingniang was saying.

"Ali, your it so messy?"

Zhu Pingniang stood up, walked to Wen Li's side, took out a candied fruit from the candied fruit bag and handed it to her, at the same time she said softly, "A little thought, can you tell me about it, sister?"


Wen Li took the candied fruit but didn't eat it. After thinking about it, she said seriously:

"Sometimes... When I see my junior brother and Xiao Hua getting close together, I feel uncomfortable."

"Jealous?" Zhu Pingniang blinked.

What is this.

You are jealous of yourself, right?

"Perhaps." Wen Li shook her head: "At the beginning, I didn't quite understand that Xiaohua was obviously the same as me, but she wasn't very close to me, and was tired of her junior brother instead."

"..." Zhu Pingniang's eyes twitched slightly.


Co-author, at first this girl was jealous of Xu Changan being able to get close to Xiaolihua...

Zhu Pingniang glanced at Wen Li.

There is no doubt that this kind of jealousy changed later, and it became the jealousy that Li Hua was able to get close to the junior brother she liked.

Really interesting.

Is this the delicate mind of a girl?

Maybe it was the combination of multiple thoughts that made Wen Li pay more and more attention to Xu Changan.

"You wouldn't be shy when you said something like this." Zhu Pingniang was full of emotion.

"It's not that you can't see people."

"Then... for you, what is it that you can't see people?"

Zhu Pingniang's words pointed directly to the point.

"..." Wen Li was silent.


Even Wen Li, who can directly admit that he likes Junior Brother, has things he doesn't want people to know about.

Wen Pear put the candied fruit in his mouth and ate it bit by bit.

Zhu Pingniang looked at Wen Li in surprise.

By eating and refusing to answer your own questions...

It turned out that Wen Li was a girl who could use such small tricks.

Ari is getting more and more cute.

Zhu Pingniang couldn't help but slightly raised the corner of her mouth, thinking it was her fault again.

All along, because Wen Li's performance is too good, she, Wen Li's master, and those who look up to her will always regard Wen Li as a mature woman.

But if you think about it carefully, you will know.

A woman who will be willful enough to cut off the rouge aura entangled in Xu Changan with one sword.

A woman who will be delicate and entangled into a mess...

A woman who relies on eating to escape conversations...

Zhu Pingniang remembered at the beginning, when Wen Li made a deliberate mistake, he had to arrange an easy task for Xu Changan, and deliver a Kaiyuan Dan to him...

This kind of behavior is not something that a stable and mature intellectual woman can do.

Behind Wen Li's sassy and handsome appearance, she has a cat-like temperament.

Wen Li... She is a very cute person.

Zhu Pingniang looked at Wen Li eating candied fruit playfully, apparently not intending to skip this topic.

It was quiet for a long time, until Wen Li completely ate the candied fruit.

"How does it taste?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"It's a little sweet." Wen Li frowned slightly, she was actually not used to eating this dessert full of icing sugar.

"This is the candied fruit that Chang'an made for that girl Yun." Zhu Pingniang spread her hands.

"So that's what happened." Wen Li recalled the scene where Yun Qian poured the frosting into the tea and nodded, "Junior Sister Yun likes sweets very much."

"Tsk." Zhu Pingniang pouted, "You know that Yun Qian likes to eat sweets, but you don't know what Chang'an likes to eat?"

"Junior brother prefers spicy food."


All right.

She underestimated Wen Li.

Zhu Pingniang admitted that it was necessary for her to pay attention to Wen Li's feelings for Xu Changan, and that kind of feelings... definitely not caused by **** as she thought.

She took a deep breath and asked.

"So, what you don't want him to know... what is it."

Wen Li lowered her head, raised her head after a while, and said earnestly, "Sometimes, I think...Xiaohua is very cunning."

"Little flower?"

Zhu Pingniang was puzzled: "It's just a part of the demon clan in your soul. Today, it's just a child who hasn't grown up. It doesn't even have the inheritance of the demon clan, so cunning."

Wen Li looked at her pair of fair, verdant hands and didn't speak.

She seemed to be able to smell the disgusting bloodstain and congealed blood scab on it.

These things cannot be washed in any way.

Zhu Pingniang looked at Lian Yi in Wen Li's eyes, and suddenly understood what Wen Li wanted to hide.


Wen Li didn't want Xu Changan to know that she used to be a half-demon.


With Wen Li's temperament, if he hadn't deliberately concealed it, how could Xu Changan not know that the little lihua, who had been close to him all day, was actually the "meat that fell from Wen Li's body".

Thinking of this, Zhu Pingniang could guess what Wen Li meant when she said Xiaohua was "cunning".

It is clear that the warm pear and the small flower are one.

People who are originally one, even if the family is separated, everything will be divided in half.

Talent, physique, and even life expectancy must be separated from each other.

Without the inheritance of the demon clan, Xiaohua had to open source earlier than Xu Changan, a man who cultivated hard all day... She has Wen Li's cultivation talent.

So, in fact, Wen Li's talent is not complete at all, but divided into many.

But the talent is divided, the physique is divided, and the lifespan is divided, so... sin.

Xiao Hua did not take away any of the sins of wantonly killing enemy soldiers on the battlefield as a weapon, but Wen Li carried all that was left.

But really, the reason why Wen Li became a weapon and the reason why he lost his mind on the battlefield... is because of the side of the demon clan.

But now, the demon clan's side is clean.

This is very unfair.

If Wenli and Xiaohua are now separate individuals, this is a very unfair situation.

But there is no other way. Xiaohua is now a newborn child, what sin does it know? As the little flower of the demon clan, now her four little claws are clean, and she can lie down in Xu Changan's arms without reservation.

This is not cunning, so what is cunning?

"..." Zhu Pingniang couldn't help sighing when she saw Wen Li's silent appearance.

Ari is jealous of herself as a monster.

Why is jealousy able to restart life?


Is this why Wen Li wanted to give up kendo and start all over again?

"Ali, I thought... these worldly things, you should have put them down long ago." Zhu Pingniang sighed, "I didn't expect you to be so naive."

"Master, I killed a lot of people." Wen Li raised her head.

"So what?" Zhu Pingniang looked at her: "Chang'an killed fewer people? How many gangsters died around here... You don't know?"

In order to protect Yun Qian's safety, Xu Changan wiped out the surrounding area, Wen Li should know best.

Wen Li shook her head gently and said calmly, "Junior brother kills people who do evil, so he won't get his hands dirty."

But she is different.

All she killed were ordinary people who had absolutely no resistance to the upper half-demon and could only obey orders.

Even though those people were unsteady in the way they feared after meeting her, they would still stand up to protect the homeland behind them.

She is still the evil one.

Wen Li looked directly at her hands.

What makes people feel ridiculous is that, after getting help from Zhu Pingniang to gradually recover her senses, her biggest pursuit is "Peace and Chang'an"...

It's ironic.

Wen Li won't run away from what she did... But, if it's about her half body and the existence of Xiao Hua, who is clearly one with her, Wen Li will envy or even be jealous of her ignorance. It's only natural. .

Wen Li: "..."

As a weapon once held by a small country, the other party borrowed her, a half-demon, to carry out aggression... Wen Li can't count them all.

Therefore, she is the villain.

The blood of innocent people on her hands is something that cannot be washed away no matter what.

So in Wen Li's heart, in front of such a gentle and kind junior and junior brother, she didn't want him to know her past.

"Naive." Zhu Pingniang pouted.

She didn't expect that even this trivial matter could make Wen Li jealous.

In front of Zhu Pingniang, Wen Li's thought must be said to be very naive, but when she thinks that Wen Li is not very old...I think it is understandable.

She snorted softly: "It turns out that you girl can run away. My sister thinks that you can really do it without covering up."

"Escape..." Wen Li was puzzled.

"Oh, it's my sister, I said the wrong thing." Zhu Pingniang realized that she had said the wrong thing and immediately apologized.


Wen Li did not escape.

It is because he has completely carried his sins on his back, because he has not forgotten or escaped, that is why Wen Li has such thoughts.

If she really escapes, Wen Li only needs to think that she is no longer a half-demon, but a reborn "human". Naturally, she can stop caring about the past and be herself seriously.

Or she can blame all the sins on the ignorant raccoon flower.

But she didn't do this, she was just jealous of her own cuteness.

So cute, this girl.

"I suddenly feel that there is nothing wrong with escaping." Zhu Pingniang blinked: "Now, those past have nothing to do with you, even if you want to make up for it, you can't find a way, why not let it go."

"..." Wen Li didn't speak.

Zhu Pingniang sighed softly.

This girl has complicated feelings for Xu Changan. She doesn't think she is a bad person, but Xu Changan is a kind person, so she can't hold her head up in front of him.

I always felt that this kind of naive idea might have arisen in Wen Li.

"Ali, you are not a villain." Zhu Pingniang reminded her.

"I know." Wen Li nodded.

Of course she is not a villain.

She is the elder sister of Mu Yufeng and a monk of Chaoyun Sect.

"So... tell Chang'an about these things, how about that?" Zhu Pingniang smiled: "I can't tell, Chang'an will give you a different answer."

With Wen Li's sluggish expression, Zhu Pingniang spread her hands: "That kid doesn't hate the demon clan, and he treats the half-demon equally..."

Just think about his attitude towards Ah Qing.

Zhu Pingniang felt that if it was Xu Changan, she should be able to easily unravel Wen Li's small knot in her heart. UU reading

"Junior brother... I know, I will ask him."

"Forget it, you think I didn't say it."

Zhu Pingniang suddenly rejected her idea.

Wen Li: "?"

"Don't ask him, um... It's better not to let him know about this, um, it doesn't matter to him, right." Zhu Pingniang smiled dryly.

"...Well." Wen Li nodded under the pressure of Zhu Pingniang's gaze.


Zhu Pingniang was a little scared.

Almost forgot.

Xu Changan is easy to use and easy to use, but if he is asked to unravel Wen Li... There is no doubt that this kind of behavior will only make Wen Li sink deeper.

Therefore, there is no need to trouble Xu Changan to unravel Wenli.

In the past, this kind of thing, with the passage of time, will naturally make Wen Li slowly figure it out.

"Big sister probably knows that you are a complicated girl." Zhu Pingniang stretched and said slowly in Wen Li's eyes, "But... I still don't like you."

It doesn't sound good to say.

Think about the couple Xu Changan and Yun Qian.

Years of fetters were mixed, one side raised the other, the latter began to take care of the former in turn, and then eloped to Beisang City together.

Such emotions are ordinary, but like a glass of fermented wine.

For Xu Changan, Yun Qian's name runs through his life so far, and it can only be said that it is a word of love—

Isn't it?

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