1020 debugging sister

"You are letting our sisters kill each other!"

Jiang Yuanyuan pursed her mouth and looked at Li Fan, "Say, what are you feeling?"

"No comparison, how can I judge your strength and the bones."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, "Be serious about learning!"

"Hum, you can do it and watch the two beauties fight."

Jiang Yuanyuan held her arms and looked at Li Fan, "The heart of a thief is not dead, you!"

"What you said ..."

"Fangfang, what do you think?"

Li Fan asked her sister for advice.


Jiang Fangfang agreed, "I think you can try it."

"Okay, you see, it's two to one now, and it's no use if you object."

Li Fan glanced at Jiang Yuanyuan with a triumphant glance.

"Hum, sister, you're not on the same line as me!"

"Aren't you going to learn ..."

"That should also keep our girls up! This is our girl's hold!"

"Then you can't learn?"


Jiang Yuanyuan said, put her posture, stretched her hands in front, and looked at her sister.

The members around couldn't help looking at the two beauties, and knew that both of them were also proficient in martial arts, and today seems to be an eye-opener!

"Please enlighten me."

Jiang Fangfang arched her hand at her sister, and then stepped on the gossip. At a distance of more than two meters, she came to Jiang Yuanyuan in one step, and at the same time stuck it to Jiang Yuanyuan's belly.

But Jiang Yuanyuan was not vegetarian. She rolled over, jumped up, pressed her sister's shoulders, rolled over from the air, and then patted her back.

Jiang Fangfang took a note of the iron bridge and fell backwards, his waist stopped in mid-air, and his palms battered back.

Jiang Yuanyuan had a few palms with her sister, and Jiang Yuanyuan pushed her sister back and forth by relying on the inertia.

Two people fight each other, a pair of big beautiful women, this fights very fragrant.

Li Fan observed for a while and almost got the characteristics of two people's moves. Although they are all gossips, Jiang Yuanyuan's moves are more flexible and he also likes various active attacks. However, Jiang Fangfang's attack was more calm, each move was exquisite, and there were few flaws on his body. However, it was too calm and less aggressive.

The two sisters fought more and more fiercely, and seemed to be anxious to make a difference.

"Okay, that's it."

Li Fan had already seen it, he asked the two sisters to stop.

But these two have already reached a state where the six relatives do not recognize it. This is the case for the competition. Once they fight, it is easy to wipe the gun and go out.

The strength of the two is not much different. The more you fight, the more you get angry and the more you fight.


Jiang Yuanyuan was unhappy first, and she suddenly took two steps back, stretched out her hand, took out two white jade fans from the bag hanging next to her, and held them in her hand.

"You use a fan?"

Jiang Fangfang raised his eyebrows. "Okay, you forced me!"

She said, kicking on a nearby shelf, a gossip knife bought by Li Fan was kicked by her and grabbed in his hands.

Li Fan was a little surprised. Did these two girls start playing weapons?

Jiang Yuanyuan's two fans are like iron fans. In her hands, she blows, blows, beats, beats, and throws them away from time to time, using the fan as a hidden weapon.

And Jiang Fangfang's gossip knife also used well, she wielded a knife around her, as if forming a perfect array, blocking Jiang Yuanyuan's attack. It seems that such a perfect array can't even splash in water, even Li Fan wants to try it.

Two sisters, one using the gossip fan and the other using the gossip knife, even increased their strength. But Jiang Yuanyuan was able to use the fan as a weapon, which made Li Fan very interested.

I have collected two members of Niucha myself. Li Fan wants to steal music, which is really too much.

It's amazing that you can pick up a baby this way.

"Okay, stop playing."

Li Fan wrapped his voice with qi and shouted.

A lion roared and blasted the two girls away, blocking the attack from both of them.


Jiang Yuanyuan was upset. "Why stop us, we haven't finished yet!"

"You two can fight for a year."

Li Fan reminded them, "You all know each other's moves too well."

"This is ..."

Jiang Yuanyuan agreed with Li Fan's words, "I know what my sister wants to do."

"Well, that won't hit."

Jiang Fangfang threw it away, and the gossip knife was thrown back on the knife shelf.

However, Li Fan always felt that the two men had no way to hide.

Killer, that can't be taken out casually.

"Well, it's your turn now?"

Jiang Yuanyuan asked, "What do you think we should learn?"

"Yuanyuan, you should be more calm."

Li Fan thought for a moment, then said, "You can learn a little bit of my bear attack and practice your own order."

"Bear strike? It doesn't sound good."

"But it works."

Li Fan beckoned at Jiang Yuanyuan, "Come on, come here, come on me."

"Are you going all out?"

Jiang Yuanyuan seemed a little excited.

"I like this."

Jiang Yuanyuan smiled, it seemed to be really happy!

She took a step forward, reached Li Fan, and then stepped on a gossip, disappeared from Li Fan, and moved behind him.

And Li Fan did not wait to turn back, Jiang Yuanyuan moved a step to the side.

She moved three steps in a row before hitting Li Fan's waist with one palm.

Jiang Yuanyuan did not show mercy at all. Her palm was like a palm knife, trying to poke Li Fan's waist.

But Li Fan stood there unmoved, and let Jiang Yuanyuan's fingers touch his waist. But at this moment, Li Fan's hand was caught on Jiang Yuanyuan's wrist, and then his body twisted, and with Jiang Yuanyuan, he lifted her directly, and threw it over the shoulder and threw it to the ground.

Jiang Yuanyuan hadn't waited for a response, Li Fan's palm had fallen in front of her cheek and stopped there.

The palm wind blew on the ground, and the floor trembled slightly.

"The point of bear attack is to stay still."

Li Fan told her, "It's the so-called moving as a rabbit and being quiet like a virgin. This is the king of practice. Remember?"

"Hum, you bully."

Jiang Yuanyuan lay on the ground and stretched out her hand, "Pull me up."

Li Fan took Jiang Yuanyuan's hand, but suddenly Jiang Yuanyuan pressed on Li Fan, pressed him to the ground, and then rode on Li Fan's body, looking at him sternly, "See, no, hum! you lose!"

"Is it?"

Li Fan smiled. He patted him on the ground with both palms, and the whole man stood upright, while Jiang Yuanyuan was hanging on him in shock.

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