1012 War Book

I was in trouble for the Guoshu Club, but now I'm being beaten up!

The hawk nose is almost crying. What's the situation? It's different from saying good!

Their Taekwondo Club is the school's three major associations, and Huang Biao is a master of the red belt. How could it be so easily defeated?

Li Fan, what strength does he have?

Isn't it just a guy who embroidered his fists?

"Go back and talk to your minister and tell them what club members want to report to, it's their own business. His hand is too long."

"Li Fan, you messed up!"

Although Huang Biao broke one leg, his bones were still very hard.

"Our masters of black belts will make you dare not come to school!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan moved the table back to its original position. The voice was soft, as if talking to children. "I think you still think about it, don't be too naughty. Everyone is a martial arts friend. Do n’t rely on chickens if you lose. ? "

"Me, let's go back!"

The other three took Huang Biao and dragged him back.

"Li Fan, this matter is not over!"

The hawk-nosed shouted while walking!

"And you two damsels! Little Master **** sooner or later ..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Fan didn't know when he appeared in front of him, while holding a hand on his head, pressing directly on his body, and clasping him next to the flower bed In the dirt!


The dirt was flying everywhere, and the hawk-nosed head was completely embedded in the dirt.

"Just say me."

Li Fan's voice was angry, and a flame seemed to be burning in his throat.

"The next time I dare talk about my members, I will pinch your head."

This cold voice scared everyone around.

"Get out of here!"

Li Fan reached out and grabbed the guy's head from the ground, then threw it in front of Huang Biao.

"Don't forget this brain damage."

The rest did not dare to say anything, and left with a hooked nose.

"The president is so handsome!"

Jiang Yuanyuan clapped her hands in the back, "The president's internal strength has been practiced in the bones, great!"

Others thought Jiang Yuanyuan was exaggerating, but Li Fan turned around and looked at her carefully.

It seems that the pair of sisters Jiang Yuanyuan is not an ordinary disciple of the gossip door. The two of them should learn more, and at least they have come into contact with their inner kung fu.

And those buddies who practice taekwondo are obviously new, and haven't practiced well yet. Li Fan even solved some of them without using internal force.

Only the internal force is used, that is, the moment the table is sucked.

Like Jiang Yuanyuan said, internal force has penetrated into his bone marrow. Even if he doesn't want to use it, internal force really exists. And Jiang Yuanyuan looked at it in an instant, and her eyesight was good.

"With the president protecting us, we don't have to be afraid! Go to his Taekwondo!"

The freshman said excitedly.

Li Fan reached out a hand to stop him from going on.

"Respect every martial art."

Li Fan reminded him, "Any kind of martial arts, its existence is justified. Whether it is Guoshu, Taekwondo, or karate, it has been hardened without knowing the efforts of generations."

"But president, we are facing a very serious problem now."

Jiang Yuanyuan took out only a few registration forms, "We only accepted three people in the afternoon. Tomorrow is the last day to accept new people. If we continue this way, I am afraid we will not be able to accept more people."

"Want to collect more people when you accept new ones?"

"Yeah, so we can approve a big classroom earlier!"

Jiang Yuanyuan nodded desperately. "If there isn't even an activity classroom, how can our society develop?"


Li Fan understood, "As the saying goes, etiquette is exchanged. Since Taekwondo Club is so popular, it's time for me to return it."

Li Fan said, took out the paper and pen, wrote a letter, and gave it to Jiang Yuanyuan.

"Go to Taekwondo."

"what is this?"

Jiang Yuanyuan took the envelope, which was strange.

"War books."

Li Fan's words surprised everyone.

"What are you doing?"

"Kick the hall."

Li Fan smiled. "Treading Taekwondo under your feet will make our society famous."


The crowd was quite speechless, and the admirer couldn't help but ask, "Don't you just say ... respect every martial art ..."

"Well, we really have to respect every martial art."

Li Fan laughed. "After all, stepping under them also requires some effort."


A group of people looked at Li Fan somehow, is there another way to say that?

"Why let people go, aren't you afraid of being hurt?"

Jiang Yuanyuan looked at Li Fan bitterly.

"You? Injured? It would be nice if you didn't bully them!"

Li Fan bounced lightly on Jiang Yuanyuan's forehead. "Come on, let the president wash them, and I will kick him in the **** at five o'clock in the evening."

"I see, hate president."

Jiang Yuanyuan pursed her mouth. "Then you have to prepare something for others!"

"Well, after success, I invite everyone to eat volcanic hot pot at the door."


Jiang Yuanyuan was excited, "It's great! I've wanted to eat for a long time, but I can't grab it!"

"Thank you, President!"

The members also expressed their gratitude for the volcanic hot pot, which is not something you can eat with only money!

"Well, let's go now. May I invite you to drink off?"

"No, not auspicious at all!"

Jiang Yuanyuan snorted, "I'm gone! Don't miss me too much!"


A young man in a white kimono kicked upside down and shattered the wooden board hanging above his head.

He glanced at Huang Biao lying on the ground, with a hawk nose crying beside him.

"a bunch of idiots!"

The president took the towel handed over by the next female member and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

"Even a monkey playing tricks can't figure it out, so sorry to ask me."

"But, but, he is really strong."

The hawk nose of the hawk nose is as much as the wolverine.

"Even Huang Biao was defeated by him ..."

"Huang Biao is too arrogant."

The president said coldly, "It is estimated that the man seduced him and made him impatient. An impatient warrior, even a child, can defeat him!"

I don't know how to explain it, and he particularly hopes that person will come and fight with the president so that the president understands it!

However, the president is also very powerful, winning the national Taekwondo championship for three consecutive years! I heard that he has also won the runner-up of the Korean competition for one year. How can such a strong man be defeated by a guy who fists and embroidered his legs?

Just as Hook-nosed was thinking about how to explain, a beautiful girl opened the door and walked in.

"Anyone? I am the messenger of war!"

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