My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 451: The width of etiquette (2 in 1)

"I'm thinking about warmth."


Following Yun Qian's words, Miss Lu's face like a formidable enemy slowly settled on her face, and then... gradually turned into a blush and a little embarrassment.

She lowered her head and said in a low voice:

"Girl... No, Madam, you are not avoiding your concubine at all."

"Yeah." Yun Qian nodded. After all, Miss Lu asked.

Many times, many questions are not because Yun Qian is reluctant to say, but depends on whether these girls will ask.

What she was thinking just now was that she could practice on the couch with the help of the yin and yang double exercise method, and recall the tender details. For her, it is indeed not something that cannot be said.

"The concubine looked at the embarrassment of the madam, and thought that something was wrong, and wondered if I could give you some advice." Miss Lu explained with a blushing face.

She didn't want to be considered by Yun Qian as a woman who deliberately inquired about her privacy.

"It's okay." Yun Qian shook her head.

"That, the best." Miss Lu touched her face with a slightly cool porcelain cup, and the slight coolness made her gradually wake up.

It's true that Yun Qian wasn't shy because she said gentle things, she just knew it.

That's why she said, Miss Yun looks very simple, but in fact she is not of the same class at all.

The warmth between husband and wife is very normal in Yun Qian's view - only for a bad woman like yourself, you are ashamed to speak.

After all, she is the girl in the brothel.

Miss Lu couldn't help sighing, and she was a little puzzled. She raised her head and looked at Yun Qian, who had an indifferent face.

If it was just gentle, why did Yun Qian frown, why did she show a tangled expression... as if she was facing a great enemy?

Who does she regard as an enemy?

It could only be the son.

Strange... ah.


Miss Lu's eyes swept across Yun Qian's lips, her eyes wandering.

Yes, it's not surprising at all.

Because Miss Yun was very weak, she couldn't last long with someone as young and energetic as Young Master Xu.

So you really need to frown.


At this time, Miss Lu did not connect the things about "Gui Shui" and "Wen Cun" before and after Yun Qian.

She felt that if Yun Qian really came to Guishui, she would need a maid to take care of her. If Yun Qian's days collided with her late twenty-two, then she would need other girls to serve her.

This is why an eldest lady often has many close maids.

The period of Guishui needs to be staggered.

As for Xu Changan...

Miss Lu had never considered the possibility of letting Xu Changan take care of Yun Qian.

In her heart... Men always have more important things to do, and men's time is always more precious.

It's better to leave homework to women.

Miss Lu quietly raised her eyes and looked at this incredible woman beside her, and then her face turned even redder.

She can't help Yun Qian with regards to tenderness.

In this kind of thing, only Yun Qian's dowry girl can help.

Miss Yun... No, Madam Xu is always so informal.

Thinking of Yun Qian's calm and gentle attitude, Miss Lu's heart slowly...a bold idea appeared.

Obviously, Yun Qian doesn't mind bringing up gentle and private matters. She is generous and not petty at all.

Then he was hypocritical here, but he was inferior.

But if it's not something that can't be said for Yun Qian, does it mean...

Can I ask more?


Miss Lu admitted that she was moved.

As a lecherous girl, because she is in a high position compared to other girls in Huayuelou... So, her face is actually much thinner than she imagined.

On weekdays, even if I listen to a corner, it's always the opposite of my daughter's family... Anyway, everyone is a woman, so there is no need to avoid anything.

As for those girls and men who really like each other, even Miss Lu avoids them.

To put it simply, she firmly refused to see the body of a man other than her new husband.

Regarding men, in fact, Miss Lu doesn't know much at all. With her status... even if there is a business that needs to be entertained with men, it is all handled by the girls under her.

As a lecherous woman, in fact, like Zhu Pingniang, she is surprisingly pure.


Miss Lu felt her heartbeat keep echoing in her ears.

Maybe, she can seize this opportunity and ask Yun Qian about... gentleness.

Admit it, she just wants to inquire about Yun Qian's privacy.

Anyway, the girl won't be angry because of such a trivial matter, she can be bold.


Thinking of this, Miss Lu's face became even hotter. She thought that if she poured some cold tea on her face at this time, she should be able to steam it clean.


Yun Qian looked at Miss Lu: "What's wrong with you?"

"No, nothing..." Miss Lu said, her tone suddenly changed, and she said bravely, "No, actually, the concubine is very curious about Wen Cun."

What kind of feeling was that?

Miss Lu wanted to ask.

But it took all her courage to express her curiosity about Wen Cun to Yun Qian, so she couldn't say the rest.

What surprised Miss Lu was Yun Qian's peaceful attitude.

Miss Yun looked at her as if she could hear her inner voice and said, "A tender feeling? Let me think about it."

Miss Lu: '...'


Miss Yun realized.

It turns out that he has been completely seen through, and Yun Qian has accepted the matter of being a lecherous woman.

Otherwise, why she didn't speak, Yun Qian knew what she was thinking.

Miss Lu: "..."

Now I just want to find a crack in the ground to crawl in, and then never come out for the rest of my life.

But... Miss Lu's knuckles turned white.

Although she was so ashamed that she wanted to pass out, this was really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for her to bypass those words, stories and pictures and learn about her true and tender feelings.

Unlike false things, this is the idea of ​​a real loving couple.

So, Miss Lu suppressed her shy heart, she stared at Yun Qian's expression with watery eyes, for fear of missing any details.

Miss Lu herself didn't realize that her eyes and behavior can put a lot of pressure on people.

But in front of her is Yun Qian, who doesn't care about these things at all.

The girl who might be married in the future asked about your husband's karma, and she answered well.

"Is it gentle..."


Yun Qian thought carefully.

In order to satisfy her husband's karma, Yun Qian rarely used her remaining physical strength to think about this matter.

There are many things that can be said about the feelings of tenderness, but there are too many... Just relying on words, Yun Qian knew that it was difficult for her to make Miss Lu feel the same.

It is impossible for her to repeat all her subtle feelings to Miss Lu, not because she is unwilling to say it, but because her physical strength does not allow her to say so many words.

So, choose something that is very important to you.

While Yun Qian was thinking, Miss Lu looked at her expectantly.

For a while, the surroundings were very quiet, only the slight breathing of the two women could be heard.

"Relax." Yun Qian suddenly said.

Miss Lu's expectant look paused for a moment, then she blinked: "An, An Xin?"

"Yeah." Yun Qian nodded: "The warm feeling is very reassuring."

Regarding every point of tenderness, even if it is after the event that you don't even want to move a finger, you need your husband's help to take a bath - even this kind of extreme exhaustion, Yun Qian deeply likes it.

Only peace of mind, through and through.

"It's reassuring...?" Miss Lu was thoughtful, and at the same time the expectation in her eyes dissipated a little.

I didn't expect to hear such a serious answer unexpectedly.

Miss Lu originally thought that the feelings brought by the tenderness between husband and wife should be more personal, more precious, and more beautiful.

But Yun Qian's answer was "Reassurance." Although Miss Lu felt it was right, she still felt a little disappointed.

Because if she's just in a stable mood, she doesn't need to be gentle to feel it.

Peace of mind is nothing precious at all.

On rainy days, she occasionally makes a cup of tea and listens to the rain and views the scenery, which makes her feel at ease.

On weekdays, she watched the girls laughing and laughing below, playing clever cards and sticking red stickers, and the hustle and bustle would calm her mind.

At night, she occasionally prepared a supper and came to see Zhu Pingniang holding the ledger to calculate, and the process of waiting made her extremely at ease.

When you hold hands with Zhu Pingniang, you will feel at ease.

When I was held by Zhu Pingniang, I felt relieved after my heart beat a little faster.

This kind of emotion integrated into daily life makes Miss Lu feel nothing special at all.

So disappointed.

She was a little confused.

Shouldn't the so-called tender feeling be a more rare and exciting feeling?

If being gentle is peace of mind, then what is your own?

Are you always warm?

Miss Lu shook her head vigorously, then looked at Yun Qian and asked unwillingly, "Girl, is that that all?"

"Yeah." Yun Qian replied.

She just wanted to say so much.

Maybe after eating, she will have the energy to talk more, but so far, Yun Qian can only come here.

"That's it." Miss Lu nodded lightly and murmured, "It's not that the concubine doesn't like it, it's just that those girls like gentleness on weekdays."

I like it very much.

She thought it would be something more gratifying.

Turning her head to look at Yun Qian, Miss Lu made her last effort and asked boldly, "Madam."


"At what point will you feel at ease." Miss Lu's eyes shone brightly: "Concubine wants to know."

"Many times." Yun Qian replied to her.


"When holding hands." Yun Qian said calmly.


"When you hug, too."


"There's still time for kisses."

"Hmm... huh?!"

Miss Lu's voice rose a lot, and she stood up in a panic with a blushing face: "Kiss...Kiss, is this what the girl said?"

Yun Qian looked at Miss Lu with her fingers on the corners of her lips, and nodded. She didn't quite understand why she was panicking. Isn't this a matter of course.

"'s actually a kiss..." Miss Lu was stunned for a long time, then she shook her head vigorously.

its not right.

This is very wrong.

"What's wrong?" Yun Qian didn't know what the girl was making a fuss about.

"Madam, you...Aren't you the son's wife?" Miss Lu asked cautiously.

"Yes." Yun Qian said.

of course.

"But the concubine heard that the rules between husband and wife are, it can't be like this." Miss Lu lowered her head, her ears flushed: "However, it's good for you, son."

Really good.

It turned out that Mr. Xu looked very serious, but he would be bullying.

Bullying is still a clean woman like Miss Yun.

Miss Lu likes Xu Changan who is not serious.

Sure enough, men are serious and serious, if they are passing their heads when they are close, it will not be so pleasant.

And what Xu Changan did, undoubtedly made Miss Lu very satisfied.

"Is there any problem?" Yun Qian looked at Miss Lu strangely.

"Don't Madam know?"

Miss Lu realized something, she bent slightly and said in a low voice:

"Concubine has read in books that kissing is rare between a husband and his wife, because it's not in line with the rules."

Not just in books.

Miss Lu has deliberately understood these rules.

Yun Qian blinked: "What do you mean?"

"That is to say..." Miss Lu looked around at the empty environment, and whispered in Yun Qian's ear, "There are rules and regulations, men can't kiss their wives when they are gentle."

Although this rule is very strange, there is indeed such a rule in etiquette.

I don't know why, but things like kissing are considered disrespectful.

Generally speaking, a man with rules can't do such a thing to his wife.

Only the concubines who entered the house don't need excessive respect, bully as much as they want.

There is no doubt that Miss Lu doesn't like such rules.

The rules in this world are just annoying. UU Reading Even the gentleness of men and wives should be established by rules. Are you sick?

If you want to get sick, go to see Mr. to check your brain.

That's why Miss Lu was so surprised when she heard that Yun Qian and Xu Changan had a kiss.

Also very happy.

Mr. Xu... Although he looked serious, at least he wasn't serious. Miss Lu was very happy when she heard the news.

The son is not someone who has been influenced by etiquette, so she is naturally worthy of her happiness.

But she was wrong.

Xu Changan didn't know the rules at all, of course... even if he knew, he would scoff at it.

Is it necessary to look at the rules of outsiders for keeping warm with one's own wife?

Is it disrespectful to kiss your wife?

If you are sick, you should reincarnate earlier.

Miss Lu said in a low voice, "Anyway, the concubine knows the rules, because the wife needs to be respected, so kisses... lips and so on are usually for concubines."

"For you?" Yun Qian looked at her.

"It's not for the concubine." Miss Lu's face was red, and she was very helpless: "Yes, it's for the concubine's room."

"It's the first time I've heard such a rule." Yun Qian shook her head: "If he didn't tell me, it's not a rule, so don't worry about it."

Although sometimes I can't breathe, Yun Qian really likes this part of the tenderness.

If you have to take care of this.

She would be angry.

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