My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1014: Snow and ice

1014 Snow and Ice Strike

Li Fan's favorite is to wear sportswear, which is more convenient for sports and fights.

This white sportswear was bought for Xia Xuan when he was shopping for the past two days. When Li Fan arrived, he hardly brought any new clothes.

Li Fan is not a person who likes to buy clothes. In addition, he often deforms his bones and easily breaks his clothes. Therefore, his only clothes are poor.

Li Fan, the white sportswear chosen by Xia Xuan, liked it very much. He decided to take off his coat as much as possible when he was reshaped.

"That's Li Fan?"

"It looks pretty ordinary."

"So thin, can I beat Kim Jong Kwong?"

"I bet a hundred dollars, Li Fan fell in ten seconds!"

A group of onlookers whispered again, Li Fan had reached the middle of the dojo and turned a deaf ear to these voices.

He was followed by a few members of Guoshu Club. Jiang Yuanyuan and Jiang Fangfang stood on both sides of Li Fan. The pair of superb girls were more popular than Li Fan. Almost all men's eyes fell on them.

"Who are these girls?"

"Twin twins! Superb!"

"Well, why follow Li Fan?"

"Looks like people from Kokugisha ... are they blind?"

The two sisters also heard clearly, Jiang Yuanyuan could not help but ridicule.

"Are these people idle?"

"Leave them alone."

Jiang Fangfang's eyes followed Li Fan's back. "Now, it is the first show of our Kungshu Club."

Li Fan was standing in the middle of the dojo, with his hands in his pockets, watching a circle of Taekwondo disciples in white robes standing around.

"Is that all?"

Li Fan smiled. "I thought people would be a little bit more."

"There are more people than your little place."

Wearing a clean robe, Jin Zhengguang was standing on the stage, watching Li Fan below.

"No amount of scum can make it to the table."

Li Fan put away his politeness. Since he is here to kick the hall, there is no need to be polite, that is too contrived.

The members of the Taekwondo community around were angry and yelled at Li Fan.

Jin Zhengguang reached out and calmed them down.

"You are not the first stubborn martial arts warrior I met."

Jin Zhengguang said, "Two years ago, I met a martial artist practicing Hongquan. His mouth was as hard as you, but when I kicked off his two front teeth, he stopped talking."

Li Fan frowned and looked at Jin Zhengguang. This guy is quite arrogant and is about to catch up with himself.

"I originally wanted to teach you personally, but I just thought about it and felt that it wasn't necessary. You don't deserve my hands. I worked hard and went to the arena in order to pursue a higher level of martial arts and find more powerful Enemy. You, too weak, but a liar who can only use his fists and legs. "

He clapped his hands, and three men with black belts came out of his members.

"The three of them are at the initial level of the Black Belt. You have defeated the three of them, even if you succeeded in kicking off."

Many of the girls who came to the crowd were disappointed. Couldn't you see Jin Zhengguang's heroic posture?

Just when everyone was a little disappointed, Li Fan hooked his fingers at them. "Three people are so boring. You might as well go together. This will stimulate you a bit."

"Student, don't be too arrogant!"

Kim Jong Kwong reminded him, "Don't hurt yourself to be in the limelight!"

"I want to see, who dares to hurt him today!"

Just when Jin Zhengguang had finished speaking, a voice came from outside the door. Everyone turned around and found that a superb beauty in a long white dress was slowly coming in through the open door.

The woman seemed to be wearing a snowy atmosphere, so that the men who saw her felt cold all over.

Snow Queen!

Almost everyone has this feeling!

Behind the beauty, two men followed. A man in a gray suit, with a good-looking appearance, laughed at the corners of his mouth, as if the son of a house. The other was tall and strong, as strong as a hill, but his expression seemed a bit dull.

Such a beauty, is it because the freshmen of the school fail?

When Li Fan saw her, she took a breath.

"Luo Xue Wu?"

"long time no see."

Ye Yulou arched his hand at Li Fan, while Guo Mingming took out a chicken leg in his crotch and handed it to Li Fan.

"Eat or not?"

The falling snow dance is full of ice and snow, and the voice is as cold as a cold wind.

She stood in the dojo, watching these weak ordinary people around, warning them.

"I want to see, who dares to hurt my fiance today."

The cold sweat on Li Fan's forehead came down.

"Your fiance?"

Before Li Fan responded, a woman's voice came from the stands next to him.

The sound was light, but it was clearly heard in everyone's ears.

The crowd immediately turned around and found a beautiful woman in a purple cheongsam, standing there.

She curled her hair and tied a black jade and black phoenix. A bang of bangs hangs down and rests on her impeccable face. That snow-white skin seemed to break. The woman's body was also almost perfect, and the cheongsam was wrapped in a pair of mountains, at least with d cups. Yingying slim waist, as if you can hold it with one hand. The curve flowed down and the hump of the hips lifted the cheongsam again.

The short cheongsam was only a little below her thigh, covering her absolute territory. Below was a pair of round and straight long legs, with a pair of black high heels at her feet.

Such a woman is extremely glorious, and the beauty in white with the opposite is a world of beauty, hard to distinguish.

Seeing this woman coming, Li Fan's pupils contracted quickly. What is she ...

"Murong Ying? What are you doing here?"

Falling Snow Dance looked at the beauty above her head improperly.

"Where do I want to go in this world, why should I tell you?"

Murong Ying is still domineering, Li Fan's eyes are slightly obsessed, he soon woke up, do you feel like he has a tendency to shake a little?

"This is my fiance's university, does it have anything to do with you?"

Luo Xuewu's words envy the death of a group of boys, this Li Fanhe De Heneng, Shen Chen's confession is okay, how come such a beautiful fiancee?

The president Kim Jong-kwong was standing there, and he was a little confused. What happened?

However, he forgot to block out for a while, only looking at two beautiful women.

Although the best twins are also very beautiful, in terms of temperament, there is no way to compare with these two.

"I'm not here to fight you for a man."

Murong Ying held her arms, stood there, looking down at Xue Xue Wu, "But even if I don't want it, I don't want to give it to you."

"No one can take what I want!"

Said Luo Xuewu, the long hair suddenly floated, and everyone in the dojo just felt a chill of chill, and couldn't help but shivered. Is it summer?

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