My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 446: Yun Qian Can't Survive the Tribulation (2 in 1)

Yun Qian is not afraid of thunder, Xu Changan is sure of this, and occasionally he is really in a bad mood, but he is only woken up by the thunder and wakes up from a beautiful dream.

He wanted to laugh a little.

After all, it's extremely rare to see Miss Yun who is so petulant because of getting up...

so cute.

Worry... He's not worried at all.

First of all, the system has not indicated any crisis. Although Xu Changan's attitude towards the system is a bit complicated, he still chooses to trust the system first in this matter.

Then here is Beisang City.

Xu Changan was also a member of the Mu Yufeng Deacon Hall. Knowing that Beisang City was part of the Chaoyun Sect's great formation, and the Chaoyun Sect's main body was not far away, it was not worth worrying about at all.

Therefore, when Xu Changan, who was holding a kitchen knife, saw the daylight outside the window, his first reaction was a little curiosity.

Is it again... a catastrophe?

He gently pushed open the window and watched the thunder light shuttle across the sky.

Is there a senior who wants to transcend the tribulation?

Xu Changan carefully watched the tribulation thunder in the sky for a while, and felt that the tribulation thunder was too far from the one he saw at Tianming Peak...

That time on Tianming Peak, the dark clouds were reflected like the sun, which made people worry that the next second tribulation thunder would swallow the entire Tianming Peak... Well, although after it really fell, the tribulation thunder stopped in front of him like a link between heaven and earth. White light column, the breath is calm and warm.

But at least, the power of the tribulation thunder was sufficient before it fell.

The torrential rain flashed continuously, casting a shadow over the entire Chaoyun Sect.

After the robbery, Tianming Peak, which was struck by the thunder, came into the sight of all kinds of people, causing many investigations.

It is enough to see what amazing things a catastrophe brought to everyone at that time.

Now what...

"So small." Xu Changan couldn't help saying.


It is very small.

Although the sky is also tumbling with thunder and plasma, but for Xu Changan to compare, it is probably the difference between the sky-shattering giant dragon and the small loach in the pond.

Come to think of it, thunder tribulations are also graded.

Xu Changan held the kitchen knife and cut the material quickly in his hand. At the same time, he looked at the flashing lightning outside the window, shook his head slightly, and smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

He just made a fool of himself, to despise such a small tribulation thunder because he has seen a more majestic thunder calamity.

Does he have such qualifications?

You must know that unless you have a certain level of cultivation, you will not be able to see this thunder calamity.

Those who can survive the calamity are at least the real powerhouses who have been able to arouse the power of heaven and earth. They are stronger than a little shrimp like him.

Xu Changan thought about it carefully, and then he knew how his contempt came.


He was completely unable to feel the slightest threat and imposing manner from the tribulation thunder in the sky, just as it was not thunder and lightning that shuttled in the sky, but pictures of lightning drawn by children.

This feeling of no threat gave Xu Changan an illusion that even if these thunders fell on his side, he would not be able to hurt a single hair.

It's so strange...

How could I have such an idea.

After pondering for a while, Xu Changan felt that maybe it was because the way of heaven would not harm innocent people, so... the only people who could feel the terrible power of the calamity were those who caused the calamity and needed to pass the calamity.

An outsider like himself is naturally not within the power of the catastrophe.

In fact, whether he knew about the tribulation of thunder in his previous life, what he understood in the study of Miss Yun in this life, or even the thunder robbery that he understood from the mouths of the storytellers in Beisang City... should be something more terrifying.

Xu Changan's preconceived ideas would think that the robbery should be extremely powerful, bringing the power of the heavens to the ground, destroying the robbery.

In fact...

I have to say that this so-called tribulation thunder is really not bluffing at all.

Even if it was the Tongtian Baiyu Zilei that made the entire Chaoyun Sect nervous, Xu Changan only felt gentle, just like a kitten who likes to lie in his arms.


Do not.

Yun Qian, who is not yet petite, is scary.

Stretching for a while, after seeing Jie Lei for the second time, Xu Changan's curiosity about Heavenly Tribulation completely dissipated.

Sure enough, most of his curiosity about transcending the calamity was satisfied in the thunder calamity on Tianming Peak.

Um... Most of the people living in Beisang City are ordinary people.

Ordinary people will panic when they see such a strange celestial phenomenon.

Fortunately, Miss Yun is not someone who panics over such trivial matters.

"Miss..." Xu Changan called out softly, his voice slowly dissipating along the wind in the rumbling thunder outside the window.

Very cute, Miss Yun.

Now, when he thinks of Yun Qian, who just came to hug him, Xu Changan can't help but feel good, and his worries about Yun Qian's talent have been washed away a lot.

I don't know if Yun Qian saw his unease, so she comforted him with hugs.

In short, he was indeed comforted.


Xu Changan was silent for a while, and realized that he had done something wrong. He put down the kitchen knife, washed his fingers with water, and looked at the sky apologetically.

It is his own fault to despise Lei Jie.

You know, with Yun Qian's talent... It's hard to say whether he will be able to cultivate to transcend tribulation in the future.

Even if she can, can she survive the calamity safely?

I always felt that just like Yun Qian's weak appearance, there really was a thunder calamity falling on her head...

With a snap, people fell down!

"I'm worried, but... I still hope that the young lady has the talent to cultivate enough to transcend tribulation."

Xu Changan sighed softly, and immediately resumed his busy work.

Yun Qian: "..."

A few voices slowly came to Yun Qian's ears along with the wind and thunder, causing the girl to bury her head even lower.

If possible, she didn't want her husband to see Jie Lei and then think of her.

Didn't it all say that this Heavenly Tribulation has nothing to do with Miss Yun?

Thinking of this, Yun Qian showed a bit of distress again.

She wants nothing to do with it, but Xu Changan doesn't think so much. Today's Xu Changan seems to not only let the Heavenly Tribulation related to Miss Yun, but even wants her to be struck by lightning one day?

It may be a little strange to say this, but that's what it means.

If you want her to survive the calamity, don't you just want her to be struck by lightning?


Yun Qianliu's eyebrows condensed slightly, her knuckles turning white.

"Cough... ma'am."

At this moment, Miss Lu carried the stool to Yun Qian's side, held her hand, and gently separated Yun Qian's hard fingers and clasped them in the palm of her hand.

"It's just thunder, don't be afraid, girl, it's nothing." Miss Lu comforted Yun Qian intimately.

She thought that Yun Qian was frightened by the thunder.

After all, no matter how Yun Qian behaves, it looks like he is afraid of thunder.

"My concubine was also very afraid of thunder when I was a child, but... At that time, Sister Zhu told the concubine that it was not worth being afraid of at all."

Miss Lu said softly:

"As long as you have a clear conscience and no evil in your heart, this thunder will never fall on us anyway..."

"Can't it fall on my head?" Yun Qian raised her head.

"Well." Miss Lu said firmly, "So, don't be afraid."

After all, Miss Yun is the kindest girl.

"Is that so." Yun Qian shook her head slightly.

Miss Lu: "?"

what happened?

Why after comforting Miss Yun, she looked even more... lost?


Why is it lost instead of fear?

Isn't Yun Qian afraid of thunder?

But if you are not afraid, why is Yun Qian in a bad mood?

Miss Lu's eyes narrowed a little, then she seemed to remember something, and she said cautiously, "Do you want the son to come... to comfort you?"

For example, Yun Qian doesn't like thunder. In the past, it was Xu Changan's comfort. Now that she is an outsider, she will feel lost as the most normal thing.


Upon meeting Yun Qian's somewhat suspicious gaze, Miss Lu was relieved, and said somewhat jokingly, "It turns out not to be, concubine thought... Madam hates concubine."

"I don't despise you." Yun Qian glanced at her and said in a statement tone, "I like it."

Miss Lu blushed.

She covered her hot cheeks: "then why are you unhappy, can you tell me, tell your concubine?"

Yun Qian nodded, she looked out the window and said slowly.

"If I want to get the mercy of heaven, this is something that I can't do. Compared with the mercy of heaven, if I can't do it, it will definitely disappoint him."

Yun Qian knew very well that whether she wanted to or not, her husband's system would not be able to let her survive the calamity.

This is the gap between frost and dust, as long as one thought is enough to annihilate it from the root.

It has nothing to do with Yun Qian's will.

Therefore, the tribulation thunder that represents punishment will never fall on her head.

"Miss Yun, what are you talking about... Concubine... Why can't I understand." Miss Lu looked blank.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand." Yun Qian pondered.

In fact, it is not impossible for her to survive the calamity.

As long as the person in charge of Lei Jie becomes her husband.

If it was the tribulation thunder that came down from Xu Changan, then he could do whatever he wanted. It didn't matter if he wanted the girl to be round or smooth, and he would be fine with whatever tribulation thunder he greeted.

But it is limited to the thunder calamity that her husband brought down.

But... what would your husband be willing to do?


Yun Qian knew this.

Besides, if Xu Changan really grows to the point where he can take charge of Tianlei, and the girl named Yun Qian is the only one who has just come into contact with the cultivation realm of Transcending Tribulation...

In her husband's eyes, her talent must be extremely poor.

By then, what should have let him down has already let him down.

Therefore, Yun Qian knew that in the tribulation thunder, she was destined to disappoint her husband.

Not only that, if you can't survive the calamity, then your cultivation talent... must also be poor.

According to what Yun Qian understands, a girl who can't practice to transcend tribulation, her talent will not be good no matter what.

But she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

"...?" A question mark appeared on Miss Lu's head.

Because she felt that Yun Qian's sinking mood suddenly floated up, just like... thinking of something happy, the haze dissipated cleanly.

"Ma'am, you...remember something." Miss Lu couldn't help sighing, Yun Qian's face really looked like that of a little girl, and it changed when she said it.

"It's nothing, it's just enough for me."

Yun Qian thought to herself that as long as she had enough talent to cultivate to the end of the calamity, it would be enough. After all... a girl like Yun can enjoy her husband's protection with peace of mind.

She would rather make herself weak than be taken care of by him.

After confirming that she couldn't survive the calamity, Yun Qian didn't think it was something she should be unhappy about.

"My concubine... I don't understand." Miss Lu was still at a loss.

"I'm practicing, I just want to get better, have more strength, and last longer." Yun Qian took a small sip from the teacup and said softly, "So, it's enough."

As long as she can practice and persist long enough, her wish will be fulfilled.

Looking at it this way, Yun Qian only needs to be able to cultivate, and there is absolutely no need to go to the point where he needs to transcend the calamity.


that's it.

So Yun Qian, who had figured out everything, stopped caring about such trivial matters. She looked at this girl who was trying to understand even though she didn't understand anything, with gentle eyes.

"Don't look at your concubine like that, madam."

Miss Lu pretended to be shy and lowered her head shyly, but in her heart she was already jumping up with joy.

Right, that is it.

A qualified maid is like this. Even if she doesn't understand anything, she can listen quietly and have someone to talk to Yun Qian.

In this way, slowly... She can make Yun Qian get used to having her by her side.


She has the opportunity to become Yun Qian's maid.

Well, in Miss Lu's heart, this is a 'scheme' to get Yun Qian used to having a maid by her side, but now it seems that her strategy is undoubtedly successful.

keep it up.

To be a good maid.

Miss Lu thought like this, walked over and gently closed the window to cover up the thunder and lightning that kept distracting Yun Qian, holding Yun Qian's hand and chatting with her about the son. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

The atmosphere is good.

But there is one place where the atmosphere is not good.

"Yeah, what happened in the sky..."

The woman in Huashang who was waiting in the room looked at the daylight outside the window and exclaimed.

Behind the screen at the door of the room, Li Zhibai first glanced at the fake thunder tribulation outside the window, and then looked at the short skirt in his arms.

The matter of Jie Lei is put aside for now. Although she has Wenli's breath, she can probably know what happened from her breath.

I'll go and get to know Tong-jun more in a moment.

Now, obviously, this scary short skirt in her hand... is more important.

"Daoist, what's going on in the sky? Good... what a terrifying thing." The woman in Huashang looked frightened, and subconsciously asked the "monastic" behind the screen.

"It's okay, it won't fall down." Li Zhibai said.

"Is that so?"


"Yes, there is Ping Niang here."

The Huashang woman smiled, and she giggled at the screen.

"The Taoist priest is also an extraordinary person. In the end, it's the person invited by Ping Niang, but it's different."

"...skirt." Li Zhibai reminded her helplessly.

"Is it longer? The concubine will change a shorter one for the Taoist priest." The voice of the woman in Huashang came over.

Li Zhibai: "..."

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