My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 102: Meaning of living

102 The Meaning of Being Alive

Wu Ji is very lucky today. He has several ** in a row, killing the Quartet. But at this moment, he suddenly slammed the Mahjong table and shouted.

"Fuck, I forgot something!"

"Brother, how dare you?"

Lin Er quickly asked.

"I think of an important thing, my mind."

Wu Ji patted his own brain. "If they did, they should have drugs and money in their hands ... then Huang Fan, a small character, should not care about him. Who cares about such a small character?" Stupid, miscalculated ... miscalculated ... "

"Brother, it's almost twelve."

Lin Er could not help but asked, "He won't really stop coming."

"If it were me, I wouldn't come."

Wu Ji touched his chin, "After all, Huang Lei is a big fart, how much is it? With so much money, do you still worry about not having a few errands around you?"

"Okay, brother, I know what you mean."

Lin Nod nodded, then pulled a mountain axe from under the mahjong table and held it in his hand.

The axe didn't know what to sharpen, it was very sharp and shimmering with coldness.

Even when Huang Lei was heartless and heartless, he felt a trembling in his heart when he saw the axe.

"I'll help you kill him, brother! I've killed pigs before, I promise I'll let them go!"

Lin Er said fiercely.

"Get your uncle!"

Wu Ji rolled his eyes and said, "Could you rely on the spectrum! What age are you going to kill every now and then? Kill you a big ghost!"

He couldn't help but slap again on Lin Er's head.

"Just chop him off with one hand! If you touch something you shouldn't touch, ask him with one hand, not much!"

"Brother, you want me to have a hand, I have no objection."

Huang Lei said, "After all, you're the eldest brother, I'm just a little bitch, and my eldest brother wants me to have a hand, that's my honor. But brother, you can't give me a bowl of shit! What you say, what drugs you take ... I have never done it. "

Huang Lei muttered in his heart, anyway, this drug was not taken by me, but by Fu Fan.

"I don't care if you took it, who made you use the boat for the past two days."

Wu Ji said, "My brother went in, and I must give him an explanation. Although there is no clear evidence, but I feel that this matter has nothing to do with you. It requires you to have one hand, which is cheaper for you. "

"Okay, then chop."

Huang Lei actively reached out his hand.

"This is only the first step."

Wu Ji laughed. "In the second step, I have to send you to the horn so that you can be locked up with my brother. The rest is left to my brother."

"I didn't do anything illegal, how could I get into the horn?"

"You did it now."

Wu Ji said, clapping his hands, Lin Er immediately stepped forward and stuffed 20,000 yuan into Huang Lei's pocket.

"Look, you stole 20,000 yuan from me. My brother got angry and chopped your hand. You two want to enter the horn together. You see how thoughtful I think, and arrange personal personal care for you.

Huang Lei felt cold, and said that Wu Ji was too cruel, and he thought of such a sinister method.

"I don't want to squat."

Huang Lei covered his ass, "I heard that there is always a fart-eye in the horn!"

"Who is your rare ass-eye!"

Lin Er glanced at Huang Lei. "Into the horn, I want you to say half a life first!"

Then he raised his axe.

"wait wait wait……"

At this moment, Huang Lei was finally afraid.


"Isn't it okay ... before twelve o'clock, my elder brother won't come, do you want to ..."

Huang Lei looked at Wu Ji, "You're a brother, you have to talk!"

"Don't give up, okay."

Wu Ji glanced at his watch. "There is still half an hour, and I will let you be stable for half an hour. My Wu Ji is so good-hearted, there is no way, who will let me believe in Buddha."

Huang Lei gritted his teeth, is this also called heart? You are ashamed to believe in Buddha!

But brother ... will you really come ...

Huang Lei was not sure, because after all, he was really insignificant to his elder brother.

Little four eyes, he can plan for the eldest brother, is a smart general beside him! And even the foreign aid Guan Wenbao can punch the brothers and sisters for his brother. It ’s great that he does n’t have any ability and does n’t hinder his brother. Brother Brother, is he really willing to save himself?

"Five minutes left, brother!"

Lin Er's temper seemed a bit anxious, "I guess the kid won't come, he just cut him off!"


Wu Ji nodded, "Sooner or later, axe, Lei Zi, you recognize it. Remember, you are a wild dog, then you were abandoned, and now it is too!"

Looking at Lin Er Yue getting closer, Huang Lei slowly closed his eyes.

He couldn't help recalling that five years ago, his elder brother patted his shoulder and said.

"Leizi, good brother, go squatting for the older brother for three years! After coming out, the older brother will make you delicious and spicy!"

Just punching this sentence, Huang Lei abandoned Xiao Xu, entered the horn, and squatted out for three years. After coming out, things were wrong. Xiao Xu ran away with others. When he went to look for his elder brother, the elder brother didn't even see himself, and only let his younger brother give him ten thousand yuan, and then he was passed away.

Three years, the brotherhood of I, in exchange for ten thousand dollars.

At this moment, Huang Lei seemed a little reconciled, as if there was something trying to struggle. But it was only that moment. He quickly exhaled and completely cut off his last glimmer of hope.

Maybe, you really are a wild dog ... What is the meaning of being alive?

The next life is willing to be a domestic dog, at least can have a nest ...

When Lin Er's axe was about to fall, the door of the Mahjong Pavilion was suddenly opened!


The door panels flew to both sides, and the noon sun came in.

Li Fan, wearing a familiar white and blue school uniform, stood there, holding a big man in one hand.

"The people at the door didn't believe I was Huang Lei's elder brother."

Li Fan's eyes fell on Huang Lei, but his mouth said to Wu Ji, "Do you mind if I educate you?"

"You are Li Fan?"

Wu Ji looked at Li Fan and said, "Interesting, you are here."

"Big, big brother ..."

Huang Lei himself was a little unconvinced, "You ... did you come to save me?"

"Isn't this nonsense, otherwise what am I doing here, playing mahjong!"

Li Fan was so arrogant, "I want to see, who dares to touch you!"

"Brother ... I, I'm just a little **** ... is it worth your fight for me ..."

"Stop it."

Li Fan said solemnly, "You treat me sincerely, and I naturally treat you with my heart."

"With this big brother, even if I die today, it's worth it."

Huang Lei is truly relieved this time, and the meaning of his own life is probably just to go out with Li Fan in this world!

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