1028 King Wang Luo

"Is the second child okay?"

During the class, Wang Yang couldn't help asking Zhao Shuai next to him, "How can I stare at my mobile phone every day today, it's like losing my soul, it wasn't like this before?"

"I do not know either."

Zhao Shuai shook his head. "It is said that Jiang Yuanyuan has given him a difficult problem and is deciphering it!"

"My second child, I know some gossip about Zhou Yi. This decryption is also good at how much. Otherwise, can I help you?"

Out of concern, Wang Yang asked Li Fan in a low voice.

"no, I'm fine!"

Li Fan hurriedly waved his hand and subconsciously took the phone back.

If this wallpaper is shown to others, is it okay?

"Okay, then you can do your own research! This stingy, I thought you had a treasure map on your phone!"

There is no treasure map, but there is indeed one in the Red Devil Cave!

Although the two sisters have different personalities and different hairstyles, they cannot be distinguished by the expressions on one photo alone. It ’s not easy to distinguish them just by looking at the bottom. I can't find these two girls myself, take off their clothes one by one, and see who is such a hip in the photo?

Isn't that a hooligan?

Li Fan felt that it was better not to do that, although his current behavior is not much different from a hooligan.

Li Fan took out his mobile phone again, looked at the wallpaper above, and fell into deep thought.

Who on earth is it? Or else? There is always a 50% chance! As long as you guessed it right, there are 16 pictures ...

Li Fan was a little tempted.

"Today is the last day."

Li Fan received a text message from Jiang Yuanyuan, "Can't guess anymore, expired invalid!"

"Ma Dan ... this dead chick ..."

Li Fan smiled bitterly, she was definitely deliberately rectifying herself.

"It must be your sister!"

Li Fan didn't know what happened. Suddenly he had an idea and told Jiang Yuanyuan by WeChat.

Jiang Yuanyuan typed a series of ellipsis and then said.

"You wasted the only chance! Say goodbye to the set!"

Li Fan was so disappointed that he had guessed wrong!

But soon, a consolation prize from Jiang Yuanyuan was sent over.

Above is still a maid without a shirt. She squatted there, holding a knife in her hand, her expression was extremely charming and confusing, and she didn't know what role of cos.

"Consolation for you, keep working hard next time!"

"Will I guess who this is?"

"Don't! It's time for class, I won't play with you anymore! See you in PE class for a while, President Selas Wolf!"

After Jiang Yuanyuan said it, she really stopped talking about Li Fan.

Li Fan kept the photo silently and then continued to Ma Zhe's class.

Marx philosophy, a required course for every college student, is also a required sleep course. Anyway, the beginning of the semester is an open book test, Li Fan is not worried about hanging the subject.

"Li Fan, don't leave after class."

At the end of the course, Teacher Ma Zhe suddenly said something to Li Fan, and Li Fan was inexplicable.

She didn't provoke this old lady Ma Zhe. What did she suddenly keep herself doing? I will go to the gym in a while. Today is the day of Hyundai Fighting Club and the hoop platform.

"Yuanyuan, the teacher has something to do with me. You can help me in the gym first."

Li Fan had no choice but to send a text message to Jiang Yuanyuan first.

Jiang Yuanyuan quickly returned to clean up, with a cute smiley face attached at the back.

"How many brothers are waiting for you?"

Wang Yang asked when the bell rang.

"No, you go back first."

Li Fan waved his hand, "If you want to see the lively, go to the gym to take a place in advance."

"Go, definitely go!"

Zhao Yingxiong smiled and smiled, "How many beautiful women do you have at the National Art Academy, why can't you go to see it! Second brother, did you leave us a VIP seat?

"Leave a note, the gym isn't mine. Hurry up and help me take the book away."

Li Fan put the textbook in the direction bag, and then stayed in the classroom, waiting for Mrs. Ma Zhe to talk to him.

But after the old lady had packed up her lesson plans, she got up and walked outside the classroom.

Li Fan was a little surprised, and hurriedly called Madam Ma Zhe.

"Teacher, aren't you looking for me?"

"What the hell?"

The old lady turned her head and looked at Li Fan strangely, "When do I want to talk to you?"

"Just now, you asked me to stay in the classroom after class."

"When is it going to be asleep? Sleep less in the future to teach, learn more!"

The old lady shook her head and went out. "Hey, young people now ..."

"what's the situation……"

Li Fan is a little speechless. What kind of ghost did this old lady commit?

Besides, I didn't sleep in class, so I solved the puzzle.

Li Fan was about to leave, but the door of the classroom was suddenly locked, as if someone had locked him in the classroom.

And the classroom windows are closing one after another.

"What kind of man, pretending to be a ghost? Some kind of it!"

Li Fan shouted, and a portrait hung on the wall, a man in a flower shirt and yellow big pants suddenly came down and appeared in front of Li Fan.

What the hell?

Li Fan was a bit shocked. Such a fantasy thing? Can't it happen?

"Hello, Li Fan."

The opposite man sat in front of Li Fan and greeted Li Fan, "The person who wants to talk to you is me."

"How did you get out of it?"

Li Fan pointed at the painting and pointed at the man in yellow pants in front of him.

"Meet you for the first time and introduce yourself. My name is Wang Luo."

"Which organization did you send to kill me?"

Li Fan mentioned his true spirit while talking. The surrounding tables and chairs were shocked by his infuriation, and moved away a bit.

"Don't get excited. I'm not here to trouble you. Instead, I'm your friend to help you."

Wang Luo said, resting his feet on the table, and leaning on the chair. He looks very casual, as if on vacation in Hawaii.

"Help me, what do you mean?"

Li Fan frowned.

"Before chatting with you ... let me block a guy first."

Wang Luo said, reaching out to Li Fan, and then waving out the door.

Mr. Yang's figure was pulled out of Li Fan's body, then flung out of the door and locked out.

Li Fan also heard Mr. Yang's unwilling roar.

"what's the situation……"

Li Fan sweated coldly on his forehead.

Mr. Yang ... hasn't he become one with himself?

"This person's mental strength is too strong and has been attached to you for a long time. With my ability, I can only temporarily shield him.

Wang Luo shrugged his shoulders and took the feet out of the slippers. The feet of the two feet were pulled out of each other.

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