My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 453: Marrying him is a good thing (2 in 1)

As the "spokesperson" of Shuangtian, Xu Changan didn't want to stand on Shuangtian's side and become a real second-fifth boy. He even liked to fight fire at every turn. It was rare to give him a task of coaxing a girl, and he had to pretend to be invisible.

In contrast, the existence of Miss Lu really made Shuangtian feel gratified and unparalleled at ease.

If Shuangtian were to choose, Miss Lu would be the most suitable person to be Yun Qian's maid... But this kind of thing cannot be forced, mainly because there is a question mark on whether Yun Qian needs a maid.

If Yun Qian was asked to hold a tea party, she might think carefully.

After all... prepare some snacks and tea for my husband with my husband's karma, sit in one place, and have a good chat about him...

Yun Qian was still interested.

But maid, she can't say whether she likes it or not.

After all, Miss Yun's weakness was because she wanted to be taken care of, but she was not taken care of by someone other than Xu Changan.

But this matter is not completely impossible to solve.

If the existence of a maid could make Xu Changan like her more, Yun Qian would definitely not hesitate to find a maid.

So as long as he likes it, whether it is pear blossoms, phoenix trees, mountain ridges, or raccoon flowers, Miss Yun will have the greatest tolerance for him.

If he likes it, there is no taboo.

In a refined room.

"What are you thinking?" Zhu Pingniang looked at Wen Li and fell into contemplation, and laughed even more happily.

Ever since she half-jokingly told Wen Li that she also liked Xu Changan, the atmosphere in the room was a little weird.

It seems that Wen Li is really thinking about the possibility that she likes Xu Changan who is a junior as a woman?

Zhu Pingniang wanted to laugh very much.

The anger that Wen Li had been refuting as an elder in the past has now returned.

"It's nothing." Wen Li looked at Zhu Pingniang and tilted her head.

Then Zhu Pingniang couldn't laugh anymore.

She suddenly realized something.

When she said a joke, Wen Li began to think seriously... Doesn't this prove that in Wen Li's heart, it is really possible for her to become a person who eats young grass?

Think about it, if someone else said this.

When it was changed to Li Zhibai, Wen Li's master, and Fang Si of the Deacon Hall, they said they liked Xu Changan. Wen Li listened to it, would she think about the relationship between men and women?

how is this possible.

But when it comes to myself...

Zhu Pingniang raised her head and looked at Wen Li's slightly raised eyebrows, the corners of her eyes twitched slightly.

Do you still have a smile on your face?

How can I laugh.

"Ali, co-author... Sister, have I become such a woman in your heart now?" Zhu Pingniang couldn't help sighing.

"?" Wen Li raised her head with some doubts, and thought for a while before slowly coming back to her senses.

She admitted that she was really thinking about what would happen if Zhu Pingniang liked Xu Changan.

For example, given the popularity of Zhu Pingniang and Xu Changan in Mu Yufeng, Wen Li had carefully thought about how it would react and what would happen if such news broke.

"Senior, you are now... it's really uneasy." Wen Li said truthfully.

Zhu Pingniang had a black line: "Just say it, I look like a troublemaker."

"..." Wen Li didn't respond, but said, "After Junior Sister Yun showed up, many junior sisters now like her, and many Nizi like you."

Even not only like Yun Qian, but also like Yun Qian and Xu Changan.

Therefore, if Zhu Pingniang really returned to the mountain and announced in a high-profile manner that she had an idea for Xu Changan, it would definitely cause a storm and would be detrimental to the stability of Mu Yufeng.

As a senior sister, Wen Li subconsciously brought it into this matter, so she frowned, thinking about how to calm down the storm.

It is undeniable that in her heart, Zhu Pingniang can do such a thing.

"I..." Zhu Pingniang met Wen Li's serious tone, as if she had punched cotton, and she was a little panicked.

Even if she is not serious, she has lived such a long life and has never been close to any man... Why does Wen Li think she can do bad things to interfere in the marriage of the younger generation.

She... she's not as coquettish as she looks.

Zhu Pingniang was very angry, because in her base camp, on Mu Yufeng, the elder sister of Mu Yufeng didn't even have the slightest trust in her.

But... who asked her to open a brothel now, it is reasonable to be untrusted.

Very reasonable.

Zhu Pingniang patted her heart lightly, calmed herself down, and then asked what she cared about: "Ali, you said... Yun Qian is liked by many girls? What's the matter?"

"Junior Sister Yun is very pretty."

Wen Li simply showed Yun Qian, and then told Zhu Pingniang about the hearts of many girls and the throbbing of the spiritual platform.

"Okay, I understand." Zhu Pingniang thought about the group of women on the mountain who were addicted to sex, and raised her forehead: "So, it caused quite a stir?"

Wen Li nodded.

Now Yun Qian's popularity is increasing exponentially every day on Mu Yufeng. At this time, if there is a gossip that Zhu Pingniang wants to get involved in Yun Qian's marriage...

You must know that there are many girls who like Zhu Pingniang.

It is inevitable that there will be a situation of Yunqian VS Zhu Pingniang at the Muyu Summit.

It sounds like child's play, but it's definitely possible.

The gang of bad women who came out of their free time were afraid that the world would not be in chaos.

Yun Qian's popularity is also a source of confusion.

At that time, when she went to Mu Yufeng, the girls' information network exploded for a long time, and the information network was paralyzed for a long time, except for the discussion of Yun Qian, there was not a single serious news.

Where is Muyu Peak?

This is a group of bad women from the old times who are unwilling to stay safe, unwilling to give up their charm skills, unwilling to accept the change of the Hehuan Sect and leave the Hehuan Sect with Zhu Pingniang, in the name of Chaoyun Muyu.

In the eyes of these women, looking good is the last word.

As long as you are better-looking and more temperamental than me, then I will obey you.

Therefore, the appearance of Yun Qian will inevitably cause a group of women to compare Yun Qian with themselves, and then... the situation where everyone knows about Yun Qian is normal.

A mere Xu Changan seemed to be Mu Yufeng's only male disciple, and there were still a few girls who really cared about him.

But Yun Qian was different. Under the current situation, Mu Yufeng didn't know Xu Chang'an a lot of girls, but he didn't know Yun Qian.

Realizing that the sensation caused by Yun Qian might be bigger than she thought, Zhu Pingniang was stunned for a moment, then stood up and walked to the mirror, looking at her black pearl-like dress.

"It turned out that I was not the only one who felt oppressed by Yan... It made me feel a lot more comfortable."

As Zhu Pingniang said, her idea of ​​cultivating Yun Qian into a perfect woman became more and more firm.

I missed Yun Qian, and I wanted to find a girl who could convince those women... God knows what year it will take.


Zhu Pingniang remembered something and turned to look at Wen Li: "Ali, do you think Yun Qian is also very good-looking?"

"Yeah." Wen Li nodded without hesitation.

"Prettier than yourself?" Zhu Pingniang asked again.


Wen Li looked at Zhu Pingniang strangely. Although she didn't speak, it was obvious what she wanted to say.

For a woman like her, she has no self-knowledge to compare herself with Junior Sister Yun.

"I think, you are not much worse than Yun Qian now." Zhu Pingniang took a deep look at Wen Li, and probably guessed the reason why Wen Li would change so much.

It is possible that Wen Li was stimulated by Yun Qian... Thinking about the time when Wen Li changed, it was almost before and after she started to be a guide for Yun Qian.

Wen Li shook her head.

She is far worse than Junior Sister Yun.

"Actually, there is one thing I find very strange." Zhu Pingniang looked at herself in the mirror, her head tilted to the right, and the ruby ​​pendant on her ear shook slightly.

According to Wen Li, the reason why Yun Qian made such a big splash on the day she appeared was not just because she was beautiful, but more because... Everyone saw Yun Qian differently.

It is probably seen as a ridge and a peak on the side.

Many women said that they saw different images from her, and were deeply attracted by the amazing and bizarre images that could disturb the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

What they saw was no longer pure beauty, but a fantasy-like beauty.

The same beauty, but the beauty direction is not the same, so even the cloudy temperament in their paintings are completely different.

This is very strange.

When it comes to appreciating women, there is such a big difference among the professional girls like Mu Yufeng... Zhu Pingniang couldn't understand.

After all, Yun Qian is that Yun Qian, she is very familiar with it.

Zhu Pingniang is also Mu Yufeng's girl. When she first saw Yun Qian, she only thought she was good-looking, but she didn't see any strange pictures, and she was not disturbed by the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

It's just that I just think it looks good, so I don't have the same performance as Mu Yufeng that seems to be in an illusion.

"Sister Yun is pretty good-looking...but not to the point where the entire Mu Yufeng will boil." Zhu Pingniang was astonished.

Could it be that Yun Qian has a built-in illusion?

Because her realm is too high, she is not charmed by Yun Qian, and other girls don't have her mental state, so they fall into the charm created by Yun Qian?

But Zhu Pingniang didn't think that Yun Qian, the girl who couldn't see an expression for a long time, would have any ability to charm people.

In terms of charm, Mu Yufeng is the ancestor.

"Ali, when you... look at Yun Qian, are you also attracted to the spiritual platform?" Zhu Pingniang asked.

"Yeah." Wen Li nodded.

The night she first saw Yun Qian, she stayed there for a long time, and it was true that Jian Xin was unstable.

"Isn't it strange? The whole Mu Yufeng was disturbed by her." Zhu Pingniang frowned: "The women were oppressed by Yan, and then they accepted it? They don't wonder why Yun Qian has such a disturbed mind. 's ability?"

"I heard that it's because of Junior Brother." Wen Li answered Zhu Pingniang's doubts.

"Chang'an? What does it have to do with him?" Zhu Pingniang turned around.

"Many people know that the younger brother can ignore the interior scene." Wen Li explained.

The women of Mu Yufeng thought that Yun Qian could attract their spiritual platform and become beautiful because Xu Changan was by her side.

This feeling of not being human does not come from the girl named Yun Qian, but from her identity as "Xu Changan's wife".

Who allowed Xu Changan to ignore the interior scene and cause "real damage" to the spirits of the girls here?

The girls have already experienced the wonders of youth, but now it's just one more, so it's not worth being surprised.

"..." When Zhu Pingniang listened to Wen Li's words, she was silent.

What kind of explanation is this?

"They... believe it?"

"I believe it." Wen Li nodded: "Many seniors agree, and they also think that Junior Sister Yun's strange charm is related to Junior Brother."

Precisely because a group of seniors admit it, it is reasonable for everyone to acquiesce to Yun Qian's charm.

"That group of old women actually... oh." Zhu Pingniang remembered something and suddenly realized.

Because of the special treatment by the head, the senior management of Mu Yufeng knew that Xu Changan might be the reincarnation of an immortal.

As the reincarnated wife of the immortal, Yun Qian took his Yuan Yang since childhood - Yun Qian will naturally be warmed and nourished by the immortal's breath.

The Yuan Yang of the immortals is a bit special and normal.

Knowing this news, that Yun Qian has something strange about him, which is simply the most reasonable basis.

Seeing this, Wen Li blinked.

Actually it's not just that.

Recently, there is a very hot rumor on Muyu Peak...

[As long as she can be Xu Changan's wife, and her temperament, breath, and qi will be drawn by him, she can become as good-looking as Miss Na Yun. 】

After all, Yun Qian, a woman who doesn't even know the six skills of women, doesn't have many expressions, but she is a good-looking woman is the best proof.

So, there are many women on the mountain who believe that marrying Xu Changan will really make you look good...

Sounds absurd.

But Mu Yufeng's women will write letters, and... the 'remainers' of the Acacia Sect can do anything in order to look better.

It is precisely because of this news that UU Reading Wen Li would really believe that Zhu Pingniang joked that he liked Xu Changan.

What she heard just now was not that Zhu Pingniang said she liked it, but that she was thinking about the possibility of Zhu Pingniang's willingness to marry.

Who made Zhu Pingniang the biggest "remainder" of the Hehuan Sect?

So, even if Zhu Pingniang planned to experience whether Xu Changan would have that magical ability... Wen Li was not surprised at all.

Now, instead, I would be surprised at Zhu Pingniang's attitude. I didn't expect that the uncle would actually make some jokes about his younger brother's attitude.

I thought she would really like it.

Wen Li raised her head and looked at Zhu Pingniang's expression of doubt about life.

Zhu Pingniang muttered to herself: "Then why I... I can't see any visions from Sister Yun."

how so.

Everyone else can see Yun Qian's specialness at a glance, but she can't see it?

Others will be attracted by Yun Qian's Lingtai Consciousness Sea, but her heart is still in the water, but she feels that Yun Qian's attitude is a little cold?


Could it be that when she first met, her attention was on Xu Changan, and she felt guilty after seeing his wife... She didn't dare to look at Yun Qian at all?

But now that he's used to Yun Qian's existence, he won't be affected.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

"How could I not dare to look at her." Zhu Pingniang shook her head vigorously.

She is not girl Lu, and all day long, men and Shise are in her mind.

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