My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 481: Soul Defect (2 in 1)

Ah Qing walked over and put her hand on Wen Li's body, loosening the lining.

Different from the thin and small she used to be, Wen Li's body grows very wide.

Is it because one is a raccoon flower and the other is a snake?

Although her bloodline comes from the Green Scaled Snake, she is still considered a Green Snake after all.

Ah Qing thinks that the lihua is stronger than the snake, which is normal.

Speaking of.

This girl Wen is really beautiful.

At this time, Ah Qing, who was dressing Wen Li meticulously, felt the tenderness in her hands, and narrowed her eyes: "Girl, turn around, and my concubine will straighten your lapel."

"I see." Wen Li smiled.

When she treats ordinary girls, she is always the most gentle.



Wen Li looked at Ah Qing's unconcealed eyes, and felt that she was taking care of herself, but instead she had emotions that she didn't even understand.

Are you... happy? .

Wen Li feels that she is in a good mood now.

Perhaps it was because he knew that he would see Junior Brother and Junior Sister Yun soon.

Maybe you can taste the craftsmanship of the younger brother.

Or, Wen Li found out that there are half demons in the world who can live as peacefully as Ah Qing... very pleased.

At this moment, Wen Li's sense of Zhu Pingniang rose several levels out of thin air.

No matter how unreliable the uncle was, she always gave the half-demon girls a reason and hope to live.

"Girl, raise your hand."


Following Ah Qing's opening, Wen Li raised her hand slightly and let Ah Qing's hands pass through her armpits, wrapping a layer of silk.

Wen Li seriously looked at the woman in front of her who was clearly a half-demon, but she was skilled in dressing and her eyes were serious, and there was no trace of inferiority, fear or anxiety.

She did not expect that one day, she would be able to see a half-demon girl so skillfully integrate into the environment around her, even if Ah Qing was just a maid, even if she had to perform on stage, but... For a half-demon girl, this It is the redemption given by the master.

Just like what was given to her back then.

At this moment, Wen Li, who was also free from the shackles of the half-demon, unexpectedly felt a hint of... faint envy towards Ah Qing who was integrated into Huayuelou in front of him.

That envy was short-lived, incredibly short-lived, but Wen Li was very keen to capture it.

Yes, as Senior Sister Mu Yufeng, Wen Li is actually envious of an ordinary maid in Huayuelou at this moment.

"Girl, your really good." Ah Qing smiled.


Obviously, Wen Li was very uncomfortable with this topic. She carefully looked at the girl A Qing in front of her for a while, and found that she could see very few emotions in her eyes, and she couldn't find any negative emotions.

The only thing that Wen Li can be sure of is that the uncle protected this half-demon girl very well, and on her body... Wen Li can vaguely see the peace she seeks.

Come to think of it, this half-demon girl's daily life should be extremely repetitive, unchanged from day to day or even boring, nothing more than doing the work of a maid, putting on performances, and resting.

Three o'clock on the line.

But such a boring thing happens to be the most precious treasure for a half-demon.


Wen Li felt Ah Qing's hand on her waist, as if deliberately... taking advantage of her?

Should not be.

I'm measuring her waist, guess what clothes to wear.

As Ah Qing's hand stroked around Wen Li's slender waist, Wen Li didn't move, just thinking about one thing.

'Sometimes, when you know less, can you always be so at ease? ’

If you were ignorant back then, would you be able to live an ordinary life like this girl Ah Qing?

Wen Li, who would have such thoughts, is not an evasive and cowardly person. Looking closely, her eyes are clear.

She is just thinking about every issue from a side-by-side perspective, so that she can gain a better insight into her heart.

There is no doubt that Wen Li never wants to be an ignorant person. The Chang'an she wants is not a little Chang'an under the protection of A Qing.

On the contrary, these inexplicable thoughts will make Wen Li firm in her heart.

If this world can truly be 'long-term and peaceful', then the girls in the future will be as happy as Miss A Qing.

"...The girl is always staring at her concubine. What are you looking at?" At this moment, Ah Qing suddenly spoke.

"You're a half-demon, why don't you cover your eyes?" Wen Li asked.

"It was covered in the past."

A Qing shook her head: "Now Ping Niang said that they are all sisters of her own family. It's not a problem if some things are buried for a long time."

She paused in her tone, and looked at the not-so-long skirt on her body with a bit of distress.

"This is a sword dance with a concubine."

"You want to come on stage?" Wen Li asked.

"I'm taking this opportunity to reveal my identity as a half-demon to the girls... Although the sisters have already known about it, there must always be a formal occasion." Ah Qing's eyelashes trembled slightly: "Today, there is Xu It is most suitable for the young master to control the scene."

Mr. Xu?

I mean, my brother.

Wen Li keenly noticed that when the maid in front of her mentioned 'Mr. Xu', a pair of light-colored eyes flashed bright emotions.

Another girl who cares about her younger brother.

Wen Li was not surprised.

She was a little surprised that Ah Qing, the maid, was able to speak to her very peacefully, and... there seemed to be no taboos, as if she did not treat her as an outsider.

Even if Wen Li doesn't call herself a beauty, she has seen the attitude of Huayuelou women other than Ah Qing to her.

Compared with the group of women with fire in their eyes, the girl Ah Qing who can treat her so calmly... First of all, she is different.

Wen Li felt that perhaps it was the experience of being a half-demon that made Ah Qing develop a more stable character compared to other women.

"Girl, today's sword dance with a concubine, don't laugh when you see it." Ah Qing stood up straighter: "It's really embarrassing to think of using a sword in front of an immortal disciple like you, it should be said that it is Fuxi. It's gossip in front of the door."

In the eyes of a girl like Wen Li, Jian Wu, who is not in the mainstream, is funny, isn't it?

"You know that I can make swords?" Wen Li looked at A Qing unexpectedly.

"I always feel that the girl looks indifferent, just like that swordsman." Ah Qing said, pointing to the worn black dress: "Those are sword marks."

"Yeah." Wen Li responded.

Thinking about it carefully, if the half-demon can grow up safely, it is necessary to have self-defense measures, and it is not worth her surprise.

"It won't be funny," Wen Li said.

"What?" Ah Qing didn't understand.

"Jian Wu, there is nothing funny." Wen Li looked serious.


Ah Qing didn't seem to think that Wen Li would actually respond to her jokes seriously, and kept her busy with her head down: "I know."


Wen Li nodded lightly, she didn't continue to ask, but suddenly remembered something and spoke to Ah Qing.

"I'm also a half-demon."


From Wen Li's point of view, the maid named A Qing was stunned for a moment.

"Girl... What did the girl say?" Ah Qing looked at Wen Li in astonishment, as if she was completely stunned, her clear eyes were filled with astonishment.

Wen Li thought to herself, obviously, in the eyes of the maid, a person from the fairy sect like herself would definitely not have anything to do with a half-demon.

"I'm also a half-demon, just like you." Wen Li's tone was soothing and reassuring: "So, it won't get in the way."

"Well..." Ah Qing lowered her head, as if digesting this information.

Wen Li doesn't care.

You must know that the news that she is a half-demon, even to Xu Changan and to those junior sisters, she did not say it, but she said it to a maid.

Of course it wasn't her whim, but this was Zhu Pingniang's order.

Wen Li is a very smart girl. Zhu Pingniang told her about her troubles before, and she specially asked Ah Qing, a half-demon, to serve her...with a clear mind.

In general, he used his identity as a half-demon to stimulate the self-motivation of Ah Qing, who was also a half-demon.

Can a half-demon have a future?

Probably so.

Wen Li didn't quite understand the meaning of letting herself do this kind of thing, but she accepted her uncle's favor and ordered such a small thing, she did it with a little effort.

Wen Li thought for a moment, and then she could understand what Zhu Pingniang did... But she could understand, but she was helpless.

She could understand why Master always gritted his teeth when he mentioned his uncle, with an expression of hating iron.

Senior Zhu, that Senior Uncle Tong Jun, who is not really from Mu Yufeng's junior sister, but is so devoted to girls in this world, even helping a half-demon girl to integrate into Huayuelou... is calculated to the extreme.

In the hearts of Master and the others, this kind of thing must be meaningless and a waste of time.

But Wenli always believes that only oneself knows whether a thing is meaningful or not, and no one else can give a definition.


When Wen Li was active, Ah Qing also thought a lot. She walked around behind Wen Li and looked at the figure of the woman in front of her.

very curious.

Just kidding, Ah Qing really wanted to know at this time, how did Wen Li, a half-demon, and an existence whose blood throbbing and desire to kill have been completely drawn out from the bottom of her heart, become so gentle now .

Even so for a maid.

After a simple contact, Ah Qing was very clear about the gentleness inside this woman, Wen Li, who seemed to be inaccessible and had a cold expression.

She admitted that if Wen Li didn't get into Mu Yufeng back then, but followed her... she definitely wouldn't have grown into such a temperament.

Could it be that Shi Qingjun is really better at teaching little girls than she is?

how is this possible.

It wasn't that Ah Qing looked down on Shi Qingjun. Compared to Shi Qingjun's detached fairy, Ah Qing felt that she, a half-demon, was more human than her.

Take Wen Li in front of you as an example.

A Qing's eyes were coated with a layer of fluorescence.

From Ah Qing's point of view, one can clearly perceive the flaws and weaknesses in Wen Li's soul, which is the gap left by Zhu Pingniang's forcible separation of Wen Li's half-demon bloodline.

It's not that the blood of the half-demon is so difficult to separate, but Wen Li's talent is really good, and the difficulty of execution is beyond Zhu Pingniang's imagination. In order to preserve Wen Li's talent as much as possible, she will inevitably fail to achieve perfection Although his flaws will not have any effect on Wen Li today, in the final analysis, it is just fluctuations in a certain range of the soul, and even if Zhu Pingniang finds out, she probably won't consider it a flaw.

After all, Wen Li is still far from the Universe Realm.

This kind of unstable defect fluctuations cannot be used against Wen Li. The only obvious disadvantage is that the instability of the soul will affect Wen Li's impact on the "Qiankun Realm" in the future.

If this soul defect exists, it is almost impossible for Wen Li to enter the universe.

Up to now, Qingzhou has a total of two universes.

But... the size is also an unstable thing. Who knows if this defect will be aggravated by the transformation of Wen Li's mentality?

The most important thing is... For the existence of Qiankun Realm, Wen Li's soul defect wound is not a troublesome thing at all, she can easily erase the traces left by Zhu Pingniang's separation of Wenli's bloodline.

It's a real effort.

What about Shi Qingjun?

Shi Qingjun raised her hand, did she raise her hand?


As for Shi Qingjun's temperament, if she really cared about her younger generation, she wouldn't let the flaws in Wen Li's soul be exposed there.

She didn't even do a little bit of work, enough to see... Shi Qingjun doesn't care or care about the juniors at all.

Ah Qing narrowed her eyes.

It also feels normal.

It would be strange if Shi Qingjun had feelings and would care about the younger generation.

'Useless woman. ’

Ah Qing thought so.

It was because Shi Qingjun didn't care about the younger generation that he made Young Master Xu, who was clearly covered in secrets... Still a disciple, although it seemed that Young Master was happy, Ah Qing still felt it was very strange.

Can it be said to be a waste of time?

Even Ah Qing, watching the man who could make Dao Yun shy away from cooking in the kitchen... also wanted to taste it.

Ah Qing thought that she was still generous, and directly gave the son the first seat.

Compared to Shi Qingjun, you should be more like a "good person"?


A Qing raised his hand calmly, and there was an invisible aura that followed Wen Li's clothes like a dragon, and then... gently got into Wen Li's eyebrows.

Wen Li didn't notice the slight fluctuation at all, instead, she lowered her head in concern.

At this point, her dress has been changed.

Wen Li doesn't know about dresses, so the dresses and dresses she wears are all chosen by the maid in front of her. Wen Li doesn't know much about what it will look like after they are formed.

"Girl, look at this dress, but you're still satisfied."

After Ah Qing finished speaking, she covered her face and smiled when she saw Wen Li walking to the mirror.

She thought she had beaten Shi Qingjun once again.

Just now, what Shi Qingjun had been ignoring, the traces of division on Wen Li's soul were carefully erased by her.

There are many reasons why Ah Qing would do such a thing.

For example, want to win Shi Qingjun again.

For example, because Wen Li is Zhu Pingniang's junior, and she still likes that Pingniang.

For example, the son and this girl Wen have an obvious relationship, and it is always good to have a good relationship.

But the most important thing is that she wants to do it, so she does it.

Ah Qing thinks that, from the perspective of getting along just now, she and Wen Li have a good affinity?

Who said that raccoon flowers are the enemy of snakes.

Wen Li: "?"

She looked at the unfamiliar existence in the mirror.

This dignified beauty...

who is it?

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