My Wife Is The Leader Of A Demonic Cult

Chapter 18: Entering the bottom of the river to find Bodhi beads

Qinghe Ferry.

The Qinghe Ferry is an ancient ferry in Yuzhou City, which was left over from the Zhou Dynasty in the previous dynasty. From the east of the canal to Yuzhou, the dry road must pass through the Yuzhou River, so the Yuzhou River has derived numerous ferry crossings.

Most of the salt-carrying ships that come from the East China Sea also load and unload goods at the inner wharf in Yuzhou City, and there are also passenger ships from afar at the riverside.

Relying on the prosperity of the ferry, a small town gradually developed here, because the ferry used to be called Tou Ferry, but later changed its name to Qinghe Ferry, and this town was called Ferry Town.

At this time, the Qinghe Ferry was full of people coming and going, and it was very lively.

An Jing stood at the corner of the ferry, watching the passing merchant ships.

At this time, the sun is strong, and the water surface is sparkling.

"It should be here."

An Jing's inner strength wrapped around his body, holding a long sword in his arms, like a swimming fish, and jumped straight into the river.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The river water is cold and refreshing.

An Jing swung his body and rushed towards the bottom of the river.

The river was clear and cold, and there were constantly swimming fish beside him.

An Jing didn't use his inner strength, and he only saw about ten feet.

At this moment, a huge water pressure hit.

The most intuitive thing is the ears. An Jing felt that his hearing in both ears was gradually decreasing.

Then came the surrounding situation, the huge darkness eroded, so that he could see less and less things, and even in the end he could only see things about a meter around him.

In addition to this, there is also the pressure of the water pressure, which is constantly squeezing the internal organs. If a person with low internal strength, he may not be able to endure after diving for more than ten feet, because he still has to breathe.

Most importantly, there is a fear of the unknown.

Suddenly, he found that there seemed to be a ravine in front of him, bottomless.

You must know that ferry crossings are generally very shallow and cannot be very deep. Others obviously do not know about this gully.

Is it going down from there?

An Jing moved in his heart and swam towards the ravine.

At the beginning, An Jing also knew how many feet he had dived, but after about twenty feet, he lost his sense of judgment.

He could only feel that he was still diving, and the speed was getting slower and slower, but it was unclear how far he had dived.

Daluo's mental method is always running in the body, resisting the surging water pressure, but it can still support it.

Suddenly, An Jing felt as if his feet had hit something, and looked down.

At his feet was an abandoned ship with seaweed growing beside it, and An Jing was stepping on the bow of the ship.

"It's the end!"

Seeing the broken boat, An Jing knew that he had reached the bottom of the Qinghe Wharf.

The next step is to find the boulder that Jiang Sanjia said.

An Jing stepped on the bottom of the river and swam forward.

The bottom of the river is about thirty feet deep, and it is much more difficult to move than the ground, but this is for ordinary people.

"Chi-chi! Chi-chi!"

An Jing's internal force was turbulent, and he wanted to shake the surrounding river water to form a vacuum.

Some creatures on the seabed around seemed to feel the abnormality, as if they were disturbed, and fled wildly towards the surroundings.

You must know that this place is thirty feet deep, and it will reach 100 meters.


An Jing let out a sigh of relief, "The inner strength in my body won't last long, so I still have to find the Bodhi Pearl as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, An Jing walked around, looking for the boulder.

Under the river bottom, in addition to some sunken boats, some river bottom creatures that do not see the light all day long, there are also some rotten bones and messy things.

Although An Jing forced out a mask, his speed was not fast.


Suddenly, a huge black rock appeared in front.

An Jing's heart moved, and his body slowly moved over.

This black stone is very large, like a mountain, which is amazing.

"Could it be that this is the boulder that Jiang Sanjia said, but why does it feel a little strange?"

An Jing surrounded the black stone, but his heart was beating wildly.

On a whim!

Real experts always have early warnings for crises. Some people say it's called a whim, some people say it's called a sixth sense, but they are all early predictions of crises.

An Jing started to circle around the black stone. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the black stone was very strange.

"Is this scale?"

The dense patterns on the black stone are very regular, seemingly hard and lustrous, and from the black stone, An Jing can feel the vicious aura.

Fierce aura!

The last time he felt Qi Qi was five years ago, when An Jing felt it in the ancient battlefield.

That is evil spirit!

Soaring suffocation!

Lengping was the biggest battle between the state of Yan and the Zhou Dynasty.

It is said that in the first battle of Dayan's founding of the country, the complete country of Dayan was finally established. In that battle, more than 700,000 soldiers died on both sides, and the blood flowed into rivers, and the mountains and blood seas of corpses became a human Shura field.

The blood rushes to thirty miles away, and within ten years, the horn of the battlefield seems to be heard on the night of the full moon.

Hundreds of years had passed since the battle, but An Jing was standing on the flat city wall, and he could still feel the suffocating aura.

Because there are 700,000 soldiers buried in the ground.

So every year, the most grand festival in Lengping is the Qingming Festival. There are countless people burning paper on the streets for the soldiers underground, praying for the safety of the people on the ground.

The qi machine I felt this time was different from the qi machine I felt last time. The qi machine in the ancient battlefield has dissipated, or it has been buried in the ground.

But the energy that I felt before my eyes was real.

That kind of powerful impact is a different feeling from standing on an ancient battlefield.

The more An Jing thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He subconsciously touched the black stone with his palm, and suddenly a cold feeling spread into his body.

At the same time, a suffocating aura rushed directly into his body.

"not good!"

An Jing wanted to use his internal strength to resist this evil spirit, but it was too late. That cold evil spirit rushed directly into his dantian.

Although there was only a trace of icy evil spirits, it was very violent.

Daluo Xinfa belongs to the true martial level, not the ultimate Yang Xinfa martial arts. It is still extremely difficult to completely eliminate this evil spirit.

After adjusting the interest rate for dozens of breaths, An Jing only temporarily suppressed this evil spirit, and it would take half an hour to completely eradicate it.

The evil spirit will devour and strengthen itself. The longer it stays in the body, the greater the damage to the body.

But here, there is not so much time for him to wipe out this evil spirit.

"Let's hurry up and find the Bodhi Pearl..."

An Jing raised his brows slightly, and took a few steps forward, looking for the body of Wuding Sanren.

A treasure at the true martial level, that is enough to cause a **** storm in the rivers and lakes.

"Why haven't I found out yet, is it really being played by Jiang Sanjia?"

An Jing frowned and whispered.

But at the next moment, the scene in front of him completely stunned him.

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