My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1009: Always support

1009 Forever Support

"Hello everyone, I will be your English teacher in the future. My name is Liao Wushuang."

Li Fandu is so stupid.

This girl ... did you apply for g da?

I don't know if it is Liao Wushuang who has great energy or she has a strong ability, so she applied to become a big English lecturer and stood in front of Li Fan.

"We are all about the same age, and everyone will call me Wushuang in the future."

"Master Wushuang is so beautiful ..."

"Oh my god, there are so many good girls in our school ... who should I fall in love with ..."

Zhao Shuai was full of illusions, "Necessary twins, Needy female teacher, Needy sister ... Big brother, big brother, I have committed selective syndrome!"

"You are not a selective syndrome, you are a delusional!"

Wang Yang patted Zhao handsome's head. "What are you thinking about? I'm a bit of a gossip. Your kid's future wife, the tiger's back, will give you heart hair, so you can take it easy and go to class!"

"Day Uncle ..."

"My uncle is indeed a tiger-shoulder with a hair protector. Would you like to introduce?"


Every time Zhao Shuai shouted, he lost to Wang Yang, and Li Fanhe turned to watch the excitement.

But today, Li Fan is a bit unable to watch the excitement, because the person they are talking about is Liao Wushuang!

Say yes to start life again! Why is he surrounded by people he knows!

Lin Yuexian is here, Liao Wushuang is here ...

"To meet you for the first time today, I am very happy."

Liao Wushuang looked at the people in the audience, and finally his eyes fell on Li Fan. "I didn't have a long time to return to study abroad. After college, I look forward to a love between teachers and students.

Liao Wushuang's words almost ignited the emotions of all the boys below!

"Teacher, how much are you measuring?"

"Teacher add a WeChat!"

"Teacher, I want to be your boyfriend!"

A group of boys screamed, Li Fan was upset.

This girl, Liao Wushuang, is here to protest with himself!

This girl thought she was afraid she couldn't do it!

Li Fan thought for a long time, it seems that there is no way to really take her!

Zhao Shuai pushed desperately to Li Fan, and then said excitedly.

"Second Brother, Second Brother! Look, Teacher Liao is looking at me! Is she in love with me!"

"You wake up ..."

Li Fan really doesn't want to talk to Zhao Shuai. This man thinking in the lower body is already on the brain!

"I'll name it first and get to know everyone."

Liao Wushuang picked up the roster and began to roll call one by one. On the first day of school, no one dared to skip class and sat in the class honestly.

"Wang Ying?"


Wang Ying stood up, and Liao Wushuang hurriedly pressed his hand.

"You don't have to stand up. It's already a university. There aren't so many rules. Just raise your hand."

Liao Wushuang looked at Wang Ying more, "Are you the monitor?"

"Yes, Teacher Liao."

Wang Ying also looked at Liao Wushuang's pair of **** with envy, how this woman looks so good!

"Well, communicate more later."

Liao Wushuang continued to name, and soon got Li Fan's name.

"Li Fan?"


Li Fan raised his right hand lazily.

"This classmate, what do you think of your listlessness? Did you go out to fight last night?"

Liao Wushuang asked with a smile.

"I didn't sleep well, which worried the teacher."

"Well, pay attention to rest in the future."

Liao Wushuang said, "I know that when you first came to university, you felt novel about everything here. Especially when you were a freshman, you like to play crazy. However, after playing for a year, you are almost tired. Do n’t forget to talk to relatives Friends communicate, they are probably thinking about you. "

After Liao Wushuang said it intentionally or unintentionally, Li Fan was a little sweaty on his forehead. This girl is definitely talking about him!

"Yes, Li Fan, you will be the representative of the English class in the future."

Liao Wushuang suddenly added.

"Ah? Does the university also have class representatives?"

"No, but I like to appoint one."

Liao Wushuang narrowed his eyes at Li Fan, "Can't I?"

"Yes, you can ... The teacher is mighty!"

Li Fan was helpless, once Liao Wushuang became invincible, the combat power soared!

Although Liao Wushuang was a little ridiculous this time, her level of teaching was there. In her class, almost all the students listened with interest. She played more easily in the university's classroom, and from time to time, she would tell some small stories of British customs and customs, attracting everyone's attention.

Li Fan also listened to the taste, and it seemed good to have a teacher like Liao Wushuang!

But this girl, did n’t you say that you do n’t support teacher-student love, how did you change your routine today?

"Ten minutes left, let's talk about you."

Suddenly Liao Wushuang bowed his head and looked at the students present, "Let me know some of you. Four years in college, in fact, it was very fast. Let's talk, what kind of work do you want to do after graduation?"

Chatting with a beauty teacher is definitely welcome. All students had no objection, and all votes were passed.

"Wang Ying, you are the monitor, can you talk about it first?"

"I ... I want to go abroad!"

Wang Ying hesitated for a moment, then said, "I think of foreign development, and give Huaxia culture to those ignorant foreigners, so that they can understand the civilization of Huaxia and also understand the current state of development of Huaxia!"

"Yes, I support you."

Liao Wushuang nodded, then asked a few more, and then asked Wang Yang.

"Wang Yang, what do you want to do after graduation?"

"I want to go abroad."

Wang Yang is full of ambitions for the future, "I'm going to go abroad to count foreigners and earn foreigners' money!"

People in a room were speechless, Wang Yang, this magic stick!

"You ... I don't comment ..."

Liao Wushuang took a look at Zhao Shuai, who was smiling recklessly beside him.

"Zhao handsome, right? Are you going abroad?"

"With this idea, I have learned English well, and want to go abroad to marry a foreign wife to come back and give the Chinese man a breath!"

Liao Wushuang suddenly thought that Wang Yang's idea was quite reliable.

"Li Fan? How about you?"

"I want to go abroad to open a martial arts hall."

Li Fan expressed his dream, "I am going to promote Huaxia Kungfu abroad."

"It's crazy to dream ..."

"Does Li Fan have a problem in his head?"

"It's an interesting idea, ha ha ha ..."

The sound of discussions rang again, trivial and upsetting.

But Li Fan ignored them, and he is a dragon and tiger, how can he have a general understanding of small fish and shrimp.

"We are the same, second child!"

Wang Yang also held Li Fan's hand with excitement. "They all went abroad to promote the ancient Chinese culture!"

Li Fan is very speechless.

"You have chosen a very difficult path."

Liao Wushuang looked at Li Fan, his eyes were solemn, "But I will always support you."

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