My Wife Is The Final Boss

Chapter 650: Qin Yi (2 in 1)

"Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing, tea masters the six arts, and it's only good for girls to learn..." Zhu Pingniang stood up suddenly: "How about I be my sister's husband?"


In Zhu Pingniang's miserable eyes, Yun Qian resolutely refused.

She just asks.

She wants her husband to teach.

It is well known that Yun Qian is a very gentle girl, so when Zhu Pingniang plucked up the courage to say that she wanted to teach Yun Qian how to practice the piano but was rejected without hesitation, Zhu Pingniang's pure and young heart suffered a severe blow. With one blow, even the light in his eyes dimmed a bit.

If possible, Zhu Pingniang really wanted to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Even if Yunqian paused and refused, Zhu Pingniang still thought that she had some status in Yunqian's heart, but she didn't want to... Yunqian blurted out.

Could it be that she is really so useless in Yun Qian's heart?

Miss Lu: "..."

She looked at Zhu Pingniang's injured and almost out of breath, and thought it was both funny and distressed... As a candidate for a maid, she knew the thoughts of 'Mrs.

My sister Zhu, who do you compare with, and don't compare with the young master.

I hit this wall, but it hurt so badly.

There was a smirk on the corner of her mouth, Miss Lu didn't explain anything, she just watched the development of the situation with a smile.

"...younger sister, younger sister rejected it cleanly." Zhu Pingniang raised her head with a forced smile: "Sister Yun, do you...hate my sister?"

"I don't hate it." Yun Qian said truthfully, tilting her head: "I like it."

Although this kind of liking is not as good as Ah Qing and Liu Qingluo, who made Zhu Pingniang's liking for Xu Changan very secretive and dare not show it, so the favorability here has dropped a bit, but... it is also a rare girl she likes.

"Hi, I like it..." Zhu Pingniang was stunned, and then laughed silly.

"This, that's's my sister, I misunderstood."

Miss Lu: "..."

She covered her face helplessly, but her face was dull.

My sister is also very easy to understand, she still has a miserable face in front of her, and when Miss Yun said she liked her, her little face turned red to the point of bleeding... She was so cute and pitiful.

Miss Lu took a sneak peek at Wen Li, and found that Wen Li's complexion was as usual, and she was secretly relieved after she didn't feel that Zhu Pingniang was so ashamed.

In fact, as a daughter, she should stand by Zhu Pingniang's side. No matter what she does, she shouldn't feel ashamed...Miss Lu knows it too, but...she wants to be Yunqian's maid, so she always worries about herself Will my sister's useless appearance affect her reputation in the hearts of girls and sons?

If you think she was brought up by Zhu Pingniang, it's so unreliable...

Then she really has no place to cry.

This is also the mentality of a daughter. After all, seeing her mother lose face, she also loses face.

Seeing that Zhu Pingniang was completely sunk by Yun Qian's 'like' to the point where she could do nothing but giggle, in order not to let the situation cool down, Miss Lu had no choice but to take up the topic and said:

"So, if the concubine's guess is correct, should Miss Yun's piano skills be taught by the young master?"

"Well, he said he would teach me." Yun Qian said.

"Sure enough." Miss Lu followed her head and nodded. She gave Zhu Pingniang a light pestle, reminding her that Miss Zhu Pingniang was like a car with arms, but seeing Zhu Pingniang's defocused eyes, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, and then she asked:

"After going to Xianmen, is there still a chance to play the piano?"

"..." Yun Qian didn't speak, and glanced at Wen Li, who took the initiative to answer and nodded: "On Mu Yufeng, the six arts for women are compulsory."

Qin, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing, the six arts are mastered by tea, the most important of which is tea, because you can drink tea and wine, you will hold a tea party, and then the focus of learning is to focus on piano, painting and dancing, supplemented by chess, books and songs.

There is no way to do this. After all, to show the charm of a woman, the easiest thing is to play the piano, paint and dance. Although the rest is also very important, those women who are cultivators are restrained, and girls do not compare talents. What they want It is feminine.

This led to the fact that Qin and Wu are actually the most popular, but the dance on Mu Yufeng...except for the sword dance, now that they have a junior brother, they are not willing to do any **** dance...

So gradually, Qin tended to become the most important point among the six female arts.

Of course, Wen Li didn't go into detail about these things, she just explained briefly and told Miss Lu that even if she went to practice in Xianmen, it was necessary for women to practice the six arts to open up the inner scene.

"Wen Xian... What Senior Sister Wen means is, if we girls from the brothel go to that Mu Yufeng in the future, this ability will not only be a burden, but will be useful instead?" Miss Lu blushed.

Wen Li nodded.

She had already answered this question before, but Miss Lu still wanted to ask... Wen Li knew that it wasn't because she didn't believe her, but because for girls from brothels, this question was probably never tiresome.

After all, this ability to please patrons... Heh.

Well, that's it anyway.

The simplest example is Yun Qian. She will also learn the six arts of women in the future, and it will take a lot of time. Compared with Miss Lu, she will start much slower.

"That's right." Miss Lu's pretty face became even more rosy, she glanced at Yun Qian cautiously, and said softly, "Mu Yu... Chaoyun and Muyu, right?"


"Fairy Wen, forgive me for being disrespectful, this morning cloud and evening rain... Is it really what my sister said?"

Wen Li tilted her head, then looked at the still stupid Zhu Pingniang: "Yes, Master didn't make it clear to you?"

Wen Li grew up on Mu Yu Peak, so of course she didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

And to be honest, she doesn't know anything about men and women, she has long been accustomed to the fake Phoenix, and she can't understand it any more. After she becomes a senior sister, any pair of girls will invite her to the banquet .

"Sister Zhu said it, but..." Miss Lu gently patted her hot cheek.

The majestic fairy gate, named after the matter of men and women, is not very serious no matter how you think about it. It’s fine if the women who come here are as seductive as Zhu Pingniang, but in fact, neither the pure Zhu Pingniang nor Wenli has a little bit of it.” Acacia' means.

"Concubine... I'm rude." Miss Lu came to her senses, and she also felt that her behavior of always entangled in the name of the mountain gate was very bad.

Wen Li didn't care. On the contrary, she felt that Miss Lu who lived in a brothel but was easily shy... If Mu Yufeng's junior sisters knew about her, they would definitely cherish her.

Then... Wen Li's tone froze.

Liu Qingluo was mentioned earlier.

She is actually somewhat interested in Liu Qingluo... Except for the ancient books, no one has ever seen a true fairy talent, and Liu Qingluo is the first real fairy with the core of the fire in the earth, wind, water, and fire. Fake.

In addition, Mu Yufeng is the only one who is qualified to be Liu Qingluo's guide, which means that in the future, she will teach Liu Qingluo and Yun Qian at the same time... This made Wen Li more interested in getting to know Liu Qingluo in advance.

Liu Qingluo has been living in Beisang City, so Junior Sister Lu should be able to satisfy part of her curiosity?

In fact, when Miss Lu and Wen Li mentioned Liu Qingluo before, they had roughly described the girl's weak character, and Wen Li already had a preliminary impression of Liu Qingluo.

She is kind, and uses the money she earned from selling her 'dignity' to help other girls.

Fragile, she spends money to gain a little bit of meaning in existence, once the money decreases and Liu Qingluo realizes what is left of her, she will completely collapse at any time.

Fortunately, because she quickly found a new possession, even if that possession was a married man, Wen Li, who also took him as a mirror, felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

The last thing is... contentment.

Because some people don't need to embrace the big sun, it will burn her completely, so Liu Qingluo will hide from Xu Chang'an. For a young dodder like her, it is only a distant afterglow, which is enough for her to live happily...

After getting to know Liu Qingluo briefly, Wen Li has a basic understanding of her, and kindness, fragility, and luck are actually not very important. What stands out to Wen Li the most is the word 'contentment'.

With just these two words, she is willing to teach Liu Qingluo with all her heart.

However, through Zhu Pingniang's description, Wen Li understood to a certain extent that the woman named Qingluo was really as fragile as glass... Once the last possession dissipated, the fairy under the collapse of the mind might really be the same as what Zhu Pingniang said... very dangerous.

Even Wen Li, after seeing Liu Qingluo face to face, dare not say... Her talent is comparable to that weak woman.


Yun Qian tilted his head.

Although she wanted to say that Liu Qingluo's talent had nothing to do with Miss Yun, she definitely couldn't say it.

This is also normal.

After all, Liu Qingluo's talent was given by her, and besides her, Liu Qingluo is the first woman in the world who clearly 'admires' Xu Changan...and also the most affectionate woman.

Liu Qingluo's special status was higher than Li Zhibai's in a sense.

In Xu Changan's past life, if Li Zhibai was his wife, but the most important person in Xu Changan's heart, the person who needs his protection the most... Liu Qingluo might be the one...

Therefore, Liu Qingluo is a very powerful person, even if there is no Yun Qian, it cannot be denied.

"..." Wen Li briefly analyzed Liu Qingluo in her mind, but she still had a lot of doubts in her heart, so she told Miss Lu about her problem.

Miss Lu was also stunned.

"Do you want to know about that girl Qingluo... Actually, there's nothing to say." She gave Wen Li a strange look, then nodded, and briefly told Liu Qingluo's resume.

He was sold to Goulan when he was young, and then slowly climbed to Wanzhilou relying on his piano skills, and finally stood out from Wanzhilou and became the top player. Finally, he was valued by Zhu Pingniang and attracted Huayuelou.

Miss Lu said it lightly, after all it was just a paragraph, but her eyes were very serious.

Wen Li was also thoughtful, and she asked, "Junior Sister Liu, is she good at playing the piano?"

"Very good." Miss Lu said without thinking: "It's not much worse than the girl Qin who danced with Ah Qing just now, even worse. After all...she is not only proficient in piano skills, but also the six female arts. And Miss Qin is all about playing the piano."

You know, Liu Qingluo was trained by Zhu Pingniang as the "successor" of Qin art, so there is no need to elaborate on that talent.

So Wen Li probably understood.

As an oiran, Liu Qingluo knows that she has high attainments in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, singing and dancing...

Thinking about it this way, the entire Huayue Building is filled with the most outstanding women in the six women's arts. It is no problem to say that this is a good "seedbed" for Mu Yufeng.

Liu Qingluo was born for Mu Yufeng, she is the most suitable for Mu Yufeng, because only here, her skills will not be wasted.

Similarly, it is also reasonable to move the entire Mu Yufeng to Huayue Tower. These are all high-quality students, but as long as they have a little talent for cultivation, they will not be too bad.

"It seems that Junior Sister Liu's piano skills are really good." Wen Li is someone who knows Zhu Pingniang's piano skills.

Miss Lu nodded: "Senior Sister Wen, you are very close to Qingluo, if you have time to listen to her piano, you will know...ah..."

Miss Lu was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "That's right, that girl hasn't played the piano for a long time, and she didn't even bring her seven strings with her when she went up the mountain."

"I didn't bring the seven strings..." Wen Li raised her head.

"Hmm." Miss Lu lowered her eyes, then raised her head and said, "Qingluo had a good piano skill before she fell into poverty. She came into Goulan with superb piano skills, but she never liked the rhythm, and later she was also very good at playing the piano. I was forced to perform in Wanzhilou... Now that I leave here, I'm afraid I don't like this seven-stringed thing even more."

Thinking of this, Miss Lu sighed, and glanced at Zhu Pingniang whose eyes trembled slightly, so she understood her sister's scheme better.

That's right.

Liu Qingluo hated Qixian, but she attacked Xu worked very well.

You don't like playing the piano, do you?

What if it is played for the son and the girl?

Of course there will be no problem. UU Reading

"Junior Sister Liu... doesn't like Qin... Does she really not like Qin?" Wen Li raised her head half understanding.

She didn't understand brothel girls, but she felt that Liu Qingluo didn't really dislike her, otherwise she wouldn't want to practice piano.

"Whether Qingluo really likes it or doesn't like it... Who can say clearly?" Miss Lu smiled and said nothing.

Miss Lu knew what Wen Li wanted to say.

If she didn't like piano, Liu Qingluo wouldn't have such superb piano skills as soon as she came in.

If she didn't like it, she wouldn't sleep with Qin for a long time at first.

It is correct to like, hate, and feel inferior.

Why can't she understand Qingluo's inferiority complex.

Even if she didn't really lose her purity, she was a showman but not a body, but after this journey, she would hate her own body and the piano art that pleases men, which is really the most normal thing.

"You don't need to worry about Qingluo's problem. I hope that my sister will have a plan and it will get better and better." Miss Lu smiled.

"Hmph, that's right." After listening for a while, Zhu Pingniang looked at Yunqian, and said with a guilty conscience: "Sister Yun, I made my own decision this time and asked Chang'an to send Qingluo's piano up the mountain and return it to her... don't you Be happy."

Yun Qian: "...?"

A question mark flew over the girl's head.

Ask her what she does.

It's none of Miss Yun's business.

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