My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 443: Everything in the world is always about Yun girl (2 in 1…

There are always many people in the world who look like their husbands... Yun Qian used to think so.

But now, Yun Qian found that the girls around her husband were more similar to her.

For example, Wen Li, both of them don't like to beat around the bush, they both have the temperament to say whatever they want.

It's just that compared to Wen Li who cares about everything, he is calm, but Yun Qian doesn't care about everything, so he is calm.

And Wen Li is the most diligent person, she will do anything by herself, Yun Qian... She can't move if she can, and if she can stay in her husband's arms, she doesn't want to go anywhere.

In the end it's still a long way off.

Yun Qian stretched slightly, looked at the girl beside her who had been "peeking" at her since before, and lowered her eyes.

Yun Qian always likes to let these karma appear by her husband's side, the reason...

A person's life is short and very short, and long is also very long. Compared with the long life she has seen, the years of human beings are just passing by.

Yun Qian couldn't understand what her husband said, "It is because time is short that memories are more precious"... But she will try to understand.

In this short life, it is very important to avoid detours.

For example, Yun Qian thought that a girl like Lu who liked her more than her husband was an outright detour.

On the other hand, Wenli is very good.

Yun Qian didn't need to understand whether Wen Li was infatuated with Xu Changan, was infatuated with him, was infatuated with him, or was in love with him.

So Wen Li is a very powerful person, and her talent also proves it.

Moreover, this time Yun Qian can say "it's not about Miss Yun" - Wen Li's talent has nothing to do with her, even without her and her husband, Wen Li should be so powerful.

If a world has to have a protagonist, as in the novel written by your husband, then the protagonist must be Wen Li.


A question mark appeared on the head of Miss Lu, who was admiring the beauty of the clouds.

Because she found that Miss Yun's good-looking face... seemed to suddenly have an emotion called 'guilt'.

Is... Guilty?

It seems that I have done something wrong, and it seems that I have no confidence?

Miss Lu is all too familiar with this kind of emotion. It's what the girls under her watch always look like when they do something wrong.

However, when Miss Lu looked carefully, she saw Yun Qian, who was usually lazy and quiet...she couldn't help wiping her eyes.

‘Yes… Did you see it wrong? ’

It's wrong.

Miss Yun is fine, how could she do something wrong...

It doesn't seem impossible?

Miss Lu felt that Yun Qian might be a little worried that the young master was coming, and she was so angry that she ran around alone and almost fell.

Hmph, Miss Yun's matter, even if it is really wrong, it must be right.

she thought so.

Yun Qian: "…"

It was rare for her to say something with peace of mind, it was none of Miss Yun's business.

But things under this world are always about Miss Yun.

Just like the girl Wen she mentioned...

Yes, Wen Li's talent is indeed excellent in itself, which is different from Liu Qingluo's talent that got better because she likes to eat her wine.

But that doesn't mean that Wen Li wasn't influenced by her.

For example... Wen Li's talent is [more] better and so on.

Yun Qian was just aware of this matter, so she suddenly felt a little lack of confidence.

She pinched the corner of her skirt and fanned her eyelashes.

It was a mistake to give it away, and it was a mistake to take it back, so Yun Qian naturally wouldn't make two mistakes.

"It's not all my fault," she said softly.

"Mrs. Xu, what did you say?" Miss Lu asked subconsciously.

Yun Qian turned around and looked at Miss Lu while holding the teacup: "He said that there is a guide in front of you when you learn swords... It's a good thing."

"What did you say?" Miss Lu couldn't understand.

"Nothing." Yun Qian shook her head.

It was Xu Changan who said it.

He said that kendo is cut off and the road is difficult to walk.

But it wasn't because kendo was difficult to walk, Yun Qian made it easier to walk, because overcoming difficulties and climbing peaks are exciting things, and she would not deprive her husband of his interest.


Xu Changan himself said that as a swordsman, the more powerful Wen Li is and the better his talent in kendo, the happier he will be.

It was he who personally said that Wenli had overcome all obstacles and lightened the way forward for Jianxiu... It was a good thing.

So, in any case, the fact that Wen Li has become more and more powerful... Whatever you think about it, it has nothing to do with Miss Yun.

Yun Qian thought so.

He felt that in any case, the fact that Wen Li would change had nothing to do with him.

Xu Changan can ignore any barrier within Chaoyun, which has been tested, including the core position of the formation.

But for the people of Chaoyun Sect, even if they found that there was no barrier that could stop him, it was only regarded as a supplement and did not take it too seriously.

There is no other way, compared to the other mysteries that appeared on Xu Changan, the mere and the Boundary Breaking Needle's similar abilities... It's really not something to care about.

Therefore, people including Li Zhibai did not pay too much attention to this ability, but paid more attention to his sea of ​​consciousness and spiritual platform.

After all, for a cultivator, the spiritual platform is the top priority.

Qingzhou enchantment?

That is a big mountain.

So far, I haven't heard of any kind of treasure that can affect the Qingzhou Barrier... If you think about it, you can see that, with the ability of the Monster Race, the Great Barrier is still standing, and it is not something that can be destroyed by manpower.


After Zhu Pingniang has experienced a lot, suddenly there is a kind of... The Qingzhou Great Barrier is something that Xu Changan can easily penetrate.

There are probably many reasons.

For example, the spiritual rain that appeared because of Xu Changan.

Such as his ability to ignore all obstacles.

What's more, Xu Changan could break her body easily through her clones and set up a connection... Bah, she broke her colored glass body.

"Anyway... Chang'an is not a normal person." Zhu Pingniang stared at Wen Li angrily: "It's not normal like you."

Wen Li: "…"


She was scolded inexplicably.

Zhu Pingniang was right. The last one, like Xu Changan, made these old women wonder if she had lived in vain for her age, and it was Wen Li.

"Look at what I'm doing, you girl can't even speak out of your head." Zhu Pingniang spat: "What about the possibility that Chang'an might destroy the... enchantment or something, is this something a human can say?"

"?" Wen Li was even more strange, she asked: "It's not my uncle, you hinted to me that the rain may penetrate the barrier and reflect on the junior brother..."

"Shut up." Zhu Pingniang was speechless, she interrupted Wen Li's words.

"Chang'an... No matter how powerful it is, it's impossible to have that ability." Now Zhu Pingniang has convinced Wen Li, she said something against her heart: "I'll tell you the truth, the yin and yang of heaven and earth are balanced, we have a Chang'an here, a demon Will there be a similar person in the clan?"

"...So, in a world of great competition, the Qingzhou barrier...may be unstable..." Wen Li frowned.

"Guess, this... you can't say it at will." Zhu Pingniang sighed: "Ali, your status is normal now. Such unfounded words...but it will cause panic."

If a major event like Qingzhou Barrier was spoken by ordinary disciples, everyone would just take it as a joke.

But what if it was a pear...

She is the senior sister of Mu Yufeng now, and may be the senior sister of Chao Yunzong in the future. Such words cannot be said nonsense.

Just like the boss.

Assuming that the headmaster said that the Qingzhou barrier might collapse without any evidence, even if it was speculation, it would definitely cause a huge wave.

"You are no longer the half-demon of the past. You need to be more careful when you talk and do things."

Zhu Pingniang reluctantly reminded: "If the words like that just spread out, what do you want others to think of Chang'an? A sinner who may destroy the Qingzhou enchantment in the future?"

Sometimes, whether a person is evil is not whether he has done evil, but whether he has the ability to do evil.

In the face of such a major event as the Qingzhou Barrier, once Xu Changan really has the ability to untie the barrier, there is no doubt that he will become a 'prisoner' that the entire human race needs to take care of together.

Zhu Pingniang naturally did not want to see such a scene.


In fact, people who spread this news out to more people would actually find it ridiculous.

After all, it was a barrier erected by the sages of the human race after gathering the strength of the entire clan and destroying several immortal artifacts... Xu Changan, who would believe me?

But Zhu Pingniang believed, so she would be afraid of this.

Warm pears…

Wen Li doesn't really believe it.

But she could probably understand what Zhu Pingniang meant.

Junior Brother Xu usually doesn't like to be in the limelight... So, don't push him to the forefront.

Is it wrong for her to endow her junior brother with sword energy and not want him to be troubled, criticized and 'bullied' when he goes out?

Because of her sword energy, the younger brother seems to become more conspicuous.

Winnie thought so.

"..." Zhu Pingniang, who was on the side, found that Wen Li didn't take her guesses about the Qingzhou enchantment to heart at all, and pouted silently.


Now I think that Xu Changan has the ability to destroy the Qingzhou enchantment, and she is the only one.

Others, even Wen Li, just heard it and forgot.


Chang'an can easily break his glass body, so why can't he break the barrier.

"By the way, Ali... You just asked me if the existence of Chang'an might destroy the enchantment of Qingzhou. What do you mean?"

Zhu Pingniang looked at her with interest:

"Look at how tangled you are. If Chang'an can really do it, what would you do? Exterminating relatives with righteousness?"

"..." Wen Li, who was thinking about things, was stunned by Zhu Pingniang's sudden words.

Shake your head.

"If this is true, I will protect my junior brother well and prevent him from being used by people with intentions." Wen Li said seriously.

"...Okay, as expected of you, that's fine." Zhu Pingniang spread her hands.

This is Wenli.

She pursues long-term stability, but she will not give up those close to her because of Chang'an in her heart, so...she will be a candidate for the future senior sister.

And, Zhu Pingniang discovered something.

That's when Wen Li mentioned that she wanted to "protect junior brother". No matter which direction she looked at, her feelings were not the feelings of a woman for her sweetheart...

On the contrary, she is a proper sister who loves her brother.

At least at this moment, she couldn't find any love for men in Wen Li.

Therefore, Wen Li said that he couldn't see his feelings for Xu Changan clearly.

Zhu Pingniang couldn't help sighing.

Now, she probably understands that Wen Li's feelings for Xu Changan are very complicated.

Among them, there is the love of the elder sister for the younger brother, the expectation of the elder sister for the younger brother, the complexity of his closeness to himself, the admiration of the seeker for the seeker, and the curiosity and... liking of the man.

In general, so far, the relationship between senior sister and junior brother is better.

But the fact that Wen Li has suddenly become good-looking now is undoubtedly her girl's heart, and it's because of the part of the woman who likes the man...

What a greedy girl.

After realizing that Wen Li was actually a greedy girl who wanted everything, Zhu Pingniang shook her head.

do not care.

Zhu Pingniang decided to open up.

No matter what Wen Li thinks of Xu Changan, it has nothing to do with herself. She has more things to care about now.

"Ali, you said will protect Chang'an, right?"

"I'm his senior sister." Wen Li looked as usual.

A half-demon who used to only be blood-stained, she thought she was a useless person.

Now she can indeed fight, but can she fight, is it called useful?

To resort to force in everything is a sign of incompetence.

So... being able to protect the people she likes is her biggest role.

So not only the junior brother, but all the junior sisters on Mu Yufeng, she will protect them well.

"Protect Chang'an..." Zhu Pingniang recalled her broken body, and the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

"Let's not say whether he needs your protection or not. If you want to protect him, you must first be a powerful person."


"Since you know it too." Zhu Pingniang frowned: "Then you... and your master said to give up kendo, what do you mean?"

This is the right thing to do.

After confirming that Wen Li was still the Wen Li she knew, Zhu Pingniang asked this crucial question.

Why did Wen Li give up kendo?

"Let's put it down temporarily." Wen Li shook her head, but she didn't say that she gave up learning the sword. UU Reading

"Put it down for the time being, isn't that the same!" Zhu Pingniang slapped the table.

Wen Li is now in a critical period of ascension, and his cultivation can be improved in a hurry, but the sword cannot.

Kendo is a long way to go, but now it's all developed by Wen Li's sharpness. Now she says she wants to give up temporarily... What's the difference between that and giving up directly?

Even though Zhu Pingniang knew a little about kendo, she knew that a sword cultivator had lost his indomitable swordsmanship, and even planned to give up temporarily. How serious this is.

"It's not the same." Wen Li said calmly: "Master, I have to... let go of the swordsmanship for a while, take it easy."

Stones from other hills, can learn.

She has her own reasons, just because she is not sure, so she has not reported it for the time being.

"What's the need?" Zhu Pingniang was in a hurry: "Just take it easy, do you know what you are talking about?"

Wen Li did not speak.

If she told her uncle that she wanted to give up kendo temporarily, it was because—

Recently, the comprehension of sword intent was a bit too fast, and she was shocked by it, and she needed to use other [Dao] to learn from, in order to make mistakes.

Will the master believe it?

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