My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 1026: Disappear with history

1026 消失 disappears with history

Murong Ai was sitting on the sofa in the agency's office, looking at the brochures of some houses in her hand.

"Miss Murong, this ... is your adult here?"

The intermediary's sister is also pretty, but compared to Murong Ai, she is dwarfed.

"What are you looking for in my family?"

Murong Ai frowned, slightly uncomfortable, "look down on me? Can't you rent a house when you are young?"

"No, that doesn't mean that ... but the house you rented ... the size is quite large ..."

"Crap, don't rent it out, we're in Wushu!"

Murong Ai had no good attitude at all, "Would you like to sell a house!"

"Sell, of course! Don't worry, we'll arrange it for you!"

The beauty hurriedly took out a few photos of the suites and showed them to Murong Ai, "Look, these suites are more in line with the conditions you want. The room is on the third floor, with a large yard, and rent There are high and low. A little better than 40,000 a month, and a little more than 27 thousand a month. "

"Not so good."

Murong Ai read a few sets, "It doesn't match my brother-in-law's temperament at all!"

"There are still a few sets here, let's see."

The intermediary beauty did not dare to delay, and hurried out several better sets of listings.

"Are your intermediaries sick? Get better listings and hurry up!"

Murong Ai said impatiently, "Can you take them out together? These sets are also rubbish!"

"Also, there is the last set ..."

The intermediary beauty felt the momentum of Murong Ai, which is the young lady of it. In this case, no matter how expensive the house is, the other party should spend it.

"This set ..."

The intermediary beauty took out a set of treasured houses and handed it to Murong Ai.

"This apartment has a good source and a good location, but because it is a historical site, it cannot be renovated, and the rent is expensive, so no one has ever rented it."

"Well? This house is good."

Murong Ai took a look at the photo and immediately fell in love with it. "That's what it feels like. How much is a month's rent?"

"One hundred thousand."

"It's just 100,000, no problem."

Murong Ai settled down and said, "It's about this! This is in line with the brother-in-law's temperament!"

"Then, when shall we sign the contract?"

The intermediary beauty hurriedly asked, "This property is also paid at least three months of rent together, and one month's rent as a deposit!"

"It doesn't matter, we rent it directly for one year."

Murong Ai didn't even pay the price and took out the card directly. This is the bank card that Lin Yuexian gave her. Before going out, Lin Yuexian also told her that she could not use Murong's money to rent a house.

One million was originally a small pocket for Murong Ai. But afraid that her brother-in-law was angry, Murong Ai could only obey.

As long as my dear brother-in-law can be happy, Murongai can do anything!

"Hee hee, sign up, I can't wait to see my brother-in-law!"

The intermediary beauties are also happy enough, but they have made a big business, and the money is just a lot!

While Li Fan's martial arts hall was still being prepared, his society was getting better and better.

Because many members have developed some energy, they have attracted more people to study. As time went by, their number increased, and the number of other societies gradually decreased.

"How can this work!"

Huang Yue, the president of the Kendo Society, and Yu Zhuang, the president of the Karate Society, were sitting together to discuss the matter.

Huang Yue is a woman, already a senior, and has not left school for an internship because she can't let go of the community.

Yu Zhuang was just a junior, but the force was not low. His karate added some of his own ideas in it, training fast and strong combat, so he was liked by many students.

Among the three major communities, the karate community is also the strongest one. But he did not expect that one day, his karate community would be left with less than ten members!

The Kendo Society is even worse, with only seven people left. In this way, they will lose even the big classroom!

"Lost things must be recaptured with your own hands!"

Huang Yue is a radical, she held her wooden knife and said angrily.

"But Li Fan is in the school now ... it's like a sky and a sky. Even Kim Jong Kwong was defeated by him, neither of us are his opponents. I rashly go, I'm afraid to shame myself.

Yu Zhuang was awake, and he couldn't help sighing.

"Isn't Huaxia's kung fu all embroidered with fists? How could a qigong master come up? If I hadn't watched a video of Li Fan fighting with Jin Zhengguang ... I thought he was a liar!"

"When practicing martial arts before, Master told me that Huaxia has some real masters."

Huang Yue couldn't help recalling, "But after traveling in China for a year, he never found another kendo master. I'm very sorry. I thought the master said this to me, but only kept me low-key. I didn't expect it to be true. Met such a master, and he is the same age as us. "

"Looks younger than us."

Yu Zhuang's words made Huang Yue cry.

That said, it looks terrible!

"In this case, I can only invite my master."

Huang Yue thought for a long time, and finally made a decision.

"If his old man takes a shot, Li Fan will definitely be defeated!"

"If he beats ... does it have anything to do with us?"

Yu Zhuang could not help asking.

"Of course it does matter. This means that Li Fan's martial arts are just the same! Our martial arts is the right way!"

"That's you too ... my martial arts still didn't come in handy ..."

Yu Zhuang asked.

"To this day, what else are you and me? In any case, Kendo and Karate are martial arts of the island nation, we can only survive if we combine them!

"that's right……"

Yu Zhuang sighed. The karate society, which once had endless scenery, never expected to survive by being attached to the Kendo society.

"Anyway, defeating Li Fan is the most important thing! I will invite Master here and let his old man teach us Li Fan for us!"

"But why do I always feel wrong ..."

Yuzhuang still feels wrong.

"You must be the vice president by then, don't worry about it."

Huang Yue patted Yu Zhuang on the shoulder. "I'm a senior. Your kid won't want to kick me into a vice department, right?"

"Not this ... I always feel like, let's find someone to suppress Huaxia Guoshu ... this, okay?"

"What time is it, you tell me the justice of woolen nations!"

Huang Yue stared at Yu Zhuang, "If you don't like it, quit, I don't force you!"

"Don't, I must be on your side. Guoshu or something ... let it disappear with history!"

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